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Everything posted by Grungemeister

  1. Parvan is a decommissioned Hand of Arthaka member. He was once a Toa of Iron, but after being dropped into a pit of liquid Protodermis, he gained the trait of not having to wear a Kanohi to survive. He has gone rogue and kills Toa for their Kanohi, which he switches out at will. Vaskil
  2. Nah, more like [large file size linked]
  3. I've been redirected a couple of times by clicking on actual site links. Like I was on a specific blog post and I clicked the link back to the blog itself. It redirected, but not to anything particularly bad. Just an ad website for local jobs.
  4. [/remove wall of quotations] That would be good since I don't recall anyone to have played Kolhii on grass. Yes, in MoL it looked like stone or compacted dirt. And in MNOG they just played in the sand in Po-Koro.Each Koro used a different field:Ga-Koro - Lily Pad Onu-Koro - Loose Dirt/Gravel Ko-Koro - Compacted Snow Le-Koro - Mud and Grass Po-Koro - Sand Ta-Koro - Hard Stone It would sure be something to play Kolhii on sand. You'd probably have to wear some eye protection to keep it from getting in your face.Or have the sand compacted down into sandstone. "Turaga Onewa, we need another Kolhii field." "Yeah, no problem, Hewkii. Bring in the steamroller!"
  5. [/remove wall of quotations] That would be good since I don't recall anyone to have played Kolhii on grass. Yes, in MoL it looked like stone or compacted dirt. And in MNOG they just played in the sand in Po-Koro.Each Koro used a different field: Ga-Koro - Lily Pad Onu-Koro - Loose Dirt/Gravel Ko-Koro - Compacted Snow Le-Koro - Mud and Grass Po-Koro - Sand Ta-Koro - Hard Stone It would sure be something to play Kolhii on sand. You'd probably have to wear some eye protection to keep it from getting in your face. *ahem* Kanohi
  6. Bro, you forgot the Le-Koro dancing scene.
  7. [/remove wall of quotations] That would be good since I don't recall anyone to have played Kolhii on grass. Yes, in MoL it looked like stone or compacted dirt. And in MNOG they just played in the sand in Po-Koro.
  8. Oh yiss, I contributed For you: http://www.bzpower.com/board/blog/732/entry-129204-a-matoran-dictionary-2nd-ed-list-of-volumes/ http://www.bzpower.com/board/blog/732/entry-129208-matoran-grammar-a-primer/ ^^^THESE ARE REALLY HELPFUL GUYS^^^
  9. (Now the reason why the infected Kolhii balls in MNOG spread disease quickly makes sense.) I actually think BZP getting together to play would be great. Create our own local teams and have a local supply the kolhii balls. Then at one point we'd all head to the same place and get to hang out before the game... c:Ah, it would be so fun. There should be a BZP section for meetups and such. I can last a long time in a Kolhii Match so watch yourself *montage of me getting hit repeatedly in the face over and over again in the final tournament game**and one of you accidentally nearly killing a spectator with a new move**gets hit in face, ball bounces off and nearly kills spectator* Me:*peforms the Takua maneuver, ball goes out of control, almost hits someone of value to BZP* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (JK)But seriously, there should be meet ups for this, this would be REALLY fun to do, especially with other people around. Should we ask for there to be an official category for Kolhii games? Like how we have Bionicle Discussion or BBCs. You guys should come to my city jk please don't stalk me. There's a nice old skatepark that's in too bad of shape for people to actually skate on. No one uses it really and all of the rails and ramps are gone now. It's probably a little under the size of a normal basketball court. It's great to play soccer on if you don't mind the loose asphalt everywhere.
  10. 5/5 downtempo and groovy. I'm loving all of the different electronica genres' influence here. Like 3:49 sounds pretty industrial, while the intro and outro are pretty ambient. Overall, hip-hop influence is always nice to see in instrumental music. KAPURA'D: 4/5. I like the orchestral/electronic blend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tk70lLJ5gc If you like the music, go give my dude Bear Boy a subscribe or something. Help mess up his goal of more videos than subs
  11. You should have added some green and red in the Kragle. Otherwise, it's really good.
  12. Hapiko is a friendly, but anxious Le-Matoran. He spends his days drawing and playing music for other Matoran, since he loves to make people happy. He learned how to sing in a foreign tongue from his village's Turaga. Tarko
  13. Why is there grape jelly in this book? Because I ran out of ink! This time there's STRAWBERRY jelly? Well, I ran out of grape!
  14. We need to invent floating frisbees!
  15. Was it actually the same creator (Thurop van Orman) or was it just one of the same storyboard directors or something? Side note, Flapjack is one of the best cartoons ever made. Who agrees? Hear hear! I love that show so much. "Why is an ugly letter, Captain." "No, YOU is an ugly letter." I frikkin love all the little details on everything and how a lot of people had over-sized gums. #1 things I quote from that show is Dr. Barber and the 99 Pence Store, and an every now and then Candy Island Adventure reference (AYYDVENTURE!). "Eht's me, DOCTUH BAHRBAH. MMMMMMM, YEEEEHS. HYPNOTIZE, HYP--NOTIZE!!" "99 pence bottles with little ships in 'em!" "99 pence ships with little bottles in 'em!" "99 PENCE SHIPS!" My favorite episodes were any with Poseidon in them, like the one with the ship figurehead and the one with the moon. "I claim this moon and I will be its king. MOOON KIIING." "And I'll be the moon queen!" "Uh, no, you get to be...uh...the royal servant boy." Oh yes. The one that scared me the most was when the kids got lost in downtown London and they stay in the creepy hotel and go back in time or something. That theme song is still stuck in my head .
  16. I like how well it flows and how much it actually matches the original trailer. Nice job on this.
  17. Guardians of the Galaxy. Everyone was saying how good it was, and they were right.
  18. 4/5 this is pretty cool. Also, I just think it's kind of funny that this is technically a double time dubstep song at some points. It's pretty catchy and groovy, too. If you like Truise, you might like Boards of Canada, too. They're not as crunchy and retro, but they're certainly groovy at times.
  19. I have seen people do it. Now I'm curious as to the cost of such a device It was a kit. I think it was a couple hundred dollars. http://www.adafruit.com/products/1735 They make non-kit versions, too. Just look up "printrbot".
  20. Maybe it's a general term for prehistory? If "time" means a date or event, then the "time before time" would mean a time before things were recorded and you could say "in this year something happened".
  21. Are any of the geographical things named by Matoran? If so, you could carry on the tradition of naming things after ancient heroes and other important people, like Lake Naho and Mount Ihu. You could have a Mount Matoro or the Nikila Typhoon.
  22. You know, this is the most odd topic I've ever seen. I like it. Anyway, my sheets and bedspread are that pale medical scrub blue. You know the color: http://www.scrubs123.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/color-coded-uniforms.jpg They're a tad more tealish than those though. Kinda like my sig's teal. My pillowcases and comforter are black to contrast the sheets and bedspread, so I can tell them apart.
  23. 5/5 someone posted this a couple of days ago, so I'll say something a little different this time . It's funky and the vocals are great. Also, it's sort of retro, and retro music is my jam. A fellow Com Truise fan. My dude. Have a Com Truise remix of another great band. Videos should embed themselves if you just paste the URL.
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