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Everything posted by Grungemeister

  1. 4/5 I was hoping it was the same Final Countdown I was thinking of and not a different song with the same name. I was not disappointed
  2. I disagree with this. SOLID COPPER Hunas and Komaus as trophies.Nono, for trophies we can have the Vahi, Ignika, and Mask of Creation. And they can even be worn. Extra gloat points. In-story, there were copper Hunas and Komaus as trophies. There were set forms as well, and they're pretty rare.
  3. I'd say it's more like Soccer/Lacrosse/Gladiator Fights Hockey/soccer/lacrosse/golf/Gladiator
  4. I disagree with this. SOLID COPPER Hunas and Komaus as trophies.
  5. Well, now I'm making Kolhii gear http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/18781-lets-play-kolhii/
  6. MNOG II Nay Softball MNOG Koli is basically soccer. If we do MNOG II Kolhii, we get to play hockey-lacrosse-golf
  7. Personally, I'd custom-mold a Kakama if I could. The Kakama is my all time favorite G1 mask.
  8. Goosebumps was scary to everyone when you were 9.
  9. I looked up the paintball masks, and they run about $170. If they can make a Guy-Man mask, they can make Kanohi http://www.onimarushop.com/270611_10151023515041567_812358504_n.jpg
  10. Yeah, it's called a medicine ball .
  11. That would be pretty unwieldy. Plus, I'm not a metalsmith, so I really have no way of doing that. By curved pick, do you mean like a pickaxe or like a hammer with the two prongs? Another thing to put on the other side would be a hockey stick-like paddle to just dribble the ball. I might just look up how to make a wooden mallet and stick it on the other end of the shaft. I'm not afraid of a wooden club breaking or anything, since wooden golf clubs work very well. As for the scoop, I was thinking of getting a relatively strong piece of metal (maybe a cylindrical rod) and bending it into shape, and then laying one strip of nice thick sheet metal across the bottom. Not only would it make the scoop lighter, but it would allow air to pass through. Alright, so not iron or steel. I mean like a pickaxe. But the underside curved. Also dribbling the ball isn't really something done in kolhii. The scoop sounds like a nice idea, I approve I meant dribbling in a soccer meaning, not a basketball meaning, if that's what you thought . I've got a rough sketch of my ideas drawn up on paper, but I don't feel like scanning it into my computer right now. I'll have that tomorrow, as it is pretty late here. As for a ball, I'm thinking just a normal solid rubber ball, about 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter. The shield will be the easy part. Of course I'm going to paint it in the colors and designs of a Koro, so which one do you guys want to see? I'm thinking Ta-Koro, bcause it would technically double as a guard shield as well . Po-Koro would look nice, too, with natural brown and tan colors.
  12. That would be pretty unwieldy. Plus, I'm not a metalsmith, so I really have no way of doing that. By curved pick, do you mean like a pickaxe or like a hammer with the two prongs? Another thing to put on the other side would be a hockey stick-like paddle to just dribble the ball. I might just look up how to make a wooden mallet and stick it on the other end of the shaft. I'm not afraid of a wooden club breaking or anything, since wooden golf clubs work very well. As for the scoop, I was thinking of getting a relatively strong piece of metal (maybe a cylindrical rod) and bending it into shape, and then laying one strip of nice thick sheet metal across the bottom. Not only would it make the scoop lighter, but it would allow air to pass through.
  13. Assuming the ball is a little heavier than your typical soccer ball, then there will likely need to be standard soccer attire (cleats, shin guards, ect.). Usually goal-keepers don't wear that much more protection than the players (aside from padded gloves), however since the mass of the object flying at them will be greater, they'll probably need some sort of chest padding that protects the upper and lower torso. They might need a facemask, but that would depend on how heavy the ball is (if it was closer to a bowling ball then yes, but more like a soccer ball then no). But remember, the heavier the object means that the shorter distance that it will be kicked. So if the ball is really heavy then that doesn't necessarily mean that the goal-keeper will need to be heavily armored, as it might hinder their mobility and thus their ability to block shots. I guess you're right if you're playing soccer-style Koli. In my mind, I'm imagining playing this with a soccerball-sized medicine ball, so it's probably going to remain groundbound for the most part. So yeah, basically standard soccer gear. When I was talking about the gear, though, I was referring to lacrosse-style Kolhii in which the ball is probably pretty heavy and about the size of a softball. The goalie would definitely want some full body protection if they're going to have softballs flung at them. In a couple weeks, I'll have a lot of time (summer vacation and all) so I might actually work on developing a Kolhii staff and shield. I'll be sure to hang around this thread, I can't wait to see what they look like! Totally gonna keep checking up here to see the progress. Does anyone here have suggestions on stuff? My biggest problem I think is going to be the hammer/club part. What would be practical to use for that? Right now I'm thinking just a refined block of wood, a la croquet mallet.
  14. Assuming the ball is a little heavier than your typical soccer ball, then there will likely need to be standard soccer attire (cleats, shin guards, ect.). Usually goal-keepers don't wear that much more protection than the players (aside from padded gloves), however since the mass of the object flying at them will be greater, they'll probably need some sort of chest padding that protects the upper and lower torso. They might need a facemask, but that would depend on how heavy the ball is (if it was closer to a bowling ball then yes, but more like a soccer ball then no). But remember, the heavier the object means that the shorter distance that it will be kicked. So if the ball is really heavy then that doesn't necessarily mean that the goal-keeper will need to be heavily armored, as it might hinder their mobility and thus their ability to block shots. I guess you're right if you're playing soccer-style Koli. In my mind, I'm imagining playing this with a soccerball-sized medicine ball, so it's probably going to remain groundbound for the most part. So yeah, basically standard soccer gear. When I was talking about the gear, though, I was referring to lacrosse-style Kolhii in which the ball is probably pretty heavy and about the size of a softball. The goalie would definitely want some full body protection if they're going to have softballs flung at them. In a couple weeks, I'll have a lot of time (summer vacation and all) so I might actually work on developing a Kolhii staff and shield.
  15. So I guess it's my job to develop the equipment . Would there be any kind of body armor involved? I feel like soccer shin guards would be a good idea, as well as some sort of vambrace to protect the lower arms. Goalie (or Koalie if you like) should probably be more armored. Maybe a helmet and face shield, too? A goalie should also have a special one-armed armor, since the other arm holds a shield. Keep in mind I'm talking about the lacrosse style Kolhii, as normal Koli wouldn't be to different from soccer in terms of gear etc.
  16. This world needs a new gladiator-like sport. Gladiator/hockey/soccer/lacrosse with shields. I like it.
  17. Guys, I just realized something. If we play the lacrosse-style one, we'll need shields. Also, here's the official in-universe rules for Kolhii: From BS01:
  18. Set 'er up, then! To make a distinction, I suggest we call the soccer/football MNOG style "Koli" and the lacrosse/hockey MNOGII style "Kolhii".
  19. Appreciated by the heroes, not the crowds. c: Anyways, how will we go about setting this up? o.0 Pretty sure it'll be more like lacrosse, maybe mixed with soccer? I meant is it a large ball we kick or a softball sized ball we throw with lacrosse stick hammer things? I'd say softball...? Basically, MNOG Koli or MNOGII Kolhii? Yeah, without the ebola balls. Sweet. I'll design a lacrosse stick with a club. What kind of ball to we use?
  20. Appreciated by the heroes, not the crowds. c: Anyways, how will we go about setting this up? o.0 Pretty sure it'll be more like lacrosse, maybe mixed with soccer? I meant is it a large ball we kick or a softball sized ball we throw with lacrosse stick hammer things? I'd say softball...? Basically, MNOG Koli or MNOGII Kolhii?
  21. Appreciated by the heroes, not the crowds. c: Anyways, how will we go about setting this up? o.0 Pretty sure it'll be more like lacrosse, maybe mixed with soccer? I meant is it a large ball we kick or a softball sized ball we throw with lacrosse stick hammer things?
  22. So guys, is this lacrosse Kolhii or soccer/football Kolhii?
  23. Could we be partners? :3 You could always use a... PAIR-OF-MEDICS! ಠ_ಠ ​Anyway, let's organize a national Kolhii tournament .
  24. 5/5 grungy and industrial at the beginning. I dig it. The orchestral parts really heighten the sense of "soundtrack".
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