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Everything posted by Grungemeister

  1. Good enough for a basic idea. The "Kaita" groups (IE Triad) are in a committed relationship between themselves, but ALSO as a relationship between the two groups (Dual). A romantic relationship. With love. I like it.
  2. A what now? Sounds needlessly confusing and like SJW baitToa Kaita, my friend.I get that. What's a dual orbiting triad? Dual - two Orbiting - referring to the fact that the two groups of Toa are each bound together Triad - a group of three At least I hope I'm right.
  3. 4/5 quite enjoyable.It's not excessively energetic, which I enjoy.
  4. A what now? Sounds needlessly confusing and like SJW bait Toa Kaita, my friend.
  5. "Will you be my second?" is a MNOG reference, but that's it.
  6. I do. Two, in fact. One is definitely going to take longer, so expect them in about 5 -10 days maybe. I like the first one more, personally. It would look even better if the edges of the Mata Nui stone lined up with the Hau, if that makes sense.
  7. Guys how about one way Tamaru -> Kongu. Imagine Tamaru dropping all the hints and pickup lines and Kongu not getting them because he's Kongu. "Wow Kongu, you sure wind-flew well during the Rama invasion!" "Thanks." "Maybe I could be your second sometime?" "You're scared of heights." "I can still be your second...half." "...is this one of Matau's trick-riddles?" "No." "Charades?" "..."
  8. These look excellent. If you don't mind me asking, did you use my method of articulating Kongu's head? If so, I'm happy that someone got use out of it.
  9. I remember first getting into Bionicle in 2007 and thinking how cool it was that there were underwater robots. Then I found out there were 6 previous years. I remember hearing of Phantoka and being like "Whaaat?! The Toa Nuva??!!" I remember that retrospective video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpfNrl6RIvM I remember the GSR reveal. That was mind blowing to a 9 year old kid.
  10. I like this one a lot. Dividing the colors up was a good aesthetic choice. It reminds of the Mata Kaitas a lot.
  11. The only site I know that has a chatroom connected to the main site is the SCP site19. There's just a link on the homepage and you have to do some nickname registration stuff and you're in. Granted, they have no language filter, but their modding system works pretty well. All of the site's actual mods are connected 24/7, but they take shifts moderating. There is a head chat admin, but they basically just have an overall watch over the chatroom. ALSO, if we get a chatroom, we should have a bot. site19's bot (Alexandria) can find any page on the website via number or keywords, etc. It would help to have something similar for BS01. That way, if there is ever any doubt about anything, you can ask the bot to find the info. Whether it would be a good idea to allow the bot to find anything on the internet would be up for debate.
  12. Apologies for the lack of inactivity (music is being worked on) but I'd like to announce that I'll be on a brief six day hiatus starting tomorrow until Saturday as I'll be at scout camp.
  13. 3/5 pretty cool.. I especially like the beginning and the part around 2:56 to the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdNIO0hLqjc
  14. Is it canon that Kanoka have the three notches in the edge that they have in both the movies and the sets?
  15. Eh, those vids are probably an even worse example. Vakama confirmed re-colored Su-Toa. No someone pointed out that there's a stone GSR head in the Onewa animation.
  16. He also shoots it in his Metru animation: https://youtu.be/nNpWn2Sgz8o?t=4m There's no trail of energy or anything, it just flies out with a little recoil. (on a side note, look at where the guy with the top comment is talking about )
  17. Dude, I have a Kanoka launcher. I know that it is launched not via string, but by pushing the sides of the disk. I'm talking in-universe.
  18. In-universe, how do they work? For that matter, how do Kanoka themselves work? Inspired by this comment: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/18720-lets-talk-bionicle-best-moments-of-bionicle-g1/page-2?do=findComment&comment=950392
  19. Erm, none of the Toa Metru have crossbow. Vakama's disk launcher is 100% a crossbow variant. This is crossbow. This is Vakama's disk launcher. Different projectile, totally different design since it is missing the wires for propulsion, not even launched or operated the same way- Two staff members have said it, it must be fact, let's move on. Bro it's totally a crossbow . You don't know how Kanoka work, there might be a string made of energy or something. (This gives me an idea for a topic...) Anyway, on topic: Lewa vs OnuaTransformation into TakanuvaJaller's DeathHordika sagaBarraki sagaThe CordexGSR reveal
  20. "I know this city like the back of my hand. WAIT, has that always been there?"
  21. The gears were coverings, as one would wear armor on the back of their hands. I put less white so it doesn't look as much like a toa of ice. Also I thought having a gold MoL was common? I have a silver one and a sparkly one from a Bricklink order. Pretty sure silver is the most common, sine gold only came in the Takanuva set itself.I thought the silver mask came with Teridax :? In my Takanuva set, I got a gold and crystal mask That what I meant. Silver comes in two sets (Teridax, Takanuva Stars), one of which has two in it.
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