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Everything posted by Grungemeister

  1. The gears were coverings, as one would wear armor on the back of their hands. I put less white so it doesn't look as much like a toa of ice. Also I thought having a gold MoL was common? I have a silver one and a sparkly one from a Bricklink order. Pretty sure silver is the most common, sine gold only came in the Takanuva set itself.
  2. Thank you! Old school is the only thing I know how to do well. I actually don't own any CCBS whatsoever. Unfortunately, I don't thank there's really any way to add more lime. If I replaced any of the turquoise parts in the legs, it would look too lime-heavy or off balance. The gappiness is mainly because of the custom limbs, but it works well. Think of how gappy G1 limbs were, with all of the pin holes and pistons.
  3. That explains why I got a PM from you a couple days after I joined. I was a tad confused.
  4. This post was my fault . They seem to have a better understanding of robotics than we do, but of course they would probably be surprised at our knowledge of biology. The fact that they know so much about robotics is somewhat independent of their technological advancement. How they don't know about the wheel is somewhat strange. In the real world, the wheel was invented in Ancient China through a rolling toy, and was later put to practical use in carts, etc. The technology was there, they just didn't make the connection. MU inhabitants just haven't figured out how to make a gear spin freely yet.
  5. Gray Rahkshi feet also came in Carapar.
  6. This looks really good! The only thing that I would change would be putting in more white, since I only see like 8 white pieces. I like the silver G1 aesthetic a lot, but I kinda miss the signature Takanuva white.
  7. Yeah, that's the ultimate Dume special edition (for lack of a better term) Kraahkan. It's a good find, since it's from a rare set. KAPURA'D: Answered while I was typing. My bad.
  8. Well, one corner of my room has a couple totes filled with LEGOs, so I'll probably just bring them along wherever I go. It's not that much space. Certain Bonkles will remain unpacked, assembled, and displayed for all eternity. These include, but are not limited to, all of the MoLToran, all of the Vahki, and the Toa Mata and Toa Metru once I get them all.
  9. They've also got to be near you. I love Kolhii as much as the next guy, but I don't think I'd be willing to do a twelve hour drive just to kick a ball around. Maybe there could be regional teams? That way, it's no more than about a four hour drive.That's probably be a good idea. Because believe me, I despise long car drives.It just so happens that I found a map of the US with each region, as well as sub-regions. Matches would be in the middle of each region. For example, the base of the South Atlantic region would be Raleigh, North Carolina, West North Central would be Lincoln, Nebraska, etc. Personally, I think the Lincoln team (or any plains states' teams) would have to be called the Lincoln Baldlanders. I see Ta-Koro, Ga-Koro, Po-Koro, and Le-Koro. Where are Onu and Ko-koro? I thought I was the only one... The only one of what?
  10. They've also got to be near you. I love Kolhii as much as the next guy, but I don't think I'd be willing to do a twelve hour drive just to kick a ball around. Maybe there could be regional teams? That way, it's no more than about a four hour drive. That's probably be a good idea. Because believe me, I despise long car drives. It just so happens that I found a map of the US with each region, as well as sub-regions. Matches would be in the middle of each region. For example, the base of the South Atlantic region would be Raleigh, North Carolina, West North Central would be Lincoln, Nebraska, etc. Personally, I think the Lincoln team (or any plains states' teams) would have to be called the Lincoln Baldlanders.
  11. Gracias! I was able to find all the masks and tools available in black, except Lewa's Ax :/ (looks like I might have to paint one black unfortunately) What about Pohatu's foot thingies?
  12. They've also got to be near you. I love Kolhii as much as the next guy, but I don't think I'd be willing to do a twelve hour drive just to kick a ball around. Maybe there could be regional teams? That way, it's no more than about a four hour drive.
  13. I didn't mean so much as being technologically advanced as much as I meant adaptable and hardy. The Matoran faction, if I'm not mistaken, refers to all Matoran, so that's a race with essentially every element possible. Therefore, as technology advanced, there would be certain Matoran that would better at certain things. For example, if flying machines were developed, Le-Matoran would already be adapted and well suited to piloting them. EDIT: you posted while I was typing.
  14. These look so cool. If they're all supposed to have their original weapons, I think Kopaka and Onua are the only ones who can have "purist" black versions of their weapons.
  15. I use custom limbs for everything. There may or may not be a fully custom Metrutoran sized MOC in the future.
  16. I would say matoran and other MU races would be the most advanced on the map. As the MU doesn't feature large, expansive oceans, just inclosed seas with a man-shaped archipelago, I doubt they would immediately be ready for long-distant sailing and even more distant colonization. But that's what technology advancement is for! If the Lhikan airships could be made in a jiffy, I'm sure stable sea ships can be possible, or would they even be neccesary? When the game is stable to play as, everything will initially look like it does in the base game: early-modern period mcschnitzel. Afterwards, however, we can all work on creation of custom game sprites. i bring this up because, instead of sea ships, would-ocean based air craft be better visually? Idk, just brainstorming here. I guess technological advancement makes sense. I was referring to the fact the the Matoran are probably the most seaworthy faction from the start. If you got all of the factions together and said "you need to make a boat", while many groups would be behind, the Matoran probably already built a sailboat. Not to mention the fact that Ga-Matoran are competent sailors in the first place. I'm not entirely sure how this game works, so are there certain advantages to choosing one faction over another? Like "faction x can make technological advancements faster, but faction y has a better army"? Each country has what the game calls "National Traditions", and they are buffs that country starts off with, and in-story accumulated over the years or just the nature of their culture. After that, there are "National Ideas", which are nation-specific buffs that come with the advancement of ideas a player picks, so as the country evolves so do their traditions. Normal ideas are categories that people can pick of their own choosing, depending on how they play and what they want their country's fate to be (humanism, trade, science, religion, etc), and as you invest in a level for each idea, your national ideas slowly become unlocked. For better explanation, you can look here, or better yet try out the demo on Steam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVoglrkepEw And for Civilization players out there, I hope this helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK9vPgNAqzY (All the preceding links have been linked as I haven't watched them so I do not know if 'curse words' are featured or not) In that case, Matoran should have the National Tradition of extreme adaptability or skills in everything.
  17. Thank you! I'm not particularly happy with the waist/hips either, but anything else looked to big or awkward.
  18. This is a pretty good idea. You would have to figure out which factions can be water-dwelling and which can't. In other words, what factions can build boats? All factions can build boats, the most primitive in technology can only build canoes though and they will most certainly die quickly in open ocean. Since Aidan has the game I want to also hear his opinion on how this would look on the map. So, for example, Matoran would do very well on the water? We know that Ga-Matoran on Mata Nui can build sailboats. I would say matoran and other MU races would be the most advanced on the map. As the MU doesn't feature large, expansive oceans, just inclosed seas with a man-shaped archipelago, I doubt they would immediately be ready for long-distant sailing and even more distant colonization. But that's what technology advancement is for! If the Lhikan airships could be made in a jiffy, I'm sure stable sea ships can be possible, or would they even be neccesary? When the game is stable to play as, everything will initially look like it does in the base game: early-modern period mcschnitzel. Afterwards, however, we can all work on creation of custom game sprites. i bring this up because, instead of sea ships, would-ocean based air craft be better visually? Idk, just brainstorming here. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I want to implement the Toa Terrain Crawler in some way, like maybe Miserix could have made a few more of them for the Order to revamp. But for what purpose... I'm thinking maybe a national decision where you could implement the usage of these to increase colonization rate (faster rise in colony populations by jetting people across ocean floors. if we can't decide right now, that's fine: the map comes first (that is basically half of the whole game). I guess technological advancement makes sense. I was referring to the fact the the Matoran are probably the most seaworthy faction from the start. If you got all of the factions together and said "you need to make a boat", while many groups would be behind, the Matoran probably already built a sailboat. Not to mention the fact that Ga-Matoran are competent sailors in the first place. I'm not entirely sure how this game works, so are there certain advantages to choosing one faction over another? Like "faction x can make technological advancements faster, but faction y has a better army"?
  19. Keep important characters the same, but genderbend more obscure characters. In other words, there's no way I would make Kopaka a female, but Kopeke could be. Also, do a gender dominant tribe sort of thing. That is, elements are 3:1, but three are male dominant and three are female dominant. I would make water, air, and ice the female dominant ones and fire, stone, and earth male. For some reason those archetypes work pretty well in my head. Girls as sailors, jungle dwellers, and eskimo-esque scholars, and guys as the military, the sporty ones, and miners. Then somehow explain that the uneven Toa team ratio is due to anomaly in the case of air and ice. A good rule for Matoran might be to genderbend the minor, but still significant characters. Tamaru, Kopeke, the Le-Matoran musicians, Taipu, Tehutti, and Orkham would all be girls. Kotu and Macku would be guys. Some characters definitely can't be changed, like the future Inika and some characters who just work better as the gender they are now. For example, Hafu, Kapura, and Ahkmou couldn't be girls to me. A fun story element might be to make Macku a guy and say he sneaks away with Hewkii to pull pranks or something. Best bromance since Kopaka and Pohatu.
  20. This is a pretty good idea. You would have to figure out which factions can be water-dwelling and which can't. In other words, what factions can build boats? All factions can build boats, the most primitive in technology can only build canoes though and they will most certainly die quickly in open ocean. Since Aidan has the game I want to also hear his opinion on how this would look on the map. So, for example, Matoran would do very well on the water? We know that Ga-Matoran on Mata Nui can build sailboats.
  21. This is a pretty good idea. You would have to figure out which factions can be water-dwelling and which can't. In other words, what factions can build boats?
  22. You can fill gaps with the rubber covers on ear buds. Since the arm pieces are those egg-shaped cams, I might just move the connection point up one axle hole.
  23. Alright, thanks for the clarification. Is it kind of like the United Nations flag, where it represents the entire globe but only shows Earth from the North Pole-down? *mind blown* Is that sarcasm I am sensing? Or did you never get the UN flag before? My mommy always did say that I was special. No, how the UN flag is the whole world but only shows part of it.
  24. The arm gaps are so the elbows can bend relatively far. There's not really any way to close that up without restricting mobility. There used to light blue eyes, but I lost my 1x1 light blue stud, so I had to find a different color.
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