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Turaga Dlakii

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Blog Entries posted by Turaga Dlakii

  1. Turaga Dlakii
    Yup, the weather's warming up. On the plus side, I'm no longer freezing. On the downside, spiders aren't either.
    So, yeah. Typically, in the warmer times of the year, spiders tend to emerge just that little bit more often. Unfortunately, Canberra is home to the particularly nasty white-tailed spider. Which, it turns out, I have a personal history with that I didn't even know about. And, yeah, they like hiding in clothes dumped on the ground. The fact that other spider species exist isn't particularly nice, either.
    And I'm already getting sort of jumpy.
    This'll be fun...
  2. Turaga Dlakii
    If I was to buy only one LEGO set next year, it would undoubtedly be this work of art. As it is, I don't really like the look of Bionicle 2009, so that'll probably be the case anyway.
  3. Turaga Dlakii
    Ittttttttttt's plug-time, kids!
    *crowd cheering*
    So, yeah. I've got things to plug now. Firstly, the New Comic Emporium. I've done the 87th Newsroom, so therefore, you lot are obliged to post there NOW (unless you happen to be Xaeraz). If either DudeNuva or Aoran are reading this, feel free to make a comic or something, now that those two scheduled comics are out of the way.
    ...Okay, you're not really obliged, but it would be nice of you.
    Secondly, someone go to the MOCkery and post, PLEASE? It's dying again, and I'd rather someone post before I add something else.
    ...Egotistical, you say? Where'd that idea come from?
  4. Turaga Dlakii
    In case you haven't guessed by now, given that I've finished one of my delayed projects....
    So, uh, yeah. It's a spring break, but with no drunken teenagers, because Australians are smarter than that. *scrambles to cover up footage of Steve Irwin dangling his son in a crocodile pen* But, even with Newsroom #86 out of the way, there's a whole heap of BZP-based stuff I've got to get out of the way some time soon. So here's some notes for those who want stuff from me.
    Takua95 and Emzee, I've got the time, so I'll be getting to work on those sprites, I SWEAR. To all those who applied for voice-acting roles in LIGHT, I'll be PMing you scripts and such soon. And specifically to Roa McToa, I'll be briefing you on the mess you've gotten yourself. To all my assorted fans, I'll try and have Chapter 20 of Land of Dragons done in the next two weeks, but in that case, I'm making no promises. To anyone else to whom I presently have obligations, I'll try and clear those up; you might have to remind me, though. To those involved with Heroes, I'll be getting to work on stuff eventually, kthxbai.  
    So, uh, yeah. This ought to be a fun two weeks...
  5. Turaga Dlakii
    I'm surprised I didn't notice something so trivial like this earlier, but this blog is over two years old. Not that that means anything, nor does it match the duration of my membership here or even how long I've been making comics, but still...
  6. Turaga Dlakii
    Remember that kit preview I put up a few entries back? Yes? Good.
    Anyway, I have no idea what to call the kit at the moment. Anyone got any suggestions? I might just use them!
    This could very well become a contest of some description.
    While on the subject, is there anything in particular any of you want to see in it? Remember, it's movie-style at the moment.
  7. Turaga Dlakii
    I'm trying to make some human sprites for that kit I keep showing off, with really random results.
    I swear the head design I've got so far looks like some white version of Barrack Obama.
  8. Turaga Dlakii
    I've survived a month of the equivalent of at least one entry a day, and well-and-truly overshot the target of 30.
    Now what? A daily entry about a Radiant Dawn character and why that particular character is win (or otherwise)?
  9. Turaga Dlakii
    Fire Emblem 11... Pokémon Platinum... that new Kirby game... so many upcoming new DS games I want...
    They'd better not all be released here at the same time, or I'll be very annoyed. I don't know which I like more, other than the Kirby game being third preference...
  10. Turaga Dlakii
    Oh yes, it's that time of an undefined period of time again. Time to taunt you all with more random Photoshopp'd MOC previews. Yay and such.

    Yup, yet another preview of Toa Dlakii. Nothing new here, except the Solar Bow. Yes, there's a reason it has chains on it and is made up of Mahritoran blades instead of anything more appropriate.

    Black Hau... green body... who else could it be but Lai, the Demi-Toa (that is, somewhat-more-powerful Matoran)? This actually took a while to get right; using the Metruan torso didn't occur to me for a while. I'm quite happy with it, though.

    These guys (or girls, as the case may be) aren't any specific characters. Rather, they're just a pair of random Matoran demonstrating the typical body design of a Matoran of the Northern Isles in The Unknown Turaga Saga. For the most part, all Matoran look the same body-wise, albeit each with minor variations on their design.
    Oh yes, there's a reason none of these really resemble actual sets (and subsequently, Rayg's sprites). It's kinda like the sets to the movie: the sets don't have a maximum amount of detail like the movies. Similarly, the comics aren't particularly detailed in their portrayals of characters; they look more like these. Or something like that.
    Comments, anyone?

  11. Turaga Dlakii
    Copied and altered from an earlier entry...
    I know that this is the fourth time that I've posted this entry, but the role seriously needs filling - about NOW would be nice.
    As you probably know if you're a regular at the Emporium (which you should be), I'm making the final chapter of Land of Dragons a voice-acted, animated short. I also intend to do that on several occasions throughout LIGHT and the eventual Unknown Turaga III. The first planned animated chapter is Chapter 9 which, according to my schedule, is due around December. The problem is role-filling. I've got DudeNuva set on two roles, myself on another two, and the younger sister of another reader doing one more. But after that, one last role needs filling, and rather urgently - Enira, a female Toa of Shadows.
    To make a long story short:
    If you're a girl and you're interested in voicing Toa Enira, comment here expressing your interest, and I'll get back to you when I write the script for Chapter 9. You can try out for the role, and I'll accept if I like the job you did. (Or, depending on the circumstances, you'll just get it straight away. )
    It would also be helpful if I've seen some of your previous voiceacting work on BZP, if any (just direct me to the film in question), and if you would post in the New Comic Emporium. Oh yes, and please be serious about this.
    I thank you for your time reading this, and I hope you consider, as this is getting rather urgent. And feel free to advise your friends of this.
  12. Turaga Dlakii
    Uh huh, title says it all.
    So, for a French excursion, we went to some patisserie in a somewhat-nearby market. It was a relatively long walk, but it was sort of worth it in the end. True, the people there didn't speak French, but at least I now know what the deal is with pain au chocolat. Those were really nice.
    On an unrelated note, when we came back from the excursion, we had four less people with us, all of which in Year 10. Three started walking to a bowling alley for a Leisure Sports excursion that was next, and yet another disappeared for some random driving thing. Since the class was small to begin with, that left only two Year 10s.
    Some hours later, I went to the college I'm going to next year, in order to pick my subjects. Somehow, I was conned into doing Maths. But at least it won't kill my brain like this year. Other than that, I'm happy with what I've got, and now my father's looking into enrolling me into an Excellence program.
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