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Electric Light Gunhaver

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Status Updates posted by Electric Light Gunhaver

  1. I'd like to thank whoever designed the layout and holds the servers of BZPower because they made this website not look awful.

  2. CHAPTER 3, PAGE 40, PANEL 11

    1. Tarn


      at first I thought, "what does this mean" and then I realized

      you found The Source

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      I didn't expect to find it so soon.

    3. Tarn


      Heh. There are even more avatar-worthy expressions comin' your way.

  3. I change my profile picture way too often.

    1. Bonkle


      I used to do that, and had a counter in my sig for a while.

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      I lost count a long time ago.

  4. Crono is now an Imgur-based file! No more bandwidth stealing!

  5. I have no idea who you are, but your name is really satisfying to say.

  6. A year and 2,500 posts later, here I am. That went by too fast. I can only imagine how the longtime users here feel on their anniversaries.

  7. I honestly liked the Stars sets.

    1. Naota Takizawa

      Naota Takizawa

      I would've been okay with the Stars sets if the Toa Mata were released instead of giving us a skakdi, Gresh, random rahkshi, a random skrall & Takanuva.

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      The choices of characters is what irks me the most as well. The esoteric nature of the selection is super strange. Two characters who were released literally the year before, a rather famous Toa, a Rahkshi, a Skakdi who went unnamed until a fan asked for him to be named, and the literal mascot for the series. That's insane. I wish there was some budget for a wider variety of characters like the Mata rather than just an assortment of meaningless characters juxtaposed by important ones.

  8. Simon Belmont for Smash 5!

  9. All my friends know the Low Rider.

  10. I wish D-Arts had made a Rock Volnutt figure.

  11. I noticed that I've had a trend of posting profile updates on the 12th of every month. Carrying on...

    1. Naota Takizawa

      Naota Takizawa

      You wee a day late this time. Carry on.

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Not from where I am, mate. Carry on.

  12. I'm sorry for that abomination of a signature. My computer had rendered the floating Crono .gif as being the same size as the other Crono. It was not until I refreshed the page for the thirteenth time did I realize that was unfortunately not the case for everyone.

  13. So I just saw an advertisement on the main page for the A Link Between Worlds Link Figma and I legitimately got excited.

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Seriously? Who looks at advertisements anymore? Get adblock already.



    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      It helps support the site some.

      Honestly, advertisements don't bother me as much as it does others.

  14. Let's see how you do against Kung Fu Cutman!

  15. Fantastisch neue name, mein Freund.

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