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Everything posted by masterchirox580

  1. I'm not sure which episodes you are referring to, I watched the show up until the last one with the stone warriors and then I began to hate it.
  2. I have no idea what that is. It's a Disney Channel show about a talking dog. This dog also has a blog. As you can imagine, if Walt Disney were alive and saw this show on his company's TV channel, he'd just die all over again. If the geniuses behind the Ninjago show had some sort of involvement with such a TV show, I wouldn't mind seeing BIONICLE on TV. Well if it's a Disney channel production then it's pretty safe to assume it sucks. I personally don't really like the ninjago show that much and would prefer a different writing staff or that the ninjago staff take a different approach to a bionicle show.
  3. I gotta say one thing I love about the new gearbox is the fact it covers up the back of the figure, a problem I often had with HF figures is that their were backs were often exposed and thus made the figures look very shall I say basic.
  4. I'm just going to pretend none of that was sarcastic. Who wouldn't love foodoogicle.
  5. I got a great idea for who should portray the characters, how about we get Nicki Minaj as Gali, the members of one direction as Tahu, Kopaka, Lewa, Onua and Pohatu, and how about Justin Bieber as Makuta. And as for writers, I recommend the writers of "foodfight!" and Oogieloves, it's the only way a good bionicle TV show could ever be created .
  6. What's it even called? And for that matter how long has it been on the air? And what channel does it air on?
  7. This has been Harsh Realities with Master Chirox. Join us next week, and he will explain why the baby-stork-hoax is a myth. I'm getting my own show?
  8. Regarding the 2001 fanboys, all they want is for lego to re release the old bionicle sets so they can go down to the same store(in fact I wouldn't be surprised if they brought their parents with them)and re buy the first set they bought back in 2001, simply put they just want to recreate those nostalgic memories and as far as I'm concerned they just need to except the fact their childhood is over and not coming back.
  9. Sort of, but not that much to me. The only distinct parts we can make out are the prongs that stick out from the sides, and even so, they seem to stick out far more than the Mask of Light. Well I don't think we'll see it clearly for quite some time, on another note I wonder how they'll handle Makuta(assuming he is released), I noticed that when he put on the mask of ultimate power he changed size and colour so I'm wondering if there will be two different versions of him, one in his mask of control form and the other in his ultimate power form.
  10. Something I'd like to note about the trailer is the fact that you can't clearly see the mask of ultimate power(due to the black smoke stuff around it), certainly makes me hope the summer wave has it in a set(as well as the mask of creation and control). From what I can see of it it kinda looks like a black version of the mask of light.
  11. Well for one thing LU only lasted a year and a couple months so you didn't miss out on that much, and I don't remember many specific weapons as I just stuck to faction kits. Oh okay and well I remember seeing this piece and this piece at the Nexus HQ. I think I remember seeing the first one you linked.
  12. Also good news for all bronies, yesterday Hasbro announced there will be a feature length MLP movie(that doesn't appear to involve humans)released in 2017, we know that Meghan McCarthy and one of the writers for the ice age franchise will write the script.
  13. I don't remember getting the uber hammer but I sure do remember the jetpack, oh the glitches I caused. Can't reach the Nunchucks of Lightning because your parkour skills are terrible? No problem! Just use a jetpack! Can't reach the other side of Rivendark Canyon because the canyon is too big to jump over? Just grab a jetpack and you can fly straight over to this unfinished section of Crux Prime! Want to cheat in the Avant Gardens Survival Minigame? It's easy! Just fly over the barrier or into the sky and if you have an uber hammer, just go in and smash them all! I did all of those (and more)! Main thing I did was go into out of bounds areas, speaking of glitches I remember a glitch I activated in nexus tower once, somehow using the spring shoes I jumped through the wall and went underneath the nexus tower.
  14. I don't remember getting the uber hammer but I sure do remember the jetpack, oh the glitches I caused.
  15. I'd just like to point out that here in Europe we don't get piece count on packaging either.
  16. Count me out, I've never been good enough at that sort of thing.
  17. Well for one thing LU only lasted a year and a couple months so you didn't miss out on that much, and I don't remember many specific weapons as I just stuck to faction kits.
  18. You do know that Ninjago and Legends of Chima don't even have the same writers, right? I don't think there's any serious risk of a BIONICLE TV show having the exact same writers as either of those shows, but if it were written by the Hageman brothers (the lead writers for Ninjago), I can't say I'd complain. I thought it was written by the same guys. Nope, completely different writers. And different production companies, for that matter — LEGO Ninjago is made by WilFilm and LEGO Legends of Chima is made by M2Film. Greg Farshtey has written storybooks for both themes, though, which brings up another important point — writers aren't necessarily limited to one particular "style". So even if the writers for LEGO Ninjago did pen a BIONICLE television series, that doesn't mean that the two series would have the exact same tone, any more than the Batman movies by Tim Burton had the same tone as his kids' films like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or James and the Giant Peach. Sometimes there will be certain "hallmarks" that appear throughout a particular writer's works, but the overall tone or sense of humor is not always one of those hallmarks. Well talk about false advertising, in the trailers for the chima show they said from the creators of ninjago, I assumed it meant that it was written by them, well at least the chima show makes sense now, although I don't really like the ninjago show that much I was quite amazed(back when I thought this was written by the same guys)that they took a nosedive in quality compared to the already not that great ninjago show. And regarding the point you made about writers not sticking to one style, well what I was getting at with that is just my general fear that they're gonna make bionicle a corny adventure comedy, although they have suggested that they won't do that the possibility is still out there. Legends of Chima is still by the creators of Ninjago because the story direction is decided first and foremost by Lego. It's the same way that Hero Factory was by the creators of Bionicle, despite Greg only writing adaptations of the TV show and side-stories and the writers for the TV show being people who had never worked on Bionicle before. Lego still has a story team for each of these themes that decides the overall direction of the plot (The Toa are going underwater to retrieve the Mask of Life, the ninja have to fight an army of Nindroids, tribes of ice-zombies are unfrozen and steal all of Chima's Chi, etc.), along with handling most of the design work (with some help from the writers and staff of the show, but with the sets, as always, come first). The writers, like Greg Farshtey or the Hageman brothers, are mostly responsible for the nitty-gritty of making the story summaries into workable books/comics/television (scripting everything, dividing things into chapters, etc.). Yeah I figured that out after I caught wind of the fact that LOC and ninjago are written by two different teams, I still think it should have said something like "a new show from lego" so as not to cause any confusion.
  19. You do know that Ninjago and Legends of Chima don't even have the same writers, right? I don't think there's any serious risk of a BIONICLE TV show having the exact same writers as either of those shows, but if it were written by the Hageman brothers (the lead writers for Ninjago), I can't say I'd complain. I thought it was written by the same guys. Nope, completely different writers. And different production companies, for that matter — LEGO Ninjago is made by WilFilm and LEGO Legends of Chima is made by M2Film. Greg Farshtey has written storybooks for both themes, though, which brings up another important point — writers aren't necessarily limited to one particular "style". So even if the writers for LEGO Ninjago did pen a BIONICLE television series, that doesn't mean that the two series would have the exact same tone, any more than the Batman movies by Tim Burton had the same tone as his kids' films like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or James and the Giant Peach. Sometimes there will be certain "hallmarks" that appear throughout a particular writer's works, but the overall tone or sense of humor is not always one of those hallmarks. Well talk about false advertising, in the trailers for the chima show they said from the creators of ninjago, I assumed it meant that it was written by them, well at least the chima show makes sense now, although I don't really like the ninjago show that much I was quite amazed(back when I thought this was written by the same guys)that they took a nosedive in quality compared to the already not that great ninjago show. And regarding the point you made about writers not sticking to one style, well what I was getting at with that is just my general fear that they're gonna make bionicle a corny adventure comedy, although they have suggested that they won't do that the possibility is still out there.
  20. You do know that Ninjago and Legends of Chima don't even have the same writers, right? I don't think there's any serious risk of a BIONICLE TV show having the exact same writers as either of those shows, but if it were written by the Hageman brothers (the lead writers for Ninjago), I can't say I'd complain. I thought it was written by the same guys.
  21. Yeah so was I, I remember thinking to myself "there's no way this could fail it's an MMO made by lego of course it's gonna be a success", oh how wrong I was.
  22. If they did do it I would want a new writing team who aren't the writers for ninjago and chima, the old bionicle is not a comedy and nor is the new one looking like it will be. I would like writers who know how to write an epic quest not writers who believe that saying the word "stinky" over and over again counts as comedy.
  23. I'd love it if they made a new Takanuva, I think the colour scheme should be the same as his first incarnation, gold and white go very well together(as seen in Kopaka).
  24. Yeah it does, problem is I don't have a paypal or credit card(nor can I legally own one yet)and my mother is not willing to donate so I'm kinda stuck, well I guess you guys can expect a donation from me in about 2017.
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