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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ektris

  1. Ektris


    Yeah, somethin' more can be said... I still don't like it.
  2. Ektris

    New Mocs

    Meh. Fine, make an uber awesome fusion MOC. I still say do a gestalt, though.
  3. Ektris

    New Mocs

    A non-fusion gestalt.
  4. I'll divide my school area up for this... Secondary (High School & Jr. High) - 2 snow days and a 2-hour delay last week. 2 snow days and 2 2-hour delays this week. Elementary (The 2 elem. schools & kindergarten center) - 2 snow days and a 2-hour delay last week. 3 snow days this week and a 2-hour delay this week. Ugh. This is all based on the standings right now... For all I know we could have tomorrow off, but its just a 2-hour delay all around for the moment... Yup. I love snow days. EDIT: Oh yeah! We were supposed to have tomorrow (Friday) off, but because of the snow days last week, we're havin' school. Though, as I said, we may not.
  5. Ektris


    I probably have that much thanks to the Tower of Toa. I'll count later. Maybe. Edit: Le gasp! ET caved and counted... 34-ish. White only. I have a bunch of silver and red too, but I didn't count them. You still beat me, though.
  6. Ektris


    Wind, I'm sure we'd all love to do that... If we knew how and could. But from my understanding, the focus group is made up of the 8-10 year old super fanboys that I mentioned before. They grew up in the first-person shooter game genre... They like big weapons. That's my reasoning for their "encouraging" of things like the Cordak Blaster. The set designers are just foolish and listen, making things worse. As the people who would still remember Kanohi as collectables aren't in the age range (It may even be a bit broader than I said - Younger, though), these new super fanboys (As most young kids are. I was of Tformers for a while, though...) don't know what's good.
  7. Ektris


    Hahli has fins, not wings. Gosh, why is it so hard to understand that (Yes, I'm being serious)? Everyone keeps sayin' things like "Why does a Toa of Water have wings? They're under water, too, what use wiill they have?" It's annoying. They're fins. And you're just the unlucky one who I decided to finally say it to, ToM. I have to disagree with what you said about Hewkii (save the red parts...). He's the only one the Cordak Blaster looks good on. That's due to how it was actually integrated into his build, though. As for the humanoid stature comment... Well, aren't all Toa like that? They aren't humans, after all. The ammo on his right arm is also the only case where its actually built into the set and doesn't look bad (Such as Kongu). The left arm ruins, it though. And I don't see what's wrong with the yellow-black distribution... Red pieces aside, the only thing I do not like about Hewkii is how his torso is just a flipped Piraka torso. The least they could do was add armor. The rest of the Mahri... Eh. I agree. I'm also one of the people tired of super-fanboys (My post is after Smeag's, in case ya hadn't seen it ). The Mahri won't change much from these; The ToyFair models are very similar to the final. This is what they are, stop bein' sayin' stuff like they'll get better. (Yes, if I had my own blog, I'd make an entry 'bout this. But, again, unfortunate one, ToM. )
  8. Ektris

    Star Wars Fad?

    Exactly, U. It's just like those people who insist that everyone became Spider-Man characters! I mean, come on? Spider-Man? Symbiotes are way better anyways. What's that one I like...? Oh yeah, Hybrid. ...
  9. Ektris

    Star Wars Fad?

    Huh? I don't have a clue either.
  10. Ektris

    As It Stands...

    Hah! Omi's "welcoming" to the disfunctional family has finally come true. Heh, and somebody else finally realized Omi and *gulp* Tufi are my *gulp* "parents." Heh. Never saw the death stuff, though. Pretty funny.
  11. Let the record show I am also severely disappointed in Jacen Solo. <<DV>> I could ground him for you. -Omi No, anything but that! *hides in corner* B-but what did oi eva do to you, gwampa? What'd I ever do to you, gramps? You're just jealous that I'm going to be a better Sith than you. And you're probably pretty mad that Bane, Sadow, and Sidious are the "most influential Sith of all time," and not you, huh?
  12. Ektris


    As far as I'm concerned, only two (or was it three?) people have finished a PBZP. Shan and Mikerahk. They put time and effort into their MOCs, and for the most part followed these "guidlines" you stated (Which are pretty much true). Most members now who do a "PBZP" just make an effortless MOC (Good example being Mike's FSS) and slap on a name. Sometimes they ask, yes, but unless they put time and effort... Just no. And they do that because, for whatever reason, they think that if they finish a PBZP line they'll be cool 'n stuff 'cause "not many people have." (And, again, to me, that's still true)
  13. 1. 20 double o 7? No. 20 o 7, yes. Thulox, Nocturn, and Carapar. 2. S&T 3. No 4. Used to. Not anymore. 5. -beeeep- (old sign off; ~|ET|~)
  14. Well, yeah, sayin' that from the get-go would've been helpful. Or that there's a website (I'm supposed to know that how, Biomech...? Methinks I made it obvious I never heard of this). Well... Do what ya want, I was just inquirin'. The fundraisin' is nice, though.
  15. I don't mean to sound offensive... But how does not eating help those who don't have food? You won't be getting any food to eat, and it's not like you're sending any to "them."
  16. Just go close some topics already so I can make the topic. XD
  17. Oh yeah, Omi. Me too. The poster said, according to rough member translations, that the second half would come in March. Methinks that the second half is the upperhalf, revealing the full Toa Mahri. Though what we have now really isn't anything... People are still makin' a big fuss.
  18. Well, that's what it says in the official topic's name. So you'd recommend Nocturn, eh Torhu? Good. 'Cause I'm gonna buy him, if possible (I'm goin' to Wal*Mart Sunday), with my Carapar, rather than some other Barraki. Oh, and Nocturn's not a Barraki. He's a lieutenant to Ehlek (thin 'n green dude).
  19. I voted for you in the semis. Heh, as for BBC 40... Well if it fits the theme, I know what MoC I'll be entering. It's tons different (as in improved) from any of my previous MoCs if ya ask me. People may be surprised (And I'm not gonna post it until a BBC comes around that it'll fit the theme). And good luck with the girl, mate.
  20. Red one? That's Kalmah. Mantax is black. I don't have any of the Barraki myself, but they do look pretty sweet. And the uniqueness of them is probably because not a single one of them is identical. Some, like Ehlek (green) and Takadox (blue) have similar builds, but they're still different and look totally different. That's what I love 'bout them. As for money... That kinda stinks. I'm just a teen and live with my parents, so I don't pay bills and all that stuff, but from what my dad's said, they can really drain your money. But I have, on occasion, been ever-so-slightly short on cash while out shopping. It kinda ticks me off then, so I might know what it feels like a bit. And oh. If I'm lucky, that $30 Target gift card I got will come in handy. (Wow... I gotta cut back on using those. Dang it...)
  21. 1. What contest? 2. If you are limiting it to just those two variations, definitely the second. As for other pieces, no idea, but if you can find something that looks better, use it. 3. Why the Slizer feet on the hand? I've never really seen the point in that, and it's become rather common in Toa MoCs. It looks really weird if ya ask me. 4. In the second pic, is the plus rod holding up the Zamor Launcher and sword (the combination looks rather cumbersome, IMO) bending?! 5. Lucky. I have school until Thursday, but the whole school's going to the movies then so I'm not really countin' that.
  22. Ektris


    Aren't all the themes "special" in one way or another: that's why they call them themes. ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM I never really considered a MoC based on a Greek god or goddess to be too special. The size restriction added a little bit of difficulty, but except for those members who like to make giant MoCs, it wasn't that much, IMO.. But I think color restrictions, like the red, white, and blue one, are special themes. Or rather, specialized. It's much harder that way. If that doesn't make sense, then whatever. Personal taste.
  23. Ektris


    Boo... If it is some "special" theme then I most likely will be unable to enter my self MoC... And I only want to post it for a contest. But... Building it has gotten me back into MoCing a bit. Who knows, maybe I'll still build something. Of course. This is all assuming if the first two paragraphs are connected. Thou are a tricky one.
  24. Well my teacher, in high school, is so... Foolish. She's never heard of it. So it's fine right now - Of course, as for other classes... Haven't done anythin' yet that I needed to make a bibliography for, so who knows.
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