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Blog Entries posted by Dokuma

  1. Dokuma
    I saw Eagle Eye last night. Could've done without the language, but other than that I thought it was pretty cool. Very interesting plot.
    Oh, and there's a fair amount of Green Tee news, but I don't feel like getting into it yet. So speculate your brains out, I guess
  2. Dokuma
    What's your New Year's resolution?What do you like most about this blog?What do you like least about this blog?At this point, let's all take some time to reflect upon the awesomeness of the new welcome image to the right.EVERYBODY DANCE NOW
  3. Dokuma
    #10. Frequent entry republishing.

    Making it look as though no matter how many people update their blogs, I always updated mine last.
    #9. Lack of substance.

    That's what the other blogs are for.
    #8. The Tuesday Five.

    Five questions (at least one of which usually being a cop-out), third day of the week. Makes no sense, but you know you want to answer them.
    #7. Perhaps the most obnoxiously long list of blog approvals ever to grace your monitor.

    Do people actually like my blog, or do they just like seeing me put up their images?
    #6. Faliure to update.

    To follow the logic of Shakespeare, scarcity is the soul of entertainment.
    #5. Entirely lowercase blog descriptions.

    It somehow makes it better.
    #4. Television commentary.

    See #9.
    #3. You guys and all the other awesome personalities that frequent my blog!

    This would have been #1, but there are definitely two things that are better than it.
    #2. Girls.

    Sunny and I are not married, contrary to popular opinion. Did I mention I like Green Tee?
    #1. The Fruit War.

    Until it became an RPG and got out of hand, it was easily the most enjoyable war ever.
  4. Dokuma
    Are you mad at me for not updating my blog?What's new?I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do?What would make a good question to put here?What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question?
  5. Dokuma
    Give thanks. The fact that you have a computer right now means you're rich compared to 90% of the world. Don't stress yourself out over the little things that don't matter.
    Speaking of not stessing myself out over the little things, I'm learning to do so with Green Tee. And it has paid off. Hugely.
  6. Dokuma
    What is your screen resolution?What did you have for dinner last night?Got anything you want to tell me?Sure about that?What are you most looking forward to on Thanksgiving? And for those of you Canadians (I'M LOOKING AT YOU BIOMECH AND BD), what did you most enjoy about Thanksgiving?
  7. Dokuma
    Well, a week or two ago, I asked Green Tee's mom (WHO IS AWESOME--JUST LIKE THE REST OF HER FAMILY) how serious Greenie is with the guy she's dating, and the answer was a "they're kinda serious," but not very emphatic.
    Well, evidently, she then went home and told Green Tee that someone had been asking about her and was fond of her. When she asked who, her mom told her it was me. And, as it was recounted to me, Green Tee then got a big ol' smile on her face. There's more to the story, but the jist of it is that there's a door being opened. 8D
    And I am now the proud owner of a Simon & Patrick Vintage Burst Cedar Dreadnaught (which, for those of you who are lost, is a guitar) with TRIC Deluxe case and a dampit guitar humidifier (finally). =D
    But let's just say the sheer joy of the Green Tee news hasn't worn off since I first received it on Sunday. 8D

    YAAAAAAAY Has it snowed in your area yet? It snowed here a tiny, tiny bit yesterday. >> Did you miss the Tuesday Five yesterday? What's on your mind? Guess what's coming up on Sunday.... >=D
  8. Dokuma
    Listening to: Save Me - Remy Zero
    Well, we finally got the video card thing worked out, which means I'm now operating at an appropriate screen resolution. Which also means I can now work on my AC16 entry and my Generic Quest comic. It also means YAY TIME FOR BIG HUGE AMAZING QUALITY VISTA-ESQUE NATURE-THEMED WALLPAPER
    Oh, and Smallville was awesome on Thursday. And you know, even though Chloe is... gosh... really annoying (you know, what with the dumb lines they give her), it was kinda painful to see her forget Clark's secret. More so than it was to watch Brainiac infect the Fortress. And the trailer for next week's episode... hmmm... Lana guest star, meh (by golly, she's annoying too! : O), Clark + Lois = win, Doomsday revealed = even more win.

    Oh, and 30 new messages >>
  9. Dokuma
    What is your hair color?On a scale of one to ten (ten being the highest), how much energy do you have right now?Hmmm?What should I do for AC16?This statement is false.And I have 25 new messages.
  10. Dokuma
    Welll, I finally did ask her parents how serious she is with this guy. The answer was a "kinda yeah," but not really emphatic. So Gree Tee's parents now know that I'm interested in her, which is fine by me (did I mention her family is AWESOME?). Just means that I'll have to wait things out a little while.
  11. Dokuma
    It was Lois stabbing Doomsday. And by Lois I mean Zod's wife possessing Lois. : O
    That was a sweet episode. I totally wish Clark would take Kara's advice about Lois, too. And by the way, metaLois was very interesting. Erica Durance is much better when the writers don't give her lame lines. When she was under the influence of the wraith, she seemed so much more womanish than she does normally. Not to mention she looked way better... I at first mistook her for someone else. Who knows, maybe eventually we'll get more of a taste of this more mature Lois Lane without her being possessed. Schweet character : D
    And we'll miss you, Kara. D=
    In other news, I have 25 new PMs.
  12. Dokuma
    Was that Tess stabbing Doomsday in the trailer?
    And Clark and Kara sending Lois back to Earth but them staying in the Zone?
    This is very puzzling indeed.
  13. Dokuma
    Here's the coolest ballot you'll be filling out today.

    Chuck Norris or Exo for President? Y/N on proposition #19: Should Lois admit to Clark that she was really wearing her device thingie when that guys asked her if she loved him? What's your favorite season? Free hugs! Do you ( A ) hug or ( B ) run away? Did you know that I was actually the Whig party candidate this year? I think I gunn win By the way, Kohaku unpublished the yogurt entry because he felt the discussion was inappropriate. In case you guys were wondering.
  14. Dokuma
    Happy... you know.
    Also, I decided to start pippinin' out my blog by changing the welcome image every now and then sorta like how Google always changes theirs. That would be cool. Feel free to post ideas.
    And whoever guesses correctly who first coined the term "pippinin" wins a prize.
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