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Everything posted by Emzee

  1. It's allowable, though do realize that entries will be voted on based on the creativity of the idea and not necessarily any implementation that comes with it. And you can't change an entry once it's submitted.Are you sure you want to submit this as your entry?
  2. So... you guys are all still working on yours right? It's a little less than two weeks until the deadline, so you still have time. But yeah... hopefully there will be lots of cool ideas come August 9th.
  3. This contest is about coming up with creative ideas for a game that will likely never exist. If demos mattered, then I might as well make it regular FCG contest. I don't want this contest to be about simple ideas either. The more grandiose (provided it's still realistic) or original the idea, the better it is in my opinion. So basically, demos must be no more than a supplement to the write-up of your game idea.
  4. I proudly stood next to DeeVee as I watched Janus snatch the wooden Tohu, and then later get dragged off by HH. A few moments later he returned, a stern-looking HH joining her team once again. I decided not to ask for details. I'll let Deevs brave that storm if he is so inclined.
  5. Man Cryoshell's got nothin on this.
  6. Nice, the competition's neck and neck now (Deevs vs Eeko. Nice matchup!)
  7. No, sorry. The idea must be for a web based or downloadable game, as those are the only types allowed in the Fan Created Games forum.
  8. This would be a snap. Team I´d Settle For That had already built a fire, and learned from our mishaps. This process would be flawless. I'd make sure of it. "Yo," I heard xccj call out to us, "Some of you need to gather some firewood or other stuff to burn. Then I'll need a few of you to blow gently on it while I heat things up with the Akaku." "Would some of those supplies I carried over here suffice?" I replied, gesturing towards the pile of rocks and wood. I didn't intend to use the wood I found for fires, but they would probably work. They were a lot thinner than the firewood we typically used, and they weren't the most driest pieces. Fortunately, Tufi didn't say we had to build a big fire. I immediately went to my pile of stuff and began digging through it, tossing out the driest pieces of wood I could find. After about two minutes of searching, we had about six logs, varying in size and thickness. "Start with these, xccj," I said to my teammate. I then turned to DeeVee, Kakaru and Janus. "No time to lose. I'll remain here and help get the fire going," I said to them, "Someone can stay here while two of you can go find more wood" My spirits, momentarily, were rising. That is, until I did a headcount. "Hey guys, please tell me Spink is here and we just aren't noticing him for some reason"
  9. I raised an eyebrow when I saw TMD and xccj walk up and join our team of four. They both looked like they had quite an adventure of their own. "Welcome back" I asked as I set all the supplies (logs, twigs, vines, pebbles, large leaves, and some rocks) down on the ground."What were you guys up to?"
  10. Emzee

    War is Coming

    It's been awhile since I posted an update on my upcoming Bionicle game. During the period of silence, I've actually gotten a lot of features completed (though they're still virtually all core game features). Anyway, I just thought I post some updates to my project. Check out this entry to learn more about what I'm working on. Character Customization System You can probably guess what this does. In Power Lies Beneath, players, upon creating a new character / save file, will be able to choose their character's gender, name, primary color, secondary color, mask color, and mask shape. I may put in other customizable parts like arm and leg type, but these would take considerable amount of work, so we'll see. Also, you can zoom in/out and pan the camera to get a good view. Lastly, the character will do some sword movements to give an idea of how he/she moves. Spinning Main Menu If you've played Secret of Mana, then that's pretty much what you can expect the main menu to look like. Five or so icons rotating around the camera. It's one of the very few scripts that managed to be carried over from Influx (that's one of the main reasons that I'd like to keep it, plus it looks cool). Dialogue System Dialogue in this game will be simple. Player says something, NPC says something, then player says something, etc. This is an action adventure game, so the branching dialogue isn't really needed, except perhaps exposition. Though I would prefer to do almost all of my plot-explaining through discovery of objects and clues, with some slide shows here and there for massive events that took place in the early days of the Bionicle universe. Ranged Combat Your character, lacking any innate elemental powers, must use the objects on the mysterious island of Mata Nui to his advantage. Among these objects is the Madu Cabolo fruit. For enemies who are difficult to fight up close, you can simply throw an exploding fruit at it using the same "sword attack" key, but with your sword sheathed. Also, enemies can shoot their own balls of dark energy. That script has a couple glitches that need fixing though. Bionicle-themed GUI I've been taking pictures of my own sets in order to incorporate Bionicle set pieces into the menus and GUIs, like in the cancelled PC game. So far, it looks goooood.* *Not quite good enough to post yet. Still needs more pieces. More Sound FX As per my last entry, I need snag some free-to-use sound FX for the character and enemy's actions (e.g. unsheathing sword, shooting poison blob, throwing madu fruit, walking). While this may seem like a lot of progress (and it certainly felt like that), all of these accomplishments are, in fact, a mere drop in the bucket in what's needed before I release the public beta. There's still so much to do, but the fact that I'm making semi-consistent progress is really helping me stay motivated. Right now, I'm working on two major things: A Complete Walking, Talking NPC Matoran So far, unfortunately, it looks like I'll have to custom script each and every NPC if I want them to do more than just walk in a circle, which I do. Very much. Ideally, every moving NPC in the game will have places to go and people to see, like in MNOLG2. Otherwise, they'll be behind a table or inside their huts. The pathfinding system I have set up works. Now it's just a matter of programming exactly where I want my Matoran to go, and what that Matoran will do when he gets there. Addition Enemy AI features like dodging Honestly, the dodge / deflect mechanism is really the only big thing I need for this enemy AI script. Outside of some glitches and animations that I need to make. The enemies in this game are almost complete. The dodge mechanism won't be very complex at all. I intend to mostly use random values along with a little bit of logic (e.g. it the enemy's at a corner or near a cliff, don't bother dodging, but deflect if possible). Most of my attention is being given to this NPC Matoran (who is Kongu -- he'll likely be the first Matoran you speak to in this game). I want to know what all it takes to get this character operating like it should. Hopefully I'll be able to use at least some of it for a template for other NPCs. Lastly, I'm doing more storyline stuff. I may have to change the synopsis slightly when it's all done. Basically, I want Power Lies Beneath to have no ties to my past games. There's no point. Well, I hope you enjoyed reading these updates, and I'll catch y'all later! Visit my Gallery to see the screenshots!
  11. I reflexively dropped all the materials I had gathered and rolled to the side, just barely dodging the three spiders who descended upon me. I narrowed my eyes in contempt before glancing to my right. A small but dense rock from my gatherings caught my eye. Meanwhile, those slimy bugs hissed and moved their front legs pensively. I could almost see the teasing grins on their faces - or whatever you call that area where their eyes are.They were toying with me. Really? Me?I rolled again on my side to my right, deftly grabbing the rock. "Don't mess with Texas," I growled before beaming the center spider with the rock.With a loud 'clank' the Orange Pakari it wore flew off. The other two spiders hissed and stepped back in surprise.As I anticipated, the bugs skedaddled. 'I think it's time I just turn around', I thought as I walked over to retrieve all the supplies I had dropped. Once I had everything (including a Fikou corpse) I turned on my heel walked back the way I came.
  12. I appreciate the effort anyway, guys. I'm sure we'll live. This x 1000. It's like I was never a noob! (Because I wasn't. Prove me otherwise!).
  13. The days in this realm were going far faster than the pace I was used to. It was already the third day and I literally felt like we just got here. At least this meant my shoes were dry now. When news of the Empress’ decision reached us, I couldn’t hide my contempt. Why should we have ever expected Tufi to settle? Especially for ‘that’. Oh well. What’s done is done. I ventured a few yards to the east in search of needed supplies, like wood to make tools and weapons. No one in our tribe has really brought it up so far, but they forgot that this is the Island of Doom – home to some of the most ferocious little Rahi. Even the Fikou here have little pincers. It’s crazy! I looked around at the chaotic landscape. Trees, vines, rocks, and moss were all I could see for around me. I dutifully scanned my surroundings for anything remotely useful. I was woefully disappointed. It seemed that I would have to venture deeper into the jungle. After about five minutes of walking straight ahead, I saw a dull gray, fist-sized rock with my name on it. We could certainly use one of those for grinding fruit, bashing skulls (Rahi skulls of course), a counterweight, and many other things. I scooped it up swiftly, as if fearing that another would grab it first. I will confess that after this point I sort of lost track of where I was going and I realized that I never bothered to tell DeeVee or anyone else on the team where I was headed. I am kind of one of those loner types – I mean, I’m social and all. But for most of my work, I just get it done and move on, focusing only on the task at hand. I really need to stop doing that. So naturally, an hour later, I looked up and noticed that I was deep within the jungle, sun blotted out by the pitch black canopy. I looked down at the supplies that I held close like someone would hold a heatstone in Ko-Wahi. There were some large leaves for shacks, sticks for holding them up and making more fires, a couple of vines, and a few stone pellets. If I could fashion a simple slingshot to take out these Rahi, I think I’d be on the right track for survival. For thing was first though. How was I going to find DeeVee and Janus? Surely they were worried sick? Or surely they didn’t care. Probably too busy concocting their own plans. That’s when I heard that familiar chirping noise pair with the soft ruffling of leaves. And if what I heard didn’t send chills up my spine, what I saw certainly did. Fikou webs! I clutched my supplies tightly, and moved my right foot forward as slowly as I could. Fikou were notoriously easy to underestimate, and I wasn’t about to get bitten or stung. When my right foot touched the ground again, I glanced at the three Fikou webs that hung from the branches over my head. They were all empty! Where did those bugs go? That’s when I heard the chirping again, louder this time, and definitely over my head. A glance upward answered all my questions. “Son of a-”
  14. As awesome as perpetually Settling For That (whatever 'That' was) sounded, I wasn't sure if I was willing to abandon my Miracle Cactus insider to this insider. At least most people know or knew of ol' Schizo. And 'cultists' well, ... yeah, need I really explain? Plus I suppose that'll give something to the newbies who came after Schizo's time. "I... second Kakaru's notion," I said glancing reluctantly, "I may very well be the best we have"
  15. I subconsciously patted my own head as I watched Kakaru run his hand through his hair. No wonder everyone liked him. My hair, for now, was much too short to woo any crowds. And this is a good thing. My hair doesn’t play well. “Before we head out, and separate into totally equal screen-time groups who get equal amounts of flashbacks, I'd like to share this vision,” DeeVee said in an oddly-specific fashion. We’ll be getting flashbacks here? Cool! I’d love for the audience to learn a bit more about my past. Most of them probably don’t even know that much about me. “Maybe there are members amongst us who don't know of the great Schizo Kaita and his time in Staff Survivor,” DeeVee continued, “But he was a hero to the people, and his memory deserves honor” I nodded dutifully at this. Many probably didn’t get to witness the greatness that was Schizo Kaita. And with the archives in their current state, history may have actually become legend in this case. “… let's be honest, he was also a big fan if distilleries, and cactuses make great consumable liquids. So when we get this all together, I propose we create, label, and bottle our brew as "Schizo Kaita's Miracle Cactus". Commissioning of a label design will begin soon.” “You had me at ‘brew’,” I said to DeeVee. Brewing was another one of those feats that I just assumed I’d never accomplish, along with visiting an actual Bionicle locale and competing in the 72oz steak challenge. (NOTE: I never plan on actually doing this. Ever) I looked at Kakaru and Janus and then back to DeeVee. I was ready whenever they were.
  16. Non-RPers are about to see a different side of me. I really do come out of my shell in these types of games. This is gonna be epic. Big thanks to all my supporters!
  17. Okay, that's fine. Just be sure to stick to that in your design and not revert back to your past game.
  18. IC: Ugh, sorry guys, I’ll try harder to resist next time. Old habits die hard. I sat in the sodden, chilly sand for a moment, dazed and trying my best to recollect the sequence of events that led to this very moment. I remember wanting to look my best before meeting the Empress for the first time… and we were all headed to this dinner place (or was it a bar?) on board a very nice boat. The Empress was kind enough to order rounds for everyone – including me! Who was I to resist? Especially since she didn’t seem anything like the Tufi from legend foretold. She’s just a regular person who likes LEGOs and videogames (and knitting), just like you and me (sans knitting). If that’s the case, why am I sitting in wet sand on the Island of Doom?! I probably should have listened to Black Six. Now he’s never going to let me live this one down. “Welcome to Staff Survivor,” I heard a voice say. I quickly regained my focus and climbed to my feet, feverishly brushing off sand from my brand new, dark, creased jeans and button-up shirt. I try and make a good first impression for the Empress and this is the thanks I get? I paid good adult-money for these clothes! I looked to my left towards the beach – a beach that makes Galveston, TX look like the Caribbean – and saw a woman wearing a noble Huna just like mine, but it was orange instead of blue. It was Tufi herself! And – did she just say what I think she just said? “Over the next three months, you'll be competing against each other in near-constant challenges until one of you is left to claim the ultimate prize. The members will decide who stays and who goes each week. And you'll be doing it all while fending for yourselves in the great wilderness of Voya Nui. It's exactly what you signed up for!” Tufi said with such enthusiasm. When did I sign up to be oh why do I even bother… “… Janus, Kakaru, Emzee, DeeVee, Spink, xccj, and Ta-metru_defender, you're the other tribe and you'll be going that way to make camp.” I watched Tufi point what I think was west. By this point, I had resigned myself to my fate. It looked like I would have to acquiesce to this “generous” offer. I looked around at my team mates, and I quickly began to feel lonesome. Usually, I would have the likes of Friar Tuck, Nuju Metru, or EmperorWhenua to go to whenever I was in unpredictable situations. While I didn’t always need their help, their presence had definitely made for great confidence boosters. Then there were the PAX people – Black Six, WaWa, and the Moa – the four of us together would be unstoppable. Though against a vengeful Empress? Maybe not. That likely explains why they’re not here. There is no one to lean on now. My years in the BZPRPG have taught me so much about dealing with the completely insane plots that people have tried – maybe this was meant to happen? Maybe this is my cue to take the helm? “Your first challenge is to come up with tribe names. Whoever can come up with the least sucky name by Tuesday afternoon wins their luxury items back.” I stifled a gasp. My cooler full of tortillas, meat, garnishes, as well as BBQ taken straight from The Salt Lick was in the grasps of the Empress? Could she even appreciate good Texas BBQ? I had to get that cooler back. If nothing else, the food in there could last us awhile – assuming my team likes tacos (real tacos). I saw DeeVee and followed the rest of the team over to where he was standing. From the looks of folks here, they naturally assumed that DeeVee would be the leader – which makes sense. I doubt there’s any Staff member on this site that matches the fiery candor that DeeVee proudly displays. But opinions and confidence do little against a certain "Hahli Husky", by far the most dangerous contestant on the other team. DeeVee has all the traits of a captain, but for this competition, he’ll need a first mate. And since we’re pretty much family, who better to fill that role than me? Not to mention 10 solid years of playing these types of crazy games. At least there’s no time-punching… hopefully. “No glitter,” DeeVee stuck down the idea before it was even presented. I’m fine with that, personally. There’s nothing glittery about this Texas-born, game-developing Bionicle fan. “So, we all want to be the less sucky team, right? I mean, look at that team. Look at them! With the exception of Hahli Husky because Janus will shoot me if I don't exempt her from this blanket statement, we are way more attractive and good-looking than them! That makes us the good guys. The heroes. The ones to cheer and adore. We need a name. A name that defines that sense of moral support, of generosity, of camaraderie, of LEGENDARY AWESOMNESS that WE ENCOMPASS. So I'm open to suggestions. Let's pick a name that fits all of us, that gets all of us excited. They say in the time before last, when the great Staff Survivor was first began, there was a clear hero. The people's champion. I say we honour this man with our group. My suggestion is that we call ourselves THE SCHIZO KAITA. WHAT SAY YOU, MY GENDER-NEUTRAL TERM FOR CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS OF A NON-ROMANTIC YET KIND OF FAMILIAL MANNER!?” I stepped forward. Well, I suppose that’s better than my suggestion. Or is it? There was only one way to find out. “My suggestion is The Miracle Cactus!” Silence. You’re not in the RPG Forum anymore!
  19. I'm afraid not, as you're already working on a game like that. See rule #1: If you can get one in by the deadline, that's fine. Just be sure that the write-up has all of the required sections. Sure, you're allowed to do that.
  20. My home forum is finally getting another contest if its own. And guess what? You don't even need to be a programmer or an artist! No, the entries in this contest are going to be detailed ideas for games that (if they're BIONICLE) will probably never get made. (Of course, OTC game ideas are allowed as well, but make sure those go into the OTC forum). Here's the link to the advert topic. The only thing I can say now is that this contest really needs the skills of non-FCGers in order to work. If you written up an idea for the RPG Contests, what I expect for this contest isn't terribly different (mostly that it's not text-based and that you can't edit your entry once it's posted). Putting this entry in all three categories because YEAH! SIE SIND GERMAN GERMAN GERMAN (that's German right? Or is it Spanish? )
  21. What, you thought Fan Created Games didn't get contests? Who can say that our awesome developers can't get in on the action? Huh?! Check out this topic in the General Discussion forum for more information. Here are the rules and regulations that pertain to entries in the FCG category. -- Fan Created Games Rules Category Host: EmzeeAssistants: Kakaru For this section, we will not be asking for finished games, but ideas for potential games! Come up with a fun game idea that follows that guidelines below and post it here no later than August 9, 2013 at 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time. Some of you might notice if you remember the rules that typically, game ideas aren't allowed to be topics. For the sake of this contest, that rule will be lifted IF and ONLY IF the topic is for an entry into the contest, and ONLY during the entry period. After that, entry topics can remain open, but no new topics that don't follow the usual FCG rules can be posted. 1) All game ideas must be your new and original work and cannot have been presented before, whether on paper or as an actual game or game demo. Also, game ideas cannot be direct copies of other titles (e.g. “Bionicle version of [popular game]”). Inspiration is always fine, but the idea here is you see your ideas.2) Entries may not be modified once posted unless you have instruction to do so to fix a rules violation, or if you have approval to correct a minor error. All such requests should be PMed to Emzee.3) Each entry must include the following: [*]An objective of the game (the “win” condition)[*]A genre (First Person Shooter, Action-Adventure, etc.)[*]A detailed overview of the game controls (keyboard keys, joystick support, etc.)[*]A detailed description of your game’s mechanics or features (i.e. what can the player do?)[*]A description of your game’s artistic style[*]A description of the story and characters (if applicable) 4) Game ideas should be creative, unique, and fun. Keep that in mind when coming with up with your entry. 5) Be sure that LEGO and Bionicle games are posted in Fan-Created Games, and non-LEGO and non-Bionicle games are posted in OTC. To enter a game, post in this topic: Your member nameThe title of your entry, containing a link to your entry topic (don't know how to link? Just type your title, highlight it, and hit the link button in the post formatting tools above) -- There will be LEGO prizes that we'll be handing out to the winners, so get your creative juices flowing and make sure your entries are original and detailed. Remember, the deadline for entries is August 9, 2013 at 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time. After that time, we won't be able to accept your entry. Thanks for reading, and have fun! -Emzee-Kakaru
  22. If it would belong in the Fan Created Games forum ( and the RPG or Games and Trivia forum), it's acceptable for this contest. In other words, what ever game you design must run on a computer.
  23. Oh don't worry about hats. I plan to rep my state well. And, a reunion is long overdue.
  24. Try to avoid chain quoting in the future. Two or more quotes in the post? Just snip 'em. Mata-Nui Daily "Red Star" Crew sets off towards Ko-Wahi: The large crew mentioned in the last update is starting to assemble, many of its members first meeting in Po-Wahi. The crew has now set off towards Ko-Wahi to meet with the remaining adventurers. It is only a matter of time before their journey begins. Stay tuned for more updates. If anyone has any updates don't forget to send them my way. Right now I'm just following up on the news threads I have open.
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