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Greivous's Malevolence

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Everything posted by Greivous's Malevolence

  1. Why would newer fans like it more? That seems odd. You mean it's not as good by comparison as older sites?
  2. I know the second is from Transformers. Not sure about the first.
  3. I'm grateful for a new artist. Stuart often drew just black, shriveled masses for bodies when he felt it needed emphasis on the head. Very unhappy about that. I hope it's the artist who drew the teaser.
  4. Strange. I just bought the transformers movie later on Black Friday. My Target wasn't too crowded.
  5. Kanohi Karamai, Mask of Confusion (scrambles an opponent's mind) Kanohi Thanox, Mask of Disruption (stalls an opponent) Kanohi Anutu, Mask of Guilt (gives opponent strong guilt) Kanohi Kendraxis, Mask of Anti-Nature (reverses erosion, earthquakes, etc.) Kanohi Velaknik, Mask of Atomic Dissassembly (able to split your body up into parts, much like Zaktan's protodites) Kanohi Ixaphon, Mask of Location (locates fellow teammates, gives you your location, like GPS) Kanohi Zantox, Mask of Chemistry (ability to create atoms and molecules out of nothing, instantly tells you chemical formulas) Kanohi Yzaxos, Mask of Emotion (inflicts emotions, removes emotions, or gives opponent severe mood swings) Kanohi Jaxir, Mask of Hunting (can sense body heat and presence of others) Kanohi Vantra, Mask of Safety (gives an ally temporary safety, not as strong as Hau) Kanohi Xajik, Mask of Startegy (creates startegies) Kanohi Vandir, Mask of Karma (can only be used once, inflicts bad things on bad people, good things on good people) Kanohi Kanjaxilok, Mask of Weakness (assess an opponent's weakness) Kanohi Xialok, Mask of Correction (able to correct any mistakes the wearer makes, including in battle) I hope I win!
  6. Because they saw Bionicle used it last year, and they took it. Here is a transcript: Fred: And even when your hope is gone.. The Boss: Fred, be quiet. We are trying to discuss a new song for our commercial. Random Bionicle fan *nerd* employee: Last year bionicle used move along, and kids bought Bionicle. The Boss: Dumb idea. our target audience is 25-45, not 10 year old nerds! *BZPower members ruch in and knock him down* The Boss: Hey, why don't we use Move Along!
  7. One ellipse today is like.....it's sort of.........kinda.........well,you see.........I......um......whatever! Long...........live......ellipses........
  8. Harry Potter Book 7: Free Portkey Included! Edition. LOL.
  9. As I suggested in another comment. What is your email, so I can send you the files?
  10. Wow. I recently decided (thanks to you), taht since my birthday is 20 days away and there isn't anything I want, I'm going to complete my collection by asking for Hahli, Carapar, Takadox, and unfortunately Pridak.
  11. Wow. That's a lot of sets. What are you getting for Christmas?
  12. Yeah!! Woot. Greg, you rock.I hope there's more. Lesovikk is leaving.
  13. Greivous's Malevolence


    Er...no, I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Oh. Okay.
  14. Greivous's Malevolence


    Hmmm.... Ypu start school sept. 4? Just a question..... Do you live in Manassas, VA?
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