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Greivous's Malevolence

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Everything posted by Greivous's Malevolence

  1. ...lucky... Lucky? Hardly. Yes, I know it's the most amazing thing ever, but hey, I've waited the whole year. And apparently she's been waiting a while too.. She's kinda shy though, and so I can't tell anyone. We're not technicalyy boyfriend/girlfriend (yet. ) Trust me, you just be friends for a couple months (I know it's a long time, but it works) and she'll come to see what a great guy you are. EDIT 6/13: EEk! Friday the thirteenth! I aksed her to be my girlfriend. She didn't respond.
  2. Man, I am so sorry. You are right about all this. And I know this won't make you as happy as it made me, but you-don't-know-who-but-I've-mentioned-her-a-lot-in-your-Amanda-entries likes me back!!! YAY!
  3. I agree about everything. I loved Bionicle Legends#10. Although it didn;t solve that many mysteries. Am I the only one who flipped out about the origins of the Bohrok?
  4. How I to do that when I don't even know where she lives? It's already summer vacation... Well, I wasn't suggesting you follow her to her house....... I know you'll probably object, but wait til next year. I have liked you-don't-know-who-but-I've-mentioned-her-a-lot-in-your-Amanda-entries (yay dashes!) since practically the beginning of the year. I told her, got rejected, became frineds again, naturally assumed I'd move on automatically, and was surprised to find I still like her. For the fun of it, I feel like saying this again: you-don't-know-who-but-I've-mentioned-her-a-lot-in-her-Amanda-entries.
  5. That's not too bad. At least you didn't make it worse. I'm going to stick to my original advice: get to know her, lay low for a few months, and when you thinks she likes you, tell her your feelings.
  6. Are you kidding me? OUT WITH IT, BOY! Don't torture me, Amph, I've tuned in every week for a new episode of "AmphManda 4ever" !!
  7. Me has Lego Indy for Wii? Until the rental ends, yes.
  8. Indy 4 will pown Kungu Fu Panda so bad it'll hurt you.
  9. Well, I'm waiting to celebrate til 9:10 and 11 seconds.
  10. Stage 2: Deep, deep, deep, self-hatred. Look, Amph, I know you. As a friend, I will give you some reassuring advice. Leave it alone, and people will forget. Unfortunately, you will NEVER forget. Ever. But hey, just don't think about it. Been there, done that. See my other comment: I screamed into a sewer.
  11. Notes....are....terribble. Well, I'm very, very, very, very sorry for you. Once again, you're always invited to the Rejects Club. Trust me, this will always haunt you. Forever. And ever. The memory haunts me at night. You're lucky you were only screaming in your mind. I was so angry at myslef for being so stupid I screamed into the sewer.
  12. Lucky. i have 12 days of school left. Anything on the Amanada situation?
  13. Haha! Another of the few who know the real origin of the "water, water" expression! I too am a Verne fan, BTW.
  14. An entry??!!! That I inspired?!?! Wow. You will mention my topic gave you the idea, right?
  15. Sounds fun. I'll try to write one.
  16. I nominate myself for interviewing. But seriously, how do you pick? I'm not a well-known member, but I'd love to be interviewed.
  17. Now that you say it, it is kinda like Vezon and the Ignika. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The crystal aliens were awesome! WAAAAAYYYYYYYYY better than the complete alien! And didn't Irina's death remind you of Belloq's (sp?) death? You know, both died hoping to gain power, looking at something, etc.
  18. Sheesh, I've been here since 03 and only have about 1200.
  19. YES! You rock. Wow, a simple msitake in the OGD and we sneak peeks.....I'm so glad I'm a BZP member. Thanks!
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