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Blog Entries posted by Dokuma

  1. Dokuma
    What's your favorite Lego line (aside from Bionicle)What does your mousepad look like?What is/was your favorite subject in school?Do you play any sports and/or engage in non-sport athletic activity?What is the first word that comes to mind when I say "Dokuma?"
  2. Dokuma
    ...what the best song to have on Smallville to describe Lois & Clark's current relationship would be, my answer would be Is This Love by Whitesnake. Ownsome, OWNSOME song--plus anyone who watches the show knows that Lois is a huge Whitesnake fan. ;D
    Also, here's your Green Tee update... and yes, I'm using Is This Love as a segway to talk about her... anyway, on Sunday she took hold of the collar of my shirt and said she liked my shirt. My response wasn't that good... I mean, it worked, but I could have come up with something better if I had been given notice ahead of time.
    This Sunday I'm definitely going to talk to one of her parents (we're tight with her family) to see how serious her relationship with this guy is. But anyway, my endgame (as you will know from one of my prior entries) is not a shallow, sort of common high school dating relationship just to "have fun." So the idea is to have a foot in the door communication-wise by the time she graduates so that her going off to college doesn't terminate any potential for anything.
    There you go.
    *whistles Is This Love by Whitesnake*
  3. Dokuma
    Have you ever started one of those topics in GD with like five questions in a row?Is it just me, or are those topics totally trying to rip off the Tuesday Five, which has been around for longer than they? What song are you really into right now?Do you play a musical instrument?What is the inverse of realty?And I'm really starting to get an idea of what I should do about Green Tee. More later in the week. 
    In the mean time, feel free to speculate!
  4. Dokuma
    Saw Green Tee yesterday. Which was awesome, since the goofy youth group every-other-week schedule would have normally dictated that I wouldn't see her on a day like yesterday. And yesterday, playin' guitar for church... gotta admit, some of the best improvising I've done in a while. And last night we got a pizza and watched Raiders of the Lost Ark. So yesterday was fun. =D
    Anyway, normally after seeing Green Tee I'd have a lot more to say than I did above. And well... I do have a lot to tell you guys. But I'll save it for next Sunday for reasons that will only be known to you guys then. >
    By the way, because of the amount of college credits I currently have, I'll be technically considered a sophomore in college by the end of the year, which is before Green Tee even graduates high school.
    Also, I saw Iron Man the other week. And the new Indiana Jones too. ^^
  5. Dokuma
    ...that is, assuming you're reading this Wednesday. But y'see, I actually wrote this late Tuesday night.
    Where do you want to go in your education?What do you want to do for a living?If you could change one thing about the way you spend your time, what would it be?Do you love me? =DDO NOT ANSWER THIS QUESTION UNLESS YOU ARE TURAKII, NIKIRA, RAIA, SUNBURST, OR LADY KOPAKA. IF YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE, PLEASE ANSWER, "BACON."Also,AUGH, I HAVE 20 NEW MESSAGES As per my hiatus, I need to let you guys know that I'm doing some priority shifting. As of yesterday I officially took on a full college courseload, plus working part-time, plus other engagements. So be advised that I won't be on much to do anything other than answer PMs, make an occasional comic when it's my turn, and blog when I get a chance. I will make my Project Klinkerpoop comic by the end of the week, and don't worry TMD, you'll get the stuff you need soon. But anyway... yeah, I'm busy.
    The deeper I look into my own life and values, the more I'm pointed to the fact that what I really look for in a girl is someone who shares my priorities and values in life. I don't claim to completely know the mind of Green Tee, but so far, she seems like that kind of person. Not to mention that her entire family is just plain crazy awesome. And another thing that I so openly declare is that I don't want a dating relationship in high school that has no statistical chance of lasting into adulthood, being built upon the idea of "having fun." As someone who feels as though I've been rapidly thrust into almost-adulthood the past few months (for which I am grateful), what I need is someone who I can truthfully and honestly evaluate to support me... stand by me... and help me through life. Someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. Now granted, her graduating this year and her currently dating someone else mean that this is a "limited-time offer." But you know what? I want to wait. I WANT TO WAIT. I'm not playing the dating game. I'll wait as long as I need to if it means finding the right person to spend the rest of my life with.
    Perhaps this would be a good time to insert a quote from a PM conversation with ToM...

    Wow... that kind of deepness is something I usually save for PM conversations with Motts.... xD
    Hehe... now that I'm done spilling my guts all over you poor guys, I do have one last thing to say....

    YAY OLMAK =3
  6. Dokuma

    Okay, now that that's off my chest, time to annoy people with pointless wikipedia games.
    1.) Go to Wikipedia
    2.) Go to Random Page. The name of this article is the title of your band.
    3.) Click Random Page again. This is the title of your album.
    4.) Click 12 more times (or however many times you choose). These are your CD's tracks.
    Band name: The Master Key System
    Album: 38 AH
    1. List of Inspector Gadget episodes
    2. Max Bishop
    3. List of metropolitan areas in Taiwan
    4. GSC Game World
    5. Årjäng Municipality
    6. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
    7. Banco del Mutuo Soccorso
    8. Biosatellite
    9. Baron Thring
    10. The World Tonight
    11. Brindley Mountain
    12. Chichele Professor of Economic History
    insert smeag emoticon here
  7. Dokuma
    Marco?What's your favorite holiday?What did you have for breakfast this morning?What would you have liked to have for breakfast this fine morn?If you had to change this blog, what would you change?
  8. Dokuma
    Because I very much miss the blogs of my dear friends Core Dimension, Sunburst and Exo, I've decided to fill the role of the vicar (albeit not in the Christological sense) by blogging in their stead. All the below information is factual.
    the day before yesterday, Tek and I were at the dentist... and the whole time he was on his iTouch and I was on my DS and we were both PMing Dok at the same time. xP
    and Dok was trying to be all awesome by saying, "I KNOW TEK IS SITTING NEXT TO YOU," and we were all like "lol Dok," and then people would look at us, and we were like, "oh... we're in public" :3
    You know, now that I think about it, I am awesome.

    -Exo (chhhhhh) 

    Dok's a playa?! o_O 
  9. Dokuma
    So I'm still pretty happy. And I like Mondays. Why? Because I don't have to work today, plus Terminator and Prisonbreak are both on tonight. Also, I actually had a short conversation with the girl formerly known as "unattainable goal" last night, which was good, since she's generally somewhat difficult to hold a conversation with. Why?
    Well, let's say I asked you, "How is _____ going?" in hopes of starting a conversation. Her response would probably be "good." And that's the end of the conversation. And it's not her being stand-off-ish or anything... she's a very nice person... but it's just what tends to happen.
    But Green Tee's still at the top of the list.
    So Youth Group was generally lame last night. As I mentioned a few entires ago, it's now small groups every other Sunday instead of every Wednesday, which is basically code for "Dok doesn't get to hang with his homies tonight, lol." But whatever. Looking forward to this upcoming Sunday, when I'll get to play in the band again (finally) like I was every week last month.
    Anyway, Megyn Kelly just said "over nine thousand" in reference to the stock market.
    What is a Megyn Kelly?
    Where did she/it say this?
    Was this on television?
    The news?
    What network?
    Did you just make up the name Megyn Kelly?
    Good questions all. Do your research and present your answers to the questions here. First person to get them all right wins... a Tuesday Five tomorrow!
  10. Dokuma
    Last year, they changed the schedule of Youth Group to every other Sunday, then made the small groups on the off weeks. Originally, it had been small groups every week and Youth Group every Sunday. Why the change? To make room for service projects. Was there ever a single service project? No. So I got to see my friends 1/2 as often.
    At least at that time, Green Tee attended a small group that met at the same house as mine, meaning I still saw her. Unfortunately, at that point I had not yet realized her as a... uh... list option.
    Now this year they're keeping this same convoluted schedule... EXCEPT, now that Green Tee is a senior, she's meeting in the special senior small group at the church on Sunday mornings, meaning the amount of times I'll be able to see her is halved yet again.

    Now there's also a new schedule for the youth group band (of which Green Tee, me, and [insert name here] are all members)! Thanks the an influx in the amount of low-skill workers in the marketplace (read: younger kids wanting to play on the band), our good ol' senior band has been split into two, with Green Tee on one side and me on the other (although [insert name here] is on mine). So now I'll only see her twice a month, and get a chance to play on the band with her zero times a month!
    On the bright side, the people higher up hope to have the old band back together by January.
    The plan: ask her mom how serious her and her boyfriend are (sounds weird, but we're really tight with her parents, so it would be less awkward than it sounds).
    I am a man with a plan.
  11. Dokuma
    Are what my blog is best known for... well, not really.
    While there have been a few girl updates in between, the last time I really gave you guys an exhaustive rundown was... wow, in April, when I rebought my premiership.
    Here's what was said in that entry:

    Many things have changed since April, not the least of which being the adding of this gal. But yeah, she is dating someone else... on the other hand, the guy looks like he's 12 even though he's a senior, so I dunno.
    But the reason I'm so into her is for (shock and awe!) actual deep reasons, like values and personality. =O
    Unattainable Goal isn't really on the list anymore.
    Bagelfuls is a great friend, but still not on the list. Doesn't matter, anyway, because she has a boyfriend (who is in his twenties >>).
    As I look back at this list, I'm not entirely sure who "Yeah right, Dokky" was. If I had to guess who it was, I would have to inform you that while she may kinda be on the list, she's not a priority in terms of pursual.
    "DOK YOU ARE A FOOL" now lives in Texas. Also, while I once spent four hours on the phone with her, I think I called her too much afterwards. We're close friends, but I haven't spoken to her since her move. Not a priority.
    Also, adding another one to the list... the best friend of the one whose boyfriend looks twelve (LOL AWKWARD).
    Now, here's where you come in...
    You get to come up with names for those girls filling the first and second spots on the list. In at first, the girl who is dating that guy. In at second, her friend. Yes, that sounds terrible, but I've become friends with both of them as whenever I hang out with one, the other's around.
    For your consideration, #1 and I once wore a green polo on the same day. Also, they're both in marching band as well as the worship team at youth group (as am I) as singers. And... um... be creative! =D
  12. Dokuma
    Let me rephrase this.
    Ah, forget that. Let's do a season exclusively about... relationships! Yeah, good idea!
  13. Dokuma
    Is it just me, or do all these question topics in GD just cry out in unison, "WE WANT TO BE LIKE YOU, TUESDAY FIVE"?
    Which reminds me,
    What's your favorite blog entry of mine? What's your opinion of the 2009 sets (don't forget the spoiler policy) True or false: did I write this entry yesterday and only publish it today? In what year of your education are you? BACON IS AWESOME Speaking of awesome things, my life's goal is now fulfilled.
  14. Dokuma
    Test your knowledge about me!What color is my hair?At what kind of store do I work?How tall am I?What am I most known for?What 2-hour long TV event am I most looking forward to around Thanksgiving?
  15. Dokuma
    And the time at which I'm posting this (EST) is a snapshot of my schedule.
    Workin' five days a week this week, loads of schoolwork, plus other stuff mentioned in prior entries. The only part of that that you guys would have any interest in is that I -hope- to do a GQ comic on the weekend... and I hope to do that task for Nid as well... as well as purchase Rosetta Stone German and mow the lawn and play two gigs on Sunday and work four hours on Saturday.
    Oh, and the girl I work with threw a roll of toilet paper in my eye today. It hurt.
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