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Everything posted by masterchirox580

  1. Bland? Have we ever gotten a Toa of Water with wing extensions to her mask other than 2008? Have we ever gotten a Toa of Fire that had a mask modeled after ninjas other than 2008? The new mask designs were AMAZING. This is just an opinion I hold, but I think that the 2008 Toa masks look much better than the 2001 and 2002 ones. Those were plain and boring, these were detailed and exciting. Yeah but they didn't really have defined mouths for one thing, not to mention they really weren't that unique from each other, I liked the older masks because they looked more humanoid and were very unique from one another, and I'm glad they're bringing this back with the new wave, but as you said just an opinion. While I do like the 2001 masks a lot, but seriously, did you just call those "humanoid"? Well more so then the 2008 toa, in the sense of they had such features as a mouth and looked less robotic and more biomechanical.
  2. Bland? Have we ever gotten a Toa of Water with wing extensions to her mask other than 2008? Have we ever gotten a Toa of Fire that had a mask modeled after ninjas other than 2008? The new mask designs were AMAZING. This is just an opinion I hold, but I think that the 2008 Toa masks look much better than the 2001 and 2002 ones. Those were plain and boring, these were detailed and exciting. Yeah but they didn't really have defined mouths for one thing, not to mention they really weren't that unique from each other, I liked the older masks because they looked more humanoid and were very unique from one another, and I'm glad they're bringing this back with the new wave, but as you said just an opinion.
  3. I will say the 2008 toa (especially the mistika) were very lacking, I mean the weapons weren't that interesting and the masks were very bland.
  4. Also something to note is that the depiction of what I believe is Makuta in the poster is very similar to that of MOL, you know where he is just glowing eyes in shadows and you can't get a clear look at him. If the poster says anything then I think that's how he will be depicted in the graphic novels.
  5. I really like the new Lewa, the only thing I wish had been done differently is that the shoulder armour was smaller, but that's my only problem. Something I've always noticed with Lewa is that no one can agree on how his name is pronounced, I've heard three pronunciations, I've heard Lee-wa, Lay-wa, and lew-wa, I've always called him Lee-wa but whatever.
  6. Nah, I meant I hope that people create a Hewkii moc with these new dark orange pieces akin to the Protectors -NotS Oh, in which case I think we should expect something like pretty quickly after the new sets are mass released.
  7. Not really. The colour distribution for both of those Pohatu's was just enough to set brown up as the main colour. This Pohatu, as masterchirox580 mentioned, has a completely silver lower body as well as a silver arm, so I can see where the complaints are coming from. Either way, really like the set. Love how it's shorter than the rest, though the pieces count is a little unfortunate for the price range. Regardless, love the weapons and the return of brown as well as the mask - not too sure about the silver or trans green, it still looks off IMO. Finally, I really hope people make a Hewkii 2015 version. xD -NotS I think it's going to be a while before we see the toa inika again (if at all).
  8. You could have said the same sort of thing about the original Pohatu, though. Is he supposed to be tan or brown? He actually had more tan parts than brown ones. Only his torso, feet, mask, and rock were brown (6 pieces), whereas his arms, legs, foot attachments, and neck were all tan (eight pieces). Likewise, Pohatu Nuva had more silver than brown. Seven silver parts (torso armor, shoulder armor, foot attachments, claws), and just four brown parts (torso, feet, and mask). Frankly, I think the new Pohatu has enough Dark Orange and uses it in the right places for you to tell at a glance that it's his primary color. I suppose if you really wanted you could buy a second Protector of Stone and replace all of Pohatu's Silver Metallic 4M shells with Dark Orange ones (and it'd be interesting to see how Pohatu would look with this change, since it would involve making his arms a bit more symmetrical), but I don't think the set particularly needs it. Yeah but the torso piece was big enough in order to make it so that brown was the clear main colour (same for the other toa), this version has silver legs, a half silver body (though to be fair most of the new toa have that), and a silver arm. And I've never been one to buy multiple of one set (although I could use the few brown pieces in HF).
  9. Say I wonder if the new sets will be released on December 31st 2014 as a homage to the original release of the theme?
  10. Yeah hasn't really improved my view of him, again he's not bad but he's just bland compared to the others and his colour scheme still sucks (seriously is he supposed to be a brown or silver).
  11. I think I might have figured out what significance the gold skull spider mask might have in the story, notice in the LOSS comic LOSS grabs the gold skull spider mask then all the skull spiders come toward him, this hints towards the idea that whoever owns the gold spider mask controls the skull spiders.
  12. Well, there was Queen Beast vs. Furno, Evo, & Stormer which came out just this year... granted, that's slightly different because one of the two figures was a vehicle/battle machine, but as far as the actual building process is concerned I think it qualifies. It's kind of hard to speculate on what the summer sets might include, though, because while Ekimu is practically a given (who ELSE would they include the Mask of Creaiton with?), and Makuta also very likely (he's already established to be relevant to the current story arc in the press release), anything beyond that is a mystery. I wouldn't mind getting some more Rahi-like sets. Lord of Skull Spiders shows that the LEGO Group is not afraid to release a Technic-intensive creature set like in classic BIONICLE, but the set's play value doesn't quite measure up to the classic Rahi from 2001, which were designed with competitive play in mind. Personally I'd like some characters like the rahkshi, maybe they'll do something like that in 2016.
  13. Frankly, I sort of think a set focusing on the scenario from the "Legend" video might be preferable to a set with just one of those characters and a steed/vehicle, though, seeing as the "Legend" video's scenario seems almost custom-tailored for potential play. You have Makuta and Ekimu, two characters with gear functions and hammers they could use to knock each other's masks off! I suppose if they were sold separately there'd still be some inherent play value, but I think selling them together could be a smart move (especially if it meant getting to sell two separate versions of Makuta: one in the "Ekimu & Makuta - Mask Makers" set with the Mask of Control, and another larger version sold separately with the Mask of Ultimate Power). I'd love it if they did that, it's been awhile since we got sets with multiple figures.
  14. I wonder if we'll see vehicle sets in the summer wave?
  15. What mermaid Gali? Her shark fins in adrenalin mode can be joined together using the two red cross axles attached to the right fin. VBBN has a picture here from his Eurobricks review. It's an awesome feature and I feel like it allows for some incredibly dynamic swimming poses! Oh that's nice, can we nickname her toa Ariel now?
  16. Simple it fell through a black hole (nicknamed plot hole) that the writers were able to control hence they captured the golden weapons and put them back in their time period. That or the episode wasn't thought out very well.
  17. Better then I thought but I wish they'd dropped the double edged knife thing in favour of having the blaster in his hand and giving him chest armour.
  18. I would say yellow is usually a colour last used except when it's used for lightning or gold (colour), oh and Tv Tropes; Colour-Coded Elements, it 's not fair to say TV Tropes knows whats most common, but I don't think one can fairly say yellow is more tied to Fire than Light elementally. Although my brain is only really alternating between The Legend of Zelda & Bionicle G1, although Pokémon certainly seems to prioritise red & orange before yellow when it comes to Fire-types, yellow is consistently used as highlights... But if your looking at something mostly Red/Orange &/or Orange/Red with Yellow & then something with Yellow + X or X + Yellow (where X isn't red of orange) it's pretty clear that it's a different 'element'. Exempting forms of colour blindness anyway... But for whatever reason I don't want to see a Toa of Light with a lot of orange XD I don't think they should/would go with yellow, I'd like to point out that lego are trying to be very respectful to the original character designs and colour schemes(usually with an extra colour added), so if takanuva were to return I think we would get something reminiscent of the original, hence why I think gold silver and white would work (with the added colour being silver).
  19. I don't like the idea of turning him into a toa rainbow dash, it just wouldn't really say "I'm the hero who will save all of okoto", no I think either gold or silver would be best as his primary colour. Really? Seeing a color blend of rainbows on a Master of Light would be pretty cool to me. Eh, whatever. Besides I had a dream once (although I hope it was a vision from the future) that takanuva was confirmed for summer 2015, I remember in that dream he was white gold and silver, I think this colour scheme would really match (assuming it looks anything like my awesome dream). Besides if he was multi coloured I think the colours would be too inconsistent (not to mention it would probably be pretty expensive to produce). I want him to be yellow, keetorange, and trans-yellow or trans-white because: Yellow is not currently occupied by any element, and I'm sure many of you want to keep the Stone sets brown this time.Keetorange could be like a secondary color or something.Trans-yellow or trans-white because all the other Toa have transparent parts, and we've never gotten trans-yellow or trans-white/clear bones in CCBs before.Yellow looks like the sun, as does Keetorange and trans-yellow.White & gold is sort of already taken by Kopaka, and I think it would be cooler if Takanuva had his own color, rather than always having a color scheme similar to Kopaka. (Even in 2003 the majority of his parts were white, not gold. And then his 2008 & 2010 forms were grey & white, and that doesn't really evoke, or rather, Avohkii a sense of light.) I'd disagree, yellow really doesn't come off as a shall I say heroic colour, not to mention I think people would associate it with the element of fire rather then light.
  20. Nope, same mold as everyone but Onua, just with a different pattern. Unless you're talking about the torso shell. In that case, she has the same one as Kopaka, but a different one from all the rest. Oh good, for a second I thought that awkward conversation we had over at the 2015 topic would be brought up again.
  21. I don't like the idea of turning him into a toa rainbow dash, it just wouldn't really say "I'm the hero who will save all of okoto", no I think either gold or silver would be best as his primary colour. Really? Seeing a color blend of rainbows on a Master of Light would be pretty cool to me. Eh, whatever. Besides I had a dream once (although I hope it was a vision from the future) that takanuva was confirmed for summer 2015, I remember in that dream he was white gold and silver, I think this colour scheme would really match (assuming it looks anything like my awesome dream). Besides if he was multi coloured I think the colours would be too inconsistent (not to mention it would probably be pretty expensive to produce).
  22. I don't like the idea of turning him into a toa rainbow dash, it just wouldn't really say "I'm the hero who will save all of okoto", no I think either gold or silver would be best as his primary colour.
  23. Wait a minute, does Gali really have a different chest piece to the other toa?
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