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Everything posted by Emzee

  1. Mata-Nui Daily Le-Koran Bandits Stalking Onu-Wahi's Highways: Reports from the Ussalry have been released. These reports detail scattered massacres and plundering of merchant caravans along isolated areas of Onu-Wahi's highways. The authorities have connected these crimes to earlier raids in Le-Wahi, over twenty years ago. The bandits are thus presumed to Le-Matoran, wealthy and heavily armed. If you have any suspicions that you have encountered these criminals, contact Ussalry Headquarters at once.
  2. Hardly surprising that this would end in a tie. The Empress said to keep playing until someone won, so I suppose Settle would start the next game. O|X|OX|O|_X|O|X
  3. Batter up!I stepped forward and drew a circle onto the grid. O|_|_X|O|_X|_|
  4. Leave our attachments behind? All of them? Ah, very well. I followed Deevs to the beach, and it wasn't long before the others began appearing from the woods. My eye soon caught sight of the idol that Tufi asked the other team to bring. Why are two people carrying it? I thought. I didn't remember it being that heavy. Of course, our tribe was generally a lot more toned. I looked to DeeVee once again, who once sporting that look. Looks like he's in on something that I'm not, I thought.
  5. All the entries here are pretty good. Personally, I felt most excited about xccj's game idea. The idea itself is very well written, and while the idea not exactly bombastic, I can appreciate something reasonable for those wanting to eventually implement their ideas. Nice work!
  6. So I played Flow of the River for the few-hundredth time a few days ago. Honestly, my major inclination to play it again was really just to see if it even remotely stood the test of time. After all, that game, which barely runs correctly on modern Windows machines, is over 12 years old. Yes. 12 years. This game played a major role in me joining this community and getting into game development, even if said development was really just tinkering around with RPG Maker. While I disliked the idea that this game would only be laughable now, a game only of its time, made by a few teenagers, I had naturally presumed and accepted that this would be the case. Except it wasn't the case. This game, outside of the repetitiveness that comes with any Japanese-style RPG like that, still isn't half bad. A while ago, I played through the 1st MNOG, having the same reservations I had had before playing Flow of the River again. Yet, as you might expect, the game still gives me that positive feeling that it gives everyone else, hence why it's still to this day hailed as one of the better Bionicle games. That game is even older than Flow of the River (obvious considering much of the design of the Koros in Flow of the River were based off of the MNOG). It's funny actually, I remember back in the day, competing with these games, especially Flow of the River, pledging to and eventually believing that I had, in fact, created a fan game that was better than Flow of the River in every way. And then I played Fall of the Conqueror. Right after Flow of the River. Fall of the Conqueror is the closest thing I have to a magnum opus. It was the game that I decided to have everything I wanted to have, tell the story I wanted to tell, and feature new characters and Rahi born out of 3 years of role-playing alone in my room with my Bionicle and action figure sets. I had finished that project knowing that it would be my greatest and last game made with an RPG Maker program. How could it not surpass Flow of the River in greatness? Well, I soon realized after completing my recent playthrough of Fall of the Conqueror is that I needed to find an answer to that question, and fast -- lest I make another Fall of the Conqueror. That's not to say that I think my games are bad... but they're not Flow of the River, and they're definitely not MNOG (Fall of the Conqueror in particular had some rather shocking moments -- and not the good kind of shocking). Just today, a revelation appeared in my mind. Instead of trying to surpass the greatness of Flow of the River and the MNOG, maybe try matching them? It's an interesting thought -- one that I thought I'd just share with all of you. With that said... well... let's just say that I'm taking a hard look over the mechanics and storyline of Power Lies Beneath. As fun as making something I'd like is... maybe it's time to make something everyone would like. P.S. If the game will run on your computer, I highly recommend checking out Flow of the River if you've never played it. P.S.S. Character System update was a success. Power Lies Beneath is chugging along just fine!
  7. Oh hey look someone decided to send me news! Mata Nui Daily: The Crab-Ridin', They Are A-Changin': The Ussalry has recently obtained unique weapons and defense technology ranging from steam cannon to the Patero launcher, nearly all found exclusively in Onu-Koro. It has changed along with this development by dividing itself into the three regiments of Heavy Cavalry, Light Cavalry, and Special Operations, the three branches headed by Gavarm, Leli, and Noxra Immiti, respectively. Also while I'm here, if Red Star voyage RP'ers want to send me updates, I can get those online for you real quick (I'm trying to keep up with the game but there's a lot I'm working on right now).
  8. I watched with disappointment, regret, and also relief as TMD was carried off by Tufi and Ophelia. I was always painful to lose a tribe member, especially one who genuinely contributed like TMD, with his know-how of the inner-workings of Nektann. I suppose that the last man to carry that burden would be me, with my technology background. However, at least TMD would get good medical attention now. That caulked wound would not have ended well. But what about xccj? a thought reminded me. Indeed, I still as to find out who killed our tribe member, further dwarfing our numbers. And what about the brewery? another thought reminded me. Geez, apparently, I had a lot on my plate. Hardly surprising considering how quickly we're losing people. I knew that disocvering xccj's killer would take some time -- more time than learning how to reprogram the Nektann or checking up with DeeVee about the brewery. Perhaps I should pay DeeVee a visit. Turning on my heel, I made my back towards our camp.
  9. Modifications like these (like Half-Life modifications) are okay, since they are a type of game. Presenting this game idea as an original game that's not a modification would not be okay.
  10. I could say with certainty that I had no idea what this guy was rambling on about. Who is this "Jack" character? At any rate, I help up my teammate and we both hobbled over to where the Nektann was still repairing itself. "I guess I'll let you shut it off," I said. Things had escalated quickly, I couldn't help but be concerned for my fellow staffers. How could we lose our unity so quickly? Over a competition? I suppose it didn't matter now. What was done is done, and now there must be consequences.
  11. I narrowed my eyes at HH for a split-second before I ran to TMD's aid. "You're gonna pull through man, don't quit on us now!" I said to him. I quick look at his side told me the calming truth that it was not a fatal stabbing. The bleeding would stop. The wound would need to get stitched up and covered soon though, lest it become infected. Still cradling a stunned TMD, I sent HH another fiery Texan scowl. How dare she do this? What had happened to her? Did these weeks on the Island of Doom... awaken something inside her? Or did Makaru influence her somehow? Or maybe she was always like this. At any rate, things had already passed the violent point with xccj's death. It was logical that things would only continue to escalate. Nonetheless, justice would be served before this little camping trip was through. Just like justice would be served to xccj's murderer. The Ranger always serves justice. Cruel humor will not happen under my watch! And trust me, if anyone around here knew justice, it was the RP'er who knew of Joske Nimil, the Harbinger of Justice and Meteors.
  12. The MNOLG 1 soundtrack would be my favorite. It just matched so well with the overall feel of the franchise at that time.
  13. Emzee

    War is Coming

    Thanks! I'm glad you like the progress so far. Yeah, the skybox doesn't quite fit, and I'll probably adjust that after the gajillion other things I have to add or change in this demo.
  14. I'm about to start that big overhaul on my Character Controller system a.k.a. the literal backbone of my game. No pressure right? Not if I back up my project!
  15. At first, no one moved. I personally was expecting some sort of hidden surprise, and not the good kind, and that made me a bit cautious. Then, I remembered that I could not be cautious anymore. I was Walker now. Walker fears nothing, and the sooner we get this challenge done, the sooner I can get back to the xccj case. I reached down a took one of the sticks off the beach, and held it in my grasp.Remaining total: 24
  16. There was really no reason for be to duck out into the jungle. It's not like I had the skill required to fashion an entire costume from leaves and twigs. However, I did have the power to conjure a theme song for myself, and that would do... for now. In the eyes of a Ranger, the unsuspecting strangerHad better know the truth of wrong from right'Cause the eyes of the Ranger are upon youAny wrong you do, he's gonna see.When you're in Texas on Voya Nui look behind you'Cause that's where the Ranger's gonna be! I also had the power to give myself a new name. I would call myself Walker. ---- I walked slowly to the landing area, the beach that had started all of this. A cold, hard grimace rested on my face, and I eagerly awaited the next set of instructions. However whatever shenanigans took place here, I would resume my Ranger duties and catch xccj's killer.
  17. My Character Controller system, a vital asset that I use for my game mechanics, got a big update last week, and I decide to take the plunge and try integrating the new version into my current project. It's not going to be easy, and it's probably not going to be fun, but the new features that the new version has has way too many advantages to pass up. Not only will it make developing the player character much easier, I'll even able to add some new tricks that the player will be able to do. In other news, I did a test build on my first level and discovered that there are some rather disastrous glitches in the build of the game that aren't present when testing inside the Unity engine. That... could be an issue. I have one idea to fix this bug and I hope it works. Otherwise, it will probably call into question the integrity of any features I implement. Exporting a build takes a lot of time, and this project won't work if I have to do that after every new feature. Other than that, Power Lies Beneath is moving at a steady pace.
  18. I had spent my time working alongside DeeVee in what would become our landmark achievement. There had been so much to do that unfortunately there wasn't enough time for me to really give much input on the map besides "go for it". At any rate, the big time sink had passed, and I was confident that such a blunder would not happen again. Seeing progress on the distillery moving steadily along, I decided to head to the beach where the rest of my tribe was. I hoped to arrive just in time to see which unlucky (or lucky?) contestant would be going home. Instead, I had arrived just in time to see TMD and Kakaru standing over someone's corpse, solemn looks resting behind their masks. "Who is dead in the White House on this island?" I demanded of one of my teammates, "xccj," was his answer; "he was killed by an assassin" Unbelievable, my thoughts exclaimed. A murderer! Among us though? Weren't we all pacifists? That's when a terrible dark possibility hit me like a bullet. Not anymore. This island of doom had changed us, and we have now taken a direction that we can never back track from. Something had to be done. Justice had to be made. This had be a job for no other than... I turned on my heel and retreated deep into the jungle, leaving a puzzle Kakaru and TMD on the beach.
  19. It was great meeting you. If the trend continues from previous years, you'll probably run into Black Six and Watashi Wa if you visit BF Alabama. I'm glad you had fun. P.S. Yes to BZPRPG!
  20. Emzee

    BrickFair 2013

    It was awesome and weird* and refreshing. The con featured great MOCs, great presentations, and great people. It was a pleasure meeting all you. Special thanks to those who came up to say hi to me. I'm still kinda tired since I got in very late and had to continue my job today. Caffeine is keeping me in good shape for now though. Back to normalcy, I guess. *=in a good way of course
  21. Happy birthday, Andrew! Thanks for all your hard work.
  22. Emzee

    Free Agent!

    I'd definitely love to hear some insights. Working over in Denmark must've been quite interesting. Great to have you back!
  23. That's a very good question, and I believe that this is where I come in! I had already begun thinking about the beer we would be brewing, whatever kind it would be, or perhaps we would brew multiple kinds. I knew I was fit for this, because of living in such close proximity to the great Shiner, Texas (85 miles is considered a stone's throw in Texas). Yes, just because there's a town pretty much known only for beer (relatively) near me, that does mean that I'm naturally fit for this. Of course, that assumes that beer is the direction we're taking. I don't know how to mix a martini. "What kind of drinks are going to be selling?" I asked, looking to both Deevs and Janus.
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