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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris

    I Dont Get It!

    Itz Coas in the Deeps, get it rite
  2. We have right now 2.1.7... Will you just be updating one stop, or going to 2.3?
  3. *points at winner of BBC Contest #40* *proceeds to laugh at Shan*
  4. Ektris

    Finally, A Reason

    *already knew about this* *grumbles about not being invited to the Kid's Corner * *grumbles more about it being invite-only* So. Why didn't you choose BZP for... Well, anything?
  5. Yeah. Expect rain. Lol, I have no idea where you are, but I'm finding what you are saying too coincidental. It rained here yesterday. Then, assuming you aren't too far away from home, it headed towards your area. It rained here again today. Sooo... Yeah. Please do come on and say it didn't rain.
  6. Many posts in BBC nowadays consist of the following: "It looks great! 10/10!" And sometimes, the MOC is rather sub-par. But people go around posting that in nearly every topic. Methinks it's just for a post count. The only way I think a number rating is appropriate is if there is some sort of constructive comment accompanying it - be it critisism or be it praise. That's why I don't like 'em.
  7. Ektris


    It burns us? Really. I don't know what to say.
  8. Ektris

    Hee Hee

    I dunno 'bout you, but... It's scaring me.
  9. It does. But they only last for like 5 seconds. *mumbles stuff about hating that place* Loll, you were dead on about it not being stable, Bink... As I was trying to come here to read your new entry, it crashed. *sigh* Whatever will we do...
  10. Ektris

    S Wootsday Five

    1. KBToys, LEGO Avatar, Art with plastic bricks 2. Doktor Who 3. This is a blog? Meh, there are others. 4. Derr. 5. Yeah. Trumpet. And I'm better than you.
  11. I keep tellin' myself to watch Bleach durin' the week, but I always forget. I only started around like right before they went to the Soul Society, so I was a tad lost. ET is happy too.
  12. Try to fill in the holes in the shoulders, and perhaps integrate the Inika heads a tad better. I like how versatile the Inika heads can be, and it's showing here, but it could be better, IMO. And I'd scrap that torso. I'm just not feelin' it. Scrap the vissie feet, perhaps, then flesh it out some on the sides to cover up some of the Metruan limbs.
  13. Ektris


    Ooh, I got 900-something on the old one! And I took it in seventh grade. I forget what I got on the new one... I took that in eight - the first year they had it, of course... Anywho, congrats. I'm not sure if I should be lookin' forward to the SAT or not in the next couple years, but I'm confident 'cause I've already taken it... And with the Geometry class I took this past year, I'm sure I'll do tons better... But now I'm rambling about myself. That's not cool. Congrats again.
  14. Ektris

    Iz my Birfday

    His birthday was yesterday y'all. Lol, sounds like you had a good day. *Begins wonderin' about the possibilities of wifi battlin' with Diamond, which I also got...*
  15. Meh, I'm lookin' for my third badge right now. XD I can't figure out which town I'm supposed to go to, so I went to the one with all the marshes. That right?
  16. Ektris

    Moving In, Moving Out

    STEELERS > ALL Tee hee. Last day for seniors over here too. T'was horrible. This one guy brought in a guitar hero...
  17. Ektris


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Yay Caedus. Lol, I actually like this. But anywho, a question for you DV. I've been thinkin' of reading some of the SW books. (Ever since the staff SW thing a couple months back, in which I "was" Jacen, I've been very interested in the EU of SW...) This one in particular. However, do I really need to read some other books beforehand? Or would knowledge gathered from this wonderful thing called the internet be sufficient?
  18. Nobody is tricking anybody. Farewell, Shilo. You've had spells like this in the past, and you've always come back... But I fear that this time it may be genuine. Regardless, good luck with your life.
  19. Ektris

    What I Want

    *so has his birthday one day after yours*
  20. Ektris


    1. Go check my list in your "Valu eof Being Well Read" entry. 2. Read The New Prophecy already! The first book of The Power of Three - the third series- is already out. 3. Yeah. I read nothin' else.
  21. *doesn't bother reading whole thing after seeing it's about books* Dude. After you finish Fahrenheit 451, read these. 20,000 Leagues Under the SeaKing Solomon's MinesThe Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeThe Invisible ManDraculaThe Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Picture of Dorian Gray Then go watch the movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. (Ya see, I bring this up not only because they are all excellent novels (Which is why you should really read them), but because in my English class, we were required to read Fahrenheit 451 and any one of the other seven novels... At the same time. I chose Solomon's Mines. And then we watched the movie, and have to write an essay (Due this week XD) about why the character from the book we read was in the movie. But you probably don't care about that. )
  22. Ektris

    At World's End

    Woo. Pirates 'n stuff. I bet I saw it before you!
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