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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris


    I have no idea how many times I've told you these two. 1. Self MOC 2. Comic character (We could even bring back categories...)
  2. ...

    Spit's a girl.

    Niiiice. :P

  3. Ektris

    An Empire Expands

    Sets? Dude. Start takin' topics from Kex, like, ASAP. EDIT: Hmm. I'm not sure if we should count contest voting forum for Kex...
  4. Willie banner? Niiiice.

  5. You are jealous of my avatar, Spit. I know you are.
  6. *has really nothing to say but "Ouch..."* And I saw the first showing. 'Course, it's not like I don't already know what happens, having read plot summaries online and now reading the manga online too...
  7. Wow. Some first punt by Clevelend, huh?
  8. They're gonna lose. The Browns, that is. Go Steelers!
  9. You all will stop trying to guess the censored word now. By doing so, many of you are trying to bypass the word filter to figure it out. That is not at all allowed. ---- The only thing that could make this better would be if the flashback was as big as Bionicle Legends#4... But I don't think that's the case. This is nice to know, though. Hmm... They are probably on Daxia right now, right? For, though they were made on Artakha, they took their first steps on Daxia. And they don't know each other, or what they are, because they were just made... Man. I'm dyin' to know what happens next now.
  10. Let's see... I had some homework too on my first day this year (sophomore), but it wasn't that hard... And, umm... Oh yeah. I can't take AP Calc. until my senior year. >_> The only year you can double up is with Geometry and Algebra II (I have no idea why we have to take the former as its own class instead of with one of the Algebra classes...), and that would have been last year for me. But I had no room in my schedule due to all the "required" class. Let's just say "we don't need computer classes any more, stop making us take them" would be similar to somethin' I'd like to tell the higher-ups... Anywho, I need to finish a Trig. class to take Calc, and you can't take the Trig. class without finishing Alg. II. >_> Hmm. I like your schedule, you should too. It's pretty much all the classes I'll end up taking ('cept Latin, they don't offer that) in the future. Aaaand. I miss my blog.
  11. *shrugs* Make a Rahi instead of a humanoid (Assuming that's not already the case).
  12. A group of cats from the Warriors novel series by Erin Hunter.

  13. Ektris

    2008 Preview

    I find the shift in novel direction to be a good thing. Having the comics be exact copies of the novels without the detail was quite annoying... It made the comics pointless. Having them tell different things, while still following the same basic outline, I presume, is a great way to expand upon the story.
  14. Ektris

    August Update

    @2: The remaining members of Lhikan's team? That's the only thing I can think of, but I didn't bother counting stuff. We know where the Rahaga are, so they can't be it. But anything else... Man, tis hard. *bets on it being new characters to us XD* Thanks for the updates, Greg.
  15. Why is there an ugly french horn in your blog? Seriously, man, trumpets are the way to go. Ya can't play jazz with a french horn, but ya can with a trumpet.
  16. Ektris

    Bs01 Is Back!

    Because it doesn't work. >_>
  17. Ektris

    Neopets :p

    Neopets? Eh, I quit that after the introduction of the NCMall... I'll go check to see if I have some dolls for ya, though. EDIT: All I've got are stuff from the Advent Calender, and I'd rather hang onto them. 'Sides, they aren't that expensive. Sorry.
  18. Ektris


    Yo tambien, Spit. But wait, that means its today! Oh yeah... Duh.
  19. @3: You can make it so your home phone gets redirected to your cell phone...
  20. ThunderClan? They're all right. :P

    Gooo SkyClan! XD

  21. Ektris


    Hey, unlike most of the guys who say they hate it, I've actually watched the movies. And I still dislike them. But you have every right to like them. It's your choice, and people should respect that.
  22. Ektris


    This is impossible to answer because the numbers are not constant.
  23. Ektris

    Summer Projects

    Your welcome. It's not my fault that my school doesn't... Wait, this is a good thing. I'll have a ton after this year, though...
  24. Ektris

    Summer Projects

    Haha, I don't have summer projects.
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