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Everything posted by Nukaya

  1. Not even a Disney movie, and history was slaughtered once again.

    And don't even get me started about Pocohantas.

  2. FO' SHO.

    That's more accurate version of history than any "historical" Disney movie!

  3. Of course! Until he was foiled by the evil Cleopatra-Roodaka.

  4. Ahhh.....that last bit is quote-worthy.

  5. Hee, hee, thanks Hewkiinuva.

    Just don't let the note taking and the story writing cross over, becuase as interesting as a Bionicle story involving Napoleon would be, it'd probably confuse a lot of people (which would be rather entertaining).

  6. I fail at tennis, so the fact that you can play is awesome.

  7. Pole vault is awesome. It takes quite a bit of practice to get really good, but it's totally worth it. If you do it right, you'll be fine and not get hurt. There's some bumps and bruises thatcome with the job, like calluses on your hands, but that just Some people wear helmets when they vault, but I've never had a coach who's had vaulters wear helmets, so I don't wear on

  8. Pole vault was good, like I had some great vaults, I'm just sore from the other workout today.

    AP Calc? I'm so glad I never made it to that class. I would probably die.

  9. Not bad. I had pole vault practice today, and I'm rather sore, and I still have a massive amount of class work and a rough sketch for AC16 to work on.

  10. Aw, that's awesome! Good for you. :D

  11. Yeah, no kidding...

  12. *does a happy dance* Though, for the record, Dumbledore/Potter, Obama/Colbert and Omi/Dume were also in my consideration before voting for the Obamanator.
  13. Funny you say that, becuase I've had many people suggest that I get a degree in teaching also as well as majoring in art, so I could become an art teacher also.

  14. Well, if a field trip is riding on it, you should totally get an awesome grade, because it looks like you've put a ton of work into it. I'd give you an A.

  15. *appaluds you finishing all of your exams*

    Shedding skin....that's pretty cool. My brother has some snake skins he's found.

  16. o.O

    I don't even know.....

    I think we should forget about this confusing conversation and start a new one.

    So....how are you?

  17. Yeah....her, and something about dead rahkshi.....

  18. *also has no idea what's going on*

  19. ???

    Now I'm confused too.

  20. Fun, one more week!

    Shedding skin? That sounds kind of cool.

  21. Thanks!

    And how are you doing?

  22. So you have one more, then?

    I'm quite well. I moved to my new room and I'm SO happy! A paper I wrote for my art midterm that I was freaking out about came back with a 14.25 out of 15, so I'm pretty stoked.

    But I still have a load of other stuff to do, so I'm sort of "arghhhh, I need more time" about that.

  23. Ahhhh.

    Makes sense now.

  24. Ok, so Dumbles obviously dies, but who is TMH? That's definetly not initials for Snape.

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