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Toru Nui

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Everything posted by Toru Nui

  1. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "Alright, but there'll be no funny business. Understand?"
  2. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) Tekmo sighs wearily. "I suppose I should..." He lowers Akkitu down so his feet are touching the ground again, and lets go of the shell, letting him keep it. For now, anyway. He descends back down just in front of him as the jetpack's thrusters slowly fade into silence. "Please, elaborate on your 'idea'."
  3. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "Because this is simpler!" Tekmo activates his jetpack and begins slowly flying up, clutching onto the rocket.
  4. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "How about no?" Tekmo keeps tugging on the rocket shell.
  5. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "Hey, I didn't say you could have it back! That's important evidence!" Tekmo tries to snatch the rocket again.
  6. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "WOAH!" Tekmo snatches the rocket out of Akkitu's hands. "Don't touch this! It's a highly dangerous explosive..." Tekmo realizes that now he's touching it. He immediately drops it to the floor. "Now, let's just back up slowly, and..." Tekmo realizes something else. "You said it was a piece, didn't you? This is only the shell, isn't it?"
  7. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "...I understand, Captain." Tekmo backs out of the medical tent. Back at the message board, he takes out his own map of the Barren, placing his own X where the one on the 'Iron Never Dies' map was. To his left, there wis a dark blue Matoran of indeterminate element (Akkitu) and a tailless Zesk (Zeiral) discussing the attack. "Could you, perhaps, describe the attack in more detail for me?" He asks the Matoran. "I was unfortunately not present for the attack, and the only eye-witness I've heard from so far was unconscious for most of it." OOC: Now Tekmo is also asking Akkitu what happened.
  8. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "A few days? I could just go there now, Captain... though, maybe after our guest wakes up, see what she knows." *** IC: Waveahk (New Atero Trading Sector) "Vrokdann, was it?" A tall blue fishy-looking Steltian Elite appears seemingly out of nowhere, carrying a large shiny cylinder in his left arm. "May I have an explanation as to why you shot laser beams at my stand?" OOC: Waveahk is referring to earlier when Vrokdann accidentally fired her laser vision towards a market stand, which I'm retconning into Waveahk's.
  9. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "Oh, it was nothing - really, it was nothing. Also, that tattered note is back, you know the one, about the Beacon, and the Arena, and the puzzle and - how is your arm?"
  10. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "Ah, Captain." Tekmo pops back out of nowhere. "Sorry about disappearing on you, but I thought I'd check the bulletin board for new information on Xaril, or any of the other Fe remnants, since we were just attacked by their metallic minions, and... well, there's something rather suspect. There's a map of the Barren, with an 'X' in the middle of the Black Spike Mountains, with the words 'Iron Never Dies', scribbled in the corner... coincidence?"
  11. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) "Yes Captain, it is imperative that you-WHAT IS THAT?!" Tekmo rockets off to the nearest downed robot and eyeballs it suspiciously. "MAXILOS." Tekmo sheepishly turns towards Captain Jira, raises his finger in a 'moment please' sort of fashion, and then rockets away from the scene.
  12. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) Tekmo seems to at least be pretending to calm down. "I see." He turns to the medic. "How bad is it?"
  13. IC: Tekmo (Tesara Marketplace) A green and white blur races towards Tesara with considerable speed. It comes to a sudden stop, hovering just above the grounds, before the jetpack is switched off. Tesaran Ranger Tekmo drops down to the marketplace and surveys the scene before him. He should have been here, but... he wasn't. He spots what appears to be Captain Jira, injured. "CAPTAIN!" He yells, running towards her and Guardsman Mirror, clearly rather distraught. "Captain! What happened?!"
  14. Character: Name: Tekmo Species: Jungle Agori Gender: Male Powers: Engineering Aptitude Gear: Electric Blaster, Toolbox of Tools Personal Aircraft: Wings of Fire Allegiance/Role: Tesara, Ranger Appearance: While a standard Jungle Agori, it’s currently unknown whether or not Tekmo possesses a mouth, due to the fact he’s never actually seen without his mask. Note the lack of capital letters on ‘mask’. Personality: Insecure? Perhaps. Lacking confidence? Oooh nooo. While not completely full of himself, Tekmo is still at least four fifths full of himself. Arrogant, melodramatic, loves the sound of his own voice, etc. However, Tekmo does genuinely want to use his job to help people, he just thinks that he knows what’s better for them than they do. Some have suggested he capitalize his engineering talent instead of flying around on a jetpack. These people, of course, have been ignored. Bio: Tesaran born and raised, Tekmo’s life has been completely uneventful, much to his chagrin. He has resolved to change that. As a Ranger, it’s his job to go out and help people, both within and outside Tesara. And he does so enjoy his job. Aircraft: Name: Wings of Fire Model: Jetpack Weaponry: None (It's a jetpack, there's no room) Customization: None (Again, jetpack) Appearance: Shiny and immaculate, Tekmo keeps the Wings of Fire pristine at all times. Great Beings preserve you if you scratch the paint. *** Character: Name: Waveahk Species: Steltian Elite (mutated) Gender: Male Powers: Water Breathing, Adept Swimming Gear: Not really gear, but I saw that another character’s mutation went here, so oh well. While capable of breathing in water, (not really that useful in this setting) he also dehydrates at a ridiculous rate, thus forcing him to ingest copious amounts of h2o at regular intervals. Oh, and he’s armed with a Combat Staff and a Zamor Launcher. Personal Aircraft: The Aquarium Allegiance/Role: New Atero, Fisherman Appearance: A blue Sidorak, but with fishy qualities, like fins and webbed digits. Personality: Waveahk doesn’t like you. Even if he’s never met you before, or even has no idea you exist, he doesn’t like you. This is because other people anger him through existing, as though he’s the only one allowed to do that. One of the largest misanthropes this side of the Chasm, Waveahk’s primary concern is keeping himself buoyant in the sea of business, no matter the cost. Bio: Hailing from the island of Stelt, Waveahk was, at some point, mutated against his will, and thus was exiled from his home. Rumours persist that he tried to enlist in the Dark Hunters, but that’s of dubious truthfulness. In this Brave New World, Waveahk, perhaps using his mutations as inspiration, makes a living by hunting the beasts that dwell within the tainted waters of Aqua Magna, selling them to New Atero in order to buy the ridiculous quantity of water he needs to survive from their freshwater lake. Aircraft: Name: The Aquarium Model: Airship Weaponry: Laser-guided harpoons. For fishing reasons. Customization: The cargo hold is filled with tanks of water for storing fish (and bathtime). There’s also a freezer room to keep the meat clean, and also to hide dead bodies. Appearance: Waveahk does his best to make his ship look clean and… what is a better word for ‘trustworthy’? Jury’s still out on whether or not he’s succeeded, regardless just looks like your standard airship, a few dents and scratches here and there.
  15. Mata Nui: Drive me closer! I want to hit them with my sword!
  16. STILL a thirty kilometer-per-hour zone, sir. This time, I'll take your masks AND your license. My Mask.
  17. This is a thirty kilometer-per-hour zone, sir. I'm afraid I'll have to take those masks away from you. My Mask.
  18. The mask is mine, by virtue of I say so. My mask.
  19. It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine Player Name: Toru Nui Campaign: 4 Character Name: Urot Coal/Lord Toru Sevoi Gender, Age, Element: Male, 37, Fire/Earth Personality: Urot believes himself to be the only sane man on the island. Despite an affable appearance, he's rather quick to anger and is openly sardonic and critical of what he perceives to be flaws and hypocrisies of enemy and friend alike, though he’s more polite to the latter. He only does this because he genuinely believes things can be changed for the better, and that the murder of the defenceless is never justified. This of course, contrasts him with the rest of Aodhiim, among other things. Despite Miserix’s manipulations, not everything has been erased… least of all the dark energy inside Urot’s soul, through which his true self has cheated death once again. If there was even the tiniest glint of light in Toru’s soul, it has been dead for some time. Think about it: he almost won. He was dead, and he knew everyone else was going to join him as well… then everything is magically reset, robbed of victory once again, and he’s been reduced to a thing that never was, a nameless doubt, a forgotten memory in his own mind, stripped of his identity, replaced by his own failed disguise. He’s not pleased about this. There is nothing but hatred, venom and obsession within, anything else is a facade. He believes that to live is to suffer, and that it is the inherently evil nature of all living creatures that dooms this world to constant strife and war. He believes he must simultaneously punish and save the island through the only true freedom in this realm - death. He is not a nice man. All he needs do is help the lie that controls his flesh put the Mask of Ultimate Power back together again, and his part will be done. Then he can rest easy, and he can go back to see his family again… History: Urot believes himself to have been born and raised in Aodhiim, his earliest memories walking down the coast of Valmai, looking across to the Isle of the Dead, his mother holding his hand, a gigantic titan of a woman (guess who), who passed away when he was young, fighting in a war… though he can’t exactly remember what war specifically. His childhood after that was so dull and miserable he prefers not to draw attention into it, getting investing in the political scene to try and make things better than everyone. (his words, not mine) They say being evil is 'cool'. These people have never met Toru, or heard of his hilariously tragic life. He should have died when the Fire Region came when they butchered his friends and family when he was still young. He should have died when his dark master fell, and that Jungle Protector hag thrust her knife into his chest. He should have died when that 'pathetic blue-blood with daddy issues and that treacherous heretic with his pet Toa' (his words, not mine) caused him to fall into the depths of his homeland, and left his corpse to sink into the sea. He has been thought dead many times, but he always returns. He plans for this to be his last comeback. Greatest Fears: Urot fears he will die, having accomplished nothing. He fears that innocents will die, especially as a result of his actions. He used to fear a monster he dreamed of when he was little, a shadowy silhouette of a Protector, destroying everything he knew, and everything he did not know, laughing all the while, and proclaiming its actions just. Perhaps, he shall come to fear that monster again. Toru fears fire. Not Aodhiim, not the Fire Protectors, but fire in it’s basest form. He still remembers how Voxumo’s puppets burned land, home, and flesh alike. More than that, he fears that his work will never be complete. More than that, he fears the possibility that he was wrong. About death, about life, about everything. Greatest Dreams: Urot dreams of an island without war, without hatred, without poverty, without corruption. He dreams to make that dream reality, or at least, close as he can get. He dreams of butchering his enemies, mocking and deconstructing their core beliefs, laughing as their agonized screams give way to their release. He’s particularly worried about that last one. Toru dreams of desolation. He dreams of standing in a field of corpses, shambling under the power of the sacred darkness. He dreams of letting them tear him apart, relishing every second as sweet relief overwhelms him, and takes him back to the place he loves so well. Cornerstone: Speak his true name, and the destroyer shall appear. Strength: 2Agility: 1Intelligence: 4Charisma: 3 Time I had some time alone
  20. How ironic. The team loses two at the end of the last session, who come back... and proceed to lose an entirely different couple anyway. ...How do you pronounce Daiaxel Daxeel Dahlaxiel Dalaxahaxiehel Daxiehl, anyway?
  21. Lhikan has chosen poorly. I mean, don't they know, you never split the party~?
  22. I claim victory by default. But in all seriousness, I understand the whole drifting away thing, I know what that's like.
  23. I'M DOING ALL THE WORK, YOU SON OF A- ToruNui.exe has stopped working.
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