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Blog Entries posted by T-Hybrid

  1. T-Hybrid
    Diddy Kong annoucned for Brawl, bringing the total to 8 new characters (Snake and Metaknight were both confirmed in the original trailer). To put things in perspetivce, Melee added 14 new characters to the roster going from the 64 to the Cube. But of those, only three were officially annouced prior to release (Bowser, Zelda, and Ice Climbers).
    Now, Nintendo's not going to reveal everything before the game comes out. Which means there are going to be more new characters hidden in the game. So that's where the fun begins. I've got a strong hunch about a few characters, and a few I threw in to have fun with it. So while Nintendo's revealing their characters, I'm going to try my hand.

    K. Rool
    Franchise: Donkey Kong
    First Appearance: Donkey Kong Country as "King K. Rool" (SNES)
    Why?: Melee introduced Bowser, Ganondorf, and Mewtwo. These were the first "villians" to enter the world of Super Smash Bros, and have now been joined by Metaknight. This gives even Kirby a rival of sorts to go with Mario, Link, and Pikachu. With the addition of Diddy Kong, it's become clear that Rare isn't exactly holding back from letting Nintendo use characters from the DKC series. When you look back at Donkey Kong's long gaming career, the only real villian that stands out is K. Rool. He's been a king, a pirate, and a doctor. He even dabbled in boxing long enough to get a light dropped on him by a jetpack wearing chimp. If Nintendo truly wants to add a deeper single player experience, it's important to give DK a villian he can confront on his way to the end.
    Appearance: Here's where it gets interesting. K. Rool has had three very different appearances over the DKC series. In order to best represent this, I would dress him in his pirate's jacket and crown. On his back would be the helicopter pack. Sure, it wouldn't look much like any one appearance, but it'd pay homage to his many jobs through the years. I'd even debate giving him boxing gloves, the joke being that K. Rool didn't quite know how to prepare, so he brought it all.
    Moveset: I lied, this is more interesting. His Up+B special would of course involve his copter, which would propell him upward and damage enemies from below. His blunderbuss would be involved as well, most likely as a standard B attack. I don't know how to get the crown toss from DKC involved, but I'm sure the designers could come up with something clever. If you include the boxing gloves, the gun could be shifted to Toward+B (similar to Samus' missles) while B would trigger a windup punch. If you consider the final boss of DK64 was set up like a boxing match, this would be a perfect parallel.
    Final Smash: This was the easiest one to think up. He'd of course have to call out KAOS for one last go. With lasers, rockets, and boxing glove arms KAOS would sweep in and rough up the place while K. Rool sat back and posed (once again referencing DK64's final fight). This posing would also be his taunt.
    Well, that's my first go. Don't know if I'll do more. But this is the one I've been wanting since the original Smash Bros. Will it happen? I only hope so. With that said, anybody have any characters they'd like to see?
  2. T-Hybrid
    I don't get it...it's basically Bionicle figures re-branded as something else. It kinda feels like a bit of a copout to me. I will have to read up more on the line, but I figured when Bionicle ended that LEGO would be trying something new. Not releasing some new Toa under a different name. I know I said we shouldn't pass judgement on something before we know more, but at the same time this doesn't feel right.
  3. T-Hybrid
    Four years and some thousands of dollars late...and I have slain the beast know as College. All that's left now is to actually be handed my diploma and I will become not a student, but an alumni.
    With this class change comes the responsibilities of a true adult. I must set off in the world with only my wits and my skills to make my own way. Will I rise to the occasion or sink like a stone under the weight of the world?
    Stay tuned and find out.
    Okay, I'm only kidding about that last part. I'm actually really excited to wake up tomorrow and face the first day of the rest of my life (I can't believe I've actually found a reason to use that old cliche!) Only a few days left at the internship and that'll be that for my time at MSU.
    On a completely unrelated note, anybody know where to find some decent sprite sheets for the characters from the Pokemon games? Just curious.
  4. T-Hybrid
    Well, if you've been reading the Inuva Thread in S&T, you'll have seen by now that Greg has pretty much shot down the Inuva Theory. Though on the plus side, we learned that the Toa have some part to play in the events of the next few years.
    But since the Inuva Theory has been debunked, I suppose that just means it won't be official. It doesn't mean I can't have a little more fun between now and whenever I either burn out on this or finally get the time to write a full fic. (This could actually be a while, since I have to finish The Alliance, and by that time I'll be back in classes) So now that I'm allowed a bit more give, I can finally start to build the mythos behind this new Hero.
    From reading the S&T thread, it appears the biggest concern is what the fusion would mean for the future of all involved. I think this can be wrapped up quite easily by reminding those with concern that the fusion was not intended to be permanent. In fact, to inject some urgency into the storyline...it'd be made quite clear that the Inuva would be looking for a means to seperate as soon as their task was completed.
    This is why I believe it would serve the story better to have the transformation forced on the Toa, rather than having them willingly merge. I doubt the Toa would begin to understand the ins and outs of what such a fusion could bring, so they wouldn't want to risk any sorts of danger involved.
    So here's a loose premise, which I would like to expand upon at some point...most likely if I make the transition to a fic:
    At some point in the storyline, the Inika encounter and overcome the Piraka and Vezon. With their enemies defeated and the MoL securly in tow, the Inika discover the whereabouts of the Toa Nuva. However, upon arriving at that location, they discover the Nuva have been serverly weakened by their encounters with the Piraka.
    The Nuva have somehow been drained of most of their Toa Energy, leaving them on the brink of death. Knowing it is the Nuva alone who can awaken Mata-Nui, the Inika decide that something must be done.
    It is decided that the two teams must join. Once together in a single body, the Nuva will be able to essentialy live within the Inika. It is the hope of Jaller and co. that the Nuva will be able to essentially recharge their Energy while inside the Inika. (How? you ask.... It'd most likely be based around the unique consequences involving the creation of the Inika)
    Using the Vezon's Staff, the two teams perform the merger, and the resulting being is dubbed the "Inuva." However, they immediately realize some of the consequences.
    Now, pause for a moment. You're actually witnessing the gears in my head turning as you read this. If you remember, I began the entry stating I would prefer the merger be forced upon the Toa. However, as I have progressed, I have created a plausible origin for the Inuva in which they willingly come into creation.
    Cool eh? Now, back to the entry...
    For starters, their Kanohi appear to be inactive. Most likely due to the initial conflicts between powers, the Inuva are unable to determine which powers they have, and therefore are unable to call upon these powers initially. Also, some of the Inuva have difficulties coming to terms with their dual personalities. This leads to difficulties functioining. A few of the more differeing personas (Jaller/Tahu) start out nearly unable to move due to this difficulty. To give them a means of easing into the transition, one merge (Hahli/Gali most likely) would blend within a short time of the merger. She would serve as a guide to the rest and their varying degrees of compatibility.
    To add some dramatic twists to the story, the Staff would become inoperable through the course of their journeys. Either because it is drained of it's power (since it no longer is being held by Vezon), or because it is destroyed at some point in the story.
    Furthermore, as the Inuva traveled towards their goal...something would begin to happen. It would begin with Gali/Hahli (since she/they blended the fastest). A small voice would be slowly begin to come forward in their collective consiousness. This voice would be quite adament, and often incredibly different from either being in the merger.
    Through time, it would come to be known that these new voices belonged to a third persona...an unforseen side-effect of the merger. This third persona would slowly begin to come to the forefront, leaving the other two either fading or battling for control. It would also become clearer over time that these personas would have one primary goal: To protect their own existence, and prevent the Toa from splitting.
    Also, the risks involved with the fusion could include a more domineering Toa slowly taking over the other. The risks of long term fusion could also mean the erasure of one of the Toa completely, thus throwing the collective destinies of the two teams into chaos.
    I hope that's a good explanation of the origins of the Inuva. As I said eariler, there's still stuff being tweaked and altered as the theory rolls around in my head. And as you can see from this entry itself, the theory is still in flux enough to change in mid creation.
  5. T-Hybrid
    I was looking at the poster that was put up in the News the other day, and it seemed kinda funny. What was that a poster for? I mean, there wasn't anything except for a chunk of blue foot armor and what's most likely a projectile. I'm all for teasers...but that really wasn't even hinting at anything. It'd be like running a promo for a movie in which the only thing you see is the main character saying "The" over an explosion.
    I find it kinda funny. I sorta expected inside to see it unfolded or something. That is, if I didn't miss something. As it is I don't know if I'm curious or just confused.
  6. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid is busy today finalizing the paper work that will sign over the Haven to its new owners. In his absence, he has requested his new guest writer fill in.

    Good day to you ladies and gentlemen of BZPower. My name is RhodoKnightmon, and I have been asked by Mr. Hybrid to serve as protector of the Rose Garden while he is away on business. As such, it will be my duty to submit entires when he is unable to do so himself.

    Yesterday's annoucement must have come as a bit of a shock to those of you who have been longtime readers of Mr. Hybrid's blog, but I assure you that he put a significant amount of thought into the decision. I do believe I even saw a tear in his eye as he said his farewells to that bullish ViceGreymon. But it comes as a change for the best, as his new alliance with the Vice-Sisters will ensure a more cheerful and overall calming lifestyle.

    I must admit there are some aspects of Mr. Hybrid's attitude that I find less than appealing, but I'm sure the Sisters and I will be able to teach him some civility. What this means for the content of the Garden is currently unknown, but if worse comes to worse I can promise you that I will be able to step in and amuse you with my anecodotes.

    On a more personal note, I have received numerous messages in my short time at the Garden inquiring as to the nature of my gender. This honestly does confuse me, as I can't understand how the site of a pink knight with a flower theme could possibly lead to any second-guessing. It should be just as apparent as it is with Frieza from Dragonball Z, or Pat from that hilarious Saturday Night Live.

    With that said, I would again like to welcome you to The Rose Garden. Mr. Hybrid sincerely appreciates your stopping by.
  7. T-Hybrid
    I was looking at the shadowy figures on the back of Nocturn's box today, the ones that people have thought to be this year's Toa. Pardon me if I'm a bit behind, but has anybody else noticed they look surprisingly like some images we saw late last year that people thought were prototype Inika?

    I'm talking about pics such as this:
    Though there are others which are actually live pics of sets (not book covers or other things such as that). Considering we saw the Barraki prototypes back during late 05 early 06 (remember those grey figures everybody was talking about?) isn't it possible that we've already seen these guys? After all, this guy has those breathing tubes, similar to one of the shadowed out figures.
    Unfortunately the search function doesn't work, so I can't really track these images down as quickly as I would like. But if anybody else knows what I'm talking about maybe you could lend me a hand. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills right now.
  8. T-Hybrid
    Since the revelation that the MSRP of the Mistika would be $12.99...there's been talk back and forth as to just how crazy LEGO may have become. The argument I hear is that the price is justifed by the "ever rising price per piece". Another is that sets have been increasing in piece, thus the need to adjust the price.
    So I got to thinking, just what exactly has the average price per piece been for the various Toa? And how does the overall piece count compare from year to year? I found the results to be quite surprising.

    I'll make an important note: These prices are not adjusted for inflation. Which means the average price per piece has hovered at a very normal price range (between 16 and 20 cents per). Taking inflation into account, the price per piece has comparitively decreased comparred to the number of pieces steadily increasing. I'd like to take inflation into account to make the numbers more accurate...but I think the idea that the price per piece has hovered around the same area even BEFORE inflation is interesting.
    When the Inika were released at the then staggering $9.99 price point, it was justified with the explanation that they were the first sets to use electronics as part of their gimmick/feature. It's interesting to note the following year was the Mahri. A significant increase in pieces (averaging 13 more pieces per set) at the same price. The Phantoka dropped the piece count, but maintained a fairly close price per piece.
    So with that information, let's take a look at some "projections" I've laid out regarding the proposed $12.99 Mistika price point. These piece counts are purely speculation, used for the purpose of analysis and estimation.

    In order to check in at even the highest price per piece we've ever seen...the Toa Mistika would have to weigh in at a record 65 pieces per set. Keep in mind that it's an average as well. As you can see from the previous years of Toa, there's always a variance between sets (LEGO appears to favor Toa of Stone...could it be they're beefing it up to make up for the color?).
    The other columns show what it would take for the Mistika to check in at the price per piece from earlier in 08 (a colossal 75 pieces per), and what it would take to match the lowest price on record (80 pieces? Seriously?)
    In summation, do I think LEGO can hit the 65 piece per set mark? It's possible. I need to take some closer looks at the Mistika, and I think for "only" having 58 the Phantoka turned out that well. All in all, it's still going to be tough to justify $13 on a set.
  9. T-Hybrid
    I got a friendly reminder that plans are already under way for Brickfair in 2008. And I did say that I would take an opportunity to make it out there at some point following graduation.
    With a year's notice. I can start getting plans together with enough time to make sure I can afford it all. $95/night for the hotel? Wowza. Not sure what all expenses are involved aside from airfair and accomodations, but it's definately something I need to do.
    Thanks for the reminder! I'll keep y'all up to date as I start to get things together for next August. If my first four months at work are any indication...time's going to fly by.
  10. T-Hybrid
    The big news for me out of Spring Break last week is that I've officially found and leased out a new apartment. Located about 10-15 minutes from work, as opposed to the current drive of two hours, my new place is a substantial upgrade.
    For one, it has carpeting. But the big upgrade is the little walk-out patio/porch/balcony thing in my living room. Now I can step outside and get a breath of fresh Minnesota air without having to tramp through my complex and out the front door.
    The big move is May 27th, with my new job starting a week or so later. Now, I just need to lock down a new set of clothes (jeans and t-shirts won't cut it at the office) and figure out just what I'm going to do for furniture.
  11. T-Hybrid
    This is going to be a quicker entry, as I have a few places I'm going to stop by in regards to work. The school year is fast approaching, and if I can't find something soon who knows how much time I'll have once classes start. Not to mention the expenses I'm already incurring...let alone book fees.
    Fic News:
    Well, the results are in, and I'm proud to say that my Epic Contest entry has been named winner. I'm so excited! This is my first ever contest win in the 5 years I've been at BZP. I've made it to the finals in a few BBCs, and I scored runner-up in the first two Comedy Contests...but never a win until now. It was such a tough competition, with a lot of good entries, I would've felt lucky to just get an honorable mention. I'm eagerly awaiting more writing contests, as the last one really got my creative spark going again. If you'd like to read the Entry, now named "Proving Grounds", feel free to click the appropriate links.
    Inuva News:
    *dun dun dununununun* Some of you may have noticed the new link in my sig. After finishing The Alliance and getting pumped up by writing my Contest entry, I've gone ahead and began the Inuva fic. I thought about the title, and I thought that "Rebirth Of Fusion" would be perfect. So far it's only the prolouge, but expect more chapters as I figure out my schedule. I'll let you know if there's going to be significant down time. I really want to promise it won't be another Alliance as far as delays go...but I can't promise it'll be added to on a regular basis.
    Haven News:
    As you can see, I've added a few more buttons and changed the position of some of the content blocks. Every appears to work on my screen, but I'd be willing to make a few changes if there was some appearance problems with other users. I don't mind some feedback, so let me know if you're having problems with any of the links or if the format is messing with your navigation. I'll see what I can do on my end to make things work. Also, thanks to those who have rated the Haven. It was a pleasant surprise to log on and see some stars next to the name. I'd also like to thank HGM for another fine entry in my place. He's definately shown the enthusiasm we look for in our crew here at the Haven.
    Other News:
    As HGM let you know, no good word on the job front yet. I had one interview yesterday and another one that's up in limbo (I've been playing phone tag for the last few weeks on this one). Another place isn't hiring for a few more weeks but did take my application and contact info. I've got a few places left to turn, and then I'm sorta stuck until the Job Fairs start up here on campus. It's Part-Time or Internships that I'm looking for right now, as the Intern position is all I'm missing before I can finish up my four-year degree.
    That's should do it for today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be off. There's jobs awaiting...I just need to find them.
  12. T-Hybrid
    I've only bought three actual Wii games since I picked up the console in November. And yet I've found myself playing on it everyday. This is because the Virtual Console is super awesome. I've got SMB, Kirby's Adventure, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64...and just recently added Donkey Kong Country.
    And the best part is, there's still like 10 games I want to pick up. All of which are classics I just never got a chance to play. Games like Super Ghouls n' Ghosts, Contra III, and Gunstar Heroes. Then there's the "unknowns" that I never knew about...mostly because I grew-up on Nintendo consoles. So there's Turbo Graphix 16 games like Bonk's Adventure and Soldier Blade.
    But that's not all, lately I've felt the somewhat forbidden urge to pick up an XBox 360. Crackdown looks like it could be fun, there's Lost Planet, Blue Dragon...but right now I'm making sure to do my research so I don't turn it into an impulse buy. I'm especially nervous about the Red Ring of Doom/Death I keep hearing about.
    In the meantime, my DS and Wii still have games coming up that'll keep me entertained. I just finished Final Fantasy VI, and Pokemon Diamond comes out in April. There's also Super Paper Mario, and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. The Wii right now has Sonic, Metal Slug...and I'm even looking into that new DBZ game. I own Budokai 3, but never got around to playing it (I've got like 30 PS2 games and just no time to enjoy them all). The controls sound like a blast, and I don't have many fighting games. All in all, I've got a lot to keep me entertained. And more looks to be coming in the next few months. Not to mention the big three Wii releases looming in the distance (Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and Brawl).
    But how are you guys doing for gaming? I know there's some BZPers out there that were lucky enough to score a Wii. Are you feasting on the VC buffet? Or have you been sufficiently sated by the Wii's lineup?
  13. T-Hybrid
    Apparently by July 5th, LEGO actually meant July 10th. But I can live with it, because those extra five days worth of reviews and information from other lucky buyers only helped build my excitement for these sets. And I'll begin by saying, they do not disappoint. Since reviewers for the last week or so have been pummeling you with the same photos over and over again, I won't bother with taking some of my own. The pictures do them justice, for the most part. So without further ado: my own opinion.
    I'll begin by saying that yes, the canister is huge. My first thought when I opened the box from S@H was that these weren't canisters anymore. The Inika come in plastic boxes with lids that are about the size of bricks. You're going to hear they are big, and you're going to see pictures that make them look big...but once you see them in person, you'll realize how big they are.
    But that doesn't really describe the sets, so let's forget the Ini-krates and move on to the meat of the whole lot. Let's talk sets. And what a set they are! Highly poseable, fully detailed, and with some excellent new innovations in set design (at least to me...I don't have many of the 06 or 05 sets).
    You've seen the pictures, and read the reviews...so I'll make it quick and break it down into the ups and downs.
    13 points of articulation Light-up weapons 6 new Kanohi Unique pieces between Toa New colors for Toa sets Nuparu's shoulder mounted Zamor launcher Cons:All weapons are "swords" Kanohi not compatible with previous sets Odd color selection for some characters Too much silver Heads I'll expand on a few of these. Nuparu needs some orange in him, instead...that goes to Hewkii. I would have preferred to see Macku and Onepu join the other McToran as Inika, but I guess that would not be the case. That's unfortunate both storywise and set wise...as we miss out on a chance to get some purple in our Toa. And looking at the all-black Nuparu, I can't help but think some purple in the under-armor would've really made the figure standout. 
    I also wish that LEGO could've put some more effort into the weapons. Though the light-up feature is great, I would've liked to have seen the sets each get a more uniquely shaped weapon. As it is now, they're all very sword-like in appearance. Also, changing the colors between Toa would also set them apart. Jaller's the only one with an "off-color" weapon.
    What I do like though, is the detail that has been put into each set. The Kanohi look fantastic, and finally cross the boundary between toy and movie in appearance. The sets as a whole capture the look and feel of a Toa from the movies. LEGO's set the bar high for the next round of sets. I eagerly await the next evolution of the Inika.
    There's one thing I especially hope to see work on, and that's the new head. As many have said, they were originally supposed to glow somehow. The Inika are charged with some kind of mystical lightning, show it in their faces. They don't have to glow in the dark. But using that plastic type used for Matoro and Jaller's joints would be perfect. Also, make sure the next generation of Toa have different eye colors between them. Green eyes work on Nuparu, but they look out of place on Kongu and Matoro. The eyes are the windows to the soul, remember that when designing a set. Heck, I may take it upon myself to spruce up these on my own. I'm guessing a spray brush would accomplish that.
    My overall opinion. Awesome. I was questioning the price, but after getting my hands on them...these Inika are worth $9.99. Though I am cautious of accepting any more price increases for future sets. That is, unless, there are drastic changes made in both size and design.
  14. T-Hybrid
    I'll be the first to admit this is less of a longshot than my previous suggestions:

    The Miis
    Franchise: Nintendo Wii
    First Appearance: Mii Channel (Wii)
    Why?: This is about as close to a create-a-character as we're ever going to get in Smash Bros. The introduction of the Miis brought a personal touch to the Nintendo Wii. Though not quite as open to customization as most standard CaC's, the Mii would allow the user to put a face with their Smash profile. Nintendo has already "revealed" that your profile will now store Button Configurations, so why not include your Mii?
    Appearance: That's the beauty of it. It'd be whatever you'd want it to be. It could look like you, an alien, or Chuck Norris (though admittedly that'd be a bit unfair to the competition). The Mii would default to whatever color shirt/skirt you set as your favorite in the Mii Channel, and would change to fit the team color if you play in that mode.
    Moveset: Considering the variety of sports and games the Mii's have been involved in already, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a varied movepool. The standard special attack would involve throwing a random ball, anywhere from Tennis to Bowling. Side-smash would be similiar to Peach's in that they'd switch between bats, clubs, and tennis rackets. The Up+B would be a somewhat funky looking swim move to boost them up. The flailing limbs would cause damage to those that get in the way. Their Side+B special would summon a Cow that they'd rampage across the platform on. This would provide a bit of an extra boost to come back (similar to Luigi and Pikachu's headbutt moves). The Up+A would call up a mighty boxing uppercut. I'm not quite sure what Down+A would do.
    Final Smash: There are a couple of options with this one. My first instincts were to suggest the Mii Parade, where an army of Mii's from your box stampede across the screen. Then I thought, why not reference WiiPlay and have the Wii's play LaserPong (or whatever the game was). Two paddles appear on screen and start bouncing your opponents back and forth across the screen like little Pong balls. It'd be shiny, and somewhat unique comparred to the others I've suggested.
    Well, that's the third. I'm rather enjoying this, though admittedly aside from these three I'm running a bit short on dark horses.
  15. T-Hybrid
    My friend and I had some errands to run this afternoon, one of which was stopping at Gamestop. Upon arriving, we were pleasantly surprised to see a playable Wii demo unit. The only game hooked up was ExciteTruck, but it was still fun. The controller's surprisingly small, but fit comfortably in my hand even when turned on its side. The controllers felt a bit loose, but that could've just been me getting used to it.
    It was fun having an excuse to throw my whole body into the steering this time, as usually gamers get mocked for getting so involved. Overall, Nintendo's got a good thing here...I hope that they're able to succeed with this endeavor.
    Oh, and go to Gamestop to try it yourself. You'll need a driver's license and credit card in order to "check out" the Wii Remote, as they're not able to attach it like a normal controller. So make sure if you're not able to provide these that you get your parents to come along.
  16. T-Hybrid
    Warning. The following content discusses the '08 sets.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, I didn't know what we're allowed to say and what we can't without using spoiler warnings, so this whole entry today is one big spoiler tag. Hope it's not too annoying. 
    But anyway, now that the 08 sets have been revealed through "legal" means, we at BZP are free to discuss what we think of them. And personally, I'm on the fence. I find Pohatu's design...confusing. But Kopaka and Lewa's both look pretty nice. I like the idea of flying Toa.
    -Leaked information removed.-Shine-
    I'll definately get the Toa out of tradition, and eagerly await the release of the remaining Toa. Not to mention wait impatiently for my chance to buy Ignika. Care to start throwing theories around as to who he is? (Yeah, my money's on Matoro too...)
    As far as packaging goes, the canister sets are officially dead. In fact boxes now appear to be a thing of the past. Hopefully these new "little sets" won't come at too boosted a price to cover the upgrade. But if that happens, it's a simple matter of speaking with the wallet, not with the ol' Blog.
    So now I join the rest of you in waiting for these puppies to become available. And hopefully that won't be too much longer.
  17. T-Hybrid
    Though I didn't really say much in regards to their first bout. Tonight's game was less exciting and more frustrating. Even with the dramatic finish. As a Vikings fan, I have to question the intelligence of a coach who stops the clock with 40 seconds left in the first half when the OTHER team is rushing to kick a field goal. Unfortunately, that was the difference.
    Not that the offense was really doing itself any favors tonight either. Tavaris Jackson doesn't look too bad, and the defense really tried its best to keep this game close (holding any team to three field goals over an entire game isn't bad). Those are some pluses I guess one can take into next season.
  18. T-Hybrid
    I bought Rock Band on November 20th. My guitar and drums began to fail within the first two days. I filled out the RMA forms and my boxes were sent. I packed them up, and by Friday both my new drums and new guitar had arrived in the mail.
    Now, my drum pads were what were faulty, but when the box came it included a slot specifically labeled as being for the kick pedal. My kick pedal wasn't faulty, but since I didn't want to screw around with and have delays (and since EA has no phone support available), I packed up the gear and sent it along.
    When they shipped me a new set of drums, they only provided me the pads and stand. There was no kick pedal included. So it's almost a month since I bought the game, and I haven't been able to play the drums. At all. To make matters worse, my email to EA customer support got the following response.

    That's it. No mention of a replacement, no apology for the confusion, just a "Well that was stupid...sucks to be you" and a link to the website I'm already using. I was on board with the whole process, even when it smelled fishy that all of this hardware was failing. But at this point EA has proven to me that they have no clue how to handle customer support. No phone numbers, no apologies...just treat me like a moron and move along.
    I want to return this game out of spite, but it's just so much fun.
  19. T-Hybrid
    I'm currently battling my way through the 6th Dungeon of the original Zelda. A few years ago I picked up the Zelda Collector's Disc, and have only now gotten around to playing it.
    I have to say it's probably the hardest Zelda I've played in a while. The drop-rate is low to the point of frustration, especially when you only start with 3 hearts every time you die. There's no map to speak off for the overworld, though I've gotten used to the areas enough to sorta find my way around.
    Comparred to more recent Zelda's though, there's far less hand-holding going on. None of that handy red text to tell you where you should go next. I think I "found" the 5th dungeon two or three times before I actually was preparred to enter it. And I've stumbled into more Heart Containers than I'd care to admit.
    It's still a blast playing through a classic game. Though I'll never quite have the feeling of a person playing it back when it was new...thinking "Wow, I wonder if they'll ever make another one." I can just imagine the following conversation: "Hey Bill, what do you think of this Zelda game?" "Oh, it's not bad Chuck. I wonder if it'll catch on."
    I'm thinking of starting up a Zeldathon here fairly soon. I've got the Collector's Disc, Twilight Princess, and all five portable Zeldas (this is counting LttP on GBA). Which means if I wanted to, I could play through every Zelda game made. Ever. Hopefully I won't go into nostalgia seisures halfway through Link's Awakening. But if I do...don't touch my stuff.
  20. T-Hybrid
    If any of my fellow Minnesotan BZPers have nothing to do tomorrow, I suggest you make a trip to the Mall of America, where they'll be holding a Guitar Hero tournament. I've been playing it a lot since my embarrassing second-chance at the smaller-scale tourney a few weeks ago. Five buttons isn't as hard as it once was, and my weakness now is just those faster chains (hammer-ons and pull-offs are quite tricky but nearly essential in the tougher songs).
    Registration starts at 10 at the Rotunda and ends at noon, with the tourney itself running till 4. I have no idea how this is going to work, but it is my duty as a gamer to go. If you go, hopefully I'll be able to come up with a way to make myself recognizable. Come cheer me on, or sign up and maybe face off against me. Whatever the case, I'm looking to have a good time tomorrow.
    And while I'm there, I hope to scout the Lego Imagination Center. All these rumors of Mahri sightings, I figure if they're trickling into stores I may be able to catch one or two in some kind of preview release much like the Rahkshi so many years ago. Though I'm going to have to almost as soon as my run in the tourney's out. Got family plans in the evening.
    This is the last weekend where I won't have to worry about getting up for work...probably for a looong time. I've gotta make the most of it right?
  21. T-Hybrid
    While I was packing up my Bioncle sets to free up some furniture for moving, I got to thinking...where the heck has Takanuva been?
    Things weren't going so well for Bionicle during the Bohrok/Kal stuff. I don't want to speak for everybody, but it felt like fans were growing tired of the repetitvness of the Bohrok. And though they were just as repetitive, the Rahkshi pics began to get people interested again. Not to mention the news of a new Toa.
    Now, I'm an on and off PR fan. And one of the more interesting times of the year for both PR and it's Japanese counterpart is when news of the additional Rangers begins to spread. So it was no surprise when the mysteries of the 7th Toa began to grip everybody on BZP.
    And then MoL came out, and Takanuva arrived. But then just as quickly, he was gone. The next year's storyline would go back in time to cover the tales of the Turaga when they were Toa. And upon the return to the present, the Nuva were taken out of commission and the Inika were called into action.
    But during all this time, Takanuva has faded into the background. I vaugely remember references to some kind of force field or other "thing" keeping Takanuva from getting involved, but I can't help but think these are story elements that are being used more to keep him from being in the story. We don't have any sets of him afterall.
    Takanuva was originally Takua, and was very good friends with a good number of the Tohunag/Matoran that would eventually become the Inika. What better time for him to reenter the story then when his old friends suddenly found themselves in the same situation he had been in earlier. Takanuva could've gone from being a sideline character to the trusted leader of the new team of Toa, and together they could've explored the challenges that come with the Transformation (the Turaga didn't seem to address this very well in the movie, there are chances...especially with Hewkii/Macku...where they could show problems in the relationships between Toa and Matoran).
    But instead, he was written out, and after his dramatic indroduction in the first ever Bionicle movie, he has appeared to have done little to further cement his place in Bionicle lore. If you are/were a PR fan, you can recall just how well the first "extra" Ranger went back during the first season. The Green Ranger/Tommy became one of the most popular characters, and remained that way for so long that his actor was brought back more than a decade later to reprise the role.
    Now, Bionicle may not run for ten years (though it is going into it's 6th now). When a decade has passed, what will the history books...and fans for that matter...say about the first ever "Extra" Toa?
  22. T-Hybrid
    As a peruser of gaming forums, I often read the following message in the sigs of many a gaming flamer.
    "____ > Nothing > ____"
    This is usually paired with something the person is a rabid fan of on the left and the item their bashing on the right. As funny as some think this is, and as prevalent as it has been of late (especially with all three Next-Gen consoles available)...I can't help but wonder why nobody's noticed the following yet.
    Using the above comment actually bashes the thing you're defending while lifting the item your bashing to the ultimate height. It's the perfect example of something that looks good written down but reads totally wrong when spoken aloud. Allow me to demonstrate using one I saw recently.
    While "The 360 is greater than the PS3." reads like the poster intended, the remaining chunk of the statement falls apart. "The PS3 is greater than nothing." is logically equivalent to "The PS3 is less than everything." Meanwhile, "Nothing is greater than the Wii." speaks for itself.
    Its things like that make me laugh at the bashers and trolls that like waste their time trying to rile up a bunch of people they'll never meet. And though I just spent a Blog Entry on one of their comments, it's only because I feel it helps to demonstrate the logic that often goes into these console debates.
  23. T-Hybrid
    40 hrs, 2 badges, 73 seen, 44 caught...
    I say that, because I've only had the game for a week. Holy cow eh? But that's not the topic of today's entry. Today we're talking about graduation, round 2.
    Today marks the beginning of the final week of classes. After Friday all focus will be on my three finals, which almost appropriately enough scale up in difficulty. One a day starting Monday and finishing Wednesday. What does this all mean? Well, as of noon on Wednesday May 9th I will no longer be a student at Minnesota State, Mankato. All that will be left to do is graduate and I'll be on my way to the "real world" I've heard people referring to for the last 16 years of schooling.
    After talking with my friends and family, I've decided I'm not walking with my classmates this time around. It was a bigger deal when I made it through high school, as that was the beginning of my independent life. But this time, it just feels like I'm going through the motions. The only reason I would have done it would have been for my parents, but they have been the most vocal in suggesting I save the money and just have some fun that day instead.
    Another turn off? Com Sci majors graduate at 9 am Saturday May 12th. Look at that again. Nine in the morning on a Saturday. That'd essentially mean I'd have to sit on my hands Friday night so I wasn't completely burned out Saturday morning. Nah, I'd rather hang out with my friends one last time before I move out and start my big boy 9-5 lifetime grind.
    If your interested, donations can be made between now and enternity to the "Help Torhu Survive On His Own Fund". Just call 1-800-555-OHDEARLORDWHATDOIDONOW!! Operators are standing by.
  24. T-Hybrid
    My head is still spinning from the LOST season 5 finale. So many storylines starting to come together, and a much clearer picture of what's going to happen in the final season is in place. 2010 will not come fast enough. I'm going to have to rewatch this to see if I can piece together some more clues. But I have to admit the writers did an amazing job of wrapping threads together.
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