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Everything posted by masterchirox580

  1. Yeah I'm pretty sure this guy is gonna be my favourite (and not just because my favourite colour is green).
  2. Does it really matter, I mean do people complain about the metru heads not being backwards compatible, no, well why should people complain about this, not to mention there's always the power of sellotape. And I personally like the new system, the old masks would normally have a hole where the connection point was which looked a little weird, now it's gone and there are no holes in the masks.
  3. I think you need to go down to the lego headquarters, I hear they have a special brew for this exact situation.
  4. Looks much better out of the box, after seeing this review my opinion of him has vastly improved. I hope he is Onewa (I hope all the protectors will turn out to be the original turaga).
  5. I think it's a pretty big assumption that that's the MoUP. The eyebrows to me seem like proof that it's the Mask of Control. Which would make sense, if someone's controlling the Skull Spiders. That would probably be the perfect mask to do so with. That can't be the case considering (as mentioned before) the mask of control is gold, I'd also like to point out that in the trailer when makuta is wearing Mo'control his eyes are purple but when he is wearing moup his eyes turn red, on the poster what I think is makuta has red eyes, so no unless there's a villain we don't know of it's makuta with moup. The eye color tells us nothing, because there's no reason to assume that Makuta's transformation would be reversed when the Mask of Ultimate Power was removed, any more than Takua's transformation into Takanuva would be reversed if you removed the Mask of Light. Alright you got me there, the only thing I could say in regards to that is that maybe the rules are different in this universe, but I'm still convinced that thing is makuta.
  6. I think it's a pretty big assumption that that's the MoUP. The eyebrows to me seem like proof that it's the Mask of Control. Which would make sense, if someone's controlling the Skull Spiders. That would probably be the perfect mask to do so with. That can't be the case considering (as mentioned before) the mask of control is gold, I'd also like to point out that in the trailer when makuta is wearing Mo'control his eyes are purple but when he is wearing moup his eyes turn red, on the poster what I think is makuta has red eyes, so no unless there's a villain we don't know of it's makuta with moup.
  7. Once again I'm posting about the mask of ultimate power, in the poster (which appears to show it in the background) you can see it has almost eyebrows, seeing this I'm starting to think it may actually be released in 2015 after all.
  8. Huh the mask isn't too bad actually, I guess we just had to get used to it.
  9. Just scroll down a bit and you'll see it. Oh didn't realize that. The prototype really doesn't seem that interesting to me, it just seems to be the regular splitface just with no armour printing.
  10. Ah minecraft I remember when that was the big thing, personally I don't think we'll see a fast sellout as minecraft isn't really as big as it was back in 2012. Although the good news is this could result in other video game based themes (I'm still hoping for a "lego legend of zelda").
  11. Does anyone have an image of the prototype? The bidding ended so I can't see the image anymore.
  12. I'm watching a video of a man eating a burger in the hopes it will bore me into a coma, that or living life as normal.
  13. Yeah I'll get it anyway, but I must admit the set looks unfinished to me, I mean all those wide gaps in the build, I keep thinking there's missing pieces.
  14. I had a dream last night that Takanuva was confirmed for summer 2015, let's hope it meant something.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Uhh, if that's a leak you can't talk about it in the open like that.


      If it's real, however, PM ME I MUSH KNOW!!!!!!

    3. masterchirox580
    4. Tahu3.0


      And i woke up and realized that it was a dream.

  15. One of those people is the chief marketing officer. Are you saying that there should be no higher authority on how the new BIONICLE is marketed? I understand that some people seem to think the higher up the chain you are, the more trouble you're likely to cause for things going on down below, but that's really just a stereotype. People higher up the chain are just as capable of influencing a brand positively as they are of influencing it negatively. What I'm saying is don't change any of the current plans for the theme, they seem to be getting things down perfectly and I don't want anyone screwing it up.
  16. What's with all this arguing about who the main villain is? Last time I checked it was makuta wasn't it?
  17. As long as they don't touch bionicle (in it's current state) I don't care what they do.
  18. Huh I was wondering how those stud launchers fired, I thought it would work something like the blasters the toa mahri had, this review has definitely shown me that the protectors are better than I thought they'd be (not that I had any problem with them in the first place).
  19. I do believe we will see Ekimu and Makuta in summer 2015, and I also believe we will see newer versions of the toa in 2016, then maybe in 2017 the protectors will become toa.
  20. No I remember it definitely said they were in talks for a live action HF movie.
  21. 1. Kopaka: Simply perfect, his spear is nicely designed and his shield looks like it could actually protect him, his legs aren't too slime nor too bulky they look just right, his body is perfect and fits very well with the rest of the model, and to top it all off perfect shoulder armour. 2. Onua: He's very close to Kopaka in terms of quality, his hammer is magnificent and his body is perfect for the tough guy of the group, his feet match perfectly and his arms go nicely with the body. 3. Tahu: He's just plain awesome, his swords his body he's just all around cool, but among the bigger sets he just doesn't stick out as much. 4. Lewa: Nice axes, decent arms and legs, I especially love those spike things on his shoulders. 5. Gali: She's good but she doesn't stick out much for me, I mean the axe is cool and all but I just think there was more that they could have done with her. 6. Pohatu: Decent but really the main selling point is those jetarangs, beyond that the model itself is just the basic toa model for this year, and his colour scheme just can't decide what the main colour is.
  22. Huh I buy them because of their looks and functions.
  23. Yeah I hope so, it's just sitting there getting old and glitchy.
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