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Blog Entries posted by T-Hybrid

  1. T-Hybrid
    I picked up three Piraka (mostly because I wanted the Irnakk set). I wasn't too pleased. The Barakki though appear to be the second coming of the Rahkshi (w/ more uniqueness)...and I'm kinda interested. I went to a different Target today and they had the blue and red ones (I'll learn their names someday). A trip to a nearby TRU presented me with the black, white, and "brown" ones (Mantax, Pridak, Kalmah?)
    I'm started to get very interested in picking up a few of these (if not eventually all of them). Anybody have suggestions as to where to start? I read the Pridak review and liked what I saw, but then spotted the brown guy in the background and was interested moreso with him.
    I've got to pick up a few spare Inika in the meantime, but I can put that off until they start to go down in price (with the Barakki out that may come sooner than I thought). But before I put any more pieces of this blog between parenthesis (or start using commas) I'll open the floor to suggestions and step away from the keyboard.
  2. T-Hybrid
    I've been hearing rumbilngs about this Halo game that's supposedly coming out tomorrow. Anybody know anything about it? I mean, you'd think they'd have been talking about this a bit more than they have lately. It just sorta snuck up on us all.
    But I guess I'm kinda glad. I mean, it's apparently the 3rd game in the series. So it's good their letting it ride on the reputation of the previous games and not trying to build it up as some revolution in gaming.
    Because honestly...what's the point of overhyping a game?
  3. T-Hybrid
    Well, today sorta became a big day for me. After getting a message from some friends of mine, I found that they were looking for apartments. This has been something I've been mulling over since I finished my third year of college, and decided it would be worth looking into.
    After a few days of talking with the parents, getting some things sorted out financially, I took a trip down to the campus to look over potential places to stay. The intent was to gather as much info as possible about what was available.
    Things sorta went quickly from there. Because it was "late" in the season, apartments were becoming scarce. One of the few available looked excellent, and with two of us unsure of where they would be living, and a third (me) preparred to make the move, we jumped.
    So now, effective August 1st, I'll be moving into my first "new place." .... Wow, I gotta take a moment. It's one of those big steps that you never really realize is going to happen eventually. But at this point in my life it's time to take the initiative to find to set out on my own. I'm fortunate enough to have a place that's affordable now, with enough jobs close to campus that I won't have problems finding income while I'm settling in. And I'm moving in with two people I've known since I started my college degree.
    What does this mean? I really don't know for sure. For starters, I'll definately be working a lot more, and hopefully at something closer to what I'm used to. Working in the food service industry for the past seven years (with a few breaks for a more normal desk job) have been nice, but I've got to get going in the field I've been studying for.
    The truth is, I'm nervous as heck. I know I'll be alright, but it's like that feeling you get when you first move into the dorms. Only now I'm pretty much on my own.
    Vote Mauer:
    It's time for my sales pitch. Many of you I'm sure watch baseball, and I know a lot of you are life-long Minnesotaners. (Minnesotans?) Either or, as you know...the All-Star Game is fast approaching. And we as fans have only three days to cast our votes for the players we want to see start.
    Now, any good Minnesotan baseball fan should know that Twins catcher Joe Mauer has been on a tear as of late....taking the lead in batting average at a whopping .378. But that's not all. I'll let the numbers speak for themselves. Joe ranks almost consistantly better than his top four competitors for the All-Star starting posistion. So, my fellow Twins fans, do your part and cast your 25 online votes for Twins catch Joe Mauer.
    Because you know he'd do the same for you.
  4. T-Hybrid
    In all this news of the new Titans, Mahri, and Barakki...one question is still going unanswered (at least the last time I checked it was). Are we getting a Titan combiner this year? It's going to be hard to top Kardas, which really was a huge achievement for set design, though I would've appreciated getting instructions for the individual sets as well. But LEGO should at least make sure not to skimp on the combiners.
    It was the combiner models that got me into Bionicle in the first place, and seeing them slowly phased out over the years is sorta heart-wrenching. We got Irnakk last year, as well as Kardas, but what about the Toa sets? Aren't they worthy of getting a combiner model?
    I'm starting to think it was those combiner models that was keeping me interested in the sets each year, and the driving force behind me going out and purchasing full sets of vilians and Titans. I didn't buy all of the Piraka, even after I picked up Irnakk, and now there's just something about the Barakki that's keeping me from just running to the store right now and grabbing a full set.
    I'll still get the Toa...I always get the Toa. But until I see combiners start to make a comeback, I just don't think I'm that interested in picking up the Titans or full sets of villians.
  5. T-Hybrid
    This is just too cool. The new Transformers movie can't come fast enough...
    I hear rumors that the actual figure is going to be about 2 ft tall. Will apparently be sold as one unit, likely upwards of $70. And I can't help but want it....badly.
  6. T-Hybrid
    As a peruser of gaming forums, I often read the following message in the sigs of many a gaming flamer.
    "____ > Nothing > ____"
    This is usually paired with something the person is a rabid fan of on the left and the item their bashing on the right. As funny as some think this is, and as prevalent as it has been of late (especially with all three Next-Gen consoles available)...I can't help but wonder why nobody's noticed the following yet.
    Using the above comment actually bashes the thing you're defending while lifting the item your bashing to the ultimate height. It's the perfect example of something that looks good written down but reads totally wrong when spoken aloud. Allow me to demonstrate using one I saw recently.
    While "The 360 is greater than the PS3." reads like the poster intended, the remaining chunk of the statement falls apart. "The PS3 is greater than nothing." is logically equivalent to "The PS3 is less than everything." Meanwhile, "Nothing is greater than the Wii." speaks for itself.
    Its things like that make me laugh at the bashers and trolls that like waste their time trying to rile up a bunch of people they'll never meet. And though I just spent a Blog Entry on one of their comments, it's only because I feel it helps to demonstrate the logic that often goes into these console debates.
  7. T-Hybrid
    So I've now downloaded the NXE. Played around a bit. Aside from the avatars...it's pretty much a wash for me.
    Speaking of the Avatars:

    Aww, look at the little guy....trying to be all hip and stuff!
  8. T-Hybrid
    Gather round, children. It's story time! Today, I have for you a tale of hope...of promises...and of lies. A story with more twists and turns than a pasta noodle...and one that will leave you questioning all you've come to believe.
    Our story begins with a young man who had just moved into his new apartment. He was a man with needs, and a friend who played World of Warcraft. He was also a man who was a bit short on cash, and thus was trying to find whatever means he could to save a bit of money. Upon his arrival to his new domicile, he discovered that the Internet offer that lay before him was of dubious quality. But feeling the need to get online, and with a bit of prodding form his WoW'ed friend, he went ahead with it.
    But in a fateful trip to the Bestest of Buys, he and the third apartmentee learned of an alternative plan. It was a fantastic plan, full of 3MB lollipops and $100 rebate gumdrops. They were in need of a wireless router anyway, so our hero spoke with his co-rentees and determined that the new plan would be for the better.
    Lo, but not all was right in the world for our seeker of Webtime. For after spending more than $200 on the appropriate equipment, he was told that all was not as it seemed. Though the new plan came with faster connections, and the promise of much refunding...the sellers at this Bestest of Buys had not been correct (or quite possibly truthful). As he spoke with the new ISP, he learned of this betrayal. For he was not a customer of the current ISP, and as such would be unable to self-install the new service. Furthermore, because of his location, it was quite possible he could not recieve said service to begin with.
    With $200 of possibly worthless equipment before him...and the fear of non-Internet boiling in his veins, our hero set out on a noble quest to find the truth. What began as an innocent call to his new ISP turned into a marathon of Customer Service hotlines. Reaching such sites as Rochester, Texas, and Nova Scotia, our hero finally came to a realization. Living in an apartment is a dire pain to his hindquarters.
    Three hours and two cell-phone charges later, the disheartened lad learned that he wouldn't know the truth until the following Tuesday, when he would be called back by the Customer Relations Team of this Bestest of Buys. Until then, he would remain in Internet limbo...with his WoW'ed friend and his own impatience eating at him. As well as that $200 tab.
    But that, for now, is the end of our story. For it is only Monday, and the fateful call has not been recieved. So we, as with our hero, must wait for the answers to come. And hopefully, in time, we will know the fate of our poor poor Internetee.
  9. T-Hybrid
    So after not having had motivation to put pencil to paper for almost two full years...something has inspired me to start drawing again. I have no idea why, nor do I have any idea what exactly it is I'm going to be doing with them. So bear with me as I start dumping my artings.
    Here's the first: a guitarist. He kinda looks like me, but he's really not supposed to be me. I cheated on the face and draw sunglasses (I'm still learning eyes). I like how the feet turned out (I've never really gotten how to do shoes). The guitar didn't turn out too bad, but in retrospect the pose isn't quite what it should be. A more natural position would have been to have the elbow down, holding the guitar so it's actually resting on his shoulder and pointing up. As it is, it ended up looking like Cloud Strife's art from FFVII. And I dunno if one would charge into battle with only an acoustic guitar.
    Depending on feedback, and how badly these sketches throw off the page formating, I might continue dumping. If image size gets to be a problem let me know, and I'll start posting links instead.
  10. T-Hybrid
    My grandfather passed away today. His health had been failing the past few weeks, and thankfully I was able to visit with him the last few days to get my chance to say goodbye. It was hard leaving his bedside yesterday, knowing it would be the last time I saw him. But my aunts, uncles, and nephews were all able to make it down yesterday to spend some time with him and with each other.
    When my mom called this morning, I knew exactly what it was...and in a way I was preparred to hear the news. I took my time getting up, and by the afternoon had made it over to my grandmother's. There, several of us spent the day sharing stories, joking around, and ended the evening with some dinner from Green Mill and some desert (pie cake!). It was an odd day. Nobody was visibly upset, but obviously it was on everybody's mind. My grandmother gave me some of his clothes to take home, which she thought I could put to use. I felt odd taking them, but I could tell it was helping her cope, so I accepted them. I dunno how long it will be before I'm able to wear them...if ever.
    Why am I writing this? I guess it just feels good to get it out there. But also, to reaffirm something you hear frequently. Never leave angry, and always be sure to tell the ones you care about that you love them.
  11. T-Hybrid
    The real world has suddenly caught up to me in the past few weeks, though it isn't the only thing that's been keeping my "me" time to a minimum. I'm lucky enough to have time to watch Lost every Wednesday, and for now that's all I need.
    I've been busy with my new job, a 9-5 style internship with a software consulting firm. It's a heckuvalotta fun and I'm looking forward to when I'm able to make the transfer to a full-time career. And that's where today's entry comes in.
    I rarely dress up, and can count the number of times I've worn a tie on one hand (these would all be clip-ons I may add, a testament to how long it's been). So it came as some surprise when I saw the bill for my first "real" suit. Almost $300. Add that to the list of things that I can buy rather than a PS3.
    But I have to say, it feels pretty cool when I'm in it. I got it only last weekend, and I've already had to use it on two job interviews. I have two more interviews this week, plus my first official buisness lunch. Unfortunately I wasn't able to bring the actual coat down, as it was being tailored, but I still look pretty snazzy in the shirt and pants. I'm actually looking forward to the first time I have to put on the full gear. If I'm lucky, it'll be sometime soon...as I hope to be hearing back from at least one of the four interviews.
    This weekend, everybody got a "free" hour of sorts, thanks to the rollback. To anybody who finds themselves unable to fill this hour, I have a suggestion. Learn to tie a tie. I was sitting in the office with my coworkers, and all but one or two of us (not counting the bosses) were also in the dark as to how it works.
    So take the time to learn now. Down the road somewhere, you'll end up being somebody's hero.
  12. T-Hybrid
    So another Brawl delay. I hadn't planned on having to cover another month of suspense, but I think I've got a couple more draft choices up my sleeve. This week's entry once again steps into the realm of third parties. But I think it'd be a perfect.

    Black Mage
    Franchise: Final Fantasy
    First Appearance: Final Fantasy I (NES)
    Why?: Final Fantasy started on the original Nintendo, and since then has seen many of the older FF's come back on the GBA and DS. And through it all, no one class has stood out more than the Black Mage. With it's distinct hat and glowing yellow eyes, to me there is no more recognizable character. Forget Sephiroth and Cloud, or Tidus...or Squall...or any of the modern FFs, this is the guy who's been with the franchise since day 1.
    Appearance: The above picture isn't the "original" Black Mage, but rather Vivi from Final Fantasy IX. I couldn't find a good pic of the 8-bit original, so I went with this instead. Game & Watch has the market covered on 2-d characters, and its what sets him apart. So Black Mage would be similiar to the above picture, minus the split in the cap.
    Moveset: Black Mage would go into battle with a wide array of magic based attacks. To simulate the different levels of spells (ex: Fire/Fira/Firaga), all of this spells would be chargable by performing the button combination and holding down the attack button. His standard B would launch a ball of Fire. Up+B would use Aero to recover when knocked off (high charges would also temporarily deflect attacks and do more damage if it hits an opponent). Down+B would cast a Thunder attack similar to Pikachu's Thunderbolt. His Up smash attack would cast Blizzard to launch foes upwards with sudden ice growths, while his Down smash would make us of his Gravity spell to slam enemies to the ground. His side Smash would cast Water, shooting a jet of water out in front of him. His throw...I dunno. I think it would be interesting if it was a different spell every time, but that would likely be too much work for one character.
    Final Smash: Ultima. It's been around in one form or another since the beginning, and has always been one of the most powerful black magic spells in the game. Black Mage's would be no different, filling the screen with bursts of magical energy. Difficult to avoid, but not impossible.
    There are a lot of people clamoring for a Final Fantasy character to enter the Brawl, but the typical requests have been Cloud and Sephiroth (who honestly have been in EVERY game for as long as Create-A-Character has been around). Black Mage showed up on the original NES, and has also made appearances on the DS (shooting hoops in Mario Basketball).
    This will probably be the last choice until the new release date gets closer. I've got one last character...and I have one last character I'd introduce...and I want to save it for a bit.
  13. T-Hybrid
    Well, those leaked pics made the rounds...and now I've seen a crystal clear pic of the Red Mahri, and a few fuzzy canister shots of the others. Thankfully they were nameless pics. And I have to say that the 2007 canister sets easily will rank as some of the best designs Bionicle has ever seen.
    From what I can tell, every complaint I had about the Inika is fully resolved. And I may just have to break my resolution and grab a full set of Barraki along with my Mahri team. LEGO needs to be rewarded for what they've done this year.
    So start saving now, and if you haven't seen them yet...perpare to be astounded when the official release arrives. Until then, I promise I won't do any of that spoiler stuff to those of you who don't want it ruined.
  14. T-Hybrid
    Or really early, if you go by the Chinese New Year. But since I don't know what that is I can't exactly say I did it on purpose. Any interesting resolutions? I'm going to try and stick with mine from last year, which was to keep working out and trying to get/stay in shape. I was impressed by my ability to lose some weight and put on some muscle in 2008. Hopefully I can keep it up in 2009.
    Even though I did go from 5 times a week to only 3...
  15. T-Hybrid
    As of this entry, I am still very much unemployed. And by no means is it by choice. The big problem is my class schedule. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are fine...as I've only got the one class, but Tuesday and Thursday is a nightmare. With three classes over the course of 8 hours, there's no opening for me to squeeze in a day on the job. A lot of places would prefer that an employee work 5 days a week, and many of the places I've applied to are M-F/9-5 jobs.
    I am fortunate however, to have found one place that seems interested in hiring me. I've been interviewed once, and asked back for a second. It's a very popular establishment, which means I'll never have to worry about finding something to do. And it's also the kind of place that is open late at night, which means even with my class schedule I'll still be able to get in a decent shift in the evenings.
    The biggest benefit to working there, though, would be that it's food service. Over the last 5-6 years of working, I've gotten to know how various foods places work. To top it off, it's style of service is very similar to the last place I worked, which would hopefully make for a short period of adjustment. I'm crossing my fingers that it works out.
    ...Now, I'm kind of superstitous. It's why I haven't said much about this until now. I'm still not sure what to think, so I'm not going to name the place or act like I've got the job. The last time I did that, it turned out not to be the case. So hopefully you'll understand if the next update doesn't come until I've found out either way.
  16. T-Hybrid
    Well, if you've been reading the Inuva Thread in S&T, you'll have seen by now that Greg has pretty much shot down the Inuva Theory. Though on the plus side, we learned that the Toa have some part to play in the events of the next few years.
    But since the Inuva Theory has been debunked, I suppose that just means it won't be official. It doesn't mean I can't have a little more fun between now and whenever I either burn out on this or finally get the time to write a full fic. (This could actually be a while, since I have to finish The Alliance, and by that time I'll be back in classes) So now that I'm allowed a bit more give, I can finally start to build the mythos behind this new Hero.
    From reading the S&T thread, it appears the biggest concern is what the fusion would mean for the future of all involved. I think this can be wrapped up quite easily by reminding those with concern that the fusion was not intended to be permanent. In fact, to inject some urgency into the storyline...it'd be made quite clear that the Inuva would be looking for a means to seperate as soon as their task was completed.
    This is why I believe it would serve the story better to have the transformation forced on the Toa, rather than having them willingly merge. I doubt the Toa would begin to understand the ins and outs of what such a fusion could bring, so they wouldn't want to risk any sorts of danger involved.
    So here's a loose premise, which I would like to expand upon at some point...most likely if I make the transition to a fic:
    At some point in the storyline, the Inika encounter and overcome the Piraka and Vezon. With their enemies defeated and the MoL securly in tow, the Inika discover the whereabouts of the Toa Nuva. However, upon arriving at that location, they discover the Nuva have been serverly weakened by their encounters with the Piraka.
    The Nuva have somehow been drained of most of their Toa Energy, leaving them on the brink of death. Knowing it is the Nuva alone who can awaken Mata-Nui, the Inika decide that something must be done.
    It is decided that the two teams must join. Once together in a single body, the Nuva will be able to essentialy live within the Inika. It is the hope of Jaller and co. that the Nuva will be able to essentially recharge their Energy while inside the Inika. (How? you ask.... It'd most likely be based around the unique consequences involving the creation of the Inika)
    Using the Vezon's Staff, the two teams perform the merger, and the resulting being is dubbed the "Inuva." However, they immediately realize some of the consequences.
    Now, pause for a moment. You're actually witnessing the gears in my head turning as you read this. If you remember, I began the entry stating I would prefer the merger be forced upon the Toa. However, as I have progressed, I have created a plausible origin for the Inuva in which they willingly come into creation.
    Cool eh? Now, back to the entry...
    For starters, their Kanohi appear to be inactive. Most likely due to the initial conflicts between powers, the Inuva are unable to determine which powers they have, and therefore are unable to call upon these powers initially. Also, some of the Inuva have difficulties coming to terms with their dual personalities. This leads to difficulties functioining. A few of the more differeing personas (Jaller/Tahu) start out nearly unable to move due to this difficulty. To give them a means of easing into the transition, one merge (Hahli/Gali most likely) would blend within a short time of the merger. She would serve as a guide to the rest and their varying degrees of compatibility.
    To add some dramatic twists to the story, the Staff would become inoperable through the course of their journeys. Either because it is drained of it's power (since it no longer is being held by Vezon), or because it is destroyed at some point in the story.
    Furthermore, as the Inuva traveled towards their goal...something would begin to happen. It would begin with Gali/Hahli (since she/they blended the fastest). A small voice would be slowly begin to come forward in their collective consiousness. This voice would be quite adament, and often incredibly different from either being in the merger.
    Through time, it would come to be known that these new voices belonged to a third persona...an unforseen side-effect of the merger. This third persona would slowly begin to come to the forefront, leaving the other two either fading or battling for control. It would also become clearer over time that these personas would have one primary goal: To protect their own existence, and prevent the Toa from splitting.
    Also, the risks involved with the fusion could include a more domineering Toa slowly taking over the other. The risks of long term fusion could also mean the erasure of one of the Toa completely, thus throwing the collective destinies of the two teams into chaos.
    I hope that's a good explanation of the origins of the Inuva. As I said eariler, there's still stuff being tweaked and altered as the theory rolls around in my head. And as you can see from this entry itself, the theory is still in flux enough to change in mid creation.
  17. T-Hybrid
    I know this news is somewhat old, but Nintendo has annouced an official release date for the Nintendo Wii. November 19th, for $250. As most people figured, this price includes the Wii Sports collection and one controller. Pretty sweet news for all of us gamers. The only downer was that the Gamecube version of Zelda: Twilight Princess is being delayed until December 11th. The Wii version still releases on the same day as the console. Go figure, eh?
    Recent developements (namely financial aid adjustments and a different new job) have me questioning my decision to wait until after the holidays to pick up a Wii. And with the PS3 launching in the same time frame, the next-gen looks to be finally kicking into high-gear. While I won't be getting a PS3 for quite some time (read: until significant price drops) the idea of Final Fantasy XIII already in developement and a FFXII spinoff for DS has me quite excited.
    Now if Nintendo would just give us a solid date on Smash Bros. Brawl...
  18. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid was up a little later than anticipated. Now left with a late start to his job hunt, he has asked his guest writer to fill in.
    Hey all, HGM back with another opportunity to blog my to my 7-story content. The Boss is a bit tired after spending the night getting to know the downtown area. Rest assured that all he had was a few waters and a taste of somebody's chicken wings. But staying up till 4 takes a lot out of him, so he'll be back whenever he's rested.
    T's new apartment life has left the Haven unatteneded for longer period than I'm used to. I'm not bad as a bouncer, but you can imagine things get awkward when the manager isn't around. So usually I end up splitting time between the front door and somewhere inside, breaking up a fight between two people who have had one too many pixie sticks. I swear they should license those things.
    But that's not the biggest problem. There's still always some punk that tries to break down the doors and enter. Even when I say no. Most of the folk round these parts know me, and they respect me. But not that dang MachGaogamon. He still feels like he's due some spot in the place because his boss knows mine. But that ain't how it works.
    I tell him there's no opening for a second bouncer. He don't get it though. The job market here at the Haven is about as rough as the stuff around T-Boss. And if the boss can't find work, I ain't going to let some other guy take an opening. And I don't get why it's so rough for a guy with 3 year's of college to get a job working anywhere. If I had my way, I'd bust down the door of the nearest establishment and put in a "good word" if you know what I mean. But the Boss is honest, told me that he wouldn't want to use his Bouncer for something like that. Said it wouldn't be fair. I honestly don't care, might do it someday and just not tell him.
    But eh, he's still out there looking. I wish him best. And who knows, maybe once he gets that job he'll open up a few positions at the Haven. Then that MachGaogamon will maybe shut up and leave me alone. Well, thanks for stopping by, T-Boss should be back in the next few days. HGM out.
  19. T-Hybrid
    So I built my annual Pa-Tahi Toa (this gen would be the return of Khultak and Rangi), and I've run into a problem. I want to buy replacement Toa...but the Phantoka at most stores have had their prices increased to $12.99 to match the Mistika.
    Seriously? That's so not cool LEGO. Wal-Mart still has them at the old $9.99, but they only have Pohatu and I also need a new Kopaka. Onua's not as much a problem, but for them to up the price on sets that have been out for months? I was in the Lego Imagination Center at Mall of America a few weeks ago and the Phantoka were still only $9.99. Are they being INSTRUCTED to increase the price as the new sets in...or are store just being ##### about it? And yes, I did check the shelf space. The tag says "Phant" as opposed to the "Misti" tags, so it is being repriced.
    I've thought about doing...things...that would be slightly dishonest. Like buying two Pohatu's from Wal-Mart and then returning one to Target in place of a Kopaka. I'm not proud, but at the same time...it's just riddiculous. I bit on the $12.99 for the Mistika. But now you want to take old sets and increase their price by almost 30%?
    Very uncool.
  20. T-Hybrid
    This is going to be a quicker entry, as I have a few places I'm going to stop by in regards to work. The school year is fast approaching, and if I can't find something soon who knows how much time I'll have once classes start. Not to mention the expenses I'm already incurring...let alone book fees.
    Fic News:
    Well, the results are in, and I'm proud to say that my Epic Contest entry has been named winner. I'm so excited! This is my first ever contest win in the 5 years I've been at BZP. I've made it to the finals in a few BBCs, and I scored runner-up in the first two Comedy Contests...but never a win until now. It was such a tough competition, with a lot of good entries, I would've felt lucky to just get an honorable mention. I'm eagerly awaiting more writing contests, as the last one really got my creative spark going again. If you'd like to read the Entry, now named "Proving Grounds", feel free to click the appropriate links.
    Inuva News:
    *dun dun dununununun* Some of you may have noticed the new link in my sig. After finishing The Alliance and getting pumped up by writing my Contest entry, I've gone ahead and began the Inuva fic. I thought about the title, and I thought that "Rebirth Of Fusion" would be perfect. So far it's only the prolouge, but expect more chapters as I figure out my schedule. I'll let you know if there's going to be significant down time. I really want to promise it won't be another Alliance as far as delays go...but I can't promise it'll be added to on a regular basis.
    Haven News:
    As you can see, I've added a few more buttons and changed the position of some of the content blocks. Every appears to work on my screen, but I'd be willing to make a few changes if there was some appearance problems with other users. I don't mind some feedback, so let me know if you're having problems with any of the links or if the format is messing with your navigation. I'll see what I can do on my end to make things work. Also, thanks to those who have rated the Haven. It was a pleasant surprise to log on and see some stars next to the name. I'd also like to thank HGM for another fine entry in my place. He's definately shown the enthusiasm we look for in our crew here at the Haven.
    Other News:
    As HGM let you know, no good word on the job front yet. I had one interview yesterday and another one that's up in limbo (I've been playing phone tag for the last few weeks on this one). Another place isn't hiring for a few more weeks but did take my application and contact info. I've got a few places left to turn, and then I'm sorta stuck until the Job Fairs start up here on campus. It's Part-Time or Internships that I'm looking for right now, as the Intern position is all I'm missing before I can finish up my four-year degree.
    That's should do it for today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be off. There's jobs awaiting...I just need to find them.
  21. T-Hybrid
    I was going to talk about how I picked up the Mahri over the course of the past week, but then the following news broke regarding Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii. There's going to be a new character.

    Yes, you see that right. Instead of adding just one Pokemon, Nintendo has introduced a full-on Trainer into the SSB series. Using Charizad, Squirtle, and Ivysaur...the Pokemon Trainer will stand in the background and let the Pokemon do the fighting. Only one on screen at a time, and they can apparently be swapped (though there is a Stamina meter that will avoid abuse it sounds like).
    Combined with the other revelations slowly trickling out, this is looking to be one heck of a release. Not that it wasn't already a must buy for Wii owners already. I use Pikachu most of the time as it is now, but I can see myself giving this guy an honest shot when I crack open Brawl.
  22. T-Hybrid
    So I'm trying to MOC with the Mahri, and it's considerably harder than I thought. There's a lot of variety in the pieces, but without any spare parts it's hard to get anything started without having it slowly turn into just a slightly tweaked existing Mahri.
    I'm going to have to go back to my old place and dig up the parts from my other sets and see if that can't help diversify a bit. I've already got a few "ideas" I want to toy with, but need a bit more flexibility in parts before I can go from theory to practice.
    Still love the Mahri, just overwhelmed by the available parts!
  23. T-Hybrid
    A buddy of mine invited me to go "Geocaching" with him this weekend. The idea is that you can go online and download coordinates of various caches to a GPS. Then you can drive to some place that's public property (such as a park) and start searching for it. It's government sponsored, and is incredibly popular apparently.
    Of the 8 he had loaded up for the day, we were able to find 5 (3 of which I spotted thank you very much!). When you find them, you open them up and look at the various trinkets people have put in them. Each one also has a log you can sign before putting it back for the next person. Looking at the logs, there were some caches that were as old as 3 years, which is amazing considering some of the places they've been hidden.
    I'm slowly trying to get back into shape, so for me the idea of a 4 hour, 7-mile hike was rather daunting. Though my feet were burned out and are STILL sore today, it was a lot of mine. The weather's been beautiful the past few days, which made the hike enjoyable. Saw a few swans hanging out in a lake...but the coolest part was the bald eagle we spotted perched on a log. We were able to get a good look, and I think my friend got a picture. But the coolest part was when it spread its wings and flew over us so we could get a good look at it.
    I dunno if it's something I could get into on my own, but as a way of just hanging out with people and checking out what nature has to offer...it's a great experience. And the coolest thing is, there are caches hidden all over. Over our 7-mile hike, we never got more than a few miles from a major road or house...yet were in the middle of the woods the hole time!
    If you ever get a chance, give it a shot. You'll be surprised how interesting it can be just spending some time out in nature.
  24. T-Hybrid
    In case it's still under debate, the best commericial during the Super Bowl this year was the very first one. I dunno if I can actually name the product though. Runner up (and dang close) was the careerbuilder.com ad about how to tell if it's time for a change.
    And for those of you not in the workforce yet...yes, sometimes you do truly feel like you'd rather be riding a seal across the ocean than being at work.
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