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Everything posted by masterchirox580

  1. Ah no, simply put I would hate to see what the costumes would look like, what would I want? Ah something that wouldn't completely mock the original I guess.
  2. Yeah I love me some ponies, I got into this show back in late 2012, still love it and currently active on the MLP forums.
  3. Well that's what the old bionicle graphic novels were, but too my understanding these days lego tends to release graphic novels that are their own individual story and cannot be found elsewhere, so it's likely these new bio graphic novels will be their own thing and will not be based on any comics(as there won't be any).
  4. I believe Greg confirmed that comics are not going to be released, however he did say there would be graphic novels next year.
  5. With bionicle coming back I was thinking about how it would compare to the older days of the theme which then got me thinking of how it could have been different which then gave me the idea to make this topic. So if you had control over bionicle(2001-2010)how would it be different?
  6. Well I was an early beta tester(oh I still remember all the bugs), I too miss it as well, I still think lego should have kept it open longer.
  7. Are you sure that was Lego universe, if I recall correctly you had download the free to play version, also yeah it will suck if you weren't paying, I payed full price for it and trust me the rest of the game is so much better then Avant gardens. It was a character creator thingy back on when Lego Universe was a teaser icon on Lego.com. I thought the game looked pretty cool, and there was a little demo where you would make a character then walk around a room. That was all there was, besides an intro video explaining Lego Universe. The video was made to look all shaky and staticy, and there was a minifigure explaining "the link between our worlds is important so we must save our world and only you can help us!" or something like that. I had know idea there was a demo prior to 2010, and that shaky cam thing was just part of the marketing campaign. I don't even know if it can be called a demo, it's the best word I can describe it with. It was a conveyor belt with minifigure parts that you would use to make a minifigure, and choose their affiliation. Then you could walk around a small lab. Is that enough to be called a demo? Well seeing as to how it was used to demonstrate what they wanted the game to be like then yes it was a demo.
  8. Are you sure that was Lego universe, if I recall correctly you had download the free to play version, also yeah it will suck if you weren't paying, I payed full price for it and trust me the rest of the game is so much better then Avant gardens. It was a character creator thingy back on when Lego Universe was a teaser icon on Lego.com. I thought the game looked pretty cool, and there was a little demo where you would make a character then walk around a room. That was all there was, besides an intro video explaining Lego Universe. The video was made to look all shaky and staticy, and there was a minifigure explaining "the link between our worlds is important so we must save our world and only you can help us!" or something like that. I had know idea there was a demo prior to 2010, and that shaky cam thing was just part of the marketing campaign.
  9. Are you sure that was Lego universe, if I recall correctly you had download the free to play version, also yeah it will suck if you weren't paying, I payed full price for it and trust me the rest of the game is so much better then Avant gardens.
  10. Well as the title explains I ask if anyone on this forum played the MMOG lego universe, If you did then feel free to post a comment and if you didn't and just wanna talk about the game then also post a comment.
  11. I was never a big fan of MoL because it ruined a lot of characters for me, (including Teridax). Well I quite liked how he was portrayed in that movie, he came off as very intimidating and I loved his voice, also he wasn't a total moron like later lego villains.
  12. I personally support teridax returning, however though say there is a TV show I would want makuta to be built up until a big reveal, I would also want him to be portrayed like he was in mask of light.
  13. I would be wearing the Bionicle underwear on the OUTSIDE of my pants! I'm curious to see what Lego can do with a Bionicle video game. They could make it similar to most of their other minifigure-based games, or they could try something new and innovative. Who doesn't love everything you can think of branded with Bionicle? As far as a game, I'd like to see a Bionicle MMORPG, one made by a PROFESSIONAL game developer. I totally agree(LOC online sucked), if they did make one I imagine it would involve the player as a matoran fighting those spider things and maybe some other enemies(assuming there will be others).
  14. With HF seemingly on it's way out this got me thinking about how it could have been saved which then gave me the idea to make this topic, so if you had control over hero factory how would you have changed the theme? P.S Please don't turn this topic into a giant rant about HF.
  15. Regarding the gender ratio thing I have this to say, I wouldn't mind them being more balanced out gender wise, however if they do so I would wish for it to be a whole new toa/master team, I don't want lego to change the older characters too much(and that includes their gender).
  16. I'm a bit disappointed with this one, it doesn't give anymore information about bio 2015 just some behind the scenes stuff, all we got is a better look at the new head piece(which reminds me of the toa metru heads). Also am I the only one who's getting sick of hearing about the mask of creation, seriously it's just a mask there's gonna be more to this new line then just that. Really? Is that the only thing you gleaned from the pictures? XD Because I totally noticed the industrial backgrounds present in almost all the painted concepts! That leads me to believe this story will start in a Metru Nui like setting. Also, looking at how the mask attaches to the head, forget the traditional axel pin set up. The concept art is clearly from very early in development so it might not represent the final product, and I'm only seeing this industrial city in one of images, as far as I'm concerned the others could be anything. Also I noticed the mask attachment points from the first time I saw the 360 degree view of the mask.
  17. I'm a bit disappointed with this one, it doesn't give anymore information about bio 2015 just some behind the scenes stuff, all we got is a better look at the new head piece(which reminds me of the toa metru heads). Also am I the only one who's getting sick of hearing about the mask of creation, seriously it's just a mask there's gonna be more to this new line then just that.
  18. For me the new joints seem to resemble those used for the helmets in the old knights kingdom action figures, I wonder if the masks will flip up like those helmets did?
  19. I doubt it will be sets, it seems too early for lego to do that.
  20. What is the worst thing you think lego could do with bionicle 2015, whether it be in terms of marketing set design characterization(etc etc)then please list them here.
  21. Huh I wonder if bionicle Fridays is gonna become a thing, well if it is then every Friday morning I'm gonna wake up and start singing it's friday friday "explosion" I know I've just made the most outdated reference in all the internet, I'm truly sorry I just had to make that joke. On a more on topic note I have a feeling that the information we will receive on Friday will be the last till comic con.
  22. After giving it some thought I understand what you people are talking about, please note I did this primarily out of hatred for the LMBs(as I've had some very bad experiences there), I will now pretty much remove the topic and hope someone deletes it.
  23. You could say it's rude, but it's no worse then let's say "let's all laugh at fanboy comments" on youtube. your comparison makes no sense, because that's youtube and this is bzpower, where, despite what certain unsavory individuals might think, we at least attempt to maintain a general atmosphere of politeness and respect. No post to see here.
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