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Ride Another Day

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Everything posted by Ride Another Day

  1. Bad puns are not allowed so I must destroy your face. My mask.
  2. I left, but It was kinda just me stumbling around awhile (I couldn't find the door and was too embarrassed to ask anyone) so I have just kinda been creeping around awhile. Though I am coming back, possibly for a little while. (dunno if this counts as coming back or just saying hey I'm still here)
  3. Well, I guess the trick is the amount of vomit. Little bit wouldn't hurt, if I eat before a big meal... then the big meal comes out later...drat. Well, atleast I would be skinnier than now, so I take it. You can get a million dollars, but you have to make out with cookiepuss.
  4. Then you give it to me, because you are awesome. My mask.
  5. Well, I merely say that because my computer won't let me play the game because of the triple XXX. So my computer assumes the worst possible meaning. ...But now I think of other things...
  6. The mask was stolen from you by me, the person who stole the mask. My mask.
  7. Oh boy. Apparently your game has a naughty word in it TTL.
  8. Question is, was there ever order to begin with? Good question to ask Fighty.
  9. Oh. Well, that's very nice of you. My mask though.
  10. Well, a game I didn't die. First for everything.
  11. Well...uh...that isn't possible as my question is not an answerable question. Forget it, I'll just deck you. My mask.
  12. Thats cool. Can't wait to play.
  13. Okay Gunhaver, I trap you in a box that can only be opened by answering this: Why did the universe have such low entropy in the past, resulting in the distinction between past and future and the second law of thermodynamics?[2] Why are CP violations observed in certain weak force decays, but not elsewhere? Are CP violations somehow a product of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or are they a separate arrow of time? Are there exceptions to the principle of causality? Is there a single possible past? Is the present moment physically distinct from the past and future or is it merely an emergent property of consciousness? Why does time have a direction? What links the quantum arrow of time to the thermodynamic arrow? For the time, I take the mask and wait for you to answer. If you can, I will give it to you. My mask for now.
  14. And that is the tale of how Rider led the people into killing one of their own.
  15. Phillips looks on in horror as Vezon has made a mistake. A mistake no one would've ever seen coming. One no on would've though he would've made in a million years. He didn't say... My mask.
  16. "He won't have to lift a finger!" Phillips remarks. Then he rides over you with the Tahtorak you dropped on him. "His name is Noobkiller!" The mask flies out of your hands into Vezon's. Vezon's mask.
  17. "I am loving the taste of this pie." Phillips remarks. "Plus, me and Hades are on pretty cool terms, so thanks for sending me there to be strengthened." My mask.
  18. "Jokes on you, I'M ALREADY INSANE!!!" My mask.
  19. "The difference between you and me..." Phillips begins, "Is when you punch a board, you break it." "When I punch a board, I wipe out its entire race. Just like what I did now to the people of Ga-Koro." My mask.
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