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Turaga Dlakii

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Blog Entries posted by Turaga Dlakii

  1. Turaga Dlakii
    Here's one for all you Digimon fans out there.
    There's a blazing rumour circulating the internet. I read it on a reputable Digimon site. Apparently, Toei Animation (the company that makes the Digimon animé in Japan) has announced that a fifth season will be made in English soon, titled Digimon: Data Squad. This is a translation of the Japanese series Digimon Savers, showing in Japan since mid-2006. Needless to say, I await it impatiently.
    In other news (fortunately not Digimon-related), I've started designing web pages. I've started to learn HTML. Of course, I won't be writing a website for a long time, for one simple reason: How do I get that little sidebar of links alongside my text?
    Right. That's about it. No signs of Nocturn or anything down here. Really. You can leave now. Or, even better, post here and comment! (Ratings via intimidation )
  2. Turaga Dlakii
    Well, it took a good 3 months of laziness, but it's finally finished. The next part in the Land of Dragons series, "On the Run" is now online awaiting your perusal. You know where to go!
    Oh, and for those of you who are Australian, the Barraki are now available at K-Mart and Big W, and have been for about a month. I would've reported it earlier, but it mind-slipped me. Maybe expect a review when Lai buys Ehlek!
  3. Turaga Dlakii
    OK then. Time to bring back a blog that fell into disrepair a month ago. Just one pointer: Listen to Bearmon. See that box marked "Bearmon Says..."? Pay attention to what he has to say, OK?
    Secondly, the school year in Australia started this week. This may slow down the Comic Emporium a bit, so don't expect comics to come quickly.
    Speaking of which, the Emporium currently has an all-new look to it (No, not a BZP skin ). Check it out and prepare to be awed by the incredible power of Photoshop!
    Thirdly... well, nothing. Besides that I might add a box called "Patamon Says...".
    Now ending really boring entry...
  4. Turaga Dlakii
    OK, I was watching Star Wars Episode III yesterday, and up the end I saw something quite interesting. In that scene aboard a Star Destroyer, with Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine overlooking the skeletal Death Star, I noticed that third man next to them, and, well...

    Yup, I think it's a younger Grand Moff Tarkin. In the original trilogy, as you may know, he was granted control over Darth Vader. Someone that powerful must be allowed in the Emperor's presence, because anyone else would be murdered automatically. Which is why I believe that guy on the left is Tarkin.
    Any opinions, just post them! Please!
    Time: Sunday 22 October 2006, 3:54PM AEST
  5. Turaga Dlakii
    Well, there has been quite a lot going on recently. Or at least, it feels like it.
    Firstly, it's currently spring in Australia. Oddly enough, I think summer's come too early. But this heat... it's ridiculous. I can barely stand it. Already, I think there have been about 5 bushfires, fortunately none of them were anywhere near me. Relief.
    Secondly, I've become interested in an old comedy starring Rowan Atkinson called 'The Black Adder'. It's really funny, but quite rude. Not recommended to anyone under the age of 12. But, as you can see, I've renamed this blog after it.
    Thirdly.... absolutely nothing.
  6. Turaga Dlakii
    Yes, the title does have something to do with this blog entry from a few months ago.
    Last day of Term 3 today! Now for a holiday full of comics, BZP, LEGO, and other things that make life vaguely interesting. At least the last day was remotely fun; Science was the only class we were set work in today. In English, we had a miniature party; in SOSE, our teacher gave us some interesting lateral thinking puzzles.
    Off the subject of school, I've already got plans for the weekend. Lai and I are going to have a big lightsaber fight all around the (incredibly puny) street, with a friend acting as a referee. Hopefully I won't accidentally bang his fingers, causing him to attack me viciously and running back home, as usually happens.
    Ah, anyway, to business-
    Random People: TO BUSINESS!!!

    Random People: Sorry, we thought you were proposing a toast.
    Anyway, in regards to those items on eBay, they were quite expensive, so I found some slightly cheaper identical items elsewhere. Also, I found a Galactic Marine minifig on eBay, which looks suspiciously like a minifig I found in DudeNuva's Brickshelf.
    Ending random raving...
    DATE: Friday 15 September 2006, 9:24 PM AEST
  7. Turaga Dlakii
    ...is a totally inappropriate title for a blog entry about LEGO. Just like my last entry, I'm on the Internet tonight to bid on some LEGO on eBay. Why I am now, I'll never know, because they don't finish for hours.
    This time I'm after a Sith Encounter set (Qui-Gon and Darth Maul) from 2000, and a Gungan Swamp set (Qui-Gon, Jar Jar and 2 Battle Droids), also from 2000.
    By the way, I did win that Wookiee Attack set a few days ago. Yes, boring as it sounds, I've gone Star Wars-insane. Meanwhile, I've completed LEGO Star Wars: The Game.
    More later on.
  8. Turaga Dlakii
    OK, people, sorry that I haven't been on recently. At least, now, the blog will be updated regularly.
    On a sadder note, my good friend Dreiken will be leaving BZP for at least a few months (At most, his whole life). He will (or more specifically, his comics) will be missed.
    I have been working on my epic during my absence, and have titled the series "The Dlakii Chronicles". It will also cover another upcoming comic series, Light. Now, as a present to all my readers, I give you a segment from the first chapter of The Dlakii Chronicles. It's also got a lot to do with Dreiken.
    “Why do I always have to set up base camp?” Thekoo complained. “Why doesn’t Dreiken help? I just don’t get it.”
    Thekoo was kneeling down, setting up a yellow tent. The burning sun reflected off his gold-and-teal armour. He was hammering down a tent peg with his gold sword. He was so lost in his vaguely contemptuous thoughts that it took him ten seconds to notice that he had just hammered his finger into the ground.
    “Would you keep it down, Thekoo?” A voice came from inside the tent.
    “What’s so important that you’re doing in there, Dreiken?” Thekoo asked.
    “I’m trying to figure out where we are,” Dreiken replied, sticking his head out of the tent. “This area isn’t in any atlas.”
    “Isn’t it obvious, Dreik?” Thekoo asked. “We’re in the middle of nowhere, on the Mainland.”
    “Oh, no, we’ve already passed Nowhere. That was the desert we saw, a kio or so back.”
    “Ha-ha, very funny, Dreik. Why are we here, anyway?”
    “It was YOUR suggestion. It was YOU, Thekoo, that wanted to go around training.”
    “Well then, why didn’t I go back to iKKF’s Dojo?”
    “Quiet, I think I’ve got it. Let’s see… south of the Nowhere Desert… um….” Dreiken muttered. “Hold on, I’ve got it! Thekoo, did you see any signs saying, ‘Private Property’?”
    “Um, no.”
    “Which means that I know where we are on the map,” stated Dreiken, with a very small amount of superiority lurking in his voice.
    “Between the Nowhere Desert and some land belonging to an old guy so weird that he hires killer cops to keep intruders off his property.”
    “Why do I bother?” Thekoo wailed.
    And there you have it. The epic is coming soon!
  9. Turaga Dlakii
    OK, as you all know, I couldn't get on BZP for a while. How did I while away the month? Easy. I borrowed the PC version of LEGO Star Wars from a friend. It has become my favourite game, replacing LEGO Racers 2 (which replaced Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, which replaced LEGO Rock Raiders). I found it so fun that my mother purchased me my own copy. Why, I'll never know. Maybe it was a really good mid-semester school report. (A very good report in an advanced Year 8 class isn't weird, is it? )
    Anyway, now I'm going LEGO Star Wars crazy, playing the game like there is no tomorrow, and hunting down some LEGO Star Wars stuff on eBay. I must have been stupid not to bother buying any last year. And so, that's why I'm on now, 1 1/2 hours before a certain auction on eBay ends. I'm after a Wookiee Attack set, which, if I have my way, I'll buy for AU$20 cheaper than the reccommended retail price (which is AU$75). All that when, really, all I want is a VERY large load of LEGO Battle Droids. I have no idea why. Then again, two Battle Droids aren't much of an army, are they? Not even with Lai's Droidekas.
  10. Turaga Dlakii
    It happened like this: I was looking to see how many days were left until I could change my name again, and I saw that rather than having ??/90 days left, I had 0/45 days left. Maybe it's another benefit of being a Premier Member?
    (And yes, I did change my display name)
    TIME: July 10 2006, 8:17 PM
  11. Turaga Dlakii
    Yes, you heard right. Lai and I are now proud owners of the Toa Inika and Umbra (except Jaller and Hahli. Mum has them hidden away for Lai's 11th birthday in November.) We have pictures, but first, you must be subjected to a talk about the past few days.
    Yesterday, in English class, there was this stupid boy sitting next to me, who just wanted to disrupt the class. I tell you people, he was asking for a blood nose (putting it in the nicest way possible). Today (also in English, coincidentally), I exacted my revenge. Just call me 'the opportunist tripper'.
    I am now announcing () an all-new comic series by me, unlike any other seen before. You've seen Dark709's Past Saga, but that will be nothing compared to the story of MY past. The series will be titled 'Light', and will follow me from Matoran to Toa, and to the end, as a Turaga. It will show some of the most famous battles in BIONICLE history, such as the Toa Hagah's battle at the Brotherhood of Makuta fortress (Spoiler: At the time, I'll be a Matoran) and the anti-Dark Hunter ambush in Po-Metru. It will introduce a villain unlike anything you've seen before. And while I'm at it, I might as well divulge plot secrets to the Unknown Turaga movie..... not.
    My grandfather is visiting for the weekend. My grandmother is helping my great-grandmother in Queensland (north-west Australia). Like most other relatives that visit, he will be subjected to a tour of my comics....
    OK, now to what you have been waiting for: Umbra and Inika pictures! Though I also have Matoro and Hewkii, and Lai has Kongu, Nuparu is the star of these photos. Sad to say I can't do this with Umbra. I went ahead and built him, and I don't wish to take the big guy apart for some time.
    DLAKII'S REVIEWS: Nuparu Inika

    This is Nuparu's canister. The Inika canisters are larger than previous canisters - why, I can't imagine. Also, the Inika are slightly more expensive than previous canister sets - AUD$15, as opposed to AUD$12!

    These are Nuparu's pieces. I can't pick these out very well from this photo, however that green and white thing is his head. More on that later.

    This is Nuparu (obviously). He stands taller than previous Toa - way taller than the Toa Olda, certainly. Each Inika seems unique in a way. Nuparu has Wolverine claws and his Zamor launcher is shoulder-mounted, Hewkii has a chain, Matoro... umm... his joints glow... I don't know.

    This is Nuparu without his armour and mask and weapons. You can probably pick out what's what of his armour. And about that green thing...

    Like I said, that's his head. Now, the mask just fits over it, with the green part showing out the eyeholes. The mask, by the way, works OK on Matoran and Toa Nuva heads. Don't try it on a Toa Metru or Piraka head.

    This is a group shot, showing together all our Toa Inika and Umbra. By the way, that's Lai's arm in the shot.

    This group shot was done by my sister. Never seen her so interested in Bionicle. It has a clearer view of Umbra.

    Another one done by my sister, with the clearest yet shot of Umbra.
    And that's Nuparu Inika in a nutshell.
    TIME: July 7th 2006 4:53PM AEST
  12. Turaga Dlakii
    I mean it. This next entry is quite sick. If you don't like the idea of big dogs using corridors as toilets, turn back NOW.
    Anyway, it happened yesterday. I was sitting in front of the TV, watching Hey Hey: By Request, while playing with my Piraka and Doomtoran, when I heard a weird noise coming from the corridor, then saw Dougal (dog, not Matoran) wander out. I looked in the corridor, and saw a big wet patch. Need I say more? I spent an hour going through paper towels, mopping it up. Fortunately, Mum didn't go beserk because of it.
    In other news, Lai and I have seen the Toa Inika and Umbra in a K-Mart catalogue, and we could be heading there on Friday!
  13. Turaga Dlakii
    There is a simple reason for that title: I go back to school tomorrow! Waking up early, mum possibly losing it at my brother and sister, the problems at school (Glasses don't help, though I wish they would), I wish I didn't have to. I'll miss sleeping in until 10 AM.
    (Before you ask, Australian students have been on holidays for two weeks now.)
    Other than that, in collaboration with my brother, I have re-invented Nidhiki! My brother designed the torso, but the rest was designed by me! He is now supposed to look movie-like. Sad thing is, the legs went a bit floppy. I'll be starting a topic about it soon.
    Received Bionicle Legends #2 today. Took long enough. Greg Farshtey is one masterful author, I tell you. Then again, most people who read this would know.
  14. Turaga Dlakii
    Well, it took me long enough, but it's done! The next chapter in The Unknown Turaga: Land of Dragons! I also got 2 new Newsroom comics!
    Meanwhile, in real life, Dougal looks nice in a shetland pony cloak. No, not my comic character. My dog. He's a neurotic Irish Wolfhound / English Mastiff.
    My brother ("Lai") has started on his BZP comic series, Lai's City Stories, and I tell you people, it looks good.
    Not a very exciting day. However, that's my favourite kind of day - I get more time to work on comics!
    TIME: 30 June 2006, 9:30 AEST
  15. Turaga Dlakii
    This entry contains important announcements. Important to me, and fans of my works, that is.
    The Continuing Adventures of Akhmou news
    As you may know, DudeNuva now co-writes my comedy. If he is reading this, could he please start on his first chapter? (Call me 'slave driver'. I know. )
    The Unknown Turaga news
    I am announcing an epic, following the story of The Unknown Turaga, The Unknown Turaga: The Final Battle and The Unknown Turaga: Land of Dragons.
    Movie news
    For a while, it has been known that BZP member -Aoran- will be doing the music for my movies (with a few small exceptions). Now, he has volunteered to put the whole thing together, when I complete the individual segments of the movie and PM them to him.
    That's it from T.O.T.F.E.C., Inc. Please place your comments here.
  16. Turaga Dlakii
    Just for a change, I thought I might do something nice for someone. Effectively, I'm doing something I really should've done some time ago: I am explaining why my younger brother, Lai: Toa of Shadows, is not a kit thief.
    First, some background. Lai joined BZPower in mid-2006. Like me, he then got into the comic-making business, but due to his unparalleled laziness, he soon gave up and let his works slide. Two years later, he decided to start comic making again, this time taking leaves out of both my mainstay series. This idea would eventually evolve into The Story of Lai. He, with my assistance at times, spent several months trying to come up with a good all-around idea. We eventually hit on just the thing. He decided to go for an epic arching story with plenty of humour, supported by the fact that it is part of the newly-established canon of The Newsroom.

    (yes I display this with impugnity, because LAI IS NOT A THIEF.)
    Another aspect of the series was determined early on. Everyone who hasn't had their head stuck under a rock has heard of Dark709 and his (horrible) Cheesemore Omega kit. By far, it remains the most populous kit in Artwork III; as such, it seems that comics making use of Cheesemore are instantly popular, whilst comics making use of other, superior kits are typically ignored. Lai and I have often wondered whether or not this is really a coincidence. This curiosity led to Lai deciding on one thing: as a test of this hypothesis, he would use Cheesemore himself, albeit with some alterations. The first of these alterations was using Gerlicky's tri-colour upgrade to the kit as a base. It was the second of these alterations which caused the lies and controversy I am ranting about today.
    Eventually, his work came to fruition, and in mid-January, he launched The Story of Lai upon an unsuspecting BZPower. Reactions to it were mixed. Most praised it for "awesomeness". Those who didn't were too busy spreading lies about how Lai had stolen his kit. Unfortunately, Lai never got an opportunity to present his defence, and the topic was closed.
    When Lai told me about this, I was NOT HAPPY.
    Put simply, Lai did not steal anyone's sprites of any kind. At this stage, I am going to elaborate on why this is so.
    Now, some background onto the origin of the sprites Lai supposedly stole. Put simply, there's this group of guys I mostly don't like called the North Western Isles Continuity. Fear them and hate them. They too developed upgrades to Cheesemore. Supposedly, Lai stole these from them. Unfortunately for these malicious liars, there are multiple flaws in this reasoning.
    Firstly, the motivation. Lai lacks it entirely. Like I said, I don't like those people, and as such, Lai also doesn't like them. So the question is, why would Lai steal from someone he doesn't like? Sure, one could reason that he'd have no moral objection to it because he doesn't like them, but this is about using their work. It's kind of like how I don't use Cheesemore myself, simply because I don't like it or Dark709. Lai doesn't like the Continuity, so why would he use sprites developed by them, hmm?
    Secondly, as illustrated in the header image, there's the sheer impossibility of it. As soon as these accusations started to be laid against Lai, I, to prove my point of the sheer impossibility of the "theft", went through the Brickshelves, Photobuckets and Majjes () of the five members of that possé. Wouldn't you know, NONE of them had these supposedly stolen sprites on any of their Brickshelves. In fact, Lai and I have it directly from one of them - Lewajohnson, FORMERLY one of my friends - that their little ringleader distributed the sprites to them through MSN Messenger or something. Eljay there seems to believe that somehow, Lai hacked into an MSN conversation or something and got them. You don't get more flawed logic than that. Seriously, neither Lai or I have any experience at all with MSN or similar programs, let alone the ability to hack any of their conversations or something.
    "But Evil Emperor Dlakii", you cry, "Lai could've ripped them from the comics of those five." That's where you're wrong. Firstly, as far as I can see, only two of them have ever actually used the edit - the ringleader and his awesome sidekick Tapika. Secondly, I've gone through all the works of both of them; in the case of the former, my sanity barely survived the awfulness. In every frame using the sprites, the sprite is covered by:
    Another body part Some special effect (read: MSPaint scribbles ) which renders it completely theftproof More and more frequently, both Hence, if you really think about it, they kept their sprites completely theftproof. So the question remains, how did Lai steal them? 
    Simple. HE DIDN'T. I myself bore witness to Lai pixeling the kit himself, so I know firsthand that Lai was too busy pixeling stuff to steal ANYTHING, let alone the fact that theftifying that kit is impossible, as I've just explained.

    (click it for full size of course)
    Furthermore, I think you'll find that I have a fair deal of evidence showing that Lai isn't the "OMG LIEK IZ AWSUM I STEEL NAO" type. Lai, as it turns out, actually does have some imagination, and is very fond of drawing. As such, he likes to practice drawing stuff before making the real thing. So, back to the story I was outlining to being with. As a second alteration, he wanted to make Cheesemore look slightly better, because he tends to be that attentive to detail. So, to further develop the sprites, he spent some time trying to come up with a good quality alteration idea for the kit. He soon came up with a rather good one - MoL-style Matoran. Before he started work on the Cheesemore mods, he sketched out a rough idea as to how he wanted the end product to look, then scanned it to use as a guide while designing the redesign. He has kindly allowed me to put this on my Photobucket, so as to prove his innocence; click the above (colossal ) thumbnail to view the sketch.
    I, as a footnote, really should add that since unfairly owning Lai, the Continuity has gone on to have, on Gavla's advice, try to track down another BZP member who also "stole" their kits. The thing is, they don't even know who this member is, or if he even exists.
    So there you have it. I have laid down the evidence pointing to the truth. The odds of anyone actually reading this are slim, but.... I have locked this entry, because I'm kind of sick of having to put with Eljay's doglike loyalty to Rangan being expressed as spammy flames toward Lai at the least appropriate of times. ><
  17. Turaga Dlakii
    Absolutely devastating. Heck, over 100 people have died already, and... Hmm, maybe I should pay more attention to the news; I don't recall the other details. It's horrific, though.
    also this
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