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Greivous's Malevolence

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Everything posted by Greivous's Malevolence

  1. Lewa: He's okay, Midak's bit heavy for a one-hander, sword's huge, and he's kind of lanky, plus the Matoro claws are sometimes annoying. The lime is nice, and he has a cool mask. Kopaka: Too much bley, but hey, what can I say? (Yay rhyme!) Midak restricts poseability, but the laser targets are cool. Don't like the chest armor much. Mask is cool. Pohatu: Best placed Midak, nice new spinning claws, bright and wondeful orange (hate yellow), and awesome mask (very Vahi-like). Only concern is taht his legs are short. Antroz: His wings are too big, and his claws are kind of lame. His mask is cool, and he looks nice posed. Chirox: His wings are too restricted folded up and too lon extended, but he has a cool mask and nice (if not a bit odd) tools. Vamprah: A surprise hit with me. The most batlike, with claws and lots of wings. Nice colour scheme, is the best at "teamed-up" poses. Oddly, my two favorites (Pohatu and Vamprah) were the two I didn't plan on getting.
  2. Solek's got bloated cheeks. Doesn't scream Hau/Hau Nuva to me. Only predicates in sentences. Seems to be a trend. Sound odd? Bet it does.
  3. People, these are names from NBC's "The Office". Let's keep it that way. Perhaps Philly Jim. (You know, virtual Jim? From the Second Life online game?)
  4. I will personally buy 12 copies of all 2008 books, and get my friends to read them. Maybe not.
  5. *hyperventilates in happiness* I've read Artemis Fowl too! It was about two months ago. I've since then forced four of my friends to read it, and they all love it! Yay! *composes himself* Artemis Fowl is a great series, seriously. My favorites, in order are: 1. The Lost Colony (book 5) 2. The Eternity Code (book 3) (trust me, you'll love it) 3. Artemis Fowl (book 1) 4. The Arctic Incident (book 2) (it wasn't bad, just not as good as the others. It's almost as good as book 1 though) 5. The Opal Deception (book 4) (again, not bad, but not as good as others) I can't wait, July 15---Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox!
  6. Yay! I inspired an entry! (If I had a blog approval you'd get it). Anyway, why skip Wednesay? Ah well.......unless it involved Transformers/Bionicle, in which case I understand. I'm still holding out hopes Amanda likes you. Maybe in the season finale of AmphiLife. As for your "prize", at least you won. I'm probably college level (I was 9th grade level in 3rd grade, no kidding) reading too. Oh, and my lovelife is working out okay, though I doubt you're interested. If you are, though, PM me. It's nice to have someone who will listen.
  7. Hey, I registered for Middle school this week!
  8. Font's a bit small. Cool about the Blue Screen. I'll bet the movies are good, though I'm not into Transformers. And hey, no update about Amanda? That's very unlike you, Amph. Two demerits.
  9. Yeah Bink! You better keep providing screenies this year, 'else you'll get stuck with the really bad job: answering hundreds of PMs a day. coughGregFcough Anyway, nice MOC. Very sturdy.
  10. Mayhaps I will enter. That sounds sweet, I'll be glad to see people who can do what you did (I can't).
  11. Good opinions, but I think the knight helmet looks like Tahu Mistika's final version. I agree with all the suggestions except the Kakama Phantoka; I like it the way it is, and the 4th MR looks like an alien.
  12. 1 sounds okay, maybe make it like Anaconda or some horror movie with a monster on the island. 2 sounds great, very Edgar Allen Poe-ish with the insanity and all. Sounds very cool. 3 would be okay, but perhaps add in that the power of the Matoran scientist is being slowly changed by his power, becoming more powerful, more evil, and possibly into a monster or Makuta. 4 sounds like a good series, kinda like Ben 10, except sometimes his forms are a disadvantage.
  13. I too have 1000 posts. 'Course, it did take me 4 years longer......
  14. I am so sorry for you-- and so happy. Her and your aunt were so brave. I am happy to hear this. Thank you Lord.
  15. I like my Ignika deep-fried. But seriously, that looks sweet, very dark and scary. Should be fun.
  16. 1. To Lego HQ, of course! Snap some photos of the 09 prototypes 09-11 story bibles, etc. 2. Vision of the Future. (which includes Bionicle's future) 3. Depends on where. In a room with a time bomb, no. In my house, maybe. 4. Dunno. 5. Pineapple makes a better weapon. 6. Her name is (can't tell you) and I know her (can't tell you how) and she is pretty, smart, and funny..............or Hahli. 7. Is there a time bomb involved? EDIT: That was fun! I do really have a crush on someone though. And IMO, Miley Cyrus=lame.
  17. You're lucky. To you it's only a story. *stares at his Your truly, The late BioHero T12
  18. Glad to see you weren't affected by the "female" joke. I'm a little annoyed about the two book thing. In 2004, there were 6 books, for heaven's sake! Now we're down to two? Ugh. Let's hope we can boost sales and get more books. The Weekly Update would be fine on the news, but be prepared for a surge of PMs. Once people know there's someone to ask, they all ask questions........and 4 out of 5 are the same ones. Just check the OGD.
  19. Congrats on the house! More room=more Bionicles! Woo hoo! Now if only there was a way to go to Connecticut in 5 days....
  20. And already BZP's #1 filmmaker.
  22. Actually, Greg did taht based off a member suggestion. Somewhere in the OGD it says so.
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