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Everything posted by masterchirox580

  1. Lego should hire you! Those things are awesome!
  2. Happy whatever celebration you celebrate in November!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. masterchirox580


      Huh we don't get that over here, I'd best try and make it a thing.

    3. Ghidora131


      Good luck to you!

    4. Ghidora131


      ...You did realize I was joking, right?

  3. That's a tough one but I think I would go for summer, because usually that's when we would get the Toa.
  4. Oh man, a whole topic devoted to Bionicle-Putin jokes? Oh I know where I'm going next. Sorry buddy that topic got locked.
  5. Now for something more on topic, no one seems to talk about the music in the trailer, I really like this tune, I especially loved the quire effect, the music definitely gives off the tone of an epic which certainly gives me more faith that lego knows what they're doing.
  6. Don't worry that's for the people to figure out, hang on a minute I'm putting emphasis on the people, am I a Communist? I just found the first piece of evidence! look at the title Toa Tahu, if you replace the T in Toa with a C and then you replace the A with an M you get com, almost as in Comrade, or perhaps Comrade Tahu, how do you exlain that?
  7. Sorry about that, I just made a soviet Russia joke and it went from there, don't worry I've taken this conversation elsewhere.
  8. Alright guys the commie talk is starting to get off topic so let's stop talking about it, but for those who wish to continue I have started a topic dedicated to this joke.
  9. Well the talk about this subject over on the 2015 bionicle topic was getting a little well off topic, but it's caused so many laughs that I felt the need to continue this. So in this topic let's try and prove that the bionicle (gen 1 and 2) is communist propaganda attempting to brainwash the children into recreating the Soviet union. P.S note the tag "joke",
  10. I'm aware of this, I just said that because that's how the joke usually goes, also did anyone notice that Ekimu and Makuta use hammers as their main tool, I wonder how long it's gonna take for some conspiracy theorist to claim that bionicle is Communist propaganda by using this argument.PUTIN SET CONFIRMED!!!And don't forget the new Toa Lenin!And Okoto looks like Ukraine... so the Toa are actually the Russian aggressors coming from another place? I'll get photoshop of that up ASAP. Let's hope Putin doesn't annex any of the pieces from our sets to make himself a better moc.Lord of the Skull Spiders, move over.To be fair now I think Putin should replace Makuta.This is going to turn sour very quickly.... No it will never turn sour, not until I prove lego for the commies they are!
  11. I'm aware of this, I just said that because that's how the joke usually goes, also did anyone notice that Ekimu and Makuta use hammers as their main tool, I wonder how long it's gonna take for some conspiracy theorist to claim that bionicle is Communist propaganda by using this argument.PUTIN SET CONFIRMED!!!And don't forget the new Toa Lenin!And Okoto looks like Ukraine... so the Toa are actually the Russian aggressors coming from another place? I'll get photoshop of that up ASAP. Let's hope Putin doesn't annex any of the pieces from our sets to make himself a better moc.Lord of the Skull Spiders, move over.To be fair now I think Putin should replace Makuta.This is going to turn sour very quickly.... They know... This is probably one of the best things I've seen on BZPower, great work!
  12. I'm aware of this, I just said that because that's how the joke usually goes, also did anyone notice that Ekimu and Makuta use hammers as their main tool, I wonder how long it's gonna take for some conspiracy theorist to claim that bionicle is Communist propaganda by using this argument. PUTIN SET CONFIRMED!!! And don't forget the new Toa Lenin! And Okoto looks like Ukraine... so the Toa are actually the Russian aggressors coming from another place? I'll get photoshop of that up ASAP. Let's hope Putin doesn't annex any of the pieces from our sets to make himself a better moc. Lord of the Skull Spiders, move over. To be fair now I think Putin should replace Makuta.
  13. Happy Halloween!

    1. Ghidora131


      'Round here, we call it Bonkleween. oooooooo.....

  14. I'm aware of this, I just said that because that's how the joke usually goes, also did anyone notice that Ekimu and Makuta use hammers as their main tool, I wonder how long it's gonna take for some conspiracy theorist to claim that bionicle is Communist propaganda by using this argument. PUTIN SET CONFIRMED!!! And don't forget the new Toa Lenin! And Okoto looks like Ukraine... so the Toa are actually the Russian aggressors coming from another place? I'll get photoshop of that up ASAP. Let's hope Putin doesn't annex any of the pieces from our sets to make himself a better moc.
  15. I'm aware of this, I just said that because that's how the joke usually goes, also did anyone notice that Ekimu and Makuta use hammers as their main tool, I wonder how long it's gonna take for some conspiracy theorist to claim that bionicle is Communist propaganda by using this argument. PUTIN SET CONFIRMED!!! And don't forget the new Toa Lenin!
  16. I'm aware of this, I just said that because that's how the joke usually goes, also did anyone notice that Ekimu and Makuta use hammers as their main tool, I wonder how long it's gonna take for some conspiracy theorist to claim that bionicle is Communist propaganda by using this argument.
  17. 0:52-1:10 -- "Finding out about this, followers of Bionicle from all different countries flocked to New York for the Comic Con show to sate their sensory-emotional deprivation, as the desire to see, briefly touch, or even just smell fresh Lego plastic is what makes up the dreams of a true Bionicle fan" This is both the funniest and most painfully truthful assessment of the Bionicle situation, Russian news is amazing Since when where we the gollums of the internet. On another note I have to make this joke "in Soviet Russia bionicle buys you".
  18. Guinea pig died, gonna be taking a few days away from the forum.

  19. I'm gonna assume it was a slow news day(I don't remember hearing about bionicle having a significantly big following in Russia), also remember to translate the captions, it's pretty funny.
  20. Yes sir. On another note I have a theory about the mask of ultimate power, the reason why it's blurred in the trailer is because they don't have a final design for it and thus why there is black smoke covering the mask. Also seeing as to how the masks of creation and control appear to have a finalized appearance I'm willing to bet that both Ekimu and Makuta will be released in summer 2015(and I imagine they will be in their pre coma forms).
  21. Why would people hate TTV? What they gave you a preview of what the 2015 sets might look like in hand, if that's the case how is that a bad thing?
  22. Note to self, Donkey kong country 2 is really hard

    1. Ghidora131


      I own Donkey Kong country 3. I don't know how I will beat it.

    2. Tahu3.0


      and you're right its pretty hard

  23. Alright I'll give a second chance and look into rebooted sometime.
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