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Posts posted by Onvermel

  1. So thought of this a while ago and I really wonder did the Makuta create Keetongu's species?


    As I believe the Makuta were tasked to create all the rahi for the Mata-Nui and for some reason Keetongu was made a rahi. So did a Makuta create his species as I can't think of any other being having the ability to create rahi except Artakha but he only tried once. 


    So is it just me thinking to much into this or did they create his species? What's you guy's thoughts on it?


    Onvermel :pakari:

    • Upvote 1
  2. Amazing thing, drawing, it lets us create characters that traditional bricks simply wouldn't allow us.


    I very much enjoy the whole Mata design you've got going on here. I myself was hoping to erect a Mata-styled Toa team once I get the opportunity. Speaking of which, your Toa Vakama is eerily similar to a toa I designed in my mind. Down to the mask, color scheme and shield  :bigeek: 

    The names are alot of fun aswell. I can tell you just went wild there  ;) 


    One thing to note though, 9 is  :9: 

    Thanks!  Also thanks for pointing out the 9 i've never seem to be able to quite remember the numbers as well. 


    Onvermel  :pakari:

  3. They look real nice so nice I bet you can make a comic series here with them if you still know how to draw them but as I said they look nice.


    I only have one problem tho there kinda blurry.

    Actually making a comic had been an idea for a while and would still be something I would love to do. I think I got two pages in when my stamina ran out but maybe I'll start it up again.  As for the blurriness that might be because of the crayons I used to colour with. Colouring was never my strong point. :(  





    What more must be said? And I thought Tu was a bad name.

    Hahaa yeah Tom forgot about that. Slight explanation, most of my toa where named in odd manners Tom was named because my brother named one Han (long story). However I did lengthen Tom's name to Tomra however that didn't happen till after this picture was made.  

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  4. Honestly I would just get all at once but if had to chose one or two for the sake of it I would say Umarak the Destroyer and Ekimu. These two grab my attention the most as Umarak has a lot to offer as a new build and just look cool. As for Ekimu it's just cause he looks great and I really like the trans coulor on him.


    Onvermel  :pakari:

  5. In your opinion, who is the worst character introduced in G2 by now?


    For me, It's Skull Grinder AKA Kulta.I think that he is pretty lame as a villain, even for his purpose in the webisodes.


    Of course he looks kinda imitating and do some cool stuff off-screen, But what he actually do on-screen is just doing almost nothing until Ekimu kiss his ######.

    Couldn't he just eliminate everyone including Ekimu before destroy Makuta's mask?

    Interesting question and I would have to agree with you as Kulta was the worst.  He could of been a cool character yet nothing came out of him. I hope this could be changed in the future and the story team reveal more of his past and history. 


    Onvermel  :pakari:

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  6. Here is my latest upgrade to my self moc Onvermel toa of gravity. 




    The moc was upgraded from his old version https://www.flickr.com/photos/125839668@N07/16291720578/in/dateposted-public/ His history threw his build has been long as he originally started out as nuva build but has slowly been converted into the form he is now which is one reason he has the hands he does now even is they limit a little bit of articulation. 


    Here is a bit of information about Onvermel.


    From the island on Eciep Nui Onvermel was chosen along with five other matoran to be the new protectors of his island and was specifically placed as leader of the team. Onvermel as a toa is very protective of his island and of the inhabitants but has a hard time maintaining order within his team. For the most part Onvermel is very clear headed and wise but can get emotional and angry which leads to his darker side coming out. Also due to a period in time when he wondered the island by himself for about a hundred years he learned how to enhance his senses. He is highly trained in hand to hand combat and prefers not to use his elemental powers as he finds in not a fair battle but he also won't hesitate to use it. 


    I have an extra long history for as I am slowly incorporating into a book series about him and his island but that is a slow progress.


    Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.  


    -Onvermel- :pakari:


    • Upvote 2
  7. Projects. (Sigh). I have way to many for my own good. So may as well give a list


    1.. Built a two foot tall Bionicle figure. (don't have nearly enough parts yet)

    2. Write a book series (part way threw the first)

    3. Make comics (kinda going no where)

    4. Collect all store related items masks, disks, sets, kaarata, krana and so on

    5. Bionicle art

    6. Get my blog moving along.

    7. Write a encyclopedia for my Bionicle world

    8. Stop motion

    9. Create all the Po-Matoran from MNOG 2 in Tohunga form (half way there)


    I'm pretty sure I have more but these are the ones that come to mind first. 


    -Onvermel- :pakari:

  8. Hmmm rare mask? I don't have "rare" masks but I do have less common ones including orange vahi, chrome hau, Silver kakama nuva, trans neon green miru, brown ruru, brown matatu, and trans orange mask of fire. For rarer set mask I would have to say the gold ignika as it seems to be less common than I thought and Ultimate Dooms kraahkan.


    Projects that I'm working on now that is a looooong list which includes building a two foot tall moc, a bit a stop motion, writing books, tried making comics and the list goes on. 


    -Onvermel- :pakari:

  9. I believe from my observations that Bionicle Gen. 2 is meant for a younger age, because:


    -The story isn't as complex as Gen. 1


    -The style for the online animations isn't as detailed compared to the computer animations of Bionicle Gen. 1


    -The age ranges go from ages 6-14, not 7-16 (Which is funny, because the later years of HERO FACTORY set age ranges were from 6-16)


    -The story isn't as dark


    -The online animations have WAY more humor than Bionicle Gen. 1 animations ever did


    -There is not as much overall content compared to Gen. 1


    -The BIONICLE: MASK OF CREATION gameplay is repetitive, and relies on clicking, or touching with your fingers, similar to many games younger children enjoy nowadays


    Those are my thoughts.

    Okay fair enough however there are some flaws such as how is having less detailed animation mean it's for a younger audience? Just saying. The style of game play for BIONICLE MASK OF CREATION is only like that because that is what kids are into right now. It's what popular. As for content well that is true however it's only three months in back in Gen i three months had almost nothing MNOG only had I think the Beach part of it that was able to be played in. I may be right about story content not being as complex but we really have to wait before we can judge after all three month compared to ten years is not a really fair argument. Also being as dark well in the first year of Gen 1 it wasn't all that dark at least from what I could tell when I was around for it. It really didn't get dark until 2006 before it hard dark moments but still wasn't that dark. 


    -Onvermel- :pakari:

    • Upvote 1
  10. Not to be annoying or anything, but the age ranges for Bionicle 2015 so far are small sets 6-12, medium sets 7-14, and larger sets 8-14.

    Ah thank you for pointing that out I shall fix that. However this only means that the age range max is a little lower however it just means that Gen 2 is more focused on a particular age range.



  11. Greetings. I have had this thought in my mind for a while. is Generation 2 Bionicles really for a younger age group?


    I once thought so but I am now believing that is not completely true. Now before you start thinking I'm sort of moron let me explain.


    Here are the years of Bionicle and there age range


    2001- Small 7+ Medium 7+ Large 8+


    2002- Small 7+ Medium 7+ Large 8+ or 9+


    2003- Small 7+ Medium 7+ Large 8+ or 9+


    2004- Small 7+ Medium 7+ Large 8+


    2005- Small 7+ Medium 7+ Large 8+


    2006- Small 7-16 Medium 7-16 Large 8-16


    2007- Small 7-16 Medium 7-16 Large 8-16


    2008- Small 6-16 Medium 7-16 Large 9-19 or 10-16


    2009- Small 6-16 Medium 7-16 Large 8-16 or 9-16 or 10-16


    2012- Small 6-16


    Now we reach our Generation 2


    2015- Small 6-12 Medium 7-14 Large 8-14


    So as we can see for the most part Bionicle has been for the range of 7-16 on average. In the first several years it was just for 7+ then it was given a cap to it's age at 16. With the reboot it's has been for on average 7-13. So with age range it's hasn't changes all that much just it's has not gone as high but hey look at the first two years they didn't have a cap on it. Small sets are the same age range as the last three years of Gen 1 for the most part as the last few years and medium sets are still the same. Even the large (not really that large) for Gen 2 is the same as Gen 1. 


    With the new book being revealed it says the age range is for 7-10 years at a grade reader level 2-5. If I am correct this is the same as the last books we got from Gen 1. o again about the same.


    Now looking at the actual sets for complexity. Gen 1 had for it's small set was around 14-40 pieces and Gen 2 has so far has around 65. Medium sets from Gen 1 were about 40-60 and Gen 2 is at 66-145. Finally large we won't go into as Gen 1 we do clearly see is much greater in piece count than Gen 2 however my point still stand. Looking at piece counts Gen 2 has more pieces and say they are more complex.


    So what I have concluded is that it is not meant for a younger age but rather it just seems like that to most for the fact that we have gone older (those fans who have been around for most on Gen 1) we expect more of a challenge but we have gone older so things are less challenging. When I first got the original Pohatu form Gen 1 I needed help to build him but now I would never have any problem. The system to the new Bionicles are about the same. Put a few pieces to make limbs and a few more to make a body. In fact Gen 2 has more complex bodies than the Toa Inika build. 


    Again I believe that Gen 2 is just as complex as Gen 1 and is not meant for a younger age.


    -Onvermel- :pakari:

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