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Everything posted by Smudge8

  1. Name: Rakin Species: Glatorian (fire) Gender: Male Powers: None Gear: Madik skyblaster with aiming sight, doesn't always carry it on his person. He also has a large box of various tools. In particular he likes to use a large wrench (about the length of his forearm) as a mele weapon. He owns a pet Brakas Monkey that he has trained to fetch his tools. Allegiance/roll: Mechanic aboard the New Atero Airship Indomnible. Personal Aircraft: none Appearance: Rakin wears rusty red and orange armor. He is somewhat Lanky and always covered in varous mechanical fluids. Personality: Rakin is hard working, dedicated, and loyal to his superior officers. He has a hard time interacting with people, so he spends most of his time repairing airships. He can come off as grumpy and his speech lacks eloquence. Bio: Rakin was never a leader. When the core war began Rakin joined because that's what the Lord of Fire needed. When the great calamity reduced the planet to a desert Rakin fought as a glatorian because that's what the village needed. When a giant robot landed on the planet, it was another day of taking orders. After Makuta's defeat one of the creatures from inside the robot approached him and Rakin made the mistake of feeding it, and it never left. Once again, the duty of his leaders called and Rakin found himself serving as a mechanic in the military.
  2. IC: Paju-Tesara Market Paju Smiled and nodded. "My personal vehicle is a Skyfighter, but I can fly just about anything that has wings, and a few things that don't."
  3. OMG! The Cyborg from Fight Club is BACK! Also, I'll take you up on a crew slot, but don't reserve it until I have a character Idea
  4. IC: Paju-Tesara Market Paju looked up and was taken aback for a moment. "I'm, um, looking for employment!" She replied perking up once the shock of the Zesk wore off. She held up the paper she had been about to nail to the board. It was a poster with her face on it that said. Skilled Pilot, searching for employment, outgoing, brave, looking for adventure as well as some smaller text including contact information
  5. IC: Paju-Tesara Market A lone Ga-Matoran weaved her way expertly through the crowded marketplace, making her way to the notice board, a bundle of papers tucked under one arm.
  6. When judging weapons and powers, I try to imagine the worst possible scenario someone could apply them in, and in this case, I feel like halving someone's movement for ten in-game minutes would pretty much be a death sentence in a fight. Could you please reduce the strength or duration of the effect? Once that's done, I'll be happy to approve. Edited, reduced duration dramatically, increased speed to 2/3 normal speed. Fun fact, I figured out what speed to use by making punches in slow motion IRL.
  7. Character: Name: Paju Species: Ga-Matoran Gender: Female Powers: Able to hold her breath for longer and swim better than the average Matoran Gear: Paju carries a dueling dagger as well as a Slowness Rhotuka Spinner. This spinner causes the target to slow down dramatically, still perceiving time as normal but only moving at 2/3rds the rate. It only effects living things.The effects last for about 10-30 seconds, depending on how long she has to charge it. (10 is the default if I haven't had her charging it up in a previous post). She also caries a variety of tools for making minor repairs on her vehicle Personal Aircraft: The Element Allegiance/Role: Freelance Pilot Appearance: Paju Is short and stocky with a powerless Kanohi Kakama. Personality: Paju is an adrenaline Junkie. She loves the feeling of going fast. She friendly, self motivated, outgoing, and stubborn. Bio: Paju Born not to long before Mata Nui's great battle, Paju stepped onto Bara Magna's soil with an imense feeling of excitement and wanderlust.As the new world developed, crumbled, and developed again she remained on the periphery, always looking for adventure. Once she got her first chance piloting an aircraft she realized she had found her destiny. With some help she suped up an old Skyfighter and named it the element. She now works as a freelance pilot, taking odd jobs in order to fuel her need for speed. Aircraft: Name: The Element Model: Skyfighter Weaponry: Dual heat blasters. One canon mounted on each wing fires off a thin ray of intense heat. Combined they are comparable to a Skakdi's heat vision. However they overheat quickly and can only be used in short bursts. Customisation: The Element is outfitted with a special engine featuring a Kanohi Kakama. This allows the pilot to spend extra fuel to go faster, up to double the vehicles top speed. Doing so drains the ship's energy supply, but if kept within what would be the normal limits of the craft this engine is slightly more fuel efficient than the average engine. Appearance: Paju's vehicle is shaped like a manta ray with triangular wings on either side of a body containing the engine and cockpit. (think the jedi fighters from the opening of episode 3) It is painted blue with yellow and red flames on the leading edge.
  8. Danger-Gym Carraig made an expert block, then punched Danger in the gut. Danger grunted, drew his sword back, and made a swing at Carraig's torso.
  9. Revenge and Danger-Gym The shove hit Danger Square on. He stumbled backwards and almost fell over. "Think it through!" Revenge called out. "Don't rush in blindly." Danger nodded and adjusted his grip on his sword, he lunged forward again, this time trying to stab Carraig in the gut.
  10. IC: Danger-Gym Danger Smiled, Than he lifted his sword and charged Carraig, shouting at the top of his lungs.
  11. IC: Revenge and Danger-Gym Revenge nodded to Carraig, then turned to his brother. "Since he can turn invincible you don't have to worry about holding back ok? Fight like it's the real thing." "Ok, can I use my swords?" Danger replied. Revenge thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, but be careful not to cut yourself." Danger drew both his swords and smiled, it felt good. "Alright, lets go!" IC: Melody-Refectory Melody tentatively reached out and put a hand on Orloc's shoulder. "I-I-It's g-good t-to h-have a n-new f-friend." IC: Toxitora Junior-Hallway "Sure, that would be great!" Junior replied beaming.
  12. IC: Revenge and Danger-Gym "Wow, that's pretty cool, how do you do it?" Suddenly Revenge had an idea. "Would you be alright with being Danger's opponent?" IC: Melody-refectory Melody nodded. "We d-d-don't b-b-bite." IC: Toxitora Jr-Hallway "Hmmm... Well, I still have to deliver this letter, does the Headmaster have a mailbox anywhere?" IC: Punishment-infirmary Punishment quietly walked into the infirmary and sat on a bed. IC: Booger-gym Booger appeared out of thin air several feet above the ground, outside the asignment wall, and fell with a loud THUNK! "Ow," he said, rubbing his nose and standing up, "What was that for?"
  13. IC: Revenge and Danger-gym "Nice," Said revenge. "Wow," Said Danger, "So you're invincible?" IC: Toxitora Junior-Hallways Junior nodded, "Sounds like this place is pretty crazy. What does everyone do all day?" IC: Punishment-Hallways Punishment limped out of the gym and down the hall, towards the Infirmiry. OOC: Punishment open for interaction
  14. IC: Punishment-Gym Punishment nodded. "Thanks, It's been a while since I had a good fight." IC: Revenge and Danger-Gym "What's your power?" Danger asked Carraig. IC: Toxitroa Junior-Hallway "Are they nice?" Juniro asked, "And what makes them think they are gods?
  15. IC: Punishment-Gym Punishment sighed and stood up, "Thank you, this was...enlightening." IC: Revenge and Danger-Gym Revenge nodded and Danger turned to look at him. "What would you do in that situation?" Revenge took a moment to think. "I would have tried new things, if your plan of attack isn't working don't bother repeating it, keep your opponent on their toes." He smiled. "Having a ranged weapon helps too," He said, patting his launcher. IC: Toxitora Junior-Hallways "So... What was that part about false gods?"
  16. IC: Revenge and Danger-Gym Revenge nodded as well. "The red one had a hard time dealing with that. Did you notice he kept attacking then switching to defend at the last moment?" "Yeah, He barely got any hits in." IC: Punishment-Gym As soon as he heard Draco's words he knew his opponent was right. Punishment swung his staff, which had still been blocking the scythe, upwards, causing the scythe blade to scratch across his back. Punishment twisted and let Draco's punch knock him to the floor. IC: Toxitora Junior-Hallway "Wow... That was pretty cool." Junior smiled. "Do you do that a lot?"
  17. IC: Punishment-Gym Punishment swung his staff and moved in close. He blocked the scythe, the tip of it's blade stabbing his back. Then he aimed a kick at Draco's thigh. IC: Revenge and Danger-Gym Danger turned and looked away from the fight. "I can see why you want me to train. Those guys are tough." Revenge nodded. "What do you notice about their styles?" Danger thought for a moment. "The one with the wings seems a lot stronger, he's able to keep the other one on the defensive." IC: Melody-Refectory Melody smiled. "We would l-l-love th-that. W-we actually j-just got d-done t-talking w-with s-someone who d-d-doesn't aggree w-with us." IC: Toxitora Junior-Hallways "That's a cool name, how long have you been here?" Junior said to Mortisia.
  18. IC: Melody-Refectory Melody knelt down, picked up Canvas' bowl, filled it with some food from her own, and handed it back to her friend. She turned to the newcomer. "A-a-are y-you interested in j-j-joining O-our f-f-felowship?" IC: Punishment-Gym Punishment twisted on his stick and moved out of the way of the strike. His opponent was ferocious, always on the offensive, and he had the power to back it up. Punishment was almost ready to surrender, almost, he wanted to get at least one good hit. For the last time he got in a defensive pose, ready to counterattack. IC: Toxitora Junior-Hallway Junior sighed. "Well, I'm Toxitora Junior, I just got here. Nice to meet you!"
  19. IC: Punishment-Gym The hit to the gut sent Punishment flailing back, he managed to get his staff out behind him to stop himself from falling over. He had clearly bitten off more than he could chew, but he wasn't ready to go down yet. Even as he fell he assessed his options for dodging. IC: Revenge and Danger-Gym Danger and Revenge continued to watch. Danger's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. "Man," He mumbled, "They are scary." IC: Melody-Refectory Melody nodded. "I-I-if you're int-terested y-you could j-j-join our g-g-group. I-I was ab-b-bout to g-go to th-th-the library and d-do s-some r-research" IC: Toxitora Junior-Hallways As she walked through the hallways Junior spied Mortisa. "Excuse me!" she called out, "Do you know where I can find the headmaster?"
  20. IC: Punishment-Gym Punishment made a move to strike with the mace end of his weapon, but instead had to adapt to his foe's winds and dual swords. Still, he managed to get his staff up in time to block one of them. The other one glanced off, cutting into his shoulder. IC: Toxitora Junior-Refectory "Well, if there is anything else I can do for you just let me know!" And with that she turned and walked away.
  21. IC: Punishment-Gym Punishment lunged forward, using the bladed end of his staff like a spear.
  22. Yay fresh meat! I mean...New friend!
  23. IC: Punishment-Gym Punishment stood up and readied his staff. "Hardly," he said, pushing through his injuries. "You are a cyclone user I presume." He began to advance towards Draco, keeping his staff in constant motion. IC: Melody-Refectory Melody nodded and decided not to speak. IC: Toxitora Junior-Refectory Junior sat back down next to Whisper. "Here is your food, is there anything else you need?" she said cheerfully.
  24. IC: Punishment-Gym Punishment recovered from his round and flipped around only to see a hamer headed strait at him. The hammer hit him in the side and he rolled to get to a safe distance, taking a defensive stance. IC: Melody-Refectory Melody aproached Canvas holding a bowl of food. Then she noticed who she was talking to, "Oh, h-h-hello."
  25. IC: Punishment-Gym Punishment's lunge barely missed, and it wasn't because of bad luck. He knew a counter attack was coming, but had no way to defend as the scythe slashed across his back. Luckily his momentum carried him far enough to prevent the blade from embedding. IC: Melody and Toxitora Junior-Refectory As Junior was standing in line she saw a white Rahkhsi carying two bowels of food coming towards her. "How are ya doin?" She called out. Melody looked up, "G-g-good. H-how are y-you?" Junior smiled. "I'm good. Just getting some lunch for me and a friend, want to join us?" Melody thought for a moment. "I-I w-was j-j-just g-getting s-some f-food f-for my f-friend as well." "Ok," Replied Junior. "If you and your friend change your mind we are right over there."
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