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Everything posted by Timageness

  1. Hey, Requiem! Mind if I hold off on joining for a bit? I'd really like the position of 13th member for Verulas' "Spectre" persona...
  2. IC: Verulas picked up his knife and threw it at the Ta-Matoran as she launched her attack on Kellin. He had already had enough of her Karz for the next year, and wasn't planning on letting her attack his employer. Luckily, he had the energy to produce a normal throw of his calibur. Unfortunately, that energy was keeping him standing. He fell to his hands and knees, hoping the universe would find it ironic if she were to receive a wound matching what she had previously given him.
  3. OOC: If the Kualsi can't teleport other people, can Krayzikk tell that to Verulas IC? I'd like to play that off as him not being knowledgeable in the mask's usage. IC: "Can we stop with the deity-speak now? It's making me sick that you people place so much faith into two beings that aren't even here instead of yourselves," Verulas said irritability as he spied his throwing knife and attempted its retrieval. "By the way, I was actually trying to save the Ta-Toa's hide as well. He put up a good fight; one that I was taken out of by people who were supposed to be on my side, I might add. But Gigantor over there messed him up badly when he took him out, and if he went with you he would've died from his injuries. And to be honest, normally, I would've gone with Sparky's plan, even if he does have bad aim. But I didn't think Kellin would've been up for that, and you two have just become so insufferable that I don't even want to look at your corpses." He didn't care if he was interrupting... or even if he was heard.
  4. IC: "Or, our... teleporting friend here could... take you two away from the city, preferably somewhere... remote, after your unconditional... surrender," Verulas said through gritted teeth as he tried to stand, his hand clutching his side as he moved to retrieve his sword and sheathed the weapon back to his belt. "That way... we don't have to deal with you anymore, you two can't get your buddies to attack us early, and we can go our separate ways without killing each other if you do manage to escape again. That's the only offer I'd be comfortable giving you." He glanced over at the Ta-Toa, who was unconcious and bleeding in a snow drift. "As for him... he's staying here. I'm not done with him yet." Then he turned to the Crystal-Toa and broke out the sarcasm. "What? Being evil isn't a good enough reason anymore? There's a headless Matoran downstairs in the morgue who might disagree with that logic."
  5. IC: Yeah, because they were just going to let them leave after she had tried to kill him and Kellin, and the Vortixx had tried to level the entire hospital. Oh, what? They don't want to fight anymore? Okay. We'll just let them waltz right back into the city so they can show up again in another thirty minutes with the rest of their friends and royally school us... That made perfect sense. Sarcasm aside, he didn't see it happening. Good guys generally loved feeding into their supposed "moral superiority" complex, thinking that they were the next best thing to the Great Spirit because they never broke a rule in their lives, while usually treating everyone else like dirt. Whatever. He was used to that. But surely they weren't gullible enough to just let them go... Right?
  6. OOC: What a coincidence, Miras. This was my first fight too. Verulas coughed painfully as he rolled on top of the snowbank, his body sore from the electricity and stiff from the ice. He wasn't going to be jumping into the fray again; the way he landed, stacked with the other injuries he had received, made sure of that. All he could do was watch as the battle raged on. An energy blast from seemingly out of nowhere ignited his former target's arrow supply (the Bo-Toa really needed more ranged weaponry), taking him out of the fight. He assumed that came from the Titan, as his mask, combined with the Vortixx's equipment, was the only logical explanation for the sudden attack. It was a smart play. Kudos for him. The Skakdi had taken the Vortixx hostage in order to stop the fighting. Interesting, but it would only pan out if the Ta-Matoran actually gave two Karz about him. Which he doubted. He would've laughed at the sight of said Ta-Matoran trying to reason her way out if his chest wasn't in excruciating agony.
  7. I completely agree with Palm. I started writing stories back in 6th or 7th grade. Looking back on them now... lets just say they're bad enough to make one's eyes start bleeding. I'm at a comfortable level with my writing now, but always try to do better. Also, sometimes people just hate how they have previously written something (whether it's good or not doesn't really matter in that specific case).
  8. OOC: Sorry. Got a little carried away. I'll try to put some more time between posts. IC: Verulas was about to strike at the Fire-Toa when his body suddenly became cold. Extremely cold. He looked at his arm as ice began creeping up his body, causing some relief for his burns as it froze the blood trickling from his wounds. He tried to fight through the stiffness of his limbs when an unexpected bolt from who he could only presume to be the Lightning-Toa hit the snow on the ground, the electricity arcing through the coating of frozen water on the tree he had created and eventually entering him through his leg. His muscles seized up, forcing him to drop his sword as he fell from the branch he was on and landed in a snowbank, twitching uncontrollably. What... the Karz... Seriously...? He was going to have words with him... later, preferably when he could stand again.
  9. OOC: Well I assumed someone did, as guards usually strip prisoners of weapons. Btw, Verulas didn't completely dodge it Miras; it still ripped through his side. IC: "Lady," Verulas said as the Toa of Crystal lashed out with both her powers and her words. "I'm always watching my neck." He could see the Ta-Matoran pulling back on the launcher, but was forced to ignore her, feeling the heat from the surrounding flames approach him, evaporating his cloud of mist. This was starting to get bad. Karz. He ducked, pulling his cape around his torso to try to partially shield himself from the blaze as the knife tore itself from his shoulder. He could feel the cloth starting to burn against his flesh as he rolled through the snow in hope that the frozen water would extinguish it, which it did as he escaped the center of the inferno. "Then taste my steel!," he said as his palm touched the ground, causing a tree to emerge from beneath his now visible, smoking, and bloody body as he shot towards the Fire-Toa, sword raised.
  10. OOC: I thought someone relieved Dayeth of her weapons when she was captured. I'll roll with it anyway... IC: "Since when did that apply to those you steal from? Besides," Verulas said, eying his foe as the knife flew through the air. "Survival leaves no room for honor." Before he could react, a flying hatchet cut through his vine, the action immediately causing him to turn his attention on her. Two can play that game, lady. Wanting to keep the Fire-Toa off of his back for a bit, a mist-bomb fruit appeared in his hand. He threw it against a patch of ice, the plant bursting at the impact and releasing a green cloud that blanketed the small area around them. His Volitak activated as he slipped inside of it, the arrow cutting through his side as he tried to dodge. Luckily, it did not get caught in his flesh, and instead continued on it's path as the resulting explosion singed his cape. The knife, however, pierced his left shoulder as he went to knock her to the ground with the flat of his sword.
  11. OOC: Last time I checked, Raaka was outside too. IC: "Watch your tongue, lady. Someone might get the impression that you would like to have it cut from your mouth one day," Verulas said in response to the Ta-Matoran's cursing. "And I can think of five reasons why that deal would go south," he interjected, referring to himself, Kellin, Cancer, the Skakdi, and the Jolly Grey Giant as he leaped off of the steps and landed about ten feet away. "So I'd do the smart thing and leave if I were you." He smirked as his free hand unsheathed a poisoned dagger from his sword arm. "Unless you want to be the newest addition to our prisoner collection, that is." The Toa of Plantlife barely had time to react to the kick aimed at his head, rolling out of the way as the Toa of Fire freed the Ta-Matoran. His cape kicked snow into the air as he returned to his feet, throwing the knife at his foe's face in an attempt to distract him from the vine he aimed to wrap around his foot. The plan? Yank him into the ground.
  12. IC: Verulas entered the lobby, signalling the female Toa that the aid she needed had finally arrived. He noticed the two new arrivals next to her, an Ice-Toa with an Iden and a Lightning-Toa wearing a Hau, and was surprised that others where showing up for this shindig. Four was a crowd, however, so he didn't go back over to converse. He was good at escaping the notice of others, even when his mask wasn't in use. He figured he'd be more useful outside anyway, setting up defences around the hospital; it was his job to hold out long enough so the injured wouldn't have to fight, after all. He exited the doors and walked back out into the snow, just in time to see a Toa of Fire trying to arrange a transaction in exchange for freeing the prisoners. It was good to know there were other people who loved widgets as much as he did. He drew his sword, throwing the backpack behind a snowbank. "Are you still on that?," he asked the Ta-Matoran. "You can't betray someone you never hired yourself out to; that's Merc 101."
  13. Yeah, I never even knew he existed before reading that post, so I'm going to pass. I try not to read up on stuff in other areas or anything that happened before Verulas joined the game, as they don't seem to have that big of an impact on his story.
  14. IC: Verulas had managed to get halfway down said hallway before his feet refused to move for him and his fist flew through a wooden door, putting a hole in it and leaving his knuckles bloody. If those maniacs wanted into this hospital before evacuations were complete, they would have to step over his corpse first. He was tired of watching people around him die while he was forced to keep living.He ripped off a piece of his torn up cloak, wrapping it around his hand before making his way upstairs. He had almost returned to the lobby when he finally bumped into a doctor who wasn't doing anything terribly important (at least not in his eyes) and pointed them in the Toa of Crystal's direction."There's a Toa who's been waiting to get patched up for a while now. You might want to go check up on her," he said as he followed them back through the crowd.OOC: Medic coming Kimala's way, as promised.
  15. What got me into the idea for fusions and combiner models were the original Power Rangers series and the old Captain Planet cartoon. I didn't know DBZ did it too until 2003-4. Anyways... Yes, they should have existed.Yes, there should've been more.For the third question, I said I wasn't sure, which isn't entirely true. I liked the concept, but I didn't like how it was executed. It just never sat right with me that Gali had to make a Kaita with two dudes.
  16. And... finished. Replaced the defibrillator and elevator with an immature Matoran who Verulus rendered unconcious, robbed, and stuffed in a closet after said Matoran pushed him down the stairs leading to the basement. Good times.
  17. IC: Verulas dropped to one knee, his trembling fingers touching the expressionless face before him as he gently closed the Matoran's eyes. He lifted the head slowly, parts of his mind still doubting that it was real as he carefully placed it next to his body and pulled the sheet back over him. His hands gently rested against the table as he hung his head and closed his eyes for a moment. How did this happen? The Toa turned his head, spying a nearby clipboard with forms attached to it before grabbing it and rifling through the pages frantically. The Matoran recovered quickly in the days since Verulas had dropped him off and made his way inside the city. Unfortunately, he was caught inside when it was attacked. Some guards had come across his body later on and delivered him here. Cause of death was decapitation due to impact with a flaming projectile. He had no known next of kin. His name was Celsakh. Verulas tossed the clipboard on the table and stormed out, grabbing the backpack on his way back into the hall.
  18. Okay. I must have missed some things for Ko then. I can swap the defibrillator out for something else, but the elevator thing is going to make me go back and fix three posts. Sometimes I really hate having OCD...
  19. Yeah, but people can make mistakes no matter what their job is. And we don't have an exact number of the people working there with that specific power set either. It never hurts to have a backup plan, just in case. I did drop the ball on the Turaga thing though, so thanks for adding that in.
  20. That's exactly why you would have them though; you can't just always expect a Toa of Lightning to be around when you need to stop someone's heart so it can start beating normally again. I don't think that the doctors would let a patient die because all of the Vo-Toa accidentally used their vacation/sick days at the same time. I also imagined that using said Toa would've been a tad bit riskier due to the fact that they would have to generate a very precise amount of their power to cause defibrillation, where as if they just hit someone with a lightning bolt they would end up killing the person they were trying to save.
  21. IC: Well, this was a huge waste of time... Verulas was about to turn back when a sudden noise from the hallway caused him to jump, his body bumping into a nearby table and knocking over a backpack as its contents spilled out across the floor. He raised his sword defensively and activated his mask, his eyes trained on the door before eventually realising that it was just a rusty pipe. This place is messing with your head. Get a grip, man. He sighed, resheathing the weapon and letting the mask deactivate before bending over to retrieve the bag's contents; a few writing implements, some tools, a couple of snacks, some other random items, and a journal. He went to place it back on the table near the body it belonged to when he saw something reflective on the floor behind it. Thinking it was another tool, he went around to pick it up before dropping the sack in shock. Karz... Resting on its side and staring lifelessly back up at him was the severed, half-burnt head of the Matoran he brought in only a few days ago.
  22. Honestly, I kind of thought that the technological advancement on the island would have covered those two. Oh well. As for Grey's Anatomy, well... back in the day where I didn't have cable and my tv only had one channel, I saw the first season or two. In my opinion, you really aren't missing out Ghosthands. Only abot ten percent of it is actually medical while the other ninety is about the interns/doctors stressing out over their relationships with each other.
  23. IC: "Hello? Is anybody in here?" Silence. Verulas entered cautiously, as this would normally be a restricted area if not for the chaos in the city, and he quietly scanned his surroundings. The majority of the body freezers were tightly secured, but there was still a few tables with corpses on them, some of the sheets covering them up heavily stained in blood. The scent in the air told him that they were still fresh, most likely the remains of those who were wounded who unfortunately didn't make it here alive when the attack began on the city. It had been a while since he had seen so much death packed into one room. If anyone else had been around, he would've acted like it was no big deal, but even for him it was still a hard sight to see. His eyes caught sight of a note taped onto one of the freezers and, upon further examination, learned that medics were only allowed down there briefly before they had to go back up and help more of the incoming wounded. Just his luck; he had come all this way for nothing.
  24. IC: The Matoran eventually passed out as Verulas snatched the pouch of widgets hanging from his belt, counting out forty-nine before adding them to his own funds. What? That's what happens when you decide to be a jerk. "Sweet dreams," he mused as he dragged his unconcious "friend" down to the basement and shoved his body into a nearby broom closet. The dose flowing through his veins was less concentrated than what was given to the Ta-Matoran outside; he would wake up just as it was time for everyone to leave. Verulas wasn't going to bloody his hands on this minor annoyance, that was for sure. The Toa began to whistle as he continued on his journey and, after some time had past, eventually arrived at the morgue. He took a look at the sign above the doors and shrugged his shoulders. The back of his mind briefly questioned how the Toa of Crystal would react to him bringing her a mortician, but hey, they were doctors too... He pushed open the doors and entered the room.
  25. Okay, I went back and read the original post, and am now silently kicking myself for not seeing that sooner. Corpses being in the lab makes perfect sense as she could have been in the middle of some autopsies before the attack, and I have no idea why I immediately jumped to the mutant Rahi conlusion (probably due to all the sci-fi and horror I watch). Thanks for clearing that up, guys! P.S. Btw, I liked the earlier Grey's Anatomy joke so much, I referenced it in the post where Verulas fell down the elevator shaft (and it was completely PG).
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