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Everything posted by Nukaya

  1. Of course you may! :D *friends you back*

  2. So I read. That's really awesome!

    I think my HS was one one of the top ten HS in the country like two years ago, and we've been a "model HS" ever since, which means random groups of teachers from other schools got to interrupt and watch us during class.

  3. Well, I wikipediaded it, and if that's your school, it's massive. And it's really pretty.

  4. I'm so glad you liked the Takanuva blog drawing. Thanks for that comment.

    You went to the GBR? I am so jealous. And you like Apple Macs? Ok, you're definetly a cool person.

  5. Aw, thanks!


    Evidently it's actually haunted, not by us, but really haunted, as are several other buildings on campus.

  7. So I noticed. *shields Artemis' eyes*

  8. I'm a bit of a grammar/spellingfreak. Comes with all those years of crazed HS English teachers.

  9. I love your reply to my sig in the describe the sig above you topic. That one's the best I've seen so far.

  10. Hello to you!

    And it's spelled Milennium Falcon, because you were asking in your interests list how to spell Milennium Falcon.

  11. I will. Oddly enough, I'm heading over there for theatre very soon.

    And why have you been pimp smacked by Brutaka stole my ship?

  12. Not all the time, just when I have class in there. But Loso is a nice place to wander around in. It's the arts building, so I have a theatre class, art 101, and many other classes there in the future, as I'm an art major.

    I shall put a picture up of Loso, if you'd like me to.

  13. Oh wow, your friends list is 15 pages long. I thought you were exgaggerating, but you wern't kidding!

  14. Hey, question. I saw your Bionicle Comic Mosaics topic, and I would have posted, but it was closed, and I was wondering what exactly a comic mosaic was. I've heard the term before, but never really got a decent definition of it.

    1. Shadow Vahki

      Shadow Vahki

      It's basically an untold story type side comic, usually focusing on different or unfinished story threads, and either tying them together, or going in a new direction.

  15. I must say that I'm sad that there aren't more comments in your CoT art archives. You have some really phenomenal pieces you've done.

  16. Pole vault is AWESOME. I love it.

  17. I'm not so sore right now, which is really nice.

    I pole vault. It's awesome, but I can do most all events, but I excel in the vault. I'll maybe get some pictures up one of these days.

  18. I'm pretty well. I slept through my alarm clock this morning! Yay! I was rather late getting to weightlifting for track practice.

    Perhaps I shouldn't stay up until midnight working on homework.....

  19. I call them walls, where everyone posts on them, like on fb.

  20. *pokes with foot*

    How are you?

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