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Onepu the Protector

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Everything posted by Onepu the Protector

  1. You need to make separate sprites for both the torso for the Agori and the Matoran - one with a heartlight and one without it.
  2. The Matoran look very similar to Chimoru but the Toa are really well-done and set-accurate, if a bit lanky. However, the kit would've looked better if you avoided pillow shading. EDIT: Well, it isn't really pillow shading but I still can't help thinking something isn't quite right with the shading, it just doesn't look natural.
  3. To be perfectly honest, I absolutely suck at making diagonal weapons (well, I could just rotate them in GIMP but that wouldn't look too well) and I hoped someone else would do them instead. xD Anyway, I made Vakama's Staff and Krakua's Sword (which I don't like):
  4. I didn't notice that, I'm sorry... But most people will probably want to use these with other Rayg 2.5 sprites so the point still stands (I'll try making shorter Protectors sprites but I can't promise they'll turn out to be good). It raises another question as far as the compatibility with other Rayg sprites goes - why don't you use the original Rayg color palette? Don't get me wrong, I love your work but it's a thing that bothers me. You can check out JangBricks' reviews - he uses a rotating table to show the sets from different angles and they're in HD. Yeah, I know they're video reviews but you can pause them or take screenshots from them if pictures are easier to work with for you.
  5. The Skakdi sprite has been deleted so unless you saved it on your PC, you'll have to recreate it from scratch. Anyway, as far as the requests go, I'd like to see a body for the female Toa... I know you said that you intended the Toa's body to be somewhat gender neutral but I don't really see it, sorry. Anyway, I don't want to seem like some sort of annoying attention seeker but what do you think about the weapons and some minor modifications I posted in the topic?
  6. Uhm, I'm sorry to tell you this but I've just realised the Protector's sprite is just too big compared to most Rayg 2.5 Toa:
  7. Uhm, it's not my preferred design of the inorganic Calix but it doesn't change the fact that you did a good job spriting it. Anyway, I hate to be that guy, but where's Soran? I haven't seen him posting anything in this topic for a long time. I hope it doesn't mean he abandoned Chimoru R.
  8. I'm going to post my fan additions to other people's sprite kits (mostly Rayg 2.5 and Danska Bionicle Builder). Rayg 2.5 Cherry:
  9. I have a Mata blue Hau for sale. It has a slight stress mark on one side. The item will be shipped from Europe, Poland.
  10. What's the point of watching the Bionicle movies on Blu-ray anyway? The CGI is pretty dated and I'd even go as far as to say it wasn't too great to begin with (it was OK for a merchandise-driven straight-to-video film based on a toyline but nothing spectacular).
  11. Gallery The Great Scorpion is My Own Creation built with LDD. However, it's possible to recreate it with existing Lego pieces.
  12. Here's my latest fan modification of the kit. - I chaged the color of Vizuna's shells. - I added Protector's dual-colored masks. - I brought back the prototype sprites. BTW, what's the name and the size of the font you use in this kit? I know it's basically just a non-antialiased, sans serif font like any other but I simply like consistency when it comes to fonts.
  13. Soran, what do you think about my fan modification I posted in this topic? All I did was changing the colors and adding different breeds of the Skull Spider but I still would like to know your opinion on it.
  14. I sprited four weapons (well, I had shown you the Lerahk's staff before but deleted it) and made the Hau's eye shape more slanted and changed the mouth on Pakari.
  15. I know it's very simple but I decided to post it here anyway. I'm going to use it with the original Chimoru but I think it would work with the Omega version as well.
  16. You're right but if Lego were to design a new piece like that, they'd rather make one new mold instead of two being mirror images of each other.
  17. I guess it could work but it wouldn't allow you to flip the pieces of the eyestalk around.
  18. It's my idea for a Bionicle head with two-pieces brain stalk, allowing to build characters with heterochromia. It could be useful for making characters who are partially corrupted or something. Frankly, the quality of the drawing isn't that great (I did it on MS Paint) but I hope you like the idea.
  19. I put Onewa in my avatar because he is my favorite Toa Metru and I changed his color to purple in GIMP to make him fit better with my username.
  20. Lime Paradox, I did add more contrast to the colors in my fan modification, could you please take a look at it and tell me what you think about it?
  21. I changed the colors a bit (replacing some of them with the ones from the original Rayg Kit) and added different breeds of the Skull Spiders. ^^
  22. I like your video reviews. Your voice is so soothing.
  23. The difference might not be noticeable at the first glance. :/
  24. I'm glad that you like the Rahkshi Staffs Mekrani and I made but you should've given us credit. Anyway, I think you should work on making the kit more streamlined because it looks kind of blocky and doesn't really fit with aesthetics of Chimoru R.
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