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Everything posted by Smudge8

  1. IC: Melody-Hallways As melody was walking down the halls towards the Refectory when she saw another Rahkshi coming down the hallway. Sassy Dalmation, choose which of your characters you want Melody to talk to do.
  2. IC: Melody-Outside Gym "Y-yea, that would be nice." Melody said. Her stomach made a rumbling sound. "M-maybe we can g-go get some food."
  3. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtard Danger was pretty much extatic. He had been afraid that he wouldn't be accepted at the school. Revenge's comments made it sound extremely dangerous. "Yes,Please! I haven't ever had this much fun before." IC: Booger-Gym (team 1/5) Booger nodded. Then, for the second time in one day, he had an idea. He set his club down and crouched into a pouncing position.
  4. IC: Booger-Gym (Team 1/5) "Uuuuu, Ok." Booger said. He crouched down and got ready to attack. "What was your name again?" IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Danger clapped. "Those were great!" Revenge was deep in thought, The first story had seemed strange, but possible. The second story sounded like a parable told to younglings at bedtime to teach them how to be nice. IC: Melody-Halls Melody shrugged and turned to Canvas. "Maybe we should find something else to do."
  5. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge wasn't interested. Lucid seemed a little to weird for his tastes, but Danger piped up. "I would love to hear a story!"
  6. IC: Booger- Gym (team 1/5) "Scardy Cat!" Booger charged into the alley after the Muaka, Swinging his club wildly. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge shook his head, he was kind of disappointed. He had been hoping for a story time.
  7. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge shook his head, "I am afraid I have not."
  8. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge took a deep breath, the ramblings of this technicolor Rahkshi were getting on his nerves. "I'm pretty sure if the universe just barely popped into existence I wouldn't remember last Tuesday." "But what if we were created with our memories?" Danger piped up. Revenge was about to snap back with "What would be the point of that?" but decided it would be better to change the subject. He didn't want to hurt his brother's feelings. "I've read a lot of Matoran legends. They say that everyone has some kind of energy form called a spirit, it is what controls us and gives us personality. When our spirit separates from our body we die." He paused. "Maybe that is where consciousness comes from."
  9. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard "Oh," Danger shook his head to show he understood. He didn't want to respect someone so learned. Then he turned to Revenge. "What day was yesterday?" Revenge sighed. "Today is Thursday. Yesterday was Wednesday. The day before Was Tuesday." Danger just smiled, proud of his older brother for answering one of the unsolvable mysteries of the universe.
  10. IC: Booger- Gym (team 1/5) Seeing his friend in danger Booger quickly moved to back up Luffy. He charged the Muaka down shouting, "Back off Kitty!" and waving his club in the air.
  11. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard "But..." Danger stammered, "Is there an answer?" "By the way," Revenge added, "My name is Revenge, and this is my brother Danger."
  12. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Danger had to think about that one. "I'm not sure, the ocean is pretty big, we had to cross a lot of it to get here. But then again, you can't exactly stand on the ocean while you can stand on land."
  13. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Nodding as if he understood, even though he didn't, Danger turned to face his brother. "So, can we be friends." Revenge sighed, "Yes, you can." He smiled. "Just stay out of trouble." A huge smile crossed Danger's face. "Thanks!"
  14. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard "Yes," Revenge replied. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier. My brother is new, and I'm a bit overprotective of him." "And he said you are a girl," Danger piped up, "What does that mean?"
  15. IC: Booger-Gym(combined team) "Yea!" Booger shouted, waving his club in the air, "Lets get started!" IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge and Danger aproached Milk from behind. It was clear she was bussy...talking to someone in the flowerbed?
  16. Welcome to the Island of Terra-Dra Home of adventure and danger. Amongst the peaceful grasslands, calm beaches, dense jungles and tall mountains matoran live side by side with giant, dangerous Rahi. Their survival depends on YOU the hunters. Grab your weapon, put on your mask, and get out there to defend civilization and blaze new trails into the wilds of Terra-Dra. Happy hunting! The Island Terra-Dra is a rough and harsh landscape with five areas. Planes-Dra, Beach-Dra, Jungle-Dra, Mountain-Dra, and Sand-Dra. The Hunters Guild monitors the environments of each area closely, and travel into each area requires the Guild’s permission. Planes-Dra(Easy) These peaceful grasslands are dotted with large rocky outcroppings and Matoran Villages. This is the most setled of the regions because the soft rolling hills allow scouts to easily spot incoming threats. This is the perfect place for new hunters to test out their skills before moving onto more dangerous areas. This Region is also the location of the only city, Jagater, the location of Hunters Guild Headquarters. Jagater is a small city, but it drastically outsizes any other village in Terra-Dra. It has many shops, restaurants, and hotels, but most important it features the Hunters Guild Headquarters. The guild headquarters is a large spire with multiple floors. The first (ground floor) is home to the reception area. It features a large waiting room with desks for Hunter Licensing, Environmental reports, and so on. Dominating the center of the room is the Request board. On this board are requests for hunters assistance of all types. Anyone can post on the board if they are seeking assistance from a Hunter, and any Hunter can respond to a quest on the board. THis is the only floor open to the public. The second floor is the social area only open for licensed hunters, featuring a cafeteria with discounted food, a gym area with various training equipment and dummies, and several reservable meeting rooms. The third floor is a free Dormitory, open to all guild members. The fourth floor is the grand hall, where the Guild holds meetings for all members. The fifth floor is the private offices of the Guild masters. Only the Guild masters, and those on official Guild business are permitted on this floor. Beach-Dra (Easy/Medium) Where the grasslands meet the sea is Beach-Dra. Thisl area Is covered in rivers, lakes, and tidepools, with large patches of green palm trees and shrubbery. It is the perfect environment for amphibious Rahi, who come here from the ocean. Small fishing villages dot this area, and hunters are frequently called on to stem the wild rahi. Jungle-Dra(Medium) The South west side of Terra-Dra is covered in dense jungle, home to a great variety of Rahi, in incredible numbers! The ground is swampy and covered in all kinds of vegetation, while the trees are so huge that some Rahi Never have to touch the ground while moving from branch to branch. While expeditions frequently enter this area to gather various herbs, Jungle-Dra remains largely uninhabited. Mountain-Dra (Hard) Those who manage to make it through the forests of Jungle-Dra will find themselves blocked by the region of Mountain-Dra. This massive mountain range separates the Matoran from the northern portion of the island. No one has successfully crossed this region and lived to tell the tail. The rugged conditions of the mountains mean that only the fiercest Rahi live there. One of the most prominent land features of this area is God’s Roost. This massive mountain stretches up to the heavens, high above the surrounding range, It’s edges are so steep so as to be nearly vertical. No one has ever reached its summit. Sand-Dra (Hard) Rumores abound of a vast desert, located just beyond the mountains. There are also rumors that the Hunters Guild may be arranging an expedition to go there. The Hunters Guild In a land filled with danger the Hunters Guild serves as a form of government. Their stated mission is to “Protect, Preserve, and Study.” They dispatch trained hunters to protect civilians from monster attacks. They monitor the actions of all guild members actions and set rules and restrictions to prevent the Matorn from upsetting the delicate balance of nature. They also do extensive study into the flora and fauna of Terra-Dra in order to better understand the ecosystems and advance the Matoran’s standard of living. To enter the guild a Hunter merely has to pay a small fee, then take an interview to measure the applicant’s combat skills and values. It is recommended, but not necessary, to join the guild to be a hunter. The guild leaders are Najora, Guld captain, Paju, chief hunter, and Kumawa, chief ecologist. Character Creation The Matoran of Terra-Dra are different from those elsewhere. Living in such a dangerous environment has led them to adapt and gain new powers, making them more like Turaga than regular Matoran. Terra-Dra Matoran are slightly stronger and more durable than their regular counterparts. They have also gained two special abilities.They have developed the mental power to use knoble masks and have learned to tap into their elemental powers in a limited extent. To create a profile you must determine the following characteristics for your characters. Name: Gender: Element: Affiliation: Mask: Elemental weapon: Other equipment: Appearance: Personality/Biography: Name: Some hunters go by their given names, but others choose to use codenames. Gender: The Matoran of Terra-Dra are not gender locked into their elements, so your character can be whatever gender you wish. Element: The Matoran of Terra-Dra come in a wide variety of elements. All cannon Matoran elements, except for light and shadow are fair game. Affiliation: Hunters have been known to form groups both big and small to help each other. The largest of these is the Hunters Guild. If your character is part of the Hunters Guild say so here. You may also list other player made groups/teams your character is affiliated with. (All members of the hunters guild must be approved by the GM, if you want your character to begin as part of the guild mark them as so here and I will approve/deny). Mask: Matoran of Terra-Dra have developed the mental capacity to use knoble masks, however, they are somewhat hard to come by and not everyone has one. Hunters may begin with only one knoble mask. Remember that Knoble masks are weaker versions of Great masks so Role Play accordingly. (When reviewing profiles the GM may ask for clarification on what you expect your knoble masks limitations to be. It might be good to clarify that here. Only cannon masks are allowed.). Elemental Weapon: Through clever weaponsmithing the Matoran of Terra-Dra have developed a way to channel their elemental powers. An elemental weapon is a traditional weapon (sword, spear, battle axe) that matoran can channel their elemental power through in a specific manner. Each tool is designed to react with one element and produce one result. For example, a Ta-Matoran may have a sword that he can cover in fire, when on fire the sword leaves a trail of flame through the air. The sword cannot, however, be used to launch fire at a target (i.e. Flamethrower/fireball). (Please be as specific as you can, see GM NPC profiles for examples.) Other Equipment: A hunter with just a weapon often finds themselves underprepared. List any other Equipment/Items your character carries on his/her person. If you can’t think of anything you don’t have to put anything here. Appearance: A hunter's appearance can be very important, some wear protective armor, some use elaborate outfits to intimidate monsters, and some merely choose to follow the policy that less is more. Personality/Biography: What makes your character who they are? Where did they come from? Why are they a hunter? What is their favorite color? Fill this area with whatever information you desire to give your character background and depth. Rules NO GODMODDING-Basically this means doing stuff that you shouldn’t be able to do, fighting for hours without getting a scratch, summoning massive amounts of elemental energy, knowing information your character was never told, etc. NO CONTROLLING OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERS-this is only allowed if you have that person’s permission TAKE THE GAME SERIOUSLY-This is a Fantasy/Sci-Fi world, but that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. Be realistic with what your characters do. HAVE FUN-Don’t take the game TOO seriously. Have fun, or else! If I find that you are breaking any of these rules I will warn you. If inappropriate behavior persists after you have been warned several times you may be punished in game(i.e. Having an animal bite your character’s leg off) or by having use of offending characters denied. !!!URGENT QUEST!!! Location: Planes-Dra The insectoid rahi known as Zeltar have recently been swarming in huge numbers. These hungry beasts normally inhabit the jungle. Recently they have moved to Planes-Dra and have been devouring farmers crops. We face a severe food shortage if they are not stopped. Mission: The guild wants all members to search for their nest and find out what has caused the Zeltar’s recent migration. Seeing as this is a state of emergency, authorization has been given to slay any Rahi that may be connected with this problem. Questions/comments are greatly apreciated!
  17. Ok, here is my draft of my new RPG, If there are no comments before Saturday I will post it to the approval page. Music to help you get hype. Welcome to the Island of Terra-Dra Home of adventure and danger. Amongst the peaceful grasslands, calm beaches, dense jungles and tall mountains matoran live side by side with giant, dangerous Rahi. Their survival depends on YOU the hunters. Grab your weapon, put on your mask, and get out there to defend civilization and blaze new trails into the wilds of Terra-Dra. Happy hunting! The Island Terra-Dra is a rough and harsh landscape with five areas. Planes-Dra, Beach-Dra, Jungle-Dra, Mountain-Dra, and Sand-Dra. The Hunters Guild monitors the environments of each area closely, and travel into each area requires the Guild’s permission. Planes-Dra(Easy) These peaceful grasslands are dotted with large rocky outcroppings and Matoran Villages. This is the most setled of the regions because the soft rolling hills allow scouts to easily spot incoming threats. This is the perfect place for new hunters to test out their skills before moving onto more dangerous areas. This Region is also the location of the only city, Jagater, the location of Hunters Guild Headquarters. Jagater is a small city, but it drastically outsizes any other village in Terra-Dra. It has many shops, restaurants, and hotels, but most important it features the Hunters Guild Headquarters. The guild headquarters is a large spire with multiple floors. The first (ground floor) is home to the reception area. It features a large waiting room with desks for Hunter Licensing, Environmental reports, and so on. Dominating the center of the room is the Request board. On this board are requests for hunters assistance of all types. Anyone can post on the board if they are seeking assistance from a Hunter, and any Hunter can respond to a quest on the board. THis is the only floor open to the public. The second floor is the social area only open for licensed hunters, featuring a cafeteria with discounted food, a gym area with various training equipment and dummies, and several reservable meeting rooms. The third floor is a free Dormitory, open to all guild members. The fourth floor is the grand hall, where the Guild holds meetings for all members. The fifth floor is the private offices of the Guild masters. Only the Guild masters, and those on official Guild business are permitted on this floor. Beach-Dra (Easy/Medium) Where the grasslands meet the sea is Beach-Dra. Thisl area Is covered in rivers, lakes, and tidepools, with large patches of green palm trees and shrubbery. It is the perfect environment for amphibious Rahi, who come here from the ocean. Small fishing villages dot this area, and hunters are frequently called on to stem the wild rahi. Jungle-Dra(Medium) The South west side of Terra-Dra is covered in dense jungle, home to a great variety of Rahi, in incredible numbers! The ground is swampy and covered in all kinds of vegetation, while the trees are so huge that some Rahi Never have to touch the ground while moving from branch to branch. While expeditions frequently enter this area to gather various herbs, Jungle-Dra remains largely uninhabited. Mountain-Dra (Hard) Those who manage to make it through the forests of Jungle-Dra will find themselves blocked by the region of Mountain-Dra. This massive mountain range separates the Matoran from the northern portion of the island. No one has successfully crossed this region and lived to tell the tail. The rugged conditions of the mountains mean that only the fiercest Rahi live there. One of the most prominent land features of this area is God’s Roost. This massive mountain stretches up to the heavens, high above the surrounding range, It’s edges are so steep so as to be nearly vertical. No one has ever reached its summit. Sand-Dra (Hard) Rumores abound of a vast desert, located just beyond the mountains. There are also rumors that the Hunters Guild may be arranging an expedition to go there. The Hunters Guild In a land filled with danger the Hunters Guild serves as a form of government. Their stated mission is to “Protect, Preserve, and Study.” They dispatch trained hunters to protect civilians from monster attacks. They monitor the actions of all guild members actions and set rules and restrictions to prevent the Matorn from upsetting the delicate balance of nature. They also do extensive study into the flora and fauna of Terra-Dra in order to better understand the ecosystems and advance the Matoran’s standard of living. To enter the guild a Hunter merely has to pay a small fee, then take an interview to measure the applicant’s combat skills and values. It is recommended, but not necessary, to join the guild to be a hunter. The guild leaders are Najora, Guld captain, Paju, chief hunter, and Kumawa, chief ecologist. Character Creation The Matoran of Terra-Dra are different from those elsewhere. Living in such a dangerous environment has led them to adapt and gain new powers, making them more like Turaga than regular Matoran. Terra-Dra Matoran are slightly stronger and more durable than their regular counterparts. They have also gained two special abilities.They have developed the mental power to use knoble masks and have learned to tap into their elemental powers in a limited extent. To create a profile you must determine the following characteristics for your characters. Name: Gender: Element: Affiliation: Mask: Elemental weapon: Other equipment: Appearance: Personality/Biography: Name: Some hunters go by their given names, but others choose to use codenames. Gender: The Matoran of Terra-Dra are not gender locked into their elements, so your character can be whatever gender you wish. Element: The Matoran of Terra-Dra come in a wide variety of elements. All cannon Matoran elements, except for light and shadow are fair game. Affiliation: Hunters have been known to form groups both big and small to help each other. The largest of these is the Hunters Guild. If your character is part of the Hunters Guild say so here. You may also list other player made groups/teams your character is affiliated with. (All members of the hunters guild must be approved by the GM, if you want your character to begin as part of the guild mark them as so here and I will approve/deny). Mask: Matoran of Terra-Dra have developed the mental capacity to use knoble masks, however, they are somewhat hard to come by and not everyone has one. Hunters may begin with only one knoble mask. Remember that Knoble masks are weaker versions of Great masks so Role Play accordingly. (When reviewing profiles the GM may ask for clarification on what you expect your knoble masks limitations to be. It might be good to clarify that here. Only cannon masks are allowed.). Elemental Weapon: Through clever weaponsmithing the Matoran of Terra-Dra have developed a way to channel their elemental powers. An elemental weapon is a traditional weapon (sword, spear, battle axe) that matoran can channel their elemental power through in a specific manner. Each tool is designed to react with one element and produce one result. For example, a Ta-Matoran may have a sword that he can cover in fire, when on fire the sword leaves a trail of flame through the air. The sword cannot, however, be used to launch fire at a target (i.e. Flamethrower/fireball). (Please be as specific as you can, see GM NPC profiles for examples.) Other Equipment: A hunter with just a weapon often finds themselves underprepared. List any other Equipment/Items your character carries on his/her person. If you can’t think of anything you don’t have to put anything here. Appearance: A hunter's appearance can be very important, some wear protective armor, some use elaborate outfits to intimidate monsters, and some merely choose to follow the policy that less is more. Personality/Biography: What makes your character who they are? Where did they come from? Why are they a hunter? What is their favorite color? Fill this area with whatever information you desire to give your character background and depth. Rules NO GODMODDING-Basically this means doing stuff that you shouldn’t be able to do, fighting for hours without getting a scratch, summoning massive amounts of elemental energy, knowing information your character was never told, etc. NO CONTROLLING OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERS-this is only allowed if you have that person’s permission TAKE THE GAME SERIOUSLY-This is a Fantasy/Sci-Fi world, but that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. Be realistic with what your characters do. HAVE FUN-Don’t take the game TOO seriously. Have fun, or else! If I find that you are breaking any of these rules I will warn you. If inappropriate behavior persists after you have been warned several times you may be punished in game(i.e. Having an animal bite your character’s leg off) or by having use of offending characters denied. !!!URGENT QUEST!!! Location: Planes-Dra The insectoid rahi known as Zeltar have recently been swarming in huge numbers. These hungry beasts normally inhabit the jungle. Recently they have moved to Planes-Dra and have been devouring farmers crops. We face a severe food shortage if they are not stopped. Mission: The guild wants all members to search for their nest and find out what has caused the Zeltar’s recent migration. Seeing as this is a state of emergency, authorization has been given to slay any Rahi that may be connected with this problem. Questions/comments are greatly apreciated!
  18. If that is what you want, it will be kind of sad for me though, since Booger just got a new friend.
  19. IC: Booger-Gym Booger made an expression that was half smile, half snarl. "Listen, I am tired of being a looser, so if teaming up with you is what it is going to take, I'll do it." IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out, he didn't know what to say. Eventually he said, "Listen, let's go back and apologize. I just don't want you getting in any trouble." "Ok," Danger said, and the two turned to walk back towards Milk. OOC: It's one thing to explain gender to someone, explaining it in bionicle must be harder, and when your explaining Rahkshi gender it must be super hard!
  20. IC: Booger-Gym Booger threw his hands in the air in a gesture of surrender. "Then how about we stop fighting and talk this over!!!"
  21. IC: Booger-Gym Booger rolled out of the way of the trident and quickly stood up. "Do you want to work with us?!" IC: Melody-Gym "D-d-do any of you need h-help?" She asked the team sitting outside the maze, "w-we c-can get you t-to the infirmary."
  22. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge cringed and lowered his voice. "It's not that you can't be friends,... I just don't want you snuggling with a girl, especially not one you just met." Danger just stared at his brother. "What is a girl?" IC: Booger-Gym Booger was hit in the back by the darts and stumbled, slapping the trident away from hitting his midsection. He fell on the ground and tried to kick Thurizaz's legs out from under him. "I am going to get back at those punks who wouldn't let me join their team," He snarled, "Show them who the real winner is!"
  23. Man, things practically exploded over the weekend! I was seriously considering drawing a picture of a Rahkshi next to a gravestone....
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