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Everything posted by Smudge8

  1. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard On the far end of the courtyard Danger squirmed out of Revenge's grasp. "Whats wrong! I just wanted to be friends!" He said loudly. IC: Booger-Gym Thurizaz's weapon smacked into Booger's club and Booger dropped it to the ground. One of the disadvantages of only having one hand, but he didn't seem to care, he was already lungeing at Thurizaz, attempting to tackle him. "You are getting in the way of my revenge Stupid Head!" IC: Melody-Gym "A-a-are you ok?" Melody asked.
  2. Come on guys, lets get Corpus to 675 pages before giving up on it!!!! I am still waiting for your response Rahkmaninoff.
  3. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenges eyes grew wide. He grabbed his brother by the shoulders and began to lead him away. "Come on, we have to go, maybe we can go check out the gym now." "But," Danger protested, "I just met him!"
  4. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge and Danger stood there awkwardly for a moment and all was quiet. Eventually Danger ventured a question. "So...What do friends do?"
  5. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge looked Milk over. She carried no weapons, only that strange stone, and seemed very drousey. Revenge decided that she was ok and he relaxed. Danger started to yawn, and put the hand Milk had been shaking up to his mouth. "Cool," He said mid yawn. "I've never had a friend before. Except for this guy." He turned and pointed at Revenge. "This is my brother Revenge, he was just giving me a tour of the school."
  6. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Danger smiled. "I'm Danger, It's nice to meet you. I just got here and I don't know many people." Revenge walked up behind his brother. It was easy to tell that his guard was up.
  7. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Danger walked over to the stranger and extended his hand. "What is your name?"
  8. IC: Revenge and Danger-Courtyard Revenge sighed, "An alignment is where the headmaster assigns us to accomplish a task, usually it involves fighting." Danger had been pestering him all day. "Oh," Danger had about ten new questions now, but then he noticed a Rahksi with a badly done white paint job. "Look!" he shouted, "Someone else!" OOC: Danger is pointing to MILK
  9. Ok, I was kind of leaning towards that. EDIT: UPDATE I have decided to put Rahi Hunters in motion, and am currently fleshing out the details. It might take a little while but look for another draft coming before (probably close to) the end of the month.
  10. -Yes, a hunter doesn't have to be part of the guild. Being a guild member basically makes you 'official' while not being a member makes you kind of like the do-it-yourself guy, for lack of a better term. The guild was just formed to keep hunters from getting out of control and destroying the environment, while still protecting the people. - not sure if the elements are gender locked or not yet, I am leaning towards it, but I was also thinking having non cannon masks would be cool. Because I still want it to be familiar, it will probably be one or the other, which do you think would be better? -I plan to play all of the Rahi at this point, but if there are enough players I will probably ask people to be 'sub GM's' to help with the less important fights. -Also, if this reminds you of a video game, that's because it is inspired by this one. It's one of my favorite series.
  11. Ok, here is my first draft. All constructive criticism is appreciated. I really want to do this but I also want to know how well it would be recieved, so please at least tell me if you would consider playing it, so that I can be sure it will be supported. This is only a first draft so I still have a lot of stuff that I will nail down in future drafts. Rahi Hunters Welcome to the Island of Terra-Dra Home of adventure and danger. Amongst the peaceful grasslands, calm beaches, dense jungles and tall mountains matoran live side by side with giant, dangerous Rahi. Their survival depends on YOU the hunters. Grab your weapon, put on your mask, and get out there to defend civilization and blaze new trails into the wilds of Terra-Dra. Happy hunting! The Island Terra-Dra is a rough and harsh landscape with five areas. Planes-Dra, Beach-Dra, Jungle-Dra, Mountain-Dra, and Sand-Dra. The Hunters Guild monitors the environments of each area closely, and travel into each area requires the Guild’s permission. Planes-Dra(Easy) These peaceful grasslands are dotted with large rocky outcroppings and Matoran Villages. This is the most setled of the regions because the soft rolling hills allow scouts to easily spot incoming threats. This is the perfect place for new hunters to test out their skills before moving onto more dangerous areas. This Region is also the location of the only city, Jagater, the location of Hunters Guild Headquarters. Jagater is a small city, but it drastically outsizes any other village in Terra-Dra. It has many shops, restaurants, and hotels, but most important it features the Hunters Guild Headquarters. The guild headquarters is a large spire with multiple floors. The first (ground floor) is home to the reception area. It features a large waiting room with desks for Hunter Licensing, Environmental reports, and so on. Dominating the center of the room is the Request board. On this board are requests for hunters assistance of all types. Anyone can post on the board if they are seeking assistance from a Hunter, and any Hunter, licensed or non-licensed can respond to a quest on the board. THis is the only floor open to the public. The second floor is the social area only open for licensed hunters, featuring a cafeteria with discounted food, a gym area with various training equipment and dummies, and several reservable meeting rooms. The third floor is a free Dormitory, open to all licensed hunters. The fourth floor is the grand hall, where the Guild holds meetings for all members. The fifth floor is the private offices of the Guild masters. Only the Guild masters, and those on official Guild business are permitted on this floor. Beach-Dra (Easy/Medium) Where the grasslands meet the sea is Beach-Dra. Thisl area Is covered in rivers, lakes, and tidepools, with large patches of green palm trees and shrubbery. It is the perfect environment for amphibious Rahi, who come here from the ocean. Small fishing villages dot this area, and hunters are frequently called on to stem the wild rahi. Jungle-Dra(Medium) The South west side of Terra-Dra is covered in dense jungle, home to a great variety of Rahi, in incredible numbers! The ground is swampy and covered in all kinds of vegetation, while the trees are so huge that some Rahi Never have to touch the ground while moving from branch to branch. While expeditions frequently enter this area to gather various herbs, Jungle-Dra remains largely uninhabited. Mountain-Dra (Hard) Those who manage to make it through the forests of Jungle-Dra will find themselves blocked by the region of Mountain-Dra. This massive mountain range separates the Matoran from the northern portion of the island. No one has successfully crossed this region and lived to tell the tail. The rugged conditions of the mountains mean that only the fiercest Rahi live there. One of the most prominent land features of this area is God’s Roost. This massive mountain stretches up to the heavens, high above the surrounding range, It’s edges are so steep so as to be nearly vertical. No one has ever reached its summit. Sand-Dra(Hard) Rumores abound of a vast desert, located just beyond the mountains. There are also rumors that the Hunters Guild may be arranging for another expedition to go there. The Hunters Guild In a land filled with danger the Hunters Guild serves as a form of government. Their stated mission is to “Protect, Preserve, and Study.” They dispatch trained hunters to protect civilians from monster attacks. They monitor the actions of all guild members actions and set rules and restrictions to prevent the Matorn from upsetting the delicate balance of nature. They also do extensive study into the flora and fauna of Terra-Dra in order to better understand the ecosystems and advance the Matoran’s standard of living. The leaders are Najora, Guld captain, Paju, chief hunter, and Kumawa, chief environmentalist. (Profiles for Hunters Guild chiefs to come later) The Matoran The Matoran of Terra-Dra are different from those elsewhere. Living in such a dangerous environment has led them to adapt and gain new powers, making them more like Turaga than regular Matoran. Terra-Dra Matoran are slightly stronger and more durable than their regular counterparts. They have also gained two special abilities.They have developed the mental power to use knoble masks and have learned to tap into their elemental powers in a limited extent. To create a profile you must determine the following characteristics for your characters. Name: Gender: Element: Affiliation: Mask: Elemental weapon: Other equipment: Personality/Biography: Name: Some hunters go by their given names, but others choose to use codenames. Gender: Element: The Matoran of Terra-Dra come in a wide variety of elements. All cannon Matoran elements, except for light and shadow are fair game. Affiliation: Hunters have been known to form groups both big and small to help each other. The largest of these is the Hunters Guild. If your character is part of the Hunters Guild say so here. You may also list other player made groups/teams your character is affiliated with. (All members of the hunters guild must be approved by the GM, if you want your character to begin as part of the guild mark them as so here and I will approve/deny). Mask: Matoran of Terra-Dra have developed the mental capacity to use knoble masks, however, they are somewhat hard to come by and not everyone has one. Hunters may begin with only one knoble mask. Remember that Knoble masks are weaker versions of Great masks so Role Play accordingly. (When reviewing profiles the GM may ask for clarification on what you expect your knoble masks limitations to be. It might be good to clarify that here). Elemental Weapon: Through clever weaponsmithing the Matoran of Terra-Dra have developed a way to channel their elemental powers. An elemental weapon is a traditional weapon (sword, spear, battle axe) that matoran can channel their elemental power through in a specific manner. Each tool is designed to react with one element and produce one result. For example, a Ta-Matoran may have a sword that he can cover in fire, when on fire the sword leaves a trail of flame through the air. The sword cannot, however, be used to launch fire at a target (i.e. Flamethrower/fireball). (Please be as specific as you can, see GM NPC profiles for examples.) Other Equipment: A hunter with just a weapon often finds themselves underprepared. List any other Equipment/Items your character carries on his/her person. Personality/Biography: What makes your character who they are? Where did they come from? Why are they a hunter? What is their favorite color? Fill this area with whatever information you desire to give your character background and depth. !!!URGENT QUEST!!! Location: Planes-Dra The insectoid rahi known as Zeltar have recently been swarming in huge numbers. These hungry beasts have been devouring farmers crops, and we face a severe food shortage if they are not stopped. Mission: The guild wants all members to search for their nest and find out what has caused the Zeltar’s population boom. Seeing as this is a state of emergency, authorization has been given to slay any Rahi that may be connected with this problem.
  12. OOC: Booger has responded to Thurizaz (See above) IC: Revenge and Danger- Courtyard Revenge lead his brother out into the courtyard. "And this is the, courtyard." He said. "It's not really used for much." "Ok," Danger replied. "what about that big room we passed earlier? The one with all the noise?" "That is the gym, it's...occupied right now. We can go there later." "What do you mean by occupied?" "Well, they are doing an assignment right now and-" "What is an assignment?"
  13. IC: Booger-Gym "But their right..." A sudden shouting caused Booger to jump and Thuriaz's trident barely grazed his torso. "Hey!" Booger swung his club aiming to hit his new opponent in the head.
  14. Sounds good to me, go ahead and make your move.
  15. IC: Booger-Gym Booger glanced upwards and saw someone standing on the roof, looking back at him. "Hey guys!" He shouted to his teammates, "Are you ready to fight?" OOC: Sorry If Booger wasn't supposed to see the team about to attack him, but I am getting tired of waiting. I want to fight!
  16. I am not planning on allowing any cannon characters, It seems like it would make things complicated, especially since I want it to feel like the players are isolated from the rest of society. Basically these Matoran are modified to allow them to explore dangerous territories, but as they explored they got isolated and have been seperate long enough to develop their own society. The setting will definentaly be non-cannon, and it could be in Mata Nui('s body), somewhere on Bara Magna(post story), or even on a new planet. Not sure yet.
  17. So... I have had a few ideas for RPG's the only game I play, Corpus Rahkshi, is going really slow and I am interested in starting one. Here are my two ideas. Toa Don't Come: In a parallel time line to G2 the protectors chant the prophesy of heroes to summon the Toa to fight the skull spiders. But in this timeline no one comes. We pick up the story in the middle of a full scale war between the villagers and Makuta's hordes of skeletons and beasts. The villagers are loosing and are desperately looking for anything that can turn the tide. Rahi Hunters: In this cross between Bionicle and the Monster Hunter Video games you play as brave Matoran explorers who are battling against a challenging environment filled with natural disasters and huge, dangerous beasts. The matoran have developed a number of special pieces of equipment, including usable knoble masks and element-channeling weapons. This one would start out with a small playable area(with a mission to kill a specific Rahi in that area) and then grow as the players explore more. What do you think?
  18. IC: Booger-Gym Booger was sitting on the ground in an alleyway. "I'm bored!" He said for anyone to hear. "I want to fight!" OOC: I'm just going to assume Revenge is giving Danger a tour of the place, since their won't be much to do until the assignment is over.
  19. IC: Revenge and Danger-Refectory Revenge smiled. "That sounds great, When did the assignment start?"
  20. IC: Revenge and Danger- Refectory Revenge smiled. "Is there anything you would like to do now that I am back?" "Yea," Danger chimed in, "What kind of stuff is there to do around here?"
  21. IC: Booger-Gym Booger perked up when Luffy mentioned hitting someone with his club. "Sounds good to me!" He said, immediately running towards the alleyway.
  22. IC: Revenge and Danger-Refectory Revenge sighed, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. He wasn't sure if Raptors disappearance relieved tension or gave him more, but he didn't want Rider to feel bad. "That's too bad," Danger said after a moment. "I hope he is ok." Revenge smiled, "Me too." He turned back to Rider. "What about the situation with the Matoran? When I left our interactions with the islanders weren't going so good." IC: Booger-Gym "And I'm Booger, I've already got a plan unless you have one that is better."
  23. IC: Revenge and Danger- Refectory It took Revenge a moment to process what Rider was saying. If Raptor was realy back, he might get a chance to... "Is he still here?" IC: Booger-Gym Booger shrugged his shoulders. "Ok, so what do we do now?"
  24. Far far away, in a quiet Matoran village, Nomar and Cives were sleeping soundly in their beds. Well, Nomar was, Cives was wide awake. It was Christmas eve! Cives couldn’t wait for Santa to come and deliver presents. He rolled over and whispered, “Are you awake?” “Yes,” Nomar grumbled, amazed at his friend's stupidity. “I am now.” “I haven’t been able to fall asleep, do you think Santa has come yet?” “No” Nomar said flatly. “Why not? It’s past midnight!” “He won’t come until you fall asleep.” “But I can’t!” There was a hint of desperation in Cives’ voice. “I’m too excited” Nomar rolled over again, “Just relax and be patient.” “Ok,” Cives said sheepishly. He remained quiet and after what felt like hours of tossing and turning sleep finally crept into his eyes. He never expected what came next. --- THUMP! Both matoran quickly sat up in bed. “What was that?” Whispered Nomar. “Maybe it is Santa!” Cives said quite loudly. “Shhh!” Hissed Nomar. “Be quiet.” Bump, bump, bump. Something was walking across the roof, headed for the chimney. It descended into the house with a thump! “Let’s go check it out!” said Cives. “Ok,” Whispered Nomar, “But be quiet and stay behind me.” He pulled out a lightstone and they crept to the door. Both matoran peered out into the hall. Seein it was empty and completely silent, they tip-toed to the living room. In the dim light they saw a huge shape lying on the floor. Cives gasped, and the shape began to stir. It stood up slowly, it had large spines running down it’s back, a small snake like head, and a huge, muscular, hunchbacked body. Although they had never seen anything like it they knew exactly what it was. “Rahkshi!” They screamed as they bolted for the door, but their path was blocked by another, smaller Rahkshi. Before they could react it knocked them both out with it’s staff. “You need to be more careful Xara,” Hoto, the smaller Rahkshi said in a strange, hissing, language. “You must have woken these two up.” “It’s not my fault that they are light sleepers!” Xara snapped back. Hoto eyed a plate of cookies. “Do you think he has been here?” “Let’s find out.” Xara picked up a gift from under the christmas tree, shook it, then tore it open with one swift motion. Out fell a Kanohi Hau, it was a sickly green color with patches of orange rust, not the most impressive gift. “What a cunning plan,” Xara mused. “Place these infected masks under the tree. Then when the Matoran wake up they will rush out, tear open their presents, then you have your own personal army. “That’s why our friends are combing the village,” Hoto said. “”We will catch him.” “I know,” sighed Xara, “But do we really have to climb down every single chimney?” --- Meanwhile, down the street two more Rahkshi, with markings showing their powers of poison and teleportation respectively, were also going house to house, but they were having considerably less trouble. The teleportation Rahkshi was staring at a window. He screwed up his face, then suddenly vanished and reappeared inside the house. He then Reached into his bag and pulled out a package, placing it carefully under the tree before teleporting out of the house. “How much longer must we do this, Master Poly?” The teleportation Rahkshi said to his companion. “I am getting tired...” Poly gave him a cold stare. “I want an infected mask on every matoran in this village, so don’t stop until you have visited every house!” He slapped the other Rahkshi in the face. “Unless you want to be Floor in more than name.” “S-sorry, master,” Floor stammered as he knelt on the ground. “Good, now get back to work!” Floor turned and prepared to teleport into the next house. Poly’s face twisted into a cruel smirk. He scanned the sky. An ice bat flew past, but otherwise the night was silent. Little did Poly know that ice bat had a mission, and a name. Ivan fluttered across the rooftops away from the villains towards his master Vlad, who was struggling to pull himself out of a chimney. Vlad was a Rahkshi of hunger, although he didn’t look like it, since he had painted himself bright gold. He flopped out of the chimney and Ivan landed on his shoulder. “Vat is it Ivan? Have you found zem?” The bat made a chirping noise, shaking it’s head up and down. “Ok, lead the vay, just one zecond…” He turned to the chimney and helped pull out another Rahkshi who was armed only with a large shield. “Ivan has found the villains!” The other Rahkshi smiled, “Let's go get them!” They took off, soaring over the rooftop until… --- Poly heard the sound of something flying through the air. “Hide,” he hissed at Floor. Floor teleported into an alleyway and Poly hid himself in the shadows of a porch. Vlad and Shield came in for a smooth landing, “You said zey vere here?” Vlad asked his pet, “I don’t see anybody.” “Thy might still be nearby,” Shield replied. “I’ll go this way, you go that way.” The two Rahkshi spit up. Poly smiled and began to follow Vlad. Floor got the message and stepped out of his alleyway once Shield passed him. Floor smiled and shifted the weight of his bag, letting it slide off his back. The presents inside shuffled. Vlad’s ears picked up the sound and he spun shouting “Look out Shield!” Poly leaped at Vlad, not bothering to draw a weapon. Shield spun, and Floor smacked him in the face with the bag of presents. The fight was on. --- Up on the housetop Hoto paused, She heard banging and shouting. Looking around, she caught sight of the fight going down the street. “Xara, I’m going to check that out.” Xara was trying to haul herself out of the chimney. “Hoto wait!” It was too late, Hoto had already taken off. “Oh, well,” Xara mumbled, “I guess I may as well send the signal.” She pointed her hand into the sky and launched off a bolt of chain lightning. Meanwhile, the fight wasn’t going too well. Vlad and Poly were pretty evenly matched, considering both of their powers required physical contact, but Floor had already knocked Shield out with his bag of gifts. Vlad was outnumbered. The two other Rahkshi circled him, looking for an opening. Poly lunged, and Hoto dived, striking Poly in the head with her staff. Poly fell on the ground, and Hoto lunged to pin him. “Don’t” Vlad shouted, tackling Hoto to protect her from Poly’s poisonous touch. Floor decided it was time to make his exit, he turned and sprinted down the street only to find his path blocked by two more Rahkshi. Screwing up his face again he concentrated, and instantly teleported past them. Suddenly he felt a strange pain in his ankle. He stopped and looked down. A small Ussal crab had grabbed him with it’s pincher. “Get off you stupid animal!” He shook his leg, trying to dislodge the critter. “Hey!” Someone said, “Claws is not stupid!” Floor looked up just in time to get punched in the face by one of the Rahkshi. --- Poly and Hoto were engaged in an intense battle, Vlad was laying on the ground. When he had protected Hoto Poly had lunged and poisoned him instead, taking him out of the fight. The two Rahkshi were a blur of movement. Poly attacking viciously with his rapier, Hoto defending with her staff. Poly swung and Hoto blocked, but Poly followed up with a kick that sent Hoto sprawling. Before she could get back up she was already pinned, a poisons rapier pointed at her throat. “Give up,” Poly said, “these Motoran are mine.” “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Hoto said. Poly frowned, ready to make the killing blow. “I won’t waste words with you, AAAARRRG!” there was a bright flash and Poly crumpled to the ground. Xara descended, electricity still crackling from her hands. “It looks like I am just in time,” she said. Drawing her swords. “I recommend you don’t get up Poly.” Poly didn’t, the shock had knocked him out. Two more Rahkshi descended from the sky, one turned to help Vlad while the other walked over to revive shield. “Well,” Said Hoto, “What now?” Two more Rahkshi approached, dragging Floor and his bag of gifts, their Ussal crab chittering happily. “How about we throw these two in their own bag and haul them off.” One of them suggested. “I’m not sure if we could carry them that far.” Xara replied. Hoto stood up, “If we all work together it shouldn’t be that bad. I saw some rope over there. Tomorrow is Christmas, I am sure the Matoran won’t mind if we ‘borrow’ it.” The eight Rahkshi got busy and within minutes they were ready for take off. They had shoved Poly and Floor into the bag and tied the bag shut with the rope. Each Rakshi held a rope going back to the bag. “Ok,” Said Xara, “Three, two, one, GO!” The Rakshi shifted into flight mode and, in unison soared off into the night, laughing with joy at their accomplishment. Down in the village Cives began to stir. He stood up, looked outside, and thought he saw eight flying beasts pulling a sleigh full of goodies in the sky. “Nomar,” he shouted, “Santa was here!” --- Just a short story I wrote biased on my favorite RPG. Merry Christmas, I hope you enjoyed it! Constructive criticism is appreciated.
  25. IC: Revenge and Danger- Refectory Revenge spit out a mouthful of food. "WHAT! You can't be serious!" "Raptor sounds like a cool name," Danger said, "Is he one of your friends?" Revenge looked angrily at Danger. "I saw him get murdered with my own eyes." IC: Booger-Gym Booger stopped and spun around, a confused look on his face. "What are you waiting for, I thought we were a team?"
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