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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Everything posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Granted. It is the 10th remake as Hollywood is out of original ideas. Everything is wrong about the movie and it's not even the same story anymore. They decided to make this one a musical with horrible lyrics, bad melody and the choreography is extremely lack-luster. Your hope and innocence are forever lost in a sea of disappointment. I wish I had a nickle! =D
  2. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!-cough- So, yeah... Akano's here visiting and we watched MLP episodes. I'm pretty happy right now. XDD
  3. Granted. You realize that you want to wish for a dolphin as a pet so you could ride it into the second dimension and save an entire race from evil and then be named the supreme overlord. Unfortunately you wasted your wish when you wished you knew what to wish for, and now you cannot wish for said wish you wished in wishful thinking. You are a sad panda.I wish for said wish of the dolphin.
  4. A science kit isn't a bad idea if the kid likes to do things kinetically. Also, board games are pretty good gender neutral gifts, and that way you could use it as an excuse to bond as a family (Apples to Apples, Tabboo, etc). Of course there are other things like puzzles and those really neat old-world toys (mountain bolo, exploding nickle banks, marionettes, nail puzzles, etc. I loved those as a kid. ^^). Then again, Sudoku can be fun too... (My word, am I the lamest person on the planet? O.o ... Meh, I can live with that. XP).... Does My Little Pony count as gender neutral? XDD
  5. Finally read every entry. This is a really good batch of stories and I really enjoyed them all! For me, the contest was between Ignition and Divided We Fall. I ended up voting for Divided We Fall, it was just beautiful and I thought it fit the theme of the contest the best.Really great stories here, and I look forward to seeing the top three (though, I seriously doubt mine could beat these entries. O.o I can't wait to read the winners!) Good luck!
  6. Granted. You are told it's rabbit season, so you turn yourself into a duck. It's actually duck season. Ain't he a stinker? XPI wish I lived in a cartoon universe.
  7. ... Nikila is best pony toa! D=I think her character is fascinating, and I wish we could see her in a flashback of sorts. Of course, I'm already kinda using her for something, so yay for fanfiction. XPI feel like I need more male characters in my stories... ... ... How do I write a male character? O.o XD (Sorry... just a private joke. I tend to focus on female characters more than male characters whenever I write. Not really intentionally, but it's something I've noticed).And not all disposable characters are women in Bionicle. I mean, just look at Podu... (Okay, sorry, but Podu's the best example I have for that. XD). Though, I guess if it was a relative, then calling her "the woman you loved" is a bit presumptuous (Did... I just spell that correctly on the first try? O.o) of a romantic interest. Although, I'd have to actually read the story to give a good opinion... =/Curious: Do any of you guys shop differently for Christmas gifts based on the gender of the recipient? Like, a kid sibling or a cousin. I remember my brother once wanted to get me a girl's lego set because it came with a bunch of the cat pieces (which are totally adorable), but when my mom found out about his plan, she... persuaded him to shop differently. XD (This was when we were still kids. =') )
  8. Granted. However, my vengeful ghost who died in a suicide incident reeks havoc on your karate skills. The poor, demented soul takes over your entire body and attempts a very advanced and complicated move. In turn, you lose the basic functions of your left pinkie toe. This throws off your balance ten fold and are never able to walk properly (or do Karate properly for that matter) ever again.I wish I had a kitty.
  9. Granted. Your fanbase is extremely demanding and as a result you must do a high dive into a small glass of water. You chicken out last minute because you were afraid of drowning or something, and your fans turn on you. You change your name and move to a new town, dye your hair (the works) and you find true love and live the rest of your days as a traveling dude of sorts. Unfortunately, your true love was a fan of you when you were famous and when your true love discovers your secret identity your true love is furious and forces you to sleep on a lumpy couch for the rest of your life. You never get a good night's sleep ever again (yeah, the couch travels with you. XD).I wish I could do a high dive.
  10. Granted, however the sword's only functioning purpose seems to be that of opening cans. You try to swing it against that hobgoblin over there, but sadly, the sword does not cooperate. Reaching for the owner's manual, you see in the fine print "for opening cans ONLY"The hobgoblin enslaves you and you are forced to dance the dancey dance of doom for all time.I wish I knew how to dance other than the caramelldansen.
  11. Granted, but unfortunately, my vengeful ghost who was killed in a potato-related accident will not stand for this and haunts you during every waking moment. Losing your ability to sleep has cost you your freedom from a vengeful ghost as sleep is the only escape from the haunting.I wish I wasn't so vengeful. O.o
  12. I know, right? I'm allowed to be happy about ponies if I want! ... Right? O.o XPBy the way, the quote in your sig is fabulous. XD
  13. Come on you guys, shipping cartoon flash animated ponies based on a toy line intended for little girls isn't for everyone.Also, not shipping cartoon flash animated ponies based on a toy line intended for little girls isn't for everyone (because said shipping, when done correctly, is really really cute. ^///^; )In the immortal words of Pinkiepie; "Well, duh!"Anyway, I've had Pinkiepie's parasprite polka stuck in my head for a while now. XD Such a catchy song. ^^
  14. Granted. The space-traversing pirates win the war.I wish I had a Pinkie Pie sense.
  15. Granted. The machine who grants all of these wishes notices the paradox and says "Does not compute... Does not compute! D=" and explodes. Nobody's wish is ever granted or corrupted again and this game comes to a close. You are entirely to blame and wind up exiled on a distant chunk of cheese in space.I wish you understood my previous wish. XD
  16. Granted. The pancakes are pirates, however, and begin a riot against all you ninjas. ;DI wish I knew which wish corruption to go on for my previous wish. XD
  17. (Okay, so I typed out a post for this topic, but then I realized it was totally off topic, but I thought what I wrote was just too funny to delete, so I added it at the beginning of my interests column -not that anyone actually cares-. I apologize for the inconvenience. XP).Canon Kiina actually sounds interesting now... O.o She had a crush on Mata Nui and her personality was bitter? Looks like I shouldn't judge a character by their movie counterpart (Sidorak is another good example of that). ^^'I have yet to read Sahmad's Tale, so I can't say. But it could also be something along the lines of a kid sister (unless we know that's not the case). Considering how much romance has been down-played in Bionicle, I wouldn't be surprised (and don't get me wrong, I understand perfectly why it was avoided. Romance stories are something to be careful with lest you be left with a mushy gushy disappointment, and I actually kinda like how that's something that's open to the fanbase. It's given me some great inspiration).I ended up writing that short story about Hahli. I'm not totally happy with it, but I'm not totally unhappy with it either. Here's what happened: "I'm gonna write about a Jaller/Hahli ship! 8D"Later"... This doesn't focus on shipping at all. O.o" XD
  18. Granted. You are bombarded with thousands of pizzas. Your home is known as the great Mt. Pizazz. Unfortunately the pizzas are not consumed before they go bad. Your entire neighborhood needs to relocate for sanitation reasons. Your new home has a horrible view and you are known as that one kid who moved an entire neighborhood to a place with a horrible view and so you are disliked far and wide. I wish I could go back to sleep.
  19. Stasis Darkness was all around. A heavy machine lifted rubble in the background. Clicks and clanks could be heard darting back and forth across the walls of buildings as well as the whirrs of buzz saws as they chimed in content. Ussal crabs scurried here and there transporting rubble or supplies. As soon as one popped into one’s line of vision, it would just as quickly fade out of sight, leaving only the sound of its steps as company. Yes, Onu-Metru was strangely calming despite how busy it was.Hahli’s mind wandered free as she traveled through this district. The clicks, clanks and whirrs seemed to speak an untold language that left her in a trance.“Welcome, Chronicler,” a solemn voice spoke.Hahli snapped out of her trance.“Greetings, Turaga Whenua,” Hahli met the turaga in a respectful tone. She dismounted a familiar ussal crab.“I see you brought Pewku with you. I thought she was in the care of Jaller these days?” Turaga Whenua inquired, adjusting his grey kanohi Ruru as he tried to recall past events.“Yes! She is. I borrowed her after a visit in Ta-Metru, just for a while.” Hahli explained, a little sheepish.The turaga beckoned Hahli to follow and he began to lead her to the entrance of a large, underground building.“I hear you have been visiting Ta-Metru quite a bit,” he mentioned with a bit of interest.Hahli lowered her head slightly in embarrassment as she followed closely behind the turaga.“I just want to be able to explore as much of this city as possible- for the new Wall of History, that is,”That wasn’t completely true, and it was actually a weak excuse on her part. The truth was she wanted nothing more than to spend time with Jaller, captain of the guard. Hahli ran the scene through her head one more time, after she had heard the news of his death back on Mata Nui. She was relieved, no, elated to see him come to life before her eyes. It was a miracle that he was still in her life, and each day since she had been grateful for the life of her friend.“Well, there certainly is a lot to see here in the archives!” Turaga Whenua went on and on about the rahi exhibits- how many of their specimens had escaped, as well as the progress of clearing the debris and restoration. Hahli was relieved he didn’t continue to question her modus operandi and relaxed a bit.The exhibits were fascinating; some with bitter memories such as bohrok and rahkshi, others that were new and strange such as a kikanalo beast, but the one that caught Hahli’s eye above the others was something simple and all too familiar. She paused in her steps when her eyes met those of a small, small Ruki fish that was frozen in a stasis tube. Hahli couldn’t help but feel pity for the creature.It’s so dark down here underground. I wonder if it dreams of its home; of the waves that enveloped its body once. It looks to be so young too. I wonder what life it might have had in the sea, free from this cage and able to grow strong.Hahli continued to think back to her home on Mata Nui, where Ruki were wild and would swim in the light of day with no care in the world.Turaga Whenua paused when he noticed the chronicler was no longer following. He looked back and saw Hahli around fifteen feet behind him.“Is something the matter, Chronicler?”Hahli jolted back to reality.“Oh, I’m sorry, Turaga. I was just thinking. Please, continue.” She quickly caught up to Turaga Whenua.He then continued to talk of all of the adventures the Toa Metru faced here in the archives; retrieving the Great Disk, the breach after the Great Cataclysm and so on. However, Hahli couldn’t help but send one last glance at the Ruki fish before she continued.***“Hahli!”Hahli wasn’t sure whose voice called out to her. All she could see was a fiery pit that was drawing closer. No, it wasn’t the pit that was moving, but rather it was Hahli who was spiraling towards a doom of cinders and flame.Before she could act, she felt her body being caught gently in the arms of a friend.J-Jaller?!Hahli’s heart-light skipped a beat. This was like a scene out of a tale of whimsy, surely a dream.It wasn’t a dream.They landed on a cliff past the lava. Jaller let Hahli down gently. They shared a bashful look for a few moments before a booming voice brought the both of them back to their senses.“Now, whatever was that fancy grab-catching there, fire-spitter?” Kongu chittered.“I-I’m not sure. I just… knew I needed to act and I felt my mask react-“ Jaller seemed dumb-founded.The rest of the toa continued to discuss the discovery of Jaller’s mask power.That’s right… We’re toa now, Hahli thought to herself. It was his mask… it wanted to protect a fellow toa… nothing more...The Toa Inika were still not used to the fact that their masks were… alive.Hahli walked towards the back of the group, deep in thought, as they continued forward to find the Toa Nuva. Alongside her was Matoro; a naturally shy observer.“Um… Are you alright, Hahli?” Matoro seemed almost hesitant to ask, his voice worried.“Oh…? Ah, I’m alright, Matoro. I was just thinking.” Hahli said, her face wore a blank expression.“Thinking… about… what, exactly?”“… This really is dangerous, isn’t it?” Both Matoro’s and Hahli’s minds flooded with memories of Karzahni as well as the scene that had just played out a few moments ago. “I mean, of course we all knew this was dangerous from the start, but,” Hahli’s gaze trailed off to the front of the group where Jaller was talking with Hewkii, “what if something happens to one of us?” The reality behind that thought was scary indeed. Her mind went back to the events of Mata Nui. She tried not to think of the possibility of losing her friend again.“… What if something happens to all of us?” Matoro spoke without thinking.Hahli was taken aback by this. She could never explain why, but hearing Matoro just blurt out something like that… it made her giggle. Her giggle turned into a chuckle, which in turn transformed into a full laugh. It wasn’t out of arrogance or even because of humor. Perhaps it was just too dark a thought to be dealt with seriously? At any rate, Matoro slowly began to laugh along with her in their dark, dark humor.“What’s gotten into them?” Nuparu whispered to his companion.“You don’t want to quick-know…” Kongu sighed in a gloomy depression.***Hahli was swimming in the ocean. She felt calm, almost content… almost. A lot had happened in such a short time. The battle on Voya Nui had been brutal. Matoran enslaved and killed, dying of thirst and hunger, forced to use what little they had to defend their home; but Hahli couldn’t think of that now. No, now was not the time for thinking. The entire universe- Mata Nui himself depended on the Toa Mahri. Suddenly, Hahli stopped. A small Ruki fish was swimming, with great difficulty, in front of her. Hahli knew she was deep down and such a young fish was not made to deal with the pressure of the dark ocean. Its chances for survival were slim.Now was not the time for thinking.Hahli continued to move forward; she couldn’t afford to skip another beat in such a crucial situation. As she passed the fish, she used her power to create a quick jet that lead closer to the surface light, and hoped the Ruki fish would be alright. She did not look back; she did not know for certain what fate had in store for such a small creature.I’m sorry… Forgive me, friend, but I am part of something far larger than a Ruki fish.***The Toa Mahri were about to die. Of this, Hahli was certain. The Barraki and their forces had them cornered and Jaller was prepared to unleash a nova blast to clear the playing field. In what appeared their final moments, Matoro’s words rang in Hahli’s head.What if something were to happen to all of us?She closed her eyes.Please, Matoro. Use the mask and save the Great Spirit. Live on… please, Matoro, escape!Hahli felt a change in... a change in what?… She couldn’t quite place what it was, but she let in a gasp.A…Air?!She opened her eyes to see Jaller in front of her, calming himself down to safe levels. Her friends were there in front of her on the shore of Metru Nui.“How did we get here?”“A better question is, how are we breathing air again?”Hahli was speechless until she realized something horrible.“…Where is Matoro?”It was not long before the team realized what they had lost.Hahli didn’t bother looking. There were no Ruki fish here on this dry, dry land. And the darkness? That was something, Hahli was sure, would never go away.
  20. Granted. Batteries are not included (and these things take up a lot of AA batteries, let me tell you. XD). You eventually go bankrupt trying to power your machine.I wish I had a flying carpet.
  21. ... I didn't follow any of the Agori stories at all, but really? There are no canon female Agori characters? =/ But... the best matoran characters (other than Kongu and Tamaru because I'm a sucker for le-matoran) were the female characters!Knocking back the gender limitations, I'd think there would be even more potential for characters (good characters, mind you) to see off the story. =/I really want to write a story about Hahli and Jaller now... I'm planning on making it different than my SSC8 entry, maybe even darker (I actually like that idea. >=D)Although, I like the idea of showing Hahli's side of things rather than Jaller... Maybe I should flip that around sometime? Hmm... That might be interesting to follow the romantic interest from Hewkii's perspective instead of Macku's.
  22. Hehe, that was the joke. ^^ I'm more of a shipper with matoran characters and air elementals myself. ;D (Shipping is a vile disease. D= Then again, it does give some nice story ideas for Hewkii/Macku and Jaller/Hahli fanfics... XP)But Kiina was just too... annoying to be taken seriously... -.- I mean, an interesting demographic would be if she developed a crush on Mata Nui (and if she weren't all pom-pom "Gimme a K!" in her personality I might actually be inclined to be interested... Of course, that would mean ripping her personality apart, inserting a little of this, rewiring that aaaand... You know, I'm starting to see why the GB programmed their female creations: it was to avoid the personality that was Kiina. XD).Joking aside from that very cruel tangent (sorry Kiina... D= ), what does everyone think about female Agori/Glatorian characters? I didn't follow 2010 aside from the movie, so I honestly can't say much =/
  23. Jumping into the present conversation! =DGresh's parents? O.o I hope they are awesome. Seriously, just because they are related to Gresh, I say that makes them 20% cooler in ten seconds flat (wrong topic...)Nice comic, and I like Kiina at the end. XD Kiina... annoyed me greatly in The Legend Reborn... -.- Why is it we have yet to discuss Kiina and who she may or may not be in a relationship with? XDD
  24. Granted. You name everything "Joe" and no longer need to come up with new names. It is not long, however, until you realize you hate the name "Joe"I wish I could be nocturnal.
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