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Toru Nui

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Everything posted by Toru Nui

  1. 1 new army will go to Destral, 1 to Metru and 2 to Tren Krom. With that I will then attack Voya with Tren Krom.
  2. I suppose without me, the game has no real reason to continue. Farewell sweet BZP's Realm, and may a flock/murder of angels singeth thee to thy resteth.
  3. Should I beware of any stinger tails?
  4. Toru Nui

    First of His Name

    There seems to be a bizarre correlation between the dark powers and sarcasm.
  5. Now I am become Ehlek. Destroyer of small settlements.
  6. I vote Voltex. His shenanigans with the voting have gone on for too long.
  7. Hold on let me check... uh, there's a green stain inside the brain compartment so I assume yes.
  8. Well, I hate to jump on a bandwagon, but he is an outed Mafioso, so... RG.
  9. That's not how tuples work. 1 + a single is not a single, it is a double, and so on. It's for the exact same reasons we don't call Great Britain England despite that Great Britain has England in it.
  10. That's not what you said the first time. Yes, you could say, that four people were hanged when there was five in total hanged because technically that's true, but that's not how it works and you know it.
  11. 5 does not equal 4, nor does 3 equal 2. You fail math forever.
  12. There is no-one to blame but yourself for that. You know prison is a thing that exists, right?
  13. Yes. This. I need it. Though the player limit seems a little arbitrary. There could be multiple teams, for instance.
  14. I DEMAND hope it's not too much trouble for Spot 5?
  15. I have no idea what you're talking about. I certainly haven't removed any potential mistakes from my post while you weren't looking.
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