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Toru Nui

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Everything posted by Toru Nui

  1. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) Well, the trip to the Great Temple had been enlightening, but not in the way he had hoped. Tekmo hoped that the Great Disks would be the key to ending this conflict... but his newfound distrust of the one who commanded their recovery couldn't be shaken. But what was he supposed to do? March up to the Coliseum and demand an explanation? He'd be dismissed as a paranoid lunatic at best, and jailed alongside the Toa Mangai at worst. The only thing to do was to play the Turaga's game... and pray that his suspicions were unfounded. He- What was that? For a moment, he saw something blue and scaly in the waterway below. But it was probably just some type of fish, albeit a particularly big one. Nothing to be concerned with. What was to be concerned with, however, was that nearby Vahki were now moving with great speed in a shared direction. Towards an apartment building with a broken window. The call to adventure awaited. Tekmo could not ignore it even if he wanted to. IC: Waveahk (Ga-Metru, Waterways) Yet again, the Vahki proved to be as much as an asset as a hindrance. Waveahk noticed them scrambling towards a single direction. Perhaps someone else had beaten him to the punch? Regardless, it was worth investigating. It might be a risk to willingly go closer to where Vahki were gathering, since they already caught sight of him earlier, back in Onu-Metru. But he'd already proven he could escape the automatons easily in the water. He'd not end up like that fool Skakdi. Whatever his name was...
  2. IC: Tekmo (The Great Temple) Fragile, perhaps. But well-protected... at least, he had always believed so. His thoughts could not escape the suspicion surrounding Turaga Dume, the Toa Mangai, the Great Disks and the Dark Hunters. He had known Turaga in his life before becoming a Toa, and knew to respect, if not always agree with, their wisdom. But the many questions left unanswered cast doubt on Metru-Nui's revered leader, its 'treasonous' defenders, and the city's new 'allies'. But this city was the last bastion of resistance against the Barraki. It must be protected... there was little room for doubt here. He tried to use his elemental powers to restore the flower back to how it would have been in its prime. The brown stalk turned to a lime green, and the blue-purple colouring of the petals became more vibrant. He took it with him as he left the Great Temple, back out into Ga-Metru.
  3. IC: Tekmo (The Great Temple) "Oh. If... if you insist." Tekmo accepted the flower from Nixie. "You know, I... I've become rather good at using my powers to create most kinds of flora, if I do say so myself. Vines, thorns, cacti, trees... not flowers though. Especially not ones like these. I suppose some things must simply arise naturally."
  4. IC: Tekmo (The Great Temple) Something was wrong. Very wrong. Tekmo thought it was best that he make his leave. "Well, thank you for this information. I should be going now. I... won't tell anyone, as you ask."
  5. IC: Tekmo (The Great Temple) "Tuyet? Isn't she one of the Toa Mangai?" This was... concerning. Even ignoring the fact that one of them was apparently dead, it was rather suspicious that the Toa Mangai, the ones who hid the Great Disks according to Nixie, were arrested for treason - a rather vague term - immediately before Turaga Dume confirmed the Disks' existence to be more than legend, and called upon the entire city to search for them. Did... did Dume arrest the Mangai for not disclosing the locations of the Disks? It was unthinkable. Was he reading too much into this? Or... considering the recent alliance with the Dark Hunters, was he not reading enough into it?
  6. IC: Tekmo (Black Spike Mountains) "Interesting. Someone was here, recently. But whom, and for what purpose?" Tekmo scanned the horizon for anything else noteworthy or suspicious.
  7. IC: Tekmo (The Great Temple) So, the Great Disks were indeed powerful weapons. Weapons Metru-Nui could use against the Barraki - destroy the League - free his homeland... if they could only be found. "Does anyone have any idea about where the Disks might be?" IC: Ostrox (Silver Sea, The Ripple) Ostrox remained aboard the ship, as it still sort of hurt for him to move.
  8. IC: Tekmo (The Great Temple) "Well, I-" Tekmo paused. Nixie had a point. There were other things he could be doing. But Turaga Dume had commanded their recovery in front of the whole city, offering Toa Stones to whomever found them... which he didn't need, as he was already a Toa. And then Tekmo realized something - he had been under the impression that the Great Disks were just extraordinarily powerful Kanoka. But how powerful were they supposed to be, exactly? "I was curious as to the exact nature of the Disks. Forgive me if the answer seems obvious, but... I'm not from around here, you understand."
  9. IC: Tekmo (The Great Temple) Tekmo takes the priest's offer, his fist gently meeting hers. "It is an honour, ma'am. I feel I should tell you what happened to the gate. Someone has... uh, damaged it. But, regardless, I have come seeking information pertaining to the legendary Great Kanoka Disks. I am Toa Tekmo, and you are?"
  10. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "...Fine. I don't have time for this." Tekmo angrily strolls toward the Great Temple... taking pains to make sure he doesn't tread on the door. IC: Ostrox (Silver Sea, The Ripple) "'Rahi pirates', hahahahah-ahk, oooh, hurts, hurts to laugh. But I doubt that those creatures weren't sent out here by someone."
  11. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) Nuparu, Chief Inventor, creator of the Vahki assassinated. A terrorist attack at a Le-Metru chute station. The city of Metru-Nui, aligning itself with the Dark Hunters. Tekmo felt a rush of conviction. Triki was but one Matoran - the city needed him, and it needed him now. He turned and spoke to Karista. "There is no time to be lost. The secrets of the Great Disks may be inside the Great Temple. If not... then, I still need to apologize for the gate. Are you still with us?" IC: Waveahk (Ga-Metru, Protodermis Canals) Waveahk had not heard this news, as he was currently underwater, away from all the big screens that seemed to be everywhere in this wretched city. Ga-Metru had far more Canals than Onu or Po-Metru, no doubt to its more aquatically-inclined inhabitants. Not that a Matoran could best Waveahk in the water. He swam through the Metru, searching for anything remotely inconspicuous, bobbing his head up for a clearer view when he was certain no-one was looking. Perhaps he could abduct a local and extract Vhisola's location before drowning them. But it was only a matter of time. IC: Ostrox (Silver Sea, The Ripple) "So... I don't believe I got the chance to thank you, for what you did." Ostrox said to Skorm. "So... thank you. Just wanted to get that out of way before we-" Ostrox began snickering at his own joke. "-we go into the eye of the storm."
  12. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "Yes, uh, sorry about that. He sort of... disappeared. Through a portal. These things happen, sometimes... we should make sure Triki's not doing something incredibly stupid. And then apologize for the gate... of course, while we do that, we're not searching for the Great Disks, so..." Tekmo got lost in his own train of thought, as he mulled over doing the responsible thing over doing the exciting and self-serving thing. IC: Waveahk (Po-Metru, Rooftop) Well, this was a complete waste of time. Not only was the system offline, and he and presumably all the other Dark Hunters in the city been ordered to cease activity, but the Nortonware update simply wasn't coming through. Either something was wrong with his reception - or, as usual, the incompetence of others dragged Waveahk's brilliance down. The Dark Hunters' IT department were so bad at their jobs it was amazing they hadn't been culled years ago. Rather than just stand around doing nothing, he resolved to hunt down Matoran Vhisola anyway - but not engage. Not until new orders came through. And so he climbed down from the building, dived back into the Protodermis Canal, and began to swim his way to Ga-Metru.
  13. Toru Nui

    Bota Magna

    Rumble in the jungle.
  14. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "...Well. This will be difficult to explain." Tekmo sighed wearily. "I suppose I should see whatever Triki's doing." He began walking back to the sewer grate where the Le-Matoran had last been seen jumping down. He turned his head briefly to address Karista. "Are you still with us?" IC: Ostrox (Silver Sea, The Ripple) Ostrox would have expressed gratitude for Skorm (at least half of him) trying to help him, but he was a little distracted by searing agony.
  15. IC: Tekmo (Entrance to the Great Temple) Tekmo followed 'Kostero' regardless. "I have a better idea, which is better by virtue of the fact that I thought of it. How about Karista fetches Triki, and I come with you, hmm?" Tekmo was, of course, oblivious to Karista's current reluctance to accompany them. IC: Waveahk (Po-Metru, Protodermis Canal) The network was compromised. Of course the network was compromised. Waveahk tried to see if he could update to the latest version from here. If not, he'd get out and climb a tall building for better reception if necessary.
  16. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) Karista's strange behaviour and whatever Triki was doing right now seemed inconsequential, in the face of 'Kostero's' shenanigans. "I'm sorry, but are you trying to give me orders? After what you just did?! Your AUDACITY is... admirable, but misplaced. So, how about instead of lying for inane reasons, we tell them the truth, shall we? Together. I'm sure they'll be understanding... though I really don't understand why you did it in the first place." IC: Waveahk (Onu-Metru, Dark Hunter Safehouse) "Well. That could have gone better." Waveahk knew himself that this was an understatement. Both targets had escaped, and Thom (though Waveahk didn't know Thom's name despite asking for it several times) had been captured by the Vahki... but that was only a bad thing in the professional sense. Personally, he was rather glad to be rid of him. Thankfully, the Vahki's inability to swim had allowed him to make it back safely to the nearby safehouse. There had been another hit put out while he had been away. One Ga-Matoran Vhisola, anti-government activist operating out of Ga-Metru. Perhaps that district's abundance of waterways would make things easier. Waveahk left the safehouse and dived back into the Canal, swimming through Po-Metru to Ga-Metru... IC: Ostrox (Silver Sea, The Ripple) Ostrox continued to scream as Morah and Aksa left, though he didn't really notice, as he was too busy suffering from agonizing pain.
  17. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "None of what you just said made any sense! If you want the defenses to be improved, why are you breaking them?!" Tekmo turned to where Triki once was as he jumped down into the sewers. "AND WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?" IC: Waveahk (Onu-Metru, Protodermis Canals) Waveahk fled back to the Canals, leaping into them and swimming away as fast as conceivably possible, back to the safehouse. IC: Ostrox (Silver Sea, The Ripple) Ostrox fell on the floor, screaming and writhing under the effects of the Rhotuka. Since he obviously wasn't concentrating anymore, the illusion duplicate of him vanished as quickly as it appeared.
  18. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) Tekmo was a little disconcerted that 'Kotero' apparently had the strength to tear down the gate with her bare hands. However, at present he was more concerned that she tore down the gate in the first place. "THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I JUST SAID WE WERE DOING! This isn't a 'public service'! The only reason the lock is broken is BECAUSE YOU BROKE IT!" IC: Waveahk (Onu-Metru) Waveahk dived out of the way of Nale's blast, taking cover on the other side of the chute, taking the time to reload his Zamor Launcher. "Lying down on the job, I see." He says to Thom.
  19. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "No, no, no, we are not vandalizing public property. You really should know better than this." IC: Waveahk (Onu-Metru) Waveahk began repeatedly firing laser beams from his trident, as he closed the gap between him and the two Toa.
  20. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "That's not - I thought we were going to the Great Temple, not to the sewers." IC: Waveahk (Onu-Metru) Waveahk wasn't concerned with trivialities such as Thom's life. At this point, he didn't actually know Thom's name. He did, however, need to get on that elevator. Without Toa Nale. Without warning, he fired one of his kinetically-charged Zamors at the interfering Toa, making sure not to hit the tube. A shame he couldn't accidentally hit Thom, with him lying on the ground and all.
  21. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "Yes, of course." Tekmo turned from 'Kotero' to Karista, who seemed to be trying to mouth something to him, but he couldn't make out what it was. "...Is... is there a problem?" IC: Ostrox (Silver Sea, The Ripple) Ostrox moved swiftly to stab the Visorak with his sword... as did a second Ostrox, from a slightly different angle, the latter of which was an illusion he created with his Kanohi Mahiki, hoping to confuse the Visorak long enough to strike.
  22. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "That's, uh... that's rather discriminatory - what was your name, again?"
  23. IC: Waveahk (Onu-Metru, Undercity Streets) Waveahk narrowly avoided breathing in the smoke, holding his claw over his mouth, as he saw the Vahki simply plow through it, being purely mechanical beings and thus not needing to breathe. He couldn't see anything through the dark haze that now obscured where his targets once stood - but he did see that the elevator pod they were fleeing towards was now all the way up to the docks proper, no doubt taking advantage of the confusion. Thom would have some explaining to do. Well, he couldn't pursue them in that elevator, so he resolved to simply abandon the shadows and make a mad dash towards the nearest other elevator... the same one his fellow Dark Hunter Vyarik was jogging towards in his Matoran guise, not that he knew that. IC: Ostrox (Silver Sea, The Ripple) Ostrox moved up closer, intending to skewer the Visorak on his sword once Aksa and Morah were finished prying it off the former.
  24. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "They-they wouldn't do... alright, maybe they'd do the first two things, but only if you had broken the law."
  25. IC: Tekmo (Ga-Metru) "Vahki wouldn't-oh, very well, whatever you say." Tekmo determined that joining Triki and his merry band could help him find the Disks... and also, make sure Triki didn't get into any trouble.
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