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Toru Nui

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Everything posted by Toru Nui

  1. IC: Waveahk (New Atero, various) Before packing up the stall, Waveahk decided to check on the notice board. His newest 'employee' wasn't going anywhere, after all. There was the invitation to Tesara, which took center stage of course, there were wanted posters for various missing people or criminals, miscellaneous information and advertisements. But then, there was something unexpected. Two particularly mysterious messages. The first concerning the enigmatic Arena, and the second that spoke of a diving bell, somewhere near Aqua Magna. A trap? A hoax? These were genuine possibilities. Perhaps worth investigating, if only for the publicity, and thus, potential customers. Waveahk would return to the Aquarium with the stall being pushed along tiny wheels. Monsters to hunt, a mystery to solve, an unruly Skakdi, and... one other thing. Waveahk checked to make sure that the freezer door was still locked. Today would be a fun day. With the push of a button, pulleys shifted and shunted Levitation Kanoka into the correct places, and the soggy airship soon rose up into the sky, followed by three slightly smaller duplicates - the cargo haulers. Glancing through the bridge's window, Waveahk made out the shape of Commander Coyle's latest vanity project: the Indomitable, floating in the sky, a symbol of the iron-clad law. Waveahk liked the law, but only when it was on his side of the argument. He wondered if he should inform Vrokdann they had just taken off. No, she was probably intelligent enough to realize it on her own. Probably.
  2. IC: Waveahk (The Aquarium, New Atero Parking Sector) Aboard the airship, there was, truthfully, no room for the Stolara. The cargo hold was full of tanks of water, as were the three Cargo Haulers. The only other room on-board that might have enough room was the freezer, and Waveahk expressly forbade Vrokdann from ever going inside there during her orientation. When that was over, they stopped at Waveahk's 'office', aka: the bridge. Numerous consoles overlooked a large window to the outside, though any chance of a decent view was ruined by the swarm of other vehicles parked nearby. On the left wall, there was a large cupboard of bottles and glasses next to a cold water tap, which Waveahk used to get a refill. Then, Waveahk introduced his latest employee to her quarters. The room seemed lived in, but there were no indications of whoever it was who did live in here. "You get comfortable in here," he said, though clearly not actually caring if she was comfortable or not. "I have to inform the authorities that I'm leaving, and then I have to pack up my miraculously-undamaged stall." Waveahk slams the door shut before Vrokdann could get a word in.
  3. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "I see. And you," he turns to Tarutu. "You've probably been questioned before about this, but you were present at the time of the attack, yes?"
  4. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "Well... it would take around nine hours to get to the Black Spike Mountains and back... we'd probably spend some time surveying the area, so, I'd say about... twelve to thirteen hours?"
  5. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "I'm sorry, I believe I was asking her, not you. But very well." Tekmo turns back to Paju. "I can't pay you with Tesara's money... but I can pay you with mine. What is your... usual rate?" Tekmo contemplated whether or not bringing this 'skilled pilot; along would be worth not eating tonight. *** IC: Waveahk (New Atero Trading Sector) "THAT'S A-THAT'S A SOLID NO, I'M AFRAID." Waveahk yelled before taking yet more glugs from the cylinder.
  6. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) Uh oh. How do I break it gently that I can't actually pay her? "Well... due to the nature of this operation..." Be forward. "We can't actually pay you." Too forward.
  7. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "I do indeed have an offer, straight from the Captain of the Guard." Which was technically true, considering she authorized the idea to begin with. "We have a possible lead on who might have orchestrated the recent attack, but we can't spare enough men for a scouting party. That's where you come in. Interested?"
  8. IC: Waveahk (New Atero Trading Sector) Waveahk continued to take periodic gulps of water, occasionally glancing between Vrokdann, her ship and a nearby guard...
  9. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) Oh sweet grapefruit, what the flying mucus was I thinking, where am I going to find- Tekmo thinks back to the notice board. It was overshadowed in his mind by 'Iron Never Dies', but now that he thinks about it, he's sure he noticed an advertisement for a pilot. Moving back over to the board, he re-reads it more closely: 'Skilled Pilot, searching for employment, outgoing, brave, looking for adventure'. Below that is information concerning how to make contact. He makes a note of the face on the advertisement: a Matoran, wearing a Mask of Speed. Tekmo didn't know the official name of the mask, he found it easier to remember what powers they would have if they... had powers. Kanohi were complicated. He scans the crowd for the pilot in the advertisement: he notices her, talking to another Matoran of the same colour... the same Matoran that Akkitu had testified about earlier. Another potential candidate? "Excuse me, ma'am." He says, sauntering towards the two Ga-Matoran. "Are you the pilot advertised in the... advertisement?" OOC: Tekmo is interacting with Paju. And also Tarutu, but mostly Paju. *** IC: Waveahk (New Atero Trading Sector) "You get to keep your ship, but you can't bring it with you. There's just not enough room for it in the cargo hold." In truth, the reason Waveahk won't let Vrokdann bring the Stolara was because he didn't want her abandoning ship in the middle of work, though there probably genuinely wasn't enough room. Waveahk takes another few glugs from the bottle and points towards his ship, over in the Parking Sector. "That's the Aquarium," he says, removing the cylinder from his mouth. "It may look big, but looks aren't everything. And yes, the name is intentional. If I'm going to remembered as the 'fishy guy who sells fish' I thought I may as well run with it." He gestures for Vrokdann to follow him to it.
  10. IC: Tekmo (Tesara, Medical Tent) "Aye, Captain-no wait, that's naval. I'll, uh... I'll be off, then." Tekmo hastily exits the tent.
  11. IC: Tekmo (Tesara, Medical Tent) "Well, the usage of Maxilos-pattern droids implicates remnants of Fe. The message found on the noticeboard suggests that some of said remnants are operating in the Black Spike Mountains. Here, specifically." Tekmo unveils his map again and points to the X within the mountains. "I know you can't afford to spare anyone else to investigate this, Captain... but there are numerous people in this village with their own personal skycraft, and good motivation to find those responsible for this attack."
  12. IC: Tekmo (Tesara, Medical Tent) Funny, that's not how you were feeling the last we spoke, he thought to himself. "Right, right, just checking." He turns to the tent flap from whence he came. "Mirror?"
  13. IC: Tekmo (Tesara, Medical Tent) "Oh, we'll get through this. Everything will be fine. But first..." Tekmo goes inside the tent. "Captain? Captain, are you well?"
  14. IC: Tekmo (Tesara) "Also, that threatening message? It was written on a map with some place in the Black Spike Mountains indicated with an 'X'. I marked the same spot on my own map, but, uh... the Captain said she couldn't spare anyone else to check it out except me."
  15. IC: Tekmo (Tesara) "Nothing I'm sure you don't already know, I'm afraid. A design of robot used in the Matoran Universe. Fe manufactured their own to serve as guards and other such jobs during the time they... existed. If this isn't the work of Fe remnants, then we have another enemy with extensive knowledge of machinery and robotics, and I don't want to think about that..."
  16. IC: Tekmo (Tesara) "I see." He says, lowering his voice as well. "I found something that might be related to this attack. A message on the community noticeboard: 'Iron Never Dies'. And our assailants were Maxilos droids..." Tekmo's voice lowers to almost a whisper. "Xaril, I think. Or another vengeful Fe remnant."
  17. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Guardhouse) Tekmo sees Mirror leave the Guardhouse and finds it a convenient exit out of this awkward conversation. "Ah, Mirror." He says, attempting to walk alongside the much larger being with longer legs and thus a faster walk. "Did our 'guest' tell us anything of importance?"
  18. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Guardhouse) "The entire marketplace is the crime scene. And it wouldn't do well to leave potentially dangerous items in a public place, now would it?"
  19. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Guardhouse) "No, actually. I just came to make sure he-" Tekmo gestures towards Akkitu. "-does what he's supposed to do and hands evidence of the crime scene over to the authorities." He turns to face the Ko-Matoran, and now talks directly to him. "Which you could have done earlier."
  20. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Guardhouse) "Yes. I may have to talk to her later - ah, here we are." Akkitu and Tekmo arrive at the Guardhouse. "Go on, then."
  21. IC: Waveahk (New Atero Trading Sector) "Well, I'm sure we can come to some arrangement that doesn't involve me informing the authorities about your little 'outburst.' It's the principle of the thing, rather than any actual harm caused, you see." Waveahk opens the cylinder with one hand, and starts guzzling down water. After four or so gulps, he closes the cylinder and turns back to Vrokdann. "As you're aware, I sell meat. To acquire this meat, I hunt giant monsters in the toxic seas of Aqua Magna with laser-guided harpoons. Dangerous work, but I assume that doesn't bother you too much."
  22. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "Hold on." Tekmo points towards a blue Matoran (Tarutu) across the market. He turns to Akkitu. "Is that the Ga-Matoran you mentioned earlier?"
  23. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) Tekmo glares at Akkitu, all the way to the station.
  24. Ackar: I knew we should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque!
  25. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "Then, by all means, lead the way."
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