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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I found a pony generator today and decided, since I have nothing else to do with my life, to create a pony-sona.

    So now I am a pony. A gay pony.
    ~Lapis Lazuli <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I will be making my own birthday cake this year as per my own wishes. I wanted to do something LEGO themed again. The last LEGO themed cake I made was this one here.

    So, like that but with less frog face is what I am hoping for. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me trying any lego theme specifically as there is soooooo much to LEGO and I still have yet to make up my mind. Just keep in mind that kissing avatars and banners are allowed on this site, but I will be showing this to my folks. That means no shipping. >=/
    Whassat, Billy? You don't like cake?
    ... Run, Billy. Run as far away from my lawn as fast as humanly possible...
    ~Tekulo <3
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    OH YEAH!
    Whew... Needed to get that off my chest.
    Yeah, the finale next week is looking very promising. ^^
    Well, I think that's about it.
    I'm in a good mood, Billy, so...
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Surprised by the length? Ugh, why didn't you read the tags? =/
    Yeah, so I have this weakness... Whenever I get into a story that I'm really interested in (hook, line, sinker... and it turns out I'm just a rubber boot that got caught on the fishing line. Trololololol), I just can't stop. Be it a book, a show, a video game, etc, I just need to finish it.
    Truth be told I only felt that way, really, about Bionicle 2006. After 2007 I had no further deep desires to see the story end. Not that I'm badmouthing Bionicle or anything (Well, I badmouth whoever's idea it was to kill Teridax with a giant rock. All the time, seriously. XD It's my favorite joke ever. XP), but that's just my opinion and I am allowed to have an opinion. ^^
    Anyway... After a weekend I managed to finish Fullmetal Alchemist (2003), and it's a wonderful show. ^^ Rough around the edges, granted, but it was still pretty awesome. I kinda wish I'd gotten into it sooner, actually. All of the philosophy in there really made me feel nostalgic about when I was around the characters' ages asking the same questions and coming to similar answers. I bet this show could've helped me out with my weird little thoughts about death and life's cycle. But enough about my happy, sun shining childhood. XP
    I'm a bit surprised that Brotherhood apparently has fewer episodes. They really moved things around from the past series based on the first two episodes. =/ I like a few things so far, but I'm mainly noticing that if I started out watching Brotherhood first I'd be going "WHAT THE PANDA?!" all over the bamboo forest that is Fullmetal Alchemist. XP Glad I went with the 2003 version so far. ^^ I think it covers the main characters' pasts a lot better, personally. However, I know this series has loads of praise, so I'm actually anticipating quite a bit for the other episodes. ^^
    Stay Breezy,
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Because of the wonderfu-oh. Out of tags.
    Saw a stage production of Wizard of Oz with the folks last night. Then, because every other place was closed at eleven at night, we dined at Pizza Hut. The Riesling was an excellent pairing with pepperoni. (Tekulo is lying. That is a horrible pairing)
    The play was good. The actors had talent, the stage props were well done and they used an outtake from the movie, a number called Jitterbug which was pretty fantastic.
    As I get older, though, I really have to keep in mind that the original story was a satire. (Edit: wrong about this. Sorry. More info in the comments) It's really a strange story compared to the fairy tales I'm used to (and this one is different than a fairy tale, but has similarities and could be called one because it's pretty fantastical and deals with romanticism in terms of the overall story). The story is about a young, brave heroine that can't really do anything for herself, who ends up a murderer by the most dubious of means while she demands someone else do her bidding and expects that service to be for free because she had to walk like five miles to see him because catching a cab or hitching a ride never occured to her also she stole a dead person's shoes and wouldn't give them to their next of kin. Also the good witch is actually a manipulative schemer who takes advantage of opportunity to have an innocent lost girl do her dirty work for her by offing her competition. Good is a very grim thing, apparently. The wicked witch seemed kinda innocent to me. She had like five million chances to off all of the characters and never took advantage of any of them and instead gave them a fun musical number because of her guilty conscience, which is more than Glinda has. She just wanted her dead sister's shoes. Like, come on, you killed her family and her nature is clearly benevolent. Give her the shoes.
    Did I mention I like Wicked? Because I do.
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I keep seeing/hearing about this anime and I decided to give it a shot. I'm not sure how to put it...
    It's not bad and it has its moments, don't get me wrong but it's also a bit lacking in my opinion. I mean, Sachi and her story arc was interesting and came really close with the feels... and then, like, I feel they didn't get too personal with anything else in the story ever again. (Quick note, I haven't finished the series yet. I'm at the part with the flying and the sister who is super creepy because, Japan, why?)
    I mean, they had some pretty good moments. The drama was really fantastic at certain parts of the plot, and then the murderer was revealed and that person had literally the worst reasoning ever and just collapsed with remorse. And it had such a good buildup too! (Trying to keep this spoiler free, but if you don't want anything spoiled, why are you tempting fate by reading this entry to begin wIth?)
    The plot was pretty engaging as it was. Super mysterious and intriguing. Too bad there were only two interesting characters. The rest of the cast was either just unexplored or dumbed down. And where I'm at now, it just seems like they realized "######, we ended this too soon! Get me a super cliche and sinister villain with no redeeming moral qualities and another setting, stat!"
    Not to mention most of the deaths were characters who got literally no screen time or character development. It's fine to off characters so long as they're not mentioned except for that one time. I feel cheated. "We lost fourteen people... and none of them had names."
    So, what do I think of the show so far?
    Meh, I've seen worse. Besides, it's interesting enough, but I seriously hope Asuna doesn't turn into Princess Peach. She is so interesting and cool, why did they put her into that position?
    ~ Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    We are happy to inform you that you are no longer welcome on BZPower dot com. Your jokes and general sense of humor are not funny, and to be quite honest, your level of self-esteem is so low that it is making everyone around you feel totally sad all the time. You can't even learn to only hit the "add comment" button only one time; instead you double post on the blogs frequently and it is super annoying. Also you breathe too heavily and you smell bad.
    Sincerely (No one will ever love you or your giant baggage of mental health issues),
    Your brain
    (Some days I'm surprised I don't get kicked off of this site for being super awful at life. Originally I was going to sign this off as being from a member of the BZP staff, but uh, I don't see them being this cruel)
    Edit: (tfw your blog entry matches the tone of your blog name perfectly. XD)
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Decided to actually finish the series by picking up where I left off. So, I started book five from the beginning earlier this month and I have only about two hundred pages left. Too bad I have a bunch of stuff spoiled for me for the next two books thanks to the internet and A Very Potter Musical.
    I watched A Very Potter Musical too. So much Potter, help.
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I just can't get my hopes up anymore.
    I really just want to be happy. But that doesn't just happen after years of depression and anxiety. I would love it, really love it, if I could just not be anxious or depressed anymore. But I could move a thousand times and life could go perfectly and I'd still be stressed out.
    It takes work and it takes time and there are going to be days where I'm just exhausted and miserable and don't want to deal with anything.
    I dunno. I feel I've had a lot of pressure growing up that if things weren't perfect then it was akin to the end of the world. I feel like I was raised with that mentality. But alas, my life has been far from ideal or perfect. I wasn't ready for mental illness or pressure from being LGBT+ in a family that is heteronormative or just how far behind I got in the business of living.
    So, I give up. I'll never have that perfect, ideal life I was trained to expect. And I'd love to say it's better that way, but it honestly is hard. And exhausting. And I don't always know if I'll make it.
    Isn't that just disheartening?
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    (So, I totally want to see Effect and Affect in a violent battle to the death one of these days... I just find those nit-pickers to be so adorable <3)
    Anyway, my friends have always called me a creepy person. XD I suppose it's because in school I was always the gloomy kid in the corner, plus I had very awkward social skills and such (cue the tiny violins for tragic ambiance. I want the tiny violins!)
    So, I just recently discovered you could creep on other members on BZP by scrolling over their names. It's actually quite fun. ^^
    (The duck is always watching... and she's also a magical ballerina princess!)
    Now then Billy...
    ~Tekulo <3
    EDIT: OMG, I can also creep on myself! This is great! 8D
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