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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    Tomorrow is the 54th Weekly Blog Award I've been aimming for for weeks. Its going to be a heart-pounder...
    The passed two days have no been fun... at all. All except getting my uncle and aunt from the Logan Airport today then eating at a Brazilian Buffet was the most exciting thing I've done.
    Although, there was this one incident yesterday.
    That morning I was running very late. Just got the amount of sleep I needed to get through the day without taking a desk nap (meaning sleeping during school) but with one problem.
    I had 15 minutes before the bus left and I needed to shave with the add-on I didn't check for everything I needed for the day.
    Making a good shave in the morning (being as tired as I can be and trying to be aware of the clock too) is a good 10 minutes at least. I don't shave at night cause I don't like 5 o'clock shadows.
    5 minutes left. At least I got my clothes ready. Grabbed my watch, jacket, money, body spray, deodorant...
    "Where's my freakin' wallet?"
    My wallet contains no money. Nothing valuable unless you want a High School Discount Card and a CVS Extra Care Card. Maybe the American Eagle Points Card thingy.
    But the one thing I need the most...
    The keycard.
    You see, if you are reading this post for the first time, or have just started reading this long and emotionally distraught blog from start to finish, then I guess I should tell you now that I live in an 3-bedroom apartment. Hard to find, hard to afford, trust me, borrowing 6 grand and slowly paying it back isn't easy. But the important thing about the story here, I live in a freakin' apartment.
    If you ever been to an apartment complex before, whether visiting a friend so you could use their pool pass during the summer or you actually live in one, then you know that you either have a code to punch in to get in or a keycard to swipe so the door would be unlocked temperarily.
    I, my friend, leave it in my wallet. And I only misplace my wallet, never lose it (not yet anyways).
    I decide to forget about it and hope that the door stays unlocked after closing from the last person to walk inside (occasionally it happens) and go on ahead to chase the bus.
    I don't make half-way before I see the bus taking off.
    I go home, kind guy leaves the door open for me as he's stepping out, I tell madre, she's irratated, and in an hour, I head to school.
    Fast forward, I get off the bus, an the entire time, I'm worrying about how to get in. I hope the door is open in that rare state, or I come around just as someone's coming in.
    Well, no such luck.
    I'm in the lobby entrance hoping for someone to come in or head out.
    Finally, a car goes inside the garage. I sowly get out of the lobby, wait for the person to get close to the door.
    Its a reddish-hair elderly lady. Not majorly old, but plenty old enough to be under the catagory "More-Life-Expericenced" so my mind automatically sets to much respect for her.
    "Excuse me, could you open the door for me?"
    "I forgot my wallet in my apartment, which has my card."
    "What apartment?"
    "Well, your name should be on the list."
    "We haven't lived here long, and they didn't change the papers."
    We are referring to the list on the wall of the last names of supposely everyone that lives here along with a number to call to that person's phone.
    We go to that list in the lobby entrance and of course, my name isn't there.
    "Your name isn't here."
    "Ma'am, I have my key right here. I live on the first floor. I just forgot my card."
    She looks at me with these eyes, thinking she knows I'm lying, and says in a voice that people say just to tick another person off...
    "You don't live here."
    Slap to the face! Thats just rude. She then said the following.
    "I'm sorry, but I can't let you in."
    You see, if she only just said that, that would be fine. But no, she's right, I'm wrong, end of the line. She walks out of the Lobby Entrance and goes through the Garage Entrance just to make sure I don't go in.
    I understand why she didn't let me in, but to speak in an attitude like that is inexcusable.
    Lesson for All: Never become that person.
    Song of the Day tomorrow...

  2. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    Today's 'Song of the Day' was given by Necro via PM.
    Listening to it was awesome. Starting off slow, lyric after lyric, but inthe end, you couldn't help but love it. With an amazing solo taking half of the song (maybe 9 minutes altogether) you'll just want to listen to it again and again.
    Necro and I present to you...
    Free bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd

  3. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    Today's 'Song of the Day' was give by -MediocreMan- via AIM.
    I've listened to it, and you don't really know who's the narrator. It is a man on the battlefront, but what war is he facng?
    Thats for you to decide.
    Unknown Soldier by Breaking Benjamin

  4. Arch-Angel
    No really. They burn. ><
    Haven't had as much sleep as I should've. Yesterday I got 3-4 hours of sleep, and last night probably 5-6 hours. In total, I got a regular day's worth of sleep from two days.
    Of course a New Years Resolution of mine is to pay attention and pass Biology.
    Lemme look at the schedule...
    Ahaha! Right after that is Gym! This ought to be a fun day!
    Ah, English... Should be interesting since my teacher broke his ribs in a car crash. Hope he's back and doin' well. We got some Book Project/Oral Report thing going. Apparently I'm voted 'Best Presentation So Far' by everyone in the class (who was there).
    Dang, Geometry... Funny class, but must do work. If I can't even open my eyes for it right now, it'll be entertaining to see me in there jumping in and out of sleep.
    Actually, sleeping in the class will probably make everyone laugh... been a while since I pulled a funny in class since this place has no heart for dry humor....
    In other News...
    Okay, actual news!

    Eight weeks of no show, and David Letterman comes out with an old dead racoon wrapped around his jaw.
    Thats all I got (for now). If anything worth telling happens, you'll know before my mother!
  5. Arch-Angel
    Afew days ago, while talking to Exo via blog entry, the discussion of remembering eachother as newbs came up, and she (or is it he? I'm befuzzled) said that she remembers me as a newb as well.
    How did I reply?

    Her/His response: XD
    This image was created during Spanish Class last year in November. I didn't understand a lick of what the teacher said and considering we had these boards and eraseable markrs he handed out, it was born.
    Of course my classmates laughed. Its just random and is better than 'wat?' in any different ways. Not to menton the face.
    Eariler today (actually, 30 minutes ago) had a conversation with Sora on AIM.

    I made fun of him.
    His reponse: XD
    So, considering thse fellas brings the laughs out of us, I decie, why not name them?
    ... But does anyone gots a name for them?

  6. Arch-Angel
    I've been in a foul mood at 11:30 PM, the last remaining half hour of 2007. The scanner is broken, I can't give my entry to Ranna's contest (and she'd need it), and I haven't talked to Bionigirl in what feels like ages.
    I make my plate of food. Yellow rice, black beans on top, with rosemary pre-made chicken from Shaws to the side. Nothng I wouldn't expect. Just glad to have black beans, my favorite.
    I'm giving attitude to my mom and sister as they sit (mom) and lay (sister) on the couch. Alica Keys performed her hit song 'No One' to the audience of the possibly hundreds of thousands of people in Times Square of New York City. The final 10 seconds come up as that passes and the CBS News Team of New York interview celebrities and A. Rod finally. Never like A. Rod. Never liked the Yankees. FOf curse I don't like them, I'm a freakin' Boston Red Sox Loyalist. Won the World Series, so you can't say we suck and prove it.
    The Half-Ton Ball flashing its lights starts its slow descent to the unlit sign of 2008, which is hiding in the darkness. My mom decides 'Why not try to be a family these last remaining seconds of this year?' so she makes us hold hands. I never found us to be a family since my dad left us almost 365 days ago, Jan 2, 2007 at 2-3 AM as he was treated to the shiny bracelets and brought back to the station in the back of a Ford Victoria flashing its lights of red, white, and blue.
    The ball is going to make it.
    My 2007 face is still on.
    The ball reaches the 2008 sign and it lights up brightly proclaiming that we have now landed in a new year.
    Introducing my 2008 face.
    My mind starts racing instantly. Every thought, every sorrow, everything, and everyone that I have ever made contact with that had any impact on my life goes through my mind.
    And I feel tears coming to my eyes.
    My stone heart is almost broken, but stays strong.
    I feel hate. I feel pain. I feel anger. I feel sorrow.
    Truly wish I could feel anything but.
    My eyes are watery now...
    Its a stupid holiday. Its a stupid waste of my pathetic time. And its spent my someone as supid as I am.
    I could punch a hole in a wall right now, and I hope I hit the person on the other side.
    I'm looking at the empty can of Pepsi in front of me. First one of the year.
    Have a good year everyone. I'll be here swallowing down the foolishness and misery of my being.
    Have fun...
    For me.

  7. Arch-Angel
    The Blog of the Week 54 attempt is right around the corner. Today is 53, and I plan to take the Award for the first week of 2008 (hopefully my streak of luck on the first week is better than usual.
    I told you about my attempt here first. I'm still going for it.
    With that, I plan to make the next week as interesting for this blog and its readers as much as possible.
    Also, I'm doing a little remodeling as you can see. Though the Yin Yang Symbol at the top of all the content blocks bothers me intensely. I know its my theme, how my life goes for bad to good and good to bad, but its still a symbol of a religion. My beliefs don't stick to that religion. I'm a Christian, and I'm proud of it. I may not have gone to church in a long while (since my move back in late Oct.) but I still have the Holy Spirit of God in me. So I ask the Blog Assistants or Leader(s?) reading this if I could replace it with a Jesus Fish, Dove, or anything (not a cross). Its all I ask. I want to earn the Blog of the Week, but this means more to me than that.

  8. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    This song is short, not many verses, but enough to get straight to the point. Life ain't easy, and its not suppose to be, and 'how we survive, is what makes us who we are'.
    So I hope you all enjoy this one...
    Survive and Rise Against

  9. Arch-Angel

    I am so sorry to inform you all that I have just seen the trailer to this movie not to long ago, and again somone let loose the 2 of the 6 writers from the Scary Movie Franchise from their cage yet again. With movies like Date Movie and Epic Movie left in their path of destruction, we can't expect this one to be any different.

    Sorry King Leonidas. I truly am sorry...

  10. Arch-Angel
    Two thngs I want this coming year.

    No, not a mexican wrestler! A replica of the World Heavyweight Title Belt!
    No it has no use except falsely exclaim to the world that I am a World Champion.
    Either that or the WWE Title Belt:

    Most likely the above pic... or the pic above it... I don't know! Either one! Help me choose!
    But what I will be saving up for this entire next year is a car.

    Okay, maybe not that Mustang.

    Not that Mustang either.

    Something like this.
    First, I must take Driver's Ed. Which will definitely help so I don't need to get my license at 18. Before that, my permit. Some of you might ask, "Why didn't you get it on your B-Day?"
    For a simple reason.
    I know the rules of the road, I know how to use a car. Turn signals, all that stuff. But I want to be 100% sure before I go ahead and grab my permit. Or not, I'll just go over to the RMV (or DMV you might call it there) and grab the permit easy after lon lines and the growing urge to kill myself. (RMVs will do that to ya. I know, sister's permit, LONG.)
    But the future holds no promises. And I have to work for everything. (Thats why I'll be earning 300 bucks a week full time during the summer!)

  11. Arch-Angel
    This song goes out to sister and my mom, because I'm pretty sure this applies to BOTH of them now.
    If you read any bit of my blog before, then yu know what happened to my mom.
    But today, it came like deja vu to my sister. Her boyfriend went to Brazil, and within a few days, lied to her and went out with his ex-girlfriend. Her heart is in agony right now. Reason why I didn't go to the mall like I said I would last entry.
    This goes out to them, and any girl thats had to deal with a cheating man.
    Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood

  12. Arch-Angel
    What a two days its been. I'll start with Christmas Eve.
    Christmas Eve
    RACING. Thats the one was that can describe me in the Natick Collection. I'm running around, trying to buy presents or gifts or whatever for my Ba-humbug! sister. Mom told me "Get a 50 Dollar Gift Card at Abrecromby or Hollistr or whatever" and see handed me two 20s and a 10.
    So after she butchered the names of two popular clothing lines, I went to Abercrombie & Fitch (Mind you, I may be a prep, but I hate A&F), got the Gift Card, use my mom's cell phone (still don't have my own, yet I'm 16. I see 7-year-old girls making calls to see if they can sleep over Jill's house or whatever...) to call my sister at our meeting spot, RAVE. Get there, 5 minutes later, I get a call. She's gonna spend another 15 minutes or so in there, so I bounce downstairs to CVS, look at a few fitness mags for a couple exercises, then go back up.
    Then I realize I haven't got her anything with my own money, so I'm looking through the little stands and buy a small bear and an ordament with 'I heart my sister' or something. Fast forward passed getting home and all, now I'm getting ready to go to my friend's house. I'm getting aggravated intensely because my sister is taking way too long and argueing with us every chance she gets, especially going over to my friend's house.
    Finally, after continuing to argue with her through the ride to his house, we get there. Suddenly she changes from pain in the neck to happy cheery Christmas goer. We have dinner, I go upstairs and play video games (mostly Kingdom Hearts which I just got, and wanted since the 5th grade) then gave a few presents to them, and finally bounced.
    Its about 2:30 AM, Christmas 'morning' and after annoying me, my mom and my sister convince me to open presents right there.
    I'll list what I got.
    1. Giorgio Armani cologne with after shave and shower gel, 'bout 70 bucks.
    2. Rubik's Revolution
    3. My first cell phone I'm gonna return for a Razr.
    4. Kenneth Cole new york After Shave
    5. American Eagle Watch
    6. Hollister Gift Card ($40)
    The first three weren't the best. I think I made my mom sad when I didn't like the cologne. Why? Its 70 bucks. I don't want her to spend that much money on me for cologne. I decided that I'm going to return it and use the cash to buy a jacket from Hollister.
    Sounds selfish to me, but Im going to make it up to her.
    The Rubik's Revolution, again from my mom, wasn't really so much a gift of love, but a gift as a joke. Plan to return it too, which didn't bother her at all (I think)
    The cell phone was from my sister, and she's okay with about anything... now.
    Went over to my friend's house, his dad served me and my mom breakfast (sister didn't bother to come, she had friends coming over), played Kingdom Hearts yet again. Basically all we did, I slept over.
    Yesterday, or Kwanzaa, or Post Aftermath Christmas, I dunno...
    Kingdom Hearts AGAIN, man the game's addicting... Well, my friend plays, I watch. I gave up after a while from giving him the control. He sleeps over my house this time, and guess what game we play til 1 AM? ... Yeah...
    Finally, after a boss that aggravates us too much, we have put down the control and turned off the game. I mean, the tab for the hints and tips is still on this window, but at least I stopped watching him play and see the storyline unfold to type up this blog entry.
    Going to go the Natick Collection again today. Maybe buy something with the gift card or something.
    Well, got to go get ready,

  13. Arch-Angel
    The following is a Order of the Four Members of the Government of Party-Poopers.
    Four Members of the Government of Party-Poopers: *In unison* In everyone's blog, they say the term 'Merry Christmas'. You should not say this. We do not want to offend the people that do not celebrate this holiday. By order of the Four Members of the Government of Party-Poopers, we demand, not suggest, that you use this term from now until end times.
    'Have a Happy Non-Denominational Politically Correct Government Approved Religiously Indifferent Holiday Season.'
    Arch-Angel: *Come in* Hey!
    The Four Members: OMG!!1!!
    Arch-Angel: *Superkicks Member One*
    Arch-Angel: *Superkicks Member Two*
    Arch-Angel: *Sees that Member Three is preparing for AA's Superkick* Heh. *Slaps Member Three across the face*
    Member Three: Hey!
    Arch-Angel: *Superkicks Member Three*
    Member Four: You won't get away with this! :angry:
    Arch-Angel: Wanna bet?
    Member Four: *Pulls out wallet* I got 50 bucks saying that you won't!
    Arch-Angel: *Superkicks Member Four* Gambling is a sin!
    *Before walking out, Arch-Angel turns around and take the 50 bucks in Member Four's Wallet*
    Arch-Angel: I'll pay you back later...
    *end credits goes up screen*
    *Background shows Arch-Angel under a a fallen Christmas tree with a dead cat and a knocked-out Santa at his side*
    Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...
    Why have you fallen on top of me?
    You scared the dog,
    You killed the cat,
    You hit the fatty in the funny hat.
    Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...
    Why have you fallen on top of me?
    Merry Christmas everyone.

  14. Arch-Angel
    I don't know what to celebrate anymore. I mean, I'm more than happy that I celebrate a holiday for its true meaning about the Son of God coming to Earth to save us and not a jolly old fat man that should be charged for breaking and entering every year on the 25th of December. You'd think that if we know where he's going to be, we'd catch him by now.
    The point is, as a kid, Christmas would be a great time of year. Warm cozy home, comfortable, family love...
    Now cold apartment, uncomfortable, chores, family torn apart by sorrow...
    The background music of a day at the beach playing on my new, bought used, Kingdom Hearts game I got myself yesterday at Gamestop...
    Makes me want to go throw rocks at Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen.
    How do you freakin' get off this island?! (Kingdom Hearts)
    Well, Merry Christmas everyone. Cause mine won't be.
    Where's Karley?

  15. Arch-Angel
    This started out as a simple discussion yesterday that somewhere in the middle ended up as an interview.
    NOTE: He wanted me to correct his chat-speak for this one.

    Just so you know, Toaraga PMed me.
    Speaking of the Moderator, Toaraga's B-Day is.... TODAY!

  16. Arch-Angel
    Though I'm going to be out for the day, I'll advertise my new shop!

    Big, ain't it?
    The link is in my Blog Wreath, along with the one above.
    Have a Happy Non-Denominational Politically Correct Governement Approved Religiously Indifferent Holiday Season!


  17. Arch-Angel
    I had plans for the blog that I completely forgot, and the days without BZP have been a bore...
    So, my B-day (Wednesday, the 19th) went well I guess. Got 100 bucks, and so far got a Hollister Shirt and American Eagle Sweatshirt. Had some Ice Cream Cake and all, watched a movie, would've spend the day on BZP, but EVERY YEAR something happens to me or BZP that refuses my access to it.
    Last year, I went to New York City, and the only place I could find with internet was a Burger King near Ground Zero.
    Before that, big virus on my computer.
    AND before that, somehow my entire internet froze.
    Well, at least I'll have Christmas here.
    Interview with Omi soon to be posted, maybe Song of the Day,

  18. Arch-Angel
    Tomorrow (and of course, the day before my b-day), my sister's boyfriend leaves to go back to Brazil. They've been together for a year and a half.
    How do you think my sister's taking it?
    She went too sleep last night at 4 AM, because she was too busy crying in complete sorrow. Heck, I went to sleep at 2:30 to finish my book for school.
    I'm in her Community College right now. She's taking a test in Economics. No time limit. I'm in the Computer Lab typing this up right now with my Should've-been-Birthday-or-Christmas-gift beanie hat from quiksilver that has a one ear headset, which I find pretty cool. Heck, I'm listening to 'Shawty is a Ten' and soon 'Because of You' right now.
    Being an immigrant is hard, and you have to lose a lot to have a new life. Start over with, without, or few family members, in a different country where things are run differently, different culture, and different language.
    He couldn't handle the pressure, so he's decided during the summer to move back to the family, leaving his girlfriend.
    Well, I just ask you all pray for my sister. The 'Love of her Life' is going back to Brazil and doesn't know if he'll come back.
    Over and out...
  19. Arch-Angel
    Thats 10 in Ten.
    Exo, quit trying to steal my idea!
    *Clears throat*
    Today's song of the day is about peace and love, and at the same time, makes you want to raise the volume up to Max. and today, it rises to Song of the Day.
    Rise Today by Alter Bridge

  20. Arch-Angel
    This one is for no particular reason. Its a good beat, feel, and its pretty well-known to both genres it covers. Alt.Rock and Rap.
    How can this be? Fans have been a war about which side is better for almost a year now.
    Well, mi amigo, look closer. If you like the band, you'll like the son. And if you like the rapper, you'll like the song. If you hate the other, well, sorry. You're gonna like the song anyhow.
    Numb/Encore By Jay-Z and Linkin Park

  21. Arch-Angel
    ...And ended up with nor'easter last night. And the Plows had enough time over the night to get rid of the chances for a snow day.

    ...So I wake up late today to purposely miss the bus, but mi madre had other plans. I missed my first two periods of History and Biology, and have only a Study, Spanish 2 (which I'm not even suppose to be in), and Geometry. Geometry was enough for my mom to get me there at 10 AM for those three classes.
    Would've started a poem but my teacher suggested I do some work with a partner.
    Longest hour (and a half?) of my Friday life.
    In other news, I saw a Saturn SL buried in snow and instantly reminded me of Omi. I actually considered cleaning it up for some cash... or proto. (JK )
    I'M ON TV, BOI!
    On ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling), I snuck my way to get in the seats in front of the camera. You see my poster going up, down, all around as I try to get it on Live TV. The Poster says "BIG DADDY V HAVE YOU CALLED JENNY YET???" If you want to see me look like a fool on world television, get up to 5 minutes and 44 seconds, thats 5:44, on the video where my poster starts showing up throughout the match. After the match, I'm gone, but if you want to see a cocky, arrogant wrestler do a monkey flip thanks to Redneck Asian, get to the 24:07, that 24 minutes and 7 seconds, for an amazing monkey flip.
    The Show

    Big Daddy V

    Song of the Day coming as soon as I choose between these two songs...

  22. Arch-Angel
    Toays sng gos out to my grlfriend, Bionigirl. She was grounded,so we didn't talk for days and I was slowly... suffocating you coul say.
    Which brings me to today's Song of the Day,
    Suffocate by J. Holiday

  23. Arch-Angel
    This song goes out to the troops in Iraq. The band performed this song a seen in the music video. Its deep and has love sprinkled on it. Whether its family, friend, or loved one, it works for departures.
    When I'm Gone by Three Doors Down

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