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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Janus

  1. The age old conundrum of Physician heal thyself. -Janus
  2. Janus

    "they're All Nanobots"

    While that is a constant irritant to me, I'm more concerned with what in the heck they actually did. I mean, what purpose did these 'nanotech' Matoran do exactly? Making masks? Building chutes, carving statues--what did any of this do for Mata-Nui? What purpose did Rahi serve in the grand scheme? I mean the only thing that makes it at all logical to me is that they were meant to be planetary colonizers. Eventually the unit would land and dispatch the Rahi and Matoran and blah and they would start creating a habitable environment for those of Spherus Magna/Bara Magna. KIND OF LIKE THE STORY I WROTE A BAZILLION YEARS AGO /plug But...uh, yeah. -Janus
  3. Janus


    I cannot wait for you and my ego to be introduced at Brickfair. -Janus
  4. In terms of video game storybuilding rather than difficult fights--Red Pyramid Thing fight from Silent Hill 2. You never win -Janus
  5. Man, I bet you've got some totally lame people on the powercast this time. Probably just some burk from Canada. -Janus
  6. I agree with everything you said except for Brand New Day being even remotely good. I don't recognize Peter anymore. And what the heck have they done to Felicia? ; ; -Janus
  7. Mighty coincidental, I saw someone with a similar name to yourself in one of mine.

  8. Janus


    And when they see us holding us hands They wish that they were geeks in love~ -Janus
  9. Personally I'm impressed that you had the decency to let everyone know. Last time I did something like this I just dropped off the face of the earth for a week or two. -Janus
  10. Man, there is a disappointing lack of Hexadecimal in this blog. -Janus
  11. Janus

    Sleep Texting

    While this is truly incredible, I have a friend who can and has texted in her sleep with no recollection of it the next day. Man is that fun. -Janus
  12. The simple solution is to hire them all to kill each other. Regardless of the outcome you'll only have to pay maybe three people. If they're good, less. -Janus
  13. Janus

    Random Lol ;o

  14. You have no idea how much agreement you are getting from me. It is massive amounts of agreement. It is FOUR HUNDRED BABIES of agreement. -Janus
  15. It's called an obsessive personality type. It just happens to be a movie that triggered it in this case. -Janus
  16. Everyone posting is totally sheeple. OWAIT I JUST POSTED. -Janus
  17. Janus

    Alternate Canons

    Dare I even ask why? -Janus
  18. Mfusssssssssssssss! ; ; -Janus
  19. Janus

    Alternate Canons

    But unless you have the rights to the property, it is still fanfiction, isn't it? ^^ BIONICLE needs as many alternate canons as it can get, IMO. Hold your horses >> -Janus
  20. That's not how you captchalogue a sylladex! -Janus
  21. Hi Treize Kushrenada. So glad to see you on our interwebs at last. -Janus
  22. Janus


    No. I suggest tucking the other one away so that the noise doesn't irritate people. -Janus
  23. Janus


    I hope you didn't have both headphones on. Else I'll be most displeased. -Janus
  24. Janus

    Suicide Juice.

    That's half the reason I took this job. The other half is that I'm a power mad psychopath who lives only to accumulate more and more control until one day I rule all the interwebs. -Janus
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