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Greivous's Malevolence

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Everything posted by Greivous's Malevolence

  1. I'm more of a neutral. Perhaps I started as a fan of Technisism but shifted to a Bioniclist. I always like new sets; with the exception of the Hordika and Vahki; and my tastes always seem to agree with the current styles. I'm just happy for new sets. Although Bioniclist/Technicist could become the first ever BZP political parties......... *random thought* Hapori Election 2009 Technicist Candidate: Tohu (he has gears!) Bioniclist Candidate: Takanuva 08 (he has launchers, a cool mask, and simple limbs!) *end random thought*
  2. Cool, he's the only one I don't have.
  3. I remember the good old days when there were 7 books (2004, the most book-filled year, with three books that weren't even in the comics, one based on a movie). 2 books will....unbearable. But hey, at least we'll have a movie.
  4. Excuse my lack of Transformers knowledge (limited only to the rockin' movie), but it's a great MOC anyways.
  5. I bet it gets 80 MPGB (Miles per Gatorade Bottle).
  6. The best song ever. Seriously. Okay, not really.
  7. I have conquered every game, the hardest is probably Antroz and Gavla. I hate the mouse ones, as I only have a mousepad. But I beat it. It's really annoying how the Matoran keep coming out of the hutches. Especially the Tanmas, because they come out the top. My advice: ignore the Matoran and try and eliminate the targets. The BIO codes help, and the rewards are sweet/ They are » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Sketches of prototype Av-Matoran Jet Packs and the actual Kopaka next to a prototype!
  8. Torhuki, I went to a 1-4th grade school (elementary), I'm at a 5-6 school (intermediate), then 7-8 (middle), 9-12 (high). Lucky Amph with media stuffs as an elective. EDIT: Woops! I meant lucky.
  9. My advice on the movie thing: e-mail her a link. If you have her e-mail. Oh, and I know the feeling of most girls hating you. Happens to me, except for.........oh wait, no one. Well, two girls.
  10. She used to hate you? Wow, you've come a long way.
  11. Hey, there's still Mator---no, wait...... What about Bota---oh yeah..... There, there, everyone's not dead yet. (Igniak turns black; all Bionicles die). CURSE YOU!
  12. Well, buddy, I think she may like you, but is a little reluctant. Mayhaps Andrew was (more kindly than your other friends) reminding her of your infatuation with her, maybe just reiterating your existance. Perhaps she knew it was your stand, and "accidentally" came there to have an excuse to see you. You're a lucky man. Tell me honestly: do you value this advice and other advice I have given? Oh, and trust me, parents are always eager to meet girls you know. I would flashback, but I won't.
  13. Oi, Amph, how long's it been, a month? Well, here's an idea. This may take awhile. Get to better know one of her friends, or someone in the crowd around her and such. Then get to know another person. Eventually you will become part of the group, then just approach her and talk to her. Or, have someone hit you in her direction. When she asks you if you're okay, reply yes and change the subject. Get in a nice conversation, and let your feelings out. Perhaps she too just wants everyone to go away and is somewhat unpleased at your indesicision.
  14. Moooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee Roxors.
  15. May I be brutally honest? (say yes) » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Andrew may like her. Just a theory. He'll never tell you, though, so don't try asking.
  16. On the subject of the millions of set entries, that's basically what kids put on Bionicle.com. If you can't MOC, leave it alone!
  17. In Melee (the only one I've played yet) I love Kirbster (Kirby) and Samus. Mostly Kirby.
  18. Hmmm, I knew Bink would think of a way to make up for the fact that there are 5 Makuta and 4 Toa (countin' Ignika).
  19. Amanda....that's a nica name. Your celebrity couple name would be "Amphmanda". Provided that your real name is Amphilus. It is, right? (silence) RIGHT?
  20. Add Artemis Fowl, or Butler's gunna throw you out the window. And yes, Butler is Butler's name.
  21. I also own a Wii, and Brawl may be in my future. But not for a while
  22. Oh, The farmer and the cowman should be friends.... What, no one's seen Oklahoma?
  23. Honestly, Amph, I'm saying this because I care. You're my friend. I would (if I were you) just let it be. She's said no twice, and although your friends are C+o+o+l+ +d+u+d+e+s (yes, I mean to say that), I'd not risk it. If need be, like her in secret. DO NOT INFORM YOUR FRIENDS when you ask her again, at least a good 1-2 weeks minimum. I've liked this girl I know for 4 months, and though she never said no, she obviously meant it. But the good thing is, i apologized, and we're great friends. Someday... Hey look, no flashbacks!
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