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Electric Light Gunhaver

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Status Updates posted by Electric Light Gunhaver

    1. Tarn


      the best response i could think of to this is, *joseph joestar voice* "ohhh mY GOD!"

  1. Oh, yeah. Congratulations on 1,000 posts.

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      That video was the highlight of my day today. Thank you, good sir, for putting a smile on my face.

      Also, heck yeah! 1000 posts!

  2. Ask Lan: Do you do birthdays?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eiji Hino
    3. Electric Light Gunhaver
    4. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      I once got a bus crammed full of people to laugh at one of my jokes for twenty seconds. That joke proceeded to spread throughout my whole youth ministry in a week.

      So, pretty well.

  3. Ask Lan: What is a man?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!

    3. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      It was not by my hand I was once again given flesh. I was brought here by humans who wished to pay me tribute.

    4. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      TRIBUTE?! You steal men's souls! And make them your slaves!

  4. Two weeks off. What to do? What to do?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      I guess that's my destiny.


      (They do if you copy and paste. Do you take me for a fool?!)

    3. Tarn


      i meant bit.ly links lol

      i remembered literally right after you linked a clip from jjba to me once

    4. Electric Light Gunhaver
  5. Ask Lan: How many slices of bread have you eaten in your lifetime?

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      I have eaten many breads.

  6. I kinda wish BZP had a guestbook feature for profile pages. Like a more robust "Latest Visitors" section.

  7. Ask Lan: Have you ever had alcohol?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      It does. And its meaning is even more significant to me, because St. Patrick evangelized my ancestors.

    3. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Many people forget that bit of history. Glad to know someone else knows about ol' Patty!

    4. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      I'm going to be honest with you, the only reason I even know about it in the first place is because of a VeggieTales skit.

  8. Ask Lan: Have you ever sung a drinking song?

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      Indeed. One of my favorites is "Another Irish Drinking Song," though I have been known to sing "The Rocky Road to Dublin" and "I'm Shipping Up to Boston" on occasion.

      What sort of proud half-Irish would I be if I haven't sung a drinking song ever?

  9. Ask Lan: Why won't you love me?

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      Because I don't know if we're compatible.

  10. While Rohan Kishibe from the anime is voiced by the same dude who voiced Meme Oshino, he's voiced by the dude who voices Koyomi Araragi in Eyes of Heaven. This greatly pleases me.

  11. "i'm tarn/joe/claudio..." Joe? Who's Joe?

    1. Tarn


      real name (sorta). since i have it on my tumblr i decided there'd be no harm in putting it on here too since a couple people on this site know it

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Oh. Cool, cool. Carry on.

  12. "Circuses are more or less just clown zoos." - Vincent Pizzapasta, 2017

    1. Ghidora131


      Somebody watches Vinesauce, I see

  13. I got a call from Denver, Colorado at 4:20 today.

  14. I never congratulated you on your One Year Vahi. *Claps*

  15. Ask Lan: How many pizza rolls can you eat in one sitting?

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      Either 21, 42, 69, 420, or over 9000, depending on how hungry I am.

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      What about 1337 of them?

    3. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      Yeah, that many, too.

  16. Happy New Year from my time zone!

  17. Woo! I've had this .gif in my signature for a year!

  18. "If you lace your dope with rope, the pope will give you soap. And if you find rope beside your soap, the dope pope will give you hope. And that way, you can cope."

    1. Eiji Hino
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Don't you do this. Not after all we've been through.

    3. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  19. The English dub of Stardust Crusaders features Matthew Mercer, the voice of Overwatch's McCree, as Jotaro Kujo. The Japanese version of Overwatch features Jurota Kosugi, the voice of the Stardust Crusaders OVA's Jotaro, as McCree.

  20. Quick! Before anyone notices!

  21. Fun fact: I just mistook you for yourself.

    1. Tarn


      i thought you did lol

      gj gunhaver

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