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Posts posted by sydorack

  1. It's definitely a good set. My advice is check bricklink or other sellers to check for reliable replacement parts(which might be from a keelerak or from a unaffected batch) for inmediate use when you build her.


    also matoro inika trans blue parts are a great alternative if keelerak sets are hard to find or expensive

    I've seen pictures of her built with light blue pieces in place of the lime green ones and honestly I think it looks way better. I'm surprised Lego didn't design her with light blue parts. They fit the look way better

  2. I got hewkii and matoro when the mahri line was released and they never broke and still haven't broken to this day. I did get a toa ignika and one of the joints cracked. That was the only 2008 set I got when they were released. I got both toa mata nuis recently however, and both had joints that cracked. I always wanted hahli and I was always nervous about breaking her. Luckily now as an adult I can afford extra pieces and what not to fix her up if that's the case.


    After reading everyone telling me to get her I think I will. It's just a slight bummer that some of the coolest bionicle sets were sold with inferior parts. Oh well.

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  3. She definitely one of the better Toa Mahri sets IMO. I personally really like her fins and talons as well. Plus her build is really good too. So if you want to get her, I say go for it.

    Did any of the joints break on yours? I feel like I've seen a bunch of posts where people said the joints broke on theirs.

  4. I've always wanted her but I've heard nothing but horror stories about her lime green parts. I know keelerak has lime green parts, and is known for not being as weak as the 2007 parts.


    I just really love her wings/fins and proto talons. I guess I'm asking is she worth spending the money on her plus an extra keelerak or two to swap out the "bad" pieces.

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