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Turaga Dlakii

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Blog Entries posted by Turaga Dlakii

  1. Turaga Dlakii
    It's somewhat late, and I've sent my lines off to Phy (FINALLY). Now, I'm just sitting here cleaning out my Brickshelf.
    You'd be surprised how much muck can accumulate over three years.
  2. Turaga Dlakii
    Thrown together in about five minutes in Adobe Photoshop CS2. Yeah, it's probably sort of lame, but I think it shows that I'm sort of improving at this sort of thing.

    By the way, in case you didn't notice, that's The Mudkip Man, my superhero identity in Heroes.
  3. Turaga Dlakii
    Yeah, I've started developing sprite kits again. Here's a preview of a current work-in-progress.

    In case you didn't notice, that's just me.
    By the way, that's not the New Mini Kit.
    (I blurred the image like that to prevent noxious kit theft. )
  4. Turaga Dlakii
    So, when purchasing some new shoes today (as my old ones had developed a large hole in the left), Lai chose to buy Gali Mistika. She's actually pretty good, but that's not why I'm writing this. Rather, I'm writing about something interesting observed at K-Mart when Lai bought Gali.
    You see, the Mistika were selling really fast.
    I wasn't there myself (given K-Mart's proximity to my school), but Lai reports that there was a relatively large crowd around for the Mistika. He says there were about five people taking some of them, which, given the standards of LEGO around here, is pretty impressive. I myself, when looking for Lai, saw someone with a Gorast and another with a Tahu.
    Speaking of which, those two were selling the best of the lot. Onua and Krika, unsurprisingly, sold the worst.
    This sort of says something about the Mistika, and of Greg Farshtey's statements on their designs (at least, I think it was Greg; I don't really remember). Even though there appears to be a large faction of BZPers who detest them, they are certainly rather popular among the wider community, particularly with younger children given that everyone I saw take a Mistika was under ten. When I was at my grandparents' a month ago, I was showing my cousin some images of the Mistika on BS01. His reaction was rather enthusiastic, and he said he preferred them to the old Toa Mata and Toa Nuva.
    So, no matter how much we don't like them, LEGO appears to have done something right for the wider community this time.
  5. Turaga Dlakii
    Yeah, I've heard a lot more stuff about it this month, so it merits more ravings from me.

    Firstly, the subject of its release. It was released in Japan earlier this month. So far, nothing has been said about English releases. This had better change, or I'll be VERY angry...

    Secondly, multiplayer modes. These have been the bane of the series for so long; the GBA multiplayer wasn't particularly exciting, and there was none at all for the console instalments. Fortunately, this game rectifies the issue with Battle Maps, in which players' armies go head-to-head on an actual map, like in the main game; sounds awesome. There's also Nintendo WFC (WiFi) functionality, and I've heard rumours of some sort of online item shop. EXTRA AWESOME POINTS.

    Thirdly, the graphics. Which I call awesome. It's as though they packed Radiant Dawn into a handheld. The new battle animations, from what I've seen, are absolutely beautiful, and the horse and pegasus animations look a little more realistic. Seriously, look at that screenshot of Shiida and that animation of Marth, and tell me that that's not an improvement over the GBA games. EPIC WIN.

    Speaking of which, here's some official art of Marth and Shiida. :happy:

    And finally, the music. Because I know a few solid Fire Emblem fansites, I've got my hands on the game's soundtrack. And it's one of the best in the series, second to Radiant Dawn in my opinion. I've only got four tracks (so as to keep something as a surprise for when the game is released here), but they're excellent. The main theme, in particular, is beautiful. :happy:

    In short, I don't exactly know everything about the game, but I seriously like what I see. Hurry up and translate it, Nintendo, or you'll have a one-man riot on your hands.
  6. Turaga Dlakii
    So I was posting in Artwork III yesterday, and something seems to have gone wrong with a certain post in The Lazy Life of a Comic Maker. Here's a picture of one of the strangest things I'll ever see on BZP...

    LOOK AT IT. Is that even possible?
    By the way, if you happen to be a staffie with the power to fix this issue, here's the link to the post.
    UPDATE: The issue has since been fixed. It appears that when someone else posted there, my post snapped back into order.
  7. Turaga Dlakii
    I'm sorta happy. Why, you may ask? Well:
    2. Lots of Fire Emblem trophies!
    3. I've obtained the Team Galactic Battle! song, quite possibly the most awesome Pokémon song in Brawl.
    4. I've got all the playable characters and stages.
    5. I've confirmed that the playable Pokémon don't suck.
    6. I've crushed the 100-Man Brawl in under 4 minutes, and dominated Classic and All-Star Modes repeatedly.
    Good, now I've gotten past the Brawl ravings...
    Vote for me!
    If you can't pick out mine after reading this blog, there's something wrong with you.
  8. Turaga Dlakii
    Bumping and editing because of new developments...

    Right, it took a while, but I've developed a list of roles in The Unknown Turaga: The Movie. If you wish to apply for any of these roles, express your interest in this entry and I'll PM you some trial lines. Bear in mind that some roles have already been filled, or are pending filling.
    Genders of each role are indicated by colouring of text
    Dlakii, Turaga of Light - - taken by me
    Lai, Le-Matoran - - taken by Lai: Toa of Shadows
    Dreiken, Toa of Ice - - taken by Lai: Toa of Shadows
    DudeNuva, Toa of Mists - - taken by DudeNuva
    Thekoo, Toa of Lightning - - pending role acceptance from Kotahn
    iKKF, warrior Toa - - pending role acceptance from Karkava
    Vak, Ta-Matoran - - pending role acceptance from Tahuri
    Proto D, Dragon Ta-Matoran
    Hev, Toa of Fire - - pending role acceptance from Vorthon's younger sister
    Beliwa, Toa of Demons - - taken by Phyoohrii
    Noir, Shadow Matoran
    Teridax, Makuta of Metru Nui - - pending role acceptance from Tahuri
    Dume, Turaga of Fire - - pending role acceptance from Kotahn
    Now, to clear a few things up:
    1. If you're confused about anything, read my original comics, The Unknown Turaga, which the film is concluding. If the relatively poor quality scares you off (What? I was just starting out!), visit The Unknown Turaga Wiki where, hopefully by now, there are story details and summaries.
    2. Yes, I am aware that the genders of a few characters cannot exist in normal Bionicle canon (that is, a female Toa of Fire cannot exist).
    3. What I said earlier still applies; you need a microphone, and you must have posted in any of my comic topics AT LEAST TWICE.
    3-b. However, in certain situations, I will make exceptions, but it's entirely at my discretion. Begging will not help at all.
    4. You've got to be somewhat committed to the project. Like any sprite film, this will have to be released in parts. Don't be surprised if I'm still bugging you for lines in a year or so.
    5. If you want, you can apply for two roles. That merely means less work for me in chasing lines.
    6. And yes, there is a reason that actual Bionicle characters are on that list.
    7. When you get the lines, please DO NOT tell others what's going to happen. Spoiling the plot is my job.
    8. Please don't try to apply for any roles that I have marked as "taken" or "pending". Just like I said, those roles are taken or pending.
    9. If you happen to be Vak, Thekoo or iKKF, I assigned your characters those elements because you did not provide any originally.
    10. Sign up for yourself only. Don't recommend anyone, don't say "o ill get so-and-so".
    To apply, post here which role you are applying for. I will, once I've finally written the script, send you an excerpt so you can do a test line. Send that to me once you've done it. Once I have tests from all applicants, I will go through all the applicants for each role and pick the one I have judged as the best for that character. I will then send each the lines for all of Part 1 of the film.
    Once again, PLEASE BE SERIOUS AND ON-TOPIC ABOUT THIS. Spam will be mercilessly massacred.
    Questions? Comments? Applications? Fire away!
  9. Turaga Dlakii
    Friends dropping off trees, that is.
    Seriously, I've got about ten or so new Friend Requests in the past fortnight, and last I checked, I'm probably the most disliked person in Artwork III (or BBC... or COT...). I'm starting to think that people keep meaning to PM me, but slip and hit "Add as Friend" instead.
    (And, uh, sorry if you found the title of this entry deeply disturbing. I certainly do.)
  10. Turaga Dlakii
    Yeah, that's right, 1000 posts.
    Anyway, in relation to that, I launched my new MOC library topic, the MOCkery. Click to visit. Interestingly, its creation WAS my 1000th post.
    Do I sound bored? Yeah, probably because I put all the excitement into the other means of touting the milestone.
  11. Turaga Dlakii
    He used some Fire Emblem music in his (horrible) third film.
    Subjecting such beautiful music to use in THAT fail is a crime.
    He must pay... and he will... when I release UTMovie. It will be SO win, it'll wipe out the competition.
    (For the record, the song used was Crimean Army Sortie, from Path of Radiance and Super Smash Bros Brawl.)
    It's not the first time either; he used, much to my disgust, Together We Ride in his second film. (That originated from Blazing Sword and Super Smash Bros Melee, and is one of my favourite Fire Emblem tracks of all time.)
  12. Turaga Dlakii
    I don't believe it. The month's nearly over, and I STILL haven't finished Chapter 5 of LIGHT?! This is bad, even by my standards!
    And I've still got to design a certain room.... not to mention certain cylindrical objects that happen to be in there... and put it all together... and induce Photoshoppy goodness!
    That's it; I've got to get off the Brawl.
  13. Turaga Dlakii
    Warning: Ravings about Ike abound.

    Anyway, here's what happened. In my second playthrough of Radiant Dawn, Ike's unpromoted, right? I was about halfway through Part III, in what I think is Chapter 3-5 or something; at any rate, it involved defending the throne (to stop the enemies saying the dreaded "iM iN uR bAsE" ). Ike was posted in a stairway, because he's far too win to leave on the throne.
    So this mob of Generals turned up (FYI, Generals have insane defences... ), and Ike mutilated them all. With nothing but an IRON SWORD. Which, I stress, are the second-weakest swords in the game.
    Told ya that Ike is awesome.
    I'm bored. I think I'll go get 15 posts.
  14. Turaga Dlakii
    Yeah, seriously. But not just because she tries to teach me maths.
    You see, my school likes to enter the Westpac Mathematics Competition. They like to get people to enter and win stuffs to stick in one of their display cabinets. And they also like strongly suggesting that those in the highest level maths classes enter. And I'm in the highest level maths class. Why, I'll never know.
    So, what happened was this: my maths teacher took entry encouragement one step further. She entered everyone in it. WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION. Then she tried to get us to pay up. Most of us did, but then there were those who didn't. Like me. And now I have to enter a competition I didn't want to enter, about my least favourite subject, and I'll be forced to pay for something I never wanted to enter. Does that sound fair?
    Here's something worse: I have a friend (who happens to be a girl) who's in both my Japanese and Maths classes (not to mention English and History.... ). She went to Japan for all of last term and a couple of days of this term. She obviously didn't hear ANYTHING about the competition. Guess what? She's been entered in it, too, and she probably still has no idea. And the competition is this Thursday. That is certainly not fair.
    Seriously, my maths teacher is evil. Fortunately, she's hitchhiking around Italy this term.
  15. Turaga Dlakii
    Seriously, I just keep heaping the BZP-based stuff in a pile for me to do. The Newsroom and LIGHT, The Unknown Turaga Movie, Chapter 20 of Land of Dragons, not to mention Heroes, my spritework at Cyan, and those Titan Olympics lines I need to fix for Phy. Then there's my life, which somehow has survived the past three years of all this.
    Then, I just go and think, how about a Newsroom movie?
    Seriously, what's wrong with me? Do I enjoy heaping up all this work and adding more to the pile?
    As for the movie idea, I've got basically nothing to work with as of yet, other than a scene spoofing Get Smart. I personally wouldn't mind seeing if Tahuri or Kotahn (or both) would like to show up in it.
    On the plus side, there is no way a Newsroom movie would be voice acted.
    Most likely (HOPEFULLY), nothing will happen, and it'll end up at the bottom of the compost heap that is my mind.
  16. Turaga Dlakii
    Now, you all remember my failed attempt to recruit people for the Unknown Turaga movie? You know, the one everyone blatantly spammed in? Yes? Good. This is a sort of deviation of that.
    As you probably know if you're a regular at the Emporium (which you should be), I'm making the final chapter of Land of Dragons a voice-acted, animated short. I also intend to do that on several occasions throughout LIGHT and the eventual Unknown Turaga III. The first planned animated chapter is Chapter 8. The problem is role-filling. I've got DudeNuva set on two roles, and myself on another two. But after that, two more need filling. Both of these happen to be female roles - Enira and Hev.
    Now, they just so happen to be major characters - well, Enira more so than Hev. Effectively, giving them no lines in an episode isn't exactly viable. And so, as I said, I urgently require a female voice actor or two. And I mean urgently.
    If you're a girl and you're interested, comment here saying which role you want, and I'll get back to you when I get to that bit. And yes, you can apply for both roles; that'll just make things easier.
    And, uh, stopping by the Emporium will certainly improve your chances of getting the job.
  17. Turaga Dlakii
    Not that you needed telling or anything.
    All control references listed here for Brawl refer to usage of the sideways Wii Remote configuration.
    But while I'm at it, I might as well say that Ike is uber win in Brawl. True, he is in Radiant Dawn, but that's not the point.
    Ike's sheer strength is downright disturbing. Just one attack with 2, and BAM!!! The enemy goes flying with minimal effort! And it's nice to know they did that for a Fire Emblem character!
    For some reason, I still prefer Marth. True, he's nowhere near as strong as Ike, but I still prefer to play as him.
    As for the music, they made excellent choices on the Fire Emblem front. It was because of the song "Strike" that I started playing, so that was a huge benefit. "Against the Black Knight" is also a classic, and "Combat Preparation" is my favourite song of its kind. To round it off, they really could've used King Zephiel's battle theme from Fuuin No Tsurugi (the game that Roy is from).
    Now, as soon as Friends is over (everyone's watching it), I'll be playing more, no questions asked.
  18. Turaga Dlakii
    Not exactly the most interesting of days.
    First, I spent some time playing Brawl. What happened was epic; I put Marth and a level-9-difficulty Ganondorf on 25 lives each and then set them on the Bridge of Eldin. I was playing as Marth, obviously. () Wouldn't you know, ten Critical Hits later, Marth came out as the winner.
    The downside? I wasn't given the option of recording that epic win.
    Next, shortly after my mother left to walk the dogs, I took the liberty of vacuuming the "rumpus room". For those who don't know (i.e. all of you), it's a room separate from the main house, generally used to hold all my LEGO. I'd cleaned it three weeks ago, as my mother said she'd vacuum it, but as that got nowhere, I did it myself. I pretty much tore it apart, moving the lounge, armchairs, and a coffee table. Woot.
    After that, I decided to try some MOCing for a while. I had a design in mind, based on a drawing I randomly did at midnight last night. It got nowhere.
    Some time later, I started rebuilding the Phantoka, merely to accompany/own Icarax. It took me so long to scrounge up all of Chirox's pieces, and I just didn't bother with Vamprah.
    Following that, more Brawl. I proceeded to absolutely own Classic Mode - on easy with Ike (), normal with Marth and Zelda, and hard with Samus. I think I'll try Easy with Samus, in order to get the Zero Suit Samus trophy.
    And that pretty much led to right now, around 9:00.
    That's my day. Pity me.
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