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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dokuma

  1. (not to say that there's anything wrong with technopunk :P)

  2. Steampunk is kinda cool. :P

    What's weird is I've heard people (i.e.: Bones) actually say that they like the incorrect proportions. I don't get that.

  3. you are my hero

    also chocolate milk

  4. You're still active? =O =O =O

  5. ya but mine r coppar >=(

  6. hai dood!


    i liek puppy dogz!

  7. Well, the good news is I got it down fine and it went well on Sunday. =D

    Sweet av. 8D

  8. Did Bill Cosby vomit your awesome personal photo?

  9. Not much, just venting a lot about the sets lately. What Lego really needs is an artist that understands human anatomy to design the sets, eh?

  10. friend me already geez

  11. That avatar was made by me years ago. Would you mind giving credit in your sig? Thanks.

  12. i agwee w/ spitty

  13. Yeah, I never really have any problems when I play by ear either... but gosh darn sometimes figuring out these massive solos can be a real pain. XD

  14. My blood pressure is high from figuring out electric guitar licks by ear for church on Sunday.

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