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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Everything posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Hmm... So, I've been brainstorming my story a ton lately (not actually writing any chapters, just brainstorming) and the ending of my story changed from something kinda fantastic to something a little more realistic and mysterious. I like the new ending a lot better, actually, but has anything like this happened to any other writers here? Having a planned project that changed significantly over time (without planning on changing anything)? And then he read the posts above his and realized a very similar question has just been asked. XDSo, that will be my response. Yes, something like that has happened to me while writing one of my stories. XD
  2. That's great, Alyska! ^^I looked back at what he said, and he mentioned panning it out a bit more. I think he means "look at this through the eyes of the parents" or something along those lines. After all, the parents are the ones who are going to buy toys for their children, so if you're going to appeal to them you may have to alter your pitch a bit.Personally, I'd start with "This is the idea, and this is what separates this toy from all of the other toys for girls out there" which should be relatively easy (you know, considering on how new/unique this idea is for a girls' toy). Anyway, this is your project so you can decide for yourself. ^^; Still, if you'd ever like a second opinion, I'm sure we'd all be ready to discuss.I'm not too sure what he meant by "mommybloggers." I'm sure they're blogs written by mothers, but I'm not certain where to start with that. I'd ask the Lego staff member to provide a link if possible.At any rate, I'm glad to hear your project got some feedback at least. Here's hoping for the best!
  3. Looking into the memes of My Little Pony is a new favorite pass-time of mine. XDOn a totally unrelated note, does anyone here like bananas? >=D
  4. Trollestia does not allow this. So, you don't like ponies. Well, that's good because you're not going to find any ponies ON THE MOOOOOOONNNNNNNNAAAAA! (Aka Trollestia bans you to the moon due to your lewd wish). XDI wish I had a canon that could fire things to the moon.
  5. I really love these. I actually think these stories have inspired my last two short stories a bit, although you do a much better job with these characters. XDYou know, these two have been so dark that I wonder what Kongu's might be like. I'm really looking forward to Matoro's story the most.Personally, I liked What We Destroy better. I think it had a bit more dialogue and mystery to it (as Hahli was on Mata Nui after it was destroyed and that, I thought, worked a lot better with the overall theme than Metru Nui with this story).Good luck with these stories; they're really good reads. ^^
  6. I'd like to finish my epic, Dare to Dream.I'd like to continue writing and come up with a good Short Story that I can be fully happy with (this will never happen. XD).Maybe even make a sequel to my epic. ^^Also, most importantly, I'd like to just meet and talk with a bunch of other people. Hi other people! =D XD
  7. Granted. School is now ON THE MOOOOOOONNNNNNAAAAAA! The commute is very long and tiresome, but school no longer exists on Earth. I wish the snowman in my signature would start to dance around.
  8. Granted. All of the pieces went through a cooling error and break.I wish I had a magical energy orb.
  9. I know where I can find bananas! ON THE MOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNAAAAAAAA!

  10. I've hated that about Bionicle too (as you might have guessed from earlier rants. XDD). I prefer centering around my characters where magic exists in their universe. I think those types of stories allow more elements of faith, symbolism and it prevents you from looking so far into the story that you no longer see what the story is about. That and, you know, we're talking about creatures that control the elements and have masks that do the impossible... totally doesn't sound like magic in any way shape or form to me. XDHmm, those stories sound interesting. Though, I've already heard about Discworld before. I'll have to check them out sometime. ^^ I'd be interested in a comedy with those characters. They do sound entertaining so far, Alyska. XD
  11. Hehe I like it. ^^ The "Magic science!" line had me laughing a bit.And monster truck shows? O.o I watch shows about ponies thank you very much. XDAnd Alyska, that's pure evil in a Vegemite can. XD I haven't seen the new comics for the Teen Titans, though seeing the older comic designs of the characters, I'm liking some more than others.
  12. Granted. You give up your eyes in order to be one with darkness. You cannot see and your powers of death only effect mosquitos for some reason. However, you do have a dog that assists you with day to day things and the dog just looks so adorable! ^^I wish I had a cupcake. ^^
  13. Ten points for Zippy.The scores are as shown.Zippy: 10Alyska: A Green PenguinAlex: A Chocolate Chip CookieGSR: Eternal Fame and Glory XDAnyway -coughbackontopiccough- I haven't seen Porco Rosso, but that does sound like a character Miyazaki would use. Even when the main character was a man (Princess Mononoke), the princess was extremely fierce and independent, and even the women working in the town were strong and hard working. I really haven't seen too much of that in culture these days. Although, maybe Tiana from the Princess and the Frog as she really is a hard worker throughout the film (even to a fault. ^^; )I've heard that her book isn't as good as the movie. Although, I love Sophie's character. She isn't the typical strong and independent type, and yet she goes through a great adventure and you get to follow her character development. ^^ Chihiro in Spirited Away was similar to her, I think, only she was a child where Sophie was an adult. They do wind up with a love interest at the end, but even so I think that's more along the lines of "Good things happen to good people" type of theme as opposed to "look at the romance, it's romance!" type of story. I'd love to see more of that in American culture dealing with women. I'm so glad the movies have been translated into English. ^^Gender neutral is a good idea, but it has to be done right. I like how Teen Titans went about it. There was action, but there were also internal struggles. I think a proper balance between the two allowed room for a pretty gender neutral story. After all, I wouldn't call Starfire a spokesmen for boys, but I wouldn't call Beast Boy someone girls would be particularly interested in. There was romance between Starfire and Robin, but Raven remained independent (she and Beast Boy remained close friends as opposed to romantic interests -as they were in the comics, or so I've heard-). (Sorry, I'm a broken record with this example, but it's really one of the few things besides Studio Ghibli that comes to mind when I think "gender neutral" ><)As for clothing, I only really pay attention to the guys' section... Though, I don't really have too many complaints because most nerdy shirts and things can be found for a decent price at superstores (thank you video game popularity. ^^).
  14. I'm thinking of changing my username...

  15. -.- -.e o.o O.o O.O x_XIt doesn't look like it ended well...I wish I had a muffin.
  16. Wait, the new Pixar film? You mean Brave? I want to see that movie more than any other. I really don't get excited about too many movies (because Hollywood is totally out of all things original and are reduced to superhero puddles of films, which are fine for, say, The Dark Knight, but they get old after so many viewings).I'm not excited because it's a female lead; I'm excited because of how dark it's looking. I'm a huge fan of classic fairy tales and the Brothers Grimm, and this movie is said to be very much in the style of a classic Brothers Grimm story. I heard it was originally going to be called The Bear and the Bow. A movie like that sounds like a perfect cup of tea and crumpets for someone like me. ^^As far as the color pink goes, I don't hate it. I mean, Pinkiepie is pink (Pink is in her name) and she's just awesome. XD I just don't like it when everything turns into a monochromatic blah. Heck, Howl from Howl's Moving Castle wears a pink jacket. XD Speaking of which, have any of you guys seen any Hayao Miyazaki films? His protagonists tend to be women, and they tend to be pretty well developed characters too. Howl's Moving Castle is my personal favorite. ^^
  17. Ah, that's right! I have high hopes for the super hero show coming out. ^^I haven't heard of the monster high one. Still I do like female characters who aren't just girly. Granted I'm a fan of Starfire from Teen Titans (as well as Raven and Tera), but she's not pink, her eyes are green (bonus) and her personality is hilarious. Not to mention the fact she's super strong and fires star bolts and laser eye beams. ^^
  18. Granted. You can summon dust particles. Outside of Haunted Houses, your powers are not needed.I wish I had a book!
  19. Granted. You are their caretaker and must care for them all. You do not have the finances to open a zoo. You cannot care for them. Chaos ensues.I wish that could be a real story. XD It sounds interesting.
  20. Yeah, I see LEGO Friends much like I see the sand element in Bionicle. If it's either going to be yet another separate element even though it isn't (earth and stone are the same thing, I don't care how much you argue. It's like saying ice isn't water even though it is), then I'd rather have it be nothing to the story at all. =/And even if it does crash and burn, that doesn't mean Lego will always give up on it. They know that there's marketing potential and money to be made by targeting a female audience. They'd better get it right or the company is going to lose business. Granted, if it all crashed and burned in a horrific fiery death easily comparable to Krakatoa, they would probably shy away from that line of thinking for probably around ten or so years (I am basing this on totally nothing aside from logic XD). Still, I'm sure they'd come back with a new idea eventually. After all, they took the time and effort to make a toy line for girls (which shows they know the marketing potential and that they are serious about this in some form), and with MLP's success (and hopefully Lauren Faust along with others with similar goals will have some influence on other marketing), then who knows what the next approach will be? I'm not saying it's going to definitely happen, but there's a plausible chance that Lego could come out with something decent for all or most ages in the girls' department. Although, if it's going to be generic and totally miss the target, then I'm inclined to say "maybe it's better without." =/ If Lego Friends is successful, that means consumers are saying "We want more of this product" and then it's not very likely to change due to the fact that it sells. That's why I'm hoping for a "crash and burn" option; I know Lego can do better. (My word, if I were in charge of the Lego Friends project, then all of my employees would totally hate me. XDD).Anyway, I understand that it's a first approach, but when you start off with a girly product, and if said girly product sells... I just worry the girls toys will always be a boring pink blah. -.-
  21. I just made my account the other day so I could support your project. Mine's Gold777547 (the same as my regular Lego account). Also, it takes more than 24 hours for the results to really be guessed at. Heck, I've posted three short stories here on BZP and only one of them has any replies to it (and that was probably only because of the popularity of the contest). The other two are sinking slowly into the abyss. XDD Does that mean I'm going to stop writing stories? Nope. ^^ (Much to the dismay of many, many -aka like 7- people who frequent the SS forum. XDD).Although I have gotten some feedback on those stories elsewhere... Still, these things take time. You never know when something like this could be picked up, and it certainly wouldn't go anywhere if it weren't up on Cuusoo to begin with.I'm kinda hoping the LEGO Friends line will crash and burn... Well, not totally, but I hope it will ultimately fail or transform into something less... pink and frilly... O.e I remember Bellville sets were at least... interesting due to the unique colors and pieces. These do not look promising in the slightest to me, unfortunately...Wasn't there a quote from Walt Disney that basically said something along the lines of "If you only market to children, you will fail"? Look at Hayao Miyazaki, Teen Titans and the older Disney movies. They are all enjoyable for all audiences. With Lego, it just seems like they're marketing to children first and foremost, especially with this new girls' line. I really don't think it will hold up, or rather I really hope it doesn't hold up... =/
  22. 1) Pinkie Pie2) Rarity (or any other pony aside from Rainbowdash. XD).3) Gummy4) Fluttershy
  23. Grante- oh wait... Sorry, Pinkiepie already beat you to it... The 89th wall no longer exists.I wish I had a hammer!
  24. Well, Luna and Celestia were royalty. They would have to be well educated, and Starswirl the Bearded was a very influential figure in the field of magic. She probably recognized an illustration of him or it's possible that she saw his wardrobe on display at a museum. It's also possible that old Starswirl found a way to make himself live really really long. After all, we still know know the life span of ponies for certain. Maybe unicorns live longer naturally?Or Luna and Celestia could have been around, but not as rulers. Due to their ridiculously long life spans, maybe they were students of Starswirl? If they're over a thousand years old and still looking young, imagine how long their childhoods must have been. @_@
  25. Granted. All of your television sets fizzle and die. Their warrenty expired and TVs everywhere go off the market. You can never play video games again.I wish I had a blue horse.
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