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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris

    Another Complaint.

    ... I agree. With Exo.
  2. Ektris

    First Day Of School =(

    Funny, then, that my math teacher is totally awesome (I get him two years in a row. ).
  3. Ektris


    You want my homeroom? (Minus the soda thing... But he is a DJ. Horrible teacher. Great guy.) School starts in a week for me.
  4. I missed it. (And there's only 15 minutes left.) What's the result?
  5. Ektris


    I did it from 11 PM to about 11:30. I saw one, so I figured that was good enough.
  6. Ektris


    Soak Up The Sun? Are you serious? We played that and Raider's March in Disney.
  7. Ektris


    Yeah.... I'll do that as soon as I get Premier Membership. See ya in a few months. Lol, I wanted to make two more entries, but as I was writing one, they shut off the abilities. And somehow fixed my rank, too. I had the bolded name and rank image before the anniversary, but nothing was ever done to fix it.
  8. Ektris


    My band's first major performance is this Tuesday night at the amusement park Kennywood. It's a pretty sweet place, honestly. This year, we're playing one of our half time songs, "Fly Me to the Moon," rather than an additionaly song picked solely for the parade. If it's anything like last year, it'll be no problem. I'm just looking forward to having some fun at Kennywood. Phantom's Revenge... First seat... Is simply awesome. And that's it for this week's band-related activites, practices aside. Another entry coming up soon...
  9. Ektris

    The Picnic

    Lol, I didn't really hold up my promise much, did I? Well then, I'll post an entry, like, every twenty minutes or something. But I did have a good reason. ---- My dad's fiftieth birthday is coming up in a few weeks. He didn't want a party. So we threw him one today. Perfect cover being we were having a family picnic 'cause my great aunt and uncle were visiting from across the country. But the best part was how we had to lie 'bout what we were up to all day. I could have sworn he was onto us... But, he said he had no idea anything was coming when I talked to him afterwards. Highlights include my playing Taps to start a "march" of his nieces and nephews (And daughter ) as they came out to present him with balloons, gifts, and cake. I played Taps as part of the joke - he's fifty, he's old, and, according to one of the lil' ribbons/buttons, he's a living corpse. Regardless of why, it was fun. 'Specially 'cause I never played it before.
  10. Hmm. Couldn't decide which one to give you. Then I remembered the swords entry.
  11. Pfft. Beats being sentenced to the Pit. And, like, he's had "Descending *whatever*" for months.
  12. Ektris

    The Final Day

    Now why would I do something sensible?
  13. Ektris

    The Final Day

    Hmm. It's the last day for blogs, isn't it? Man, I was gettin' used to havin' this... And to think, I used to loathe blog-hosting sites. I guess I still do, really. They're too chaotic and people are far too revealing about themselves. But here... Wow, I've told you I play in the band and some trees fell over. I'm goin' to make several entries today to conclude this year's anniversary. Seriously. I won't forget. Entries will include my take on BBC Contest #45, what happens today, and perhaps I'll even make an entry or two about things I mentioned in previous entries but never fully explained.
  14. Ektris

    Omg 2008 Sets

    But now that you've admitted this; once you enter, you'll be disqualified.
  15. Yay! I have a set Roa doesn't. And yet she has six I don't... And that's just for '07.
  16. Ektris


    Probably not if you live wherever the storm went after it passed my area.
  17. Ektris

    The Green One

    Oh no! My secret is out!
  18. Ektris


    Well, it's now been two days after the storm... And damage reports are most definitely in. I got off so easy livin' higher up away from any rivers. Pittsburgh got slammed... Well, I now know that five of my trees fell over or were moved. Two pine trees were knocked down, one tree was just tilted over (It was relatively small and is now upright once more with the aide of some pipes), and two additional trees were knocked over from several feet off the ground. And those ones... Pretty tall. I just spent the last few hours cutting branches and the trunks to fit into a cart to haul to a burn pile. It took three trips. And some of the better pieces we're saving for future use. So it was extra working cutting those so they'd fit the fire ring. Yet, it didn't bother me in the least. Sure, I sweated some, but that happens when you work. Right now, though, my left thumb (Hmm. Should I say why the left one is so important?) is rubbed raw on the inside and is simply killin' me. But I'll get over that too.
  19. Ektris

    The Green One

    I even baffled myself with that explanation!
  20. Ektris

    The Green One

    Well, I've recently acquired a certain green Titan set... One that gave me some fame for quite a while... But I'm not going to tell you who it is. And if all goes well, I'll be reviewing him. But even if I don't, I'll share my opinion in the official review topic. I want to get my revised opinion on this guy out somewhere. (EDIT: Oh, and this blog doesn't count. )
  21. Ektris

    Bbc 45

    So who ya buildin'?
  22. Ektris

    My Cat 2

    But cats are too cute to die. Sure, they all hate me, but oh well. I'm sorry to hear that, man.
  23. Pfft, Exo has 3000. --- My blog'll never get that high. 'Grats.
  24. Don't forget Suigetsu from Naruto. And might I introduce you to this wonderful thing called Bleach.
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