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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris


    Wow, I'm pretty late for the party, huh? Ah well. I was bored and just wanted to do something. Yeah, it was made in Paint, oh well. Yeah, I'm gonna go give this out to everybody and hopefully respark the fad from... What was it, like a week or two ago? EDIT: ~KDT~ made me this totally awesome new seal. When I do give one out, I'll be choosin' one of these based on how awesome the entry is. Still, doesn't seem as if the fad's really back. Oh, and thanks a ton, KDT.
  2. Where'd you get the book? Just curious...
  3. Ektris


    So I just got back from this interntaional local baseball thingie. Yeah. I had a pretty good time, but I can't really comment on the baseball. I watched only about two minutes of it. For four hours I just walked around the field or did stupid stuff with some buddies. Well, I shouldn't say four hours. More like three. Most of the first was spent walking around town with my sis and a friend while we waited for other people to come. Then, after those four hours, was a fireworks show. It was pretty sweet, being fireworks and all, but I can't say I was too interested in that either. Once you've seen one fireworks show, you've seen 'em all. Did I mention I got free food 'cause my mom was volunteering in the concession stand? And now I'm tired and my ear's killing me (I really hope it's not infected, but I'm fairly certain it is. We'll see tomorrow.) I'm goin' to go read some HP for a half hour, then watch Bleach, and go to bed...
  4. Ektris

    Harry Potter 7

    I assumed I implied they were true... Oh well. Tis not stoppin' me from still enjoyin' the book.
  5. Ektris

    Harry Potter 7

    I, too, have just recently purchased Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. And the first thing I did was read the last page. Not because I'm one of those nuts who wants to know the ending before all else - quite the contrary, actually - but because I wished to check on the accuracy of the leaked information which I was so unfortunate to see. I'm greatly upset right now.
  6. Ektris


    y tank u beekay and spitz ---- Though I wouldn't say that just yet, Spit, seein' as how I just realized I still had it checked to approve all comments thinkin' it meant they would be automatically approved and not that it meant I had to approve them myself.
  7. Because the bricks are so awesome I'm giving you this, Bink. ---- I'd buy two. If I could only persaude my parents to allow me. >_> And I don't have Paypal...
  8. For being our resident Romantic, I present thee this.
  9. Ektris


    First of all, you can still be a free member on it. This seems to be a common misconception already. People are seeing the "pay" portion of the message and then stop reading, or simply pass over the part where it says there will be no change for free users. *ahem* Now, I will not be paying for these "enhanced features." No, five dollars is not that much. No, sixty dollars is not that much provided you make an income. I, obviously, do not. But, that is not why. It's because paying that much money to simply put your images on the internet is... Well, it's rather stupid and quite ridiculous. I blame all of the LUGNET users who said they'd pay to use it. Yeah, I was keepin' watch over there when Brickshelf went down, and nearly everyone of them said they'd pay. Fools... And I do believe Kevin's just trying to get money. Besides, the small number of LUGNET users aside (Whom I believe are the only people Kevin even acknowledges. So annoying.), most of Brickshelf's users are kids. THEY DON'T HAVE MONEY TO PAY FOR THIS. It just irritates me. (Reposted cuz of update right above.)
  10. Ektris


    Well, it does appear as if I won't actually be doing any work outside today. Sans fixing the rope on the flagpole. But beside that, nothing. We came to the conclusion on Wednesday that I'd just be in the way because there'd be nothing for me to do. And that's still true today. And though I'm glad I'm evading work, I also want to help out... Ah well. Maybe something will come up tomorrow or Sunday. ---- Heh. I'm goin' to make the most of this blog... But to anyone actually reading this, I'll pretty much be down to one entry a day next week. Maybe two if I sneak one in in the morning. Band camp starts next week. Ten hours, five days... I wouldn't really care if it weren't for my toe still hurting. I really hope now the pain goes away by Monday.
  11. Ektris

    Aah! The Noob Blogs!

    You callin my blog a newb blog???!11/!!?
  12. Ektris

    Welcome Back

    What ever are you talking about, Shine?
  13. Ektris

    Welcome Back

    Welcome back to my blog, all you readers. That is, for those of you who know I had one this time last year... Regardless, welcome. I just deleted everything that was in my blog. Absolutely everything. But, I've already begun rebuilding, as evidenced by my content blocks over to the left. (By the way, though I'll have this but for a week, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated in the comments section.) And right now. I'm tired. I just woke up. And I'm not looking forward to the rest of the day. I did something to my big toe last night at tae kwon do, and now it hurts to move it. I'm pretty sure it's not broken because the pain would be a lot worse. But, I'll probably end up working outside today as my dad moves a lot of dirt around in the yard to cover this spot where my late great grandmother's trailer sat. Of course, when he did it Wednesday (You see, we couldn't do it yesterday due to rain), there was nothing I could do. I hope it's the same way today.
  14. Ektris

    2008 Set List

    I hope you are aware by posting this you attracted many, many more PMs. You're pretty much telling people to PM you. As if you're lying and actually want to tell them. Now, that wouldn't be nice, would it?
  15. What the heck were you talking about with that brithday topic comment?

  16. If it's so great, why won't it download any farther past your Hoursemen when I try it?
  17. *eyes bleed* ... Yeah. Somebody posted the spoilers on here yesterday. Eight times. So... So... Gah!
  18. But they all are. Well, except for maybe one/two random people that asked to be my friend (And every time someone adds me, I add them too ).
  19. Ektris

    You're so funny, seeing as we're in a chat RIGHT NOW where Swert even agrees you're the vandal.

  20. Pfft. Only 17 friends? I've got 5049.
  21. So... You said it was better than Goblet of Fire... But... Did they still only cover major plot points and skip everything else cuz the new director is so... Umm, *ahem*. Yeah. Did they? Cuz I'm probably goin' to see it tomorrow...
  22. Ektris


    Why... Won't... they stop... showing it!
  23. Ektris

    Kongu Mahri

    This entry is made of win. If I had one of those approval seals, I'd give you it.
  24. Ektris

    Bioran isn't staff any more. Epic fail.

  25. Ektris

    Get off of BS01.

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