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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I'm kinda done with drama stuffs right now. Not saying the canonization debate is like, super aggressive or anything (at least I haven't seen anything like that yet, or maybe I'm missing something), but I kinda totally suck at debate. Also, I've seen small debates spiral out of control to other totally unrelated and serious issues, and that bugs me.
    It also doesn't help that I really don't care about every little detail of debauchery in the fandom of my casual hobby.
    So! This means that whenever there will be another scandal in the blogs, my role will be to remain silent and possibly laugh and poke fun. There's enough drama in my life as-is, so I want to come to this site to have some laughs, chat with new people and not stress about the small stuff.
    In the event I go insane and actually start getting involved in bzpolitical debate, members here have the right to slap me over the head with a random object of their choosing. Bonus points for randomness.
    So, nothing super important in this entry or anything. Carry on.
    Please note that the opinions expressed in this blog entry are the opinions of the author and that standards held here are only to be held solely to aforementioned author (whacking other members on the head with random objects without their consent, while entertaining, seems kinda uncalled for). If other members like debating things that do not hold my interest, please know I don't think any less of anyone and to each their own.
    ~Not Junpei
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Say, anyone remember that story idea I blogged about a while back about the toa popping up in our world? Turns out I'm actually writing it.
    This is a link. YOU CAN'T DENY IT!
    Feel free to check it out if you're interested.
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    "People just want something to [complain] about because they are insecure about their own positions in life.
    I feel kinda bad for them.
    Like they could use a hug
    Or cupcake
    -Me whilst talking to mah bzpeeps. This is sheer brilliance and I must develop and master this art. I assume it involves hugging someone from behind and presenting a cupcake into their field of vision as a surprise.
    Also, bzpeeps is now a word.
    Whassat, Billy? You're afraid that if you eat a single cupcake, you'll gain five pounds?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, thanks to some random hobo my good friend who is smart, beautiful, cunning, clever, wise, handsome (I mean, that's some hand), nice, kind, great... uh... (uses Thesaurus beyond this point) amusing, funny, waggish, witty, sharp, intelligent, scholarly, bookish, pedantic, obscure, vague, scatterbrained, careless, senseless, futile and all-around hopeless, I was given a free ticket to change my member title. ^^ (In an unrelated note, playing the telephone game via thesaurus in Word starting with the word "amusing" can be fun. XD).
    A huuuge thanks again. ^^ I'm honored. (The thanks... IT'S TOO HUGE! GET THE TANKS! THE TANKS! D= )
    So, I went with "Illusory Instigator" for a few different reasons. Illusory meaning "based on illusion" or "based on fantasy" and instigator being "a person who initiates a course of action," I decided it to mean something along the lines of "Someone who begins actions in a world of fantasy" or simply "someone who creates fictional stories" (it's a bit of a stretch, I know... Okay, maybe a large stretch).
    Though, the other, more literal meaning of the phrase implies "A person who uses deceptive means to cause trouble."
    I'd say that also fits me quite well in certain circumstances (ask Akano. He can vouch for this I'm sure. XD).
    I also liked the alliteration. ^^
    Anyway, here's the list of titles that, unfortunately, did not come to be:
    The Surreal Forger (I didn't quite like the flow of the words together and "Forger" has a connotation of "a falsifier" or "someone who creates counterfeits." That didn't seem to mesh with what I was going for in the double-meaning).
    The Rock that Killed Teridax with his Ninjutsu (It just seemed a bit too long, plus Nuile and Hahli Husky both agreed to retract the title if I chose something too silly. XD).
    Super Mega King of Awesome (Though a fact, it would just seem like bragging. XP).
    Kawaii Desu Plushie
    The Duck in Ur BaSE
    Cat; I'm a Kitty Cat
    And I Dance Dance Dance and I Dance Dance Dance
    I'm Firin' my BWAAAAAAAA!
    This is an Original Title (You know... because everypony wants to be original).
    Insert Title Here
    Old Man Jenkins (Mainly to fit with my Blog Title, though I thought it was too goofy. XD. Kudos if you get the reference).
    Hmm... That reminds me...
    ~Tekulo <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Frozen is coming
    I haven't abandoned my Rapunzel's Tower remake. Quite the contrary: while ordering pick a bricks for the base of the tower, I was browsing through sets and I realized something. Cinderella's carriage set could make a wonderful palace set for Elsa. Not only that, but Cinderella, with a bit of work, could be made to look like Elsa. I don't have the set in yet, but I have been toying around with some pieces I do have and I figured out Elsa's train! Wahoo!
    I also have an Anna prototype done. Her color scheme so far is darker than what was in the movie, but I kinda like it better. Actually she might be as good as she's going to get since Friends torsos are limited compared to regular figs.
    Anyway, I'm hoping to turn the carriage into either a mini version of the palace or just a small room. It won't be as extravagant as Rapunzel's tower.
    ~Tekulo <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The Mask of Change
    Whew, this was really fun to write! It's been a while since I've attempted a BIONICLE story, but I hope it's at least enjoyable.
    This is the second short story addition for Volition. We started it off with A Destiny Chosen. We have more stories in the works, so hopefully we'll continue getting them out in a timely manner.
    ~Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Does anyone want a Scyther with Technician?
    I have like a box full of them and I kinda just want them gone. I already have a Scizor with that ability, and it has come in handy so many times for Legendary Hunting.
    They're all lvl 1.
    Friend Code: 1590-5239-4085
    Also, I have shinies up for trade.
    Zoroark lvl 60
    Porygon Z lvl 50
    Haxorus lvl 60
    Raikou lvl 50
    Rayquaza lvl 70
    Munna lvl 15
    Meowstic (male) lvl 61
    Shiny for Shiny.
    ~Tekulo <3
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I am no longer calling them MOC-OC's. (Mock-Oh-see).
    I am now referring to them as MOCs (mocks) because it's easy enough and splitting hairs on what to call fan creations is pedantic.
    I still may call them MOC-OCs in my head and giggle at random. Feel free to judge, but just know I will not forget such an action.
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It dawns on me that I never blogged about my vacation. I'll prolly do a draft for my own records, but I dunno if anyone is interested in an adventure involving great food, dolphin sightings and parasailing.
    (I'm a blogging genius!)
    So, this latest episode of Gravity Falls...
    Seriously, the new episode is everything I wanted it to be and more. <3
    "I'm not afraid anymore, mother."
    ~The Duchess Approves
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I've heard back from my summer job and they are interested in having me back for summer 2017. That's all well and good, but honestly I'm a bit nervous about a few things. If I go it means I'd have to bring a laptop so I could job hunt properly. Also if I'm applying there would be virtually no way for me to receive phone calls as there is no cell service. I'm hesitant to bring anything that valuable as the security up there is pretty bad. Plus I'd be sharing a room again with two strangers. My laptop is new and cost me several dollars. I kinda don't want it stolen.
    There are a couple of other jobs I've applied to as well. It would mean I'd move out of my parent's house (Thank freaking Smooze) and I'd be living with an awesome friend of mine (which would be a much welcome change of pace). Ideally I would be working at a bakery (which are the jobs I've applied to) and everything in that area is walkable so I wouldn't have to worry about not having a car.
    Honestly I'm hoping for the latter of two scenarios to play out.
    Honestly I've been stressing out a lot about the future as of late, and I think my seasonal depression is kicking in which is just lovely (and by lovely I actually mean it is terrible and I hate having to live with it). Still, there hasn't been anything alarming as far as my depression goes since the start of the year, so it's manageable at least.
    Still, the worst case scenario right now is that I take a summer job instead of something full time, so life could totally be worse right now.
    Stay Swaggin'
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Me: Hmm, you know, I never read it before... Do you know what Of Mice and Men is about?
    KK: Probably men and mice.
    Me: -insert 20 second I-give-up glare in his general direction- ... It's like pulling teeth with you...
    ~Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I spent Thanksgiving being a social recluse and playing Phoenix Wright. I'm on Rise from the Ashes, and I'm cross examining Officer Meekins.
    He is a dumb.
    Anyway, Akano has gone back to whence he came. But I'm also going to visit him in about a week, so there's that.
    ~Tekulo <3
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I've played with LEGO since I was a kid. It all started with a LEGO City set with a female minifigure I named Megan. I gave her all of the powers of a Powerpuff girl. She fought crime, battled monsters and generally saved the day.
    Then one day I decided she should probably have a love interest. So, I picked a fire fighter minifig and named him Jack (because Titanic was a popular romance movie at the time, and that love interest was named Jack, so I figured it would work). While Jack had no special powers of his own, he... well he was indeed a love interest.
    Their son, however, grew up into a super smarty smart and built himself a super powered robot suit. But that's getting ahead of myself.
    Anyway, I figured it might be neat to write a story about my LEGO collection, starting with my first minifig loves.
    Light and Shadow
    Beware, it's probably horribly written and super depressing. It is being written by me after all.
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I guess I could tell you peeps that I'm gender queer. Well I mean I'm not even sure if that's the right descriptor really. Basically I'm not sure what my gender identity is, but I just know it's not cis.
    Like sometimes I feel more feminine and being "male" doesn't seem to fit quite right. I mean I am totally fine with masculine pronouns (probably because I really don't care either way and it's what I've answered to all my life so close enough).
    I mean there have been times when I travel where I get mistaken for a woman and that actually makes me like so happy. And I am growing my hair long to donate it, but I also personally like it long. I guess it can make me look sort of androgynous and that's kinda where I'm most comfortable?
    I'm probably not explaining this properly and there is more that goes with this. The thing is though, gender roles are kinda meaningless to me (Said the gay Baker with long hair who loves Princess Tutu) so it's not really easy for me to explain.
    But this really doesn't change anything around here, and I'm mostly just posting this to keep y'all in the loop and because it's Pride Month and I really need some pride in what I am this week.
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It is April Fools and the site name is not BZKejigger, BionIcle Zoidberg Power, Chima Power, HipsterTohu, or Billy Lawn Power...
    What gives? I am disappoint.
    ~ Tekulo <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I'm just going to put up an entry about my old characters from when I was a teenager. Mainly just two of them. This is going to get really nerdy and angsty, just so you know.
    Back in the day I used to play RPGs and actually put thought into the characters I played. I was a part of this one Zelda RPG years ago which was pretty fun. I created a character named Sora (and no, I didn't know this was the name for the protagonist for Kingdom Hearts. XD). I was (am) weaboo trash, so I was looking up names that meant sky in Japanese, so I decided to go with it. The character I chose was a Skull Kid from the Legend of Zelda series who was magically transformed into a Hylian due to Great Fairy technology (magic). His backstory was that he became lost in the Kokiri Forest when he was a child and transformed into a Skull Kid. And after that Sora kinda lost himself. He became alone and isolated from society and kinda feral. I think I had him begin to lure other children into the woods so they would transform like he did. Then he thought he would have a friend in the world. Though, I don't think that ended the way he had hoped. I never really fleshed out this part of his backstory, but I would imagine, had he been successful in turning other children, that they would have run off on their own and want nothing to do with Sora. At this point he had even forgotten his own name and most memories from his childhood.
    One day he stumbled into the Great Fairy's fountain by mistake. Taken aback by her presence, Sora was frightened. Seeing this poor creature in front of her, the Great Fairy of the Kokiri Forest bestowed an enchanted amulet upon him. Once it went around his neck, he transformed into a Hylian. It had a sort of calming effect on him at the time, though he wasn't sure why. While he still couldn't remember where he had come from, he did remember the name Sora, and assumed it was his own. Though the Great Fairy did not bestow the amulet freely. She explained that with its magic he could travel the land of Hyrule freely without fear of being attacked by Hylians. However, she explained that she had sensed a danger arriving in the land and tasked him, should he accept, with seeking out all of the Great Fairy fountains across Hyrule and gathering magic from each Great Fairy. Wanting to know more about his past and the world outside the forest, Sora agreed to take on this duty. He had a few different powers at his disposal. He could turn decaying organic matter into healing fairies (mostly dead trees and the like. Though while this could be used on a body, I don't think he ever used his powers in this manner). He could also, with enough magic, transform into a forest fairy himself. The small size and ability of flight would assist him and others on his journeys.
    Over the course of the RPG, Sora would go on to meet and old childhood friend, befriend Vaati, travel the world and play a role in saving Hyrule from... Sephiroth I think? It was a weird Final Fantasy crossover thing we had going on. XD Ultimately when the main story came to an end, his amulet had to be returned (or it lost its power or something, I'm not sure). After that he transformed back into a Skull Kid. He hid himself in a cloak, afraid what his teammates would think if they saw him as a monster. He knew Hyrule wasn't made for a Skull Kid. He chose to return to the Kokiri Forest in the end, after a bittersweet goodbye to his friends.
    In a way Sora's story was about personal atonement, freedom and saying goodbye. Though, his story didn't end when he returned to the forest. I imagine he needed some time to think things through and decide what he wanted from his life. For him I suppose it was like peering through the looking glass. Taking a look at the world he lost as a child, maybe seeing what things could have been like if he were never lost. He's actually one of my favorites from my old OC file (just pretend I keep a file with all of my OCs in it).
    Now onto Cecilia.
    Cecilia was only ever a concept. I'm sorry to say I never could find quite the right story for her. She started as a drawing. I decided to sketch a small pink fairy inspired by the healing fairies in The Legend of Zelda games. Her personality came later. I imagined her as a young fairy who was naive and a bit unworldly. She hadn't been sent out into the world yet to begin healing and she had a penchant for joking irreverently about death. Her laughter was said to make the older fairies sigh. While she was perhaps cruel, she still wasn't a monster. She was kind enough and she was loved by her peers, but her cheek would get her into trouble from time to time. Originally I had wanted her to go into the world for her first time and comically get bottled by Link. I had this idea that she would spend her time lost in his hammer space bored out of her mind, unhappily wishing the worst on her captor. Of course that story ended when Link ran out of hearts, and Cecilia, finally being released would begin to fly free, but then look down at Link in his injured state and somewhat reluctantly heal him. It was an idea for a coming of age type of story and having her grow as a person, learning her role in the world and why she was given the ability to heal. I never did find quite the right way to execute this story without it coming off as preachy. I imagine after that experience Cecilia would have started to change. Not all at once, and maybe she even continued with her dark sense of humor. However, over time I feel like maybe she would have abandoned that character trait or at least have softened her blows. And that's not to say that she decided to censor herself for the benefit of others, heavens no! That doesn't fit with her character at all in my opinion. I wanted to show that she as a character herself outgrew that sort of irreverence. It was never something I ever felt I could properly do justice to.
    And thus concludes a couple of character ideas I came up with years ago, the end.
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Maybe it has to do with the fact I ranted last night, but for some reason my frustrations lead me to do fan stuff for Once.

    Regina (queen/mayor) and Emma. These two are gonna be best friends before this show is over. Emma is one of my favorite protags in a show. Regina is a fantastic character when the show knows what it's doing.
    Not loving where this season is headed so far, but I am liking Maleficent's backstory potential. So long as it's not another Neverland arc I think I'll be good. The past season was good, but not spectacular.
    Also, Belle, you asked for help with a complex ancient spell in our world and got advice online from a university professor which told you how to use magic to get people out of a hat... And you seriously thought none of that was suspicious at all... I... I just...
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Tonight's season finale was wonderful
    Everything I wanted it to be and more. Despite the show's over-use of fantastical and overly intricate plotlines, it still finds a way to be heartwarming.
    Also I totally ship Emma and Hook. I have for a while, and Aaaaaa so happy. ;u;
    Regina really really needs a happy ending, oh my gosh... (though she kinda had this one coming)
    ~ Tekulo <3
  19. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I got The Zombies today! ^^ It's a pretty cool set too, let me tell you. I've taken a bunch of pictures and all, but being my first set review, and the fact that uploading all pictures to my computer is a PAIN (Y U NO HAVE SLOT FOR SD CARDS?!), the quality of the pictures aren't going to be too great. =/
    Live, learn and figure out the lighting, I never always say.
    In other events, the pita bread I made at 4 AM today turned out pretty nicely. ^^
    Though, between sorting lego bricks, building and taking pictures, I managed to lose track of both my time and sanity.
    Colors have such pretty voices by the way. I love going to the library to smell their music. <3
  20. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I think I've been on this site for almost seventeen years.  In that time I've made a terrible comic series, had some fun in General Art, added a handful of unfinished stories to the library and made a few friends and acquaintances along the way.   If any of you here want to keep in contact, my twitter handle is attached to my profile.  It's goofy and weird and a bit of a mess, just like my time on this site.                           
    The more time has passed, the more I recognize that the only thing keeping me coming back to this site is my blog.  And really all I've used it for lately is to complain about life's frustrations.  
    I'm tired of being someone who only complains.  I know my content used to be goofy and silly and full of...  well, more than what it is now.  
    I've been lucky during my time here.  I can't say I've been a victim of any sort of prejudice or attacks.  But due to more recent statements, it appears I was ignorant to the other members that had been victims of such actions.  
    I also feel I haven't always been the most supportive member of the LGBT+ community on here to my fellow LGBT+ peers.  I feel I remained silent when I should have spoken out.  I feel I was inconsiderate during one or more occasions.  If I ever caused any grief, I apologize.  Being gay myself is no excuse for instances of lashing out due to internalized homophobia.
    This website held a lot of personal milestones for me.  When I was nervous about coming out to my family, I sought advice from an openly gay staff member of the site.  I came out publicly here before I did to the rest of my family and friends and was mostly met with support.  That meant the world to me.  I like to think the person I am today was molded in part by the experiences I've had on this site.
    However, it would appear bzpower is no longer a place where I feel comfortable or safe.  And so I shall be logging off.  I hope one day things will be better and I can feel comfortable logging back in again.  But I kinda doubt that will happen.
    So, for what is perhaps the final time...
    ~Tekulo <3
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